This Gut Reset uses Bone Broth and Kefir

Chicken or Beef Bone Broth is fine, be sure it’s organic, be sure you get a good Kefir with active probiotics. The stuff with a ton of sugar and flavoring are often more fake than good.

Gut problems are one of the biggest issues that most people face in today’s world… Whether it’s constipation, diarrhea, leaky gut, reflux, IBS and IBD, bloating, SIBO, or microbiome imbalances…
Almost everyone these days has at least one or two of these gut problems, which can also trigger weight gain, brain fog, autoimmune conditions, and much more.

The lesson is… getting your gut health in order can improve almost all other aspects of your health. So for today, I just have a quick little “gut reset” you can try that I’ve seen work wonders for hundreds of my friends, family, and clients…

I call it the Kefir and Bone Broth Gut Reset…

It’s super simple to do, and almost everyone I know that’s tried it reports their gut feeling the best it’s felt in years after doing just a few days of this.  

I’m talking about the disappearance of bloating, reflux going away, normalizing of the bowels, and relief from IBS/IBD, as well as generally losing anywhere from 3 to 6 lbs in just a few days as well.

If you want to try this gut reset, all you have to do is drink nothing but kefir and bone broth for 3-4 days… or if you don’t want to do 3-4 days in a row, you can also try 1-2 days a week for a month (so 4 to 8 days out of the month)…

No food for these 3-4 days of this gut reset… just the calories and gut-healing nutrients you get from bone broth and kefir.

As for quantity, there’s no magic quantity, but I generally tell people to simply drink a mug of hot bone broth several times a day, and a cup of kefir several times a day too.  Whenever you feel hungry, just sip on either of these throughout the day and your hunger and cravings will usually go away.  

There’s no exact timing needed… by the end of the day, you could have ended up drinking 3-4 cups of bone broth and perhaps 3-4 cups of kefir as well.  And that’s it.

For the bone broth, either make your own bone broth from chicken, turkey, and/or beef bones, or find a good bone broth either online or at your local store.

Bone broth has a strong gut healing property to it from the high collagen content and other nutrients.

For the kefir, I’d recommend just getting a full-fat plain kefir (grass-fed is preferable) and if you like it a bit sweetened, but add a bit of stevia, monk fruit, or real maple syrup to it to sweeten it up just a tad.

The kefir is loaded with gut-healing probiotics, and is super easy to digest because the lactose has been fermented out by the healthy microbes, and even the dairy protein has been “pre-digested” by the microbes too.  Most people that think they have dairy intolerances actually do fine with a high quality kefir (if you have issues digesting dairy, just start slow with kefir to make sure you’re good with it)…

And drinking nothing but kefir and bone broth for 3-4 days gives your gut a break from irritating compounds in other foods like beans, grains and veggies and allows your gut to “heal and seal”.

Most people that do this for 3-4 days report feeling incredible, usually with full resolution of bloating and other gut issues, and generally even lose 5-6 lbs or more in just a few days as well.

As you re-incorporate whole foods after the 3-4 day bone broth and kefir gut reset, just be careful with foods that may have been triggering your gut all along, such as beans, grains, and certain types of veggies. 

Meat, eggs, and fruit on the other hand are generally well tolerated by most people and easier on the gut than beans, grains and veggies.

Just repeat this 3-4 day bone broth and kefir gut reset every few months when you feel like your gut needs it or you if you want to easily drop a few lbs before an event or a trip.


I do not know the author of this article.

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