Group SWEEP — V3 Machine

To simplify Group Sweep, the function will be basic on this V3 model

The engineers had come up with the idea of typing in the Groups that you want run in Group Sweep, but the amount of steps would confuse most people, and most people work better with simple menus.  Many of our customers are old, and get very confused with menus as it is. ..  Although clients know how to program the machine already, the engineers did not want to add another level of programming on top of this for Group Sweep.

Also the Engineers wanted the function to allow a maximum Group Sweep possible on ranges greater than the limited USER GROUP only areas.  Having the Group Sweep function run from Group 1 – Group 30 would give the user the maximum ability to use Group Sweep over the entire menu area.

You can replace the presets with your own sets that you need or program those sets in Groups 25 thru 30.  We have left these empty so you can program in what you need without having to program over the presets.

For this reason, and to simplify the Group Sweep Function, here is a step by step for Group Sweep:

Step 1

Select your 5 groups from ETDFL to be programmed into the V3, groups 25 — 30

Step 2

Turn on V3, Select Group 25, Click down arrow until you reach PROGRAM, program in the 10 frequencies.


Step 3

Select Group Sweep (enter)

This will run for 8.3 Hours, so you can sleep with it.  The frequencies 1 — 25, if you haven’t changed anything will be preventative if you don’t need all of those issues, from Groups 1 thru 25.

I have left, in my machine the presets as they are and programed into groups 25 — 30 the sets I really want to work on.

8.3 Hours is equivalent to the MAXIMUM rife treatment recommended. (usually an overnight treatment recommendation)

Next (night) or time they turn the V3 machine on, Simply press the Group Sweep,

The 5 new programs (in Group 25-30) will stay permanently in the machine, even when the power is turned off, and machine disconnected.  However be careful not to accidentally press the MASTER RESET because it will erase the new programs and set the machine back to factory default frequency sets.


For the most part if you are working on something you will use that specific set, the more the better.

Just remember:  Group Sweep is a sequential program that starts at Group 1 every time the machine is turned on and Group Sweep Selected.



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