Question: Do you have anything for Frozen Shoulder? Answer: The medical term is Adhesive Capsulitis:

Adhesive Capsulitis: 0.06, 0.23, 20.00, 68.50, 125.75, 158.00, 357.30, 532.41, 653.69, 759.83

And some more Wiki health info here…

Up till now there was not any medical approach that could provide a successful treatment for the symptoms of the frozen shoulder syndrome. But now it can be treated with the Niel-Asher technique. This type of technique reduces inflammation and reprograms the switched off muscles. Other conventional methods of treatment include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications for the reduction of pain and swelling but these rarely do improve the condition and are short term options.

Here is a link discussing the Niel-Asher technique

Here is another: this one actually walks you through the steps. You can use the machine right along with this.

As the condition is listed in the ETDFL 2013 there should be some positive results using the Rife on these 10 frequency programs.


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