
The doctors really don’t know what’s wrong, but Gangrene is what they are thinking, but they don’t know.  It is all over me, sores, skin is coming off, it’s awful, I don’t know what to do.


Generally speaking Gangrene is not contagious.  Going solely on the reports of high possibility of contagion in this circumstance could have no other possibility than a “Gas Gangrene” diagnosis, which is a result of contacting with Clostridia (a Gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium)


In a circumstance of suspected Clostridia infection, it is important to go immediately to a doctor for further diagnosis and treatment, as it is a Bacteria which can cause a spread of toxins into the bloodstream.  Please check with a doctor to confirm or deny a Clostridia infection diagnosis via immunoassay of stool samples which is a fairly rapid test. Toxigenic stool culture, which requires growing the bacteria in a culture and detecting the presence of the toxins, is the most sensitive test for C. difficile, and it is still considered to be the gold standard

Gas gangrene is a type of wet gangrene caused by the bacteria known as Clostridia. Clostridia are a type of infection-causing bacteria that grow only in the absence of oxygen. As Clostridia grow, they produce poisonous toxins and gas; therefore, the condition is called gas gangrene.

What Are the Medications for Gangrene?

Antibiotics are usually administered intravenously to control the infection.
Pain relievers are administered as necessary.
Anticoagulants are administered to prevent blood clotting.
Intravenous fluids are administered to replenish electrolytes.

Although Natural treatment options are provided below, in this particular circumstance it would be highly suggested to follow the allopathic treatment recommended above, as the first priority.   On this same note.  Hyperbaric oxygen treatments are also provided by some medical centers or hospitals.  This treatment would be advised by a doctor.

Natural treatment options:

Hyperbaric oxygen is delivered through a specially designed chamber that contains oxygen under high pressure. Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown in some studies to improve wound healing, and it ensures that bacteria that thrive only in an oxygen-free environment (anaerobic bacteria) will be killed. However, this therapy is not available in all medical centers. People receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy must be monitored for symptoms of oxygen toxicity, such as profuse sweating, difficulty breathing, and convulsions.

Increase blood Oxygen levels through Stabilized Oxygen

Clostridia is a Gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium, Oxygen can kill this bacteria, so increasing Oxygen Blood with stabilized oxygen is suggested, along with the Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment (if available)

Use the Program Gram (+) Bacterial Infections on the RDPV3
Gram (+) Bacterial Infections : 0.12, 0.55, 0.86, 7.5, 12.5, 275.29, 307.25, 435.37, 587.5, 795.52

Client may also use preset GROUP 10.

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