
What can I use for Gut Dysbiosis? It is different from leaky gut, it’s when there’s an imbalance of bacteria in the stomach and intestines, I guess it can also be called gastrointestinal Dysbiosis. 
Leaky gut is when the lining is compromised. I have both, so I’ve been using the leaky gut set. I’m actually using a few – gastrointestinal disease, inflammation, leaky gut, detox + sometimes reflux because the dysbiosis is causing terrible acid reflux. 
Would be great to know if there’s something specifically for gut bacteria and dysbiosis. I’m also using supplements. 
The client is using all the correct ​frequency sets, so addition of frequencies is not required here.
Gut imbalances are closely related to imbalance of gut flora or natural gut bacteria.  It is always caused by diet.  A diet with mostly cooked food over time will often trigger gastrointestinal imbalance.  
A diet consisting of raw foods, salads, and one part cooked protein will restore balance over time.  
A diet completely free of sugar and carbohydrates (bread, wheat, cakes, biscuits, rice, corn)  will restore gut balance over time.   Addition of yoghurt, specifically TUB set varieties which only have milk+probiotics will bring the gut lactobacteria back to normal (avoid processed yogurts with added items, they are not yogurt at all)

(3) Consume this product, 4-5 times a day

This is one of the better Yogurts containing large amounts of Probiotic bacteria.  Regular consumption will permit the probiotics to become the dominant flora in the gut, and slowly cause the bad bacteria to die off.  I would suggest 3 Ounces (or about 100 grams) each session 5 times a day (e.g. 9am 100grams, 1pm 100grams, 3pm 100grams,  5pm 100 Grams, 9pm 100grams)

The last dose of yogurt consumed after dinner/dessert

Do not buy any other yogurt brands with fruit, added flavors etc.  Because 90% of yogurts are fake, and have no probiotics in them.  If unsure buy this Walmart product above or something similar

Switching to a Ketogenic diet will resolve all of the gastrointestinal imbalances within a few months, however the yoghurt must be added frequently to restore  gut lactobacteria. Keto diets are extremely hard to maintain if people have been accustomed to a lifetime of pre-packaged high carbohydrate & sugar foods.  Giving up carbohydrates and sugar in the diet is equivalent to giving up tobacco smoking, very difficult to do.
A high Carbohydrate and Sugar Diet increases chronic  gastrointestinal inflammation. Sugar contributes to the formation of harmful biochemical compounds that spike inflammation. Sugar and refined carbohydrates cause unhealthful, inflammation-boosting changes to gut bacteria—now recognized as a key regulator of overall health. Sugar in our diets also elevates cholesterol, which is linked to increased inflammation. Sugar contributes to inflammation, and inflammation is harmful to the diversity and function of gut bacteria. 
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