French Translation for the ETDFL Frequency List

La liste des fréquences des appareils
électro-thérapeutiques. v 2017 – 2018

Langue française

ETDFL Listed in Alphabetic Order A – Z © 2017-2018 ETDFL


À chaîne ramifiée Ketoaciduria: 0,03, 0,50, 0,87, 10,47, 37,11, 87,50, 135,23, 225,68, 397,50, 597,50
À corps de Lewy de la maladie de Parkinson: 0,08, 0,35, 0,65, 0,83, 9,50, 115,71, 354,95. 355,35, 368,00, 398,40
Abcès cérébral: 0,04, 0,05, 7,50, 25,75, 87,50, 325,11, 375,00, 519,34, 682,02, 759,83,
Abcès du poumon: 0,04, 0,24, 0,60, 0,83, 2,50, 39,98, 203,50, 741,67, 835,62, 917,81,
Accident ischémique transitoire: 0,17, 0,40, 0,62, 0,85, 2,50, 25,00, 109,32, 362,57, 621,68, 775,67
Accident vasculaire cérébral: 0,09, 0,12, 0,62, 15,17, 96,50, 225,00, 425,16, 571,00, 841,00, 937,41
Accident vasculaire cérébral: 0,09, 0,12, 0,62, 15,17, 96,50, 225,00, 425,16, 571,00, 841,00, 937,41,
Accident vasculaire, cerveau: 0,09, 0,12, 0,62, 15,17, 96,50, 225,00, 425,16, 571,00, 841,00, 937,41
Acidémie glutarique: 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 5,29, 95,52, 142,50, 362,50, 402,50, 590,00, 822,53
Acidocétose diabétique: 0,16, 0,41, 0,77, 8,93, 32,25, 112,52, 212,50, 421,35, 422,30, 921,62,
Acidocétose diabétique: 0,16, 0,41, 0,77, 8,93, 32,25, 43,01, 112,52, 421,35, 422,30, 802,59,
Acné: 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 3,00, 73,30, 383,75, 387,00, 389,00, 393,00,
Acrocéphalosyndactylia: 0,14, 1,22, 2,62, 12,72, 125,78, 158,33, 351,30, 532,41, 613,32, 709,80,
Acromégalie: 0,08, 0,42, 0,77, 7,91, 31,21, 122,74, 255,61, 371,33, 742,80, 955,20
Adénite: 0,12, 0,24, 0,93, 7,50, 25,54, 35,67, 87,50, 93,50, 215,70, 533,69,
Adénome, 0,04, 5,81, 22,50, 52,50, 92,50, 434,00, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00, 987,23
Adénome, cellule basale: 0,04, 5,81, 22,50, 52,50, 92,50, 434,00, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00, 987,23
Adénome, cellule bêta: 0,04, 0,32, 0,70, 0,87, 5,25, 32,50, 60,00, 125,68, 225,65, 275,68
Adénome, Folliculaire: 0,04, 5,81, 22,50, 52,50, 92,50, 224,37, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00, 987,23
Adénome, Microcystique: 0,04, 5,81, 22,50, 52,50, 92,50, 432,50, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00, 987,23
Adénome, Monomorphique: 0,04, 5,81, 22,50, 52,50, 92,50, 436,00, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00, 987,23
Adénome, Papillaire: 0,04, 5,81, 22,50, 52,50, 92,50, 434,00, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00, 987,23
Adénome: 0,04, 5,81, 22,50, 52,50, 224,37, 434,00, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00, 987,23
Adénomyose: 0,03, 0,25, 0,73, 3,72, 7,50, 35,51, 62,58, 125,35, 672,91, 924,37,
Adhérences, pelviennes: 0,02, 2,50, 35,16, 67,50, 90,00, 355,08, 419,34, 567,70, 707,26, 930,12
Adhésif Capsulite: 0,06, 0,23, 20,00, 68,25, 125,75, 158.30, 357.30, 532,41, 653,69, 759,83,
Adiadochokinésis: 0,07, 0,83, 10,89, 2,50, 52,50, 87,50, 103,50, 214,35, 552,59, 719,68,
Adiposis Dolorosa: 0,16, 0,97, 27,50, 110,25, 325,00, 476,50, 527,00, 665,34, 749,00, 985,67
Adnexite: 0,04, 0,46, 33,01, 72,50, 117,59, 231,90, 509,02, 645,44, 798,72, 915,00
Adrenal Hyperplasia Congl., 0,22, 0,97, 52,50, 93,50, 236,42, 376,29, 426,90, 571,00, 813,00, 932,00,
Adrenoleucodystrophie: 0,19, 0,75, 0,90, 5,16, 30,00, 229,32, 434,25, 564,28, 714,82, 978,05
Adrenomyeloneuropathie: 0,19, 0,75, 0,90, 5,16, 30,00, 229,32, 435,00, 564,28, 714,82, 978,05
Aérodigestive supérieure Tract néoplasmes: (voir Cancer: tête et cou néoplasmes)
Affections congénitales: 0,04, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 215.69, 532.50, 347,25, 742,50, 896.50, 975.98
Afibrinogenémie: 0,15, 0,18, 2,50, 322,06, 458,50, 515,05, 684,81, 712,42, 995,38,
Agammaglobulinémie: 0,12, 0,80, 22,50, 90,00, 175,00, 451,17, 517,50, 683,00, 712,23, 992,00,
Aganglionose, Colonic: 0,13, 0,52, 0,75, 5,52, 8,22, 47,50, 72,51, 126,33, 275,56, 475,22,
Agnosia auditive: 0,12, 5,62, 67,50, 93,50, 222,70, 425,00, 522,53, 689,93, 752,63, 923,70
Agnosia: 0,12, 5,62, 67,50, 93,50, 222,70, 425,00, 522,53, 689,93, 752,63, 923,70,
Agnosie digitale: 0,12, 5,62, 67,50, 93,50, 222,70, 425,00, 522,53, 689,93, 752,63, 923,70
Agnosie tactile: 0,12, 5,62, 67,50, 93,50, 222,70, 425,00, 522,53, 689,93, 752,63, 923,70
Agyrie: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 10,72, 2,50, 124,00, 327,50, 421,20, 505,52, 632,01,
AIDP: 0,04, 0,32, 0,62, 5,97, 35,25, 112,73, 296,00, 392,97, 701,66, 933,50,
Aine: 0,02, 0,75, 2,62, 5,95, 8,50, 125,69, 262,50, 592,50, 758,57, 823,44
Airsickness: 0,09, 10,57, 30,42, 88,31, 109,50, 257,68, 346,27, 344,20, 572,00, 792,33
AIS – Syndrome d’Im Acquis: 0.15, 5.58, 22.00, 30.00, 47.50, 360.59, 365.00, 388.90, 434.00, 456.11
AJOUTER avec hyperactivité: 0,04, 0,25, 0,46, 0,32, 0,52, 0,75, 42,50, 87,50, 132,41, 376,29
Alastrim: 0,08, 0,35, 5,50, 35,17, 62,50, 93,50, 225,00, 496,01, 682,45, 753,07
Alcalose: 0,05, 0,75, 2,25, 72,50, 110,25, 379,93, 424,37, 561,93, 642,06, 978,05
Aldostonisme: 0,08, 0,26, 0,78, 2,50, 17,50, 255,87, 387,50, 405,00, 645,87, 723,58
Algodystrophy: 0,09, 0,52, 0,65, 0,93, 5,71, 87,50, 255,31, 525,29, 675,31, 878,50
Alkaptonurie: 0,07, 0,40, 7,50, 55,00, 96,50, 376,29, 426,90, 571,00, 822,00, 937,41,
Allergie au latex: 0,15, 0,23, 0,65, 0,93, 7,50, 11,09, 52,50, 172,51, 383,50, 516,52
Allergie: 0,04, 0,37, 0,65, 0,80, 2,50, 25,58, 52,50, 192,50, 375,79, 926,06,
Allergy 0,08 environnementale idiopathique, 0,37, 0,78, 8,85, 45,50, 113,52, 241,01, 392,50, 675,87, 812,02
Alobar Holoprosencephaly: 0,08, 0,24, 0,65, 0,90, 2,50, 27,50, 55,91, 119,34, 393,50, 536,42
Alopécie: 0,06, 5,07, 95,00, 127,63, 275,05, 455,82, 515,16, 684,81, 712,23, 993,41,
Alpha 1-Antitrypsine Def .: 0,04, 0,12, 7,50, 40,00, 132,41, 342,06, 419,34, 560,00, 642,91, 930,12
Alpha-Mannosidose: 0,75, 7,50, 57,50, 122,53, 269,71, 479,50, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 986,22
ALS: 0,02, 2,50, 60,00, 95,00, 225,33, 479,50, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 985,67
Altitude Maladie: 0,09, 10,57, 30,42, 88,31, 109,50, 257,68, 346,27, 344,20, 572,00, 792,33
Alvéolite, Fibrosage: 0,65, 0,41, 0,62, 4,97, 7,50, 15,31, 87,50, 325,93, 385,90, 504,37,
Amaurose congénitale de Leber: 0,20, 0,46, 0,75, 8,89, 12,71, 57,50, 301,20, 617,50, 747,50, 891,35,
Amaurosis Fugax: 0,18, 0,78, 2,50, 85,00, 37,50, 110,25, 175,00, 352,93, 495,00
Amblyopie anisométrique: 0,05, 0,70, 2,50, 67,50, 125,05, 322,06, 536,42, 655,20, 752,63, 924,37
Amblyopie: 0,05, 0,70, 2,50, 67,50, 125,05, 322,06, 536,42, 655,20, 752,63, 924,37
Amebiose: 0,52, 2,50, 40,00, 95,00, 376,29, 476,50, 527,00, 665,34, 752,70, 987,23
Amebome: 0,52, 2,50, 40,00, 95,00, 376,29, 476,50, 527,00, 665,34, 752,70, 987,23
Ametropia: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 15,83, 29,75, 187,50, 345,95, 592,50, 820,11, 923,53,
Amino Acidopathies, Congl: 0,17, 2,50, 20,00, 92,50, 310,25, 450,00, 517,50, 687,62, 712,23, 993,41,
Amnesie: 0,07, 2,25, 87,50, 92,50, 275,00, 432,41, 564,28, 640,00, 978,05
Amoebiasis: 0,52, 2,50, 40,00, 95,00, 376,29, 476,50, 527,00, 665,34, 752,70, 987,23
Amputation, intra-utérine: 0,07, 0,18, 5,62, 37,50, 100,00, 275,16, 525,71, 655,20, 750,00, 926,70,
Amygdale Cancer: 0,08, 0,12, 40,00, 85,00, 136,42, 357,30, 434,75, 571,00, 840,00, 937,41,
Amygdalite: 0,25, 0,87, 5,12, 85,00, 100,00, 355,72, 425,16, 571,00, 837,00, 937,41,
Amyloïdose: 0,06, 10,83, 7,50, 322,53, 452,59, 519,68, 689,41, 712,00, 833,21, 995,38,
Amyoplasia Congenita: 0,19, 0,57, 0,83, 2,25, 5,09, 67,50, 96,50, 325,16, 424,37, 566,41,
Amyotonia Congenita: 0,04, 0,35, 6,79, 52,25, 115,78, 234,25, 342,12, 472,50, 551,22, 657,71
Amyotrophie diabétique: 0,16, 0,41, 0,77, 8,93, 32,25, 43,01, 112,52, 421,35, 422,30, 802,59,
Amyotrophie névralgique: 0,15, 0,57, 15,16, 52,50, 119,34, 357,30, 424,37, 561,93, 642,91, 930,12
Amyotrophie spinale, Infantile: 0,18, 0,32, 25,00, 52,50, 134,25, 175,75, 426,90, 571,00, 843,00, 937,41,
Amyotrophie spinale, Infantile: 0,18, 0,32, 25,00, 52,50, 134,25, 175,75, 426,90, 571,00, 843,00, 937,41,
Amyotrophie spinale, juvénile: 0,18, 0,32, 25,00, 52,50, 134,25, 175,75, 426,90, 571,00, 843,00, 937,41,
Amyotrophie spinale: 0,19, 1,22, 3,72, 17,25, 63,21, 119,42, 293,24, 403,03, 435,00, 711,17
Amyotrophie, névralgique: 0,15, 0,57, 15,16, 52,50, 119,34, 357,30, 424,37, 561,93, 642,91, 930,12
Amyotrophie, péronier: 0,19, 1,22, 4,33, 17,25, 63,21, 119,42, 287,21, 403,03, 435,00, 711,17
Amyotrophie, Postpoliomyelitis: 0,06, 0,12, 0,71, 39,01, 135,55, 253,79, 316,50, 523,11, 604,22, 625,79
Analgésie: 0,04, 0,57, 10,53, 95,05, 210,25, 424,37, 563,19, 707,26, 985,90,
Analphalipoprotéinémie: 0,14, 0,41, 8,00, 17,50, 87,50, 95,75, 225,00, 476,50, 527,00, 662,71,
Anankastic Personality: 0,19, 0,75, 1,42, 5,25, 25,51, 42,57, 162,21, 492,83, 671,51, 808,53
Anaphylaxie: 0,14, 0,75, 2,50, 65,00, 87,30, 236,42, 400,00, 561,93, 714,82, 978,05
Anaplasmose: 0,10, 0,24, 0,80, 15,20, 32,50, 97,50, 322,06, 377,91, 492,50, 723,00
Ancylostoma braziliense parasites (adulte): 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 122,50, 322,60 397,60, 403,25, 401,00
Anémie hémolytique: 0,02, 0,12, 5,16, 62,50, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
Anémie, Aplastic: 0,65, 7,50, 2,50, 62,50, 150,00, 319,34, 425,33, 571,00, 823,00, 937,41,
Anémie, Déficit en fer: 0,10, 0,32, 2,50, 57,20, 125,00, 175,00, 525,71, 682,02, 759,83, 932,41
Anémie, Fanconi: 0,05, 0,41, 1,29, 5,43, 7,25, 125,44, 467,50, 605,91, 702,50, 815,43,
Anémie, Hémolytique, Acquis: 0,02, 0,12, 5,16, 62,50, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
Anémie, Hémolytique: 0,02, 0,12, 5,16, 62,50, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
Anémie, Hypoplasique: 0,02, 0,12, 5,16, 62,50, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
Anémie, mégaloblastique: 0,11, 0,30, 0,37, 93,50, 224,37, 376,29, 475,05, 527,00, 657,11, 753,23
Anémie, Microangiopathique: 0,02, 0,12, 5,16, 62,50, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
Anémie, Pernicious: 0,02, 0,12, 5,16, 62,50, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
Anémie, Sickle Cell: 0,02, 0,12, 5,16, 62,50, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
Anémie: 0,08, 0,55, 5,97, 23,00, 50,50, 80,50, 97,53, 210,50, 533,21, 909,26
Anencephalie: 0,11, 0,49, 1,00, 2,25, 30,00, 97,50, 325,71, 342,06, 750,00, 934,25
Aneurysme de l’artère basilaire: 0,08, 0,24, 0,57, 7,50, 10,72, 36,21, 142,50, 321,00, 415,70, 775,68
Aneurysme Intracrânien: 0,08, 0,24, 0,57, 7,50, 10,72, 36,21, 142,50, 321,00, 415,70, 775,68
Aneurysme, Cerebal: 0,08, 0,24, 0,57, 7,50, 10,72, 36,21, 142,50, 321,00, 415,70, 775,68
Aneurysme: 0,15, 0,78, 2,50, 67,50, 222,53, 458,50, 518,92, 688,29, 712,81, 997,87,
Angiite allergique: 0,19, 0,52, 0,65, 1,00, 13,93, 110,53, 380,00, 447,50, 728,98, 825,27
Angiite Granulomateuse Allergique: 0,19, 0,52, 0,75, 1,78, 13,93, 110,53, 380,00, 447,50, 728,98, 825,27
Angiite: 0,08, 0,22, 0,73, 2,50, 5,81, 50,00, 310,25, 532,41, 689,93, 750,00,
Angina Pectoris: 0,10, 0,68, 0,83, 42,20, 92,50, 225,00, 534,20, 779,00, 882,10, 911,09
Angine, Microvasculaire: 0,07, 0,23, 0,85, 35,23, 63,02, 125,03, 235,68, 396,50, 575,61, 751,77
Angioedema: 0,12, 0,52, 0,80, 5,07, 15,00, 90,00, 375,05, 410,25, 564,28, 824,96,
Angiofibroma: 0,16, 0,62, 7,50, 65,33, 175,00, 434,25, 563,19, 642,91, 930,12
Angiohémophilie: 0,02, 0,25, 7,50, 67,50, 50,00, 95,00, 275,05, 475,09, 667,00, 985,67
Angiokeratoma Corporis Diffusum: 0,07, 0,22, 0,73, 2,50, 5,25, 50,00, 275,36, 536,42, 655,20, 755,49
Angiome: 0,15, 0,24, 0,70, 0,83, 2,50, 17,50, 432,50, 555,91, 625,29, 775,52
Angiomyxome: 0,05, 0,31, 1,59, 5,03, 7,29, 125,44, 462,52, 625,91, 732,50, 815,03,
Angiopathies périphérique: 0,07, 0,22, 0,73, 75,25, 117,22, 237.02, 451.90, 561.51, 698.10, 812.77
Angiospasme, intracrânien: 0,19, 0,26, 0,57, 7,50, 12,69, 35,33, 322,06, 425,71, 564,28, 930,12
Anhydrose: 0,03, 0,55, 0,87, 10,72, 7,50, 127,50, 335,58, 525,61, 826,32, 919,55
Aniridia: 0,07, 0,24, 0,68, 0,83, 2,50, 157,00, 357,30, 451,17, 517,50, 687,62,
Anisakiasis: 0,04, 0,23, 0,78, 5,62, 15,05, 35,33, 67,50, 125,00, 225,00, 733,00
Anisocoria: 0,12, 0,57, 0,83, 2,50, 5,33, 65,00, 93,50, 325,16, 515,05, 884,81,
Ankyloglossie: 0,08, 0,78, 5,81, 67,50, 350,00, 475,00, 527,00, 665,34, 742,00, 985,67
Ankylostomes Infections: 0.11, 0.55, 1.20, 7.50, 30.00, 57.50, 72.50, 95.56, 133.63, 419.31
Anomalies du tube neural: 0,03, 0,24, 0,85, 2,50, 5,87, 85,00, 96,50, 175.87, 357.77, 452.59
Anomaly Peter: 0,07, 0,12, 0,65, 118,83, 202,50, 315,32, 481,51, 525,83, 622,50, 791,52,
Anomia: 0,52, 0,80, 7,50, 37,50, 175,33, 275,00, 379,93, 450,00, 519,68, 883,00,
Anophtalmos: 0,12, 0,97, 5,05, 7,00, 40,00, 222,70, 425,16, 571,00, 824,00, 932,00,
Anosmie: 0,11, 0,49, 0,57, 13,39, 5,25, 20,00, 60,00, 35,52, 93,50, 315,70,
Anoxia, Brain: 0,15, 0,18, 0,80, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 151,27, 257,46, 413,91, 692,27
Anoxia: 0,08, 0,85, 2,50, 43,00, 97,23, 175,00, 388,00, 791,00, 853,00, 972,10
Anoxie cérébrale: 0,15, 0,18, 0,80, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 151,27, 257,46, 413,91, 692,27
Anthrax: 0,07, 0,68, 0,93, 5,50, 11,09, 119,34, 150,00, 175,33, 545,00, 705,00
Antithrombine III Déficit: 0,05, 0,65, 1,00, 5,62, 7,00, 377,91, 400,00, 563,19, 642,06, 985,90,
Anus Prolapse: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,85, 51,31, 327,25, 495,00, 681,50, 791,95, 953,00,
Anus: 0.05, 0.60, 2.25, 7.50, 97.50, 475.00, 527.00, 667.00, 752.70, 986.22
Aortitie, Cellule Géante: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,80, 5,25, 7,25, 35,00, 95,47, 226,32, 422,53
Aphasie, acquise: 0,14, 0,62, 0,85, 12,85, 5,07, 453,72, 515,09, 684,81, 712,81, 993,41,
Aphasie, Amnésique: 0,52, 0,80, 7,50, 37,50, 175,33, 275,00, 379,93, 450,00, 519,68, 883,00,
Aphasie, Anomic: 0,52, 0,80, 7,50, 37,50, 175,33, 275,00, 379,93, 450,00, 519,68, 883,00,
Aphasie, Epileptique acquise: 0,12, 0,23, 0,83, 5,25, 97,00, 128,21, 162,50, 338,06, 511,94, 631,41
Aphasie, Nominal: 0,52, 0,80, 7,50, 37,50, 175,33, 275,00, 379,93, 450,00, 519,68, 883,00,
Aphasie: 0,14, 0,62, 0,85, 12,85, 5,07, 453,72, 515,09, 684,81, 712,81, 993,41,
Aphthae: 0,05, 0,41, 0,80, 5,17, 42,50, 119,34, 357,30, 527,00, 662,71, 789,00
Aplasia Cutis Congenita: 0,13, 0,52, 0,83, 8,50, 12,53, 145,83, 262,50, 397,50, 633,91, 825,17
Apnée centrale du sommeil: 0,07, 0,37, 12,71, 47,50, 97,50, 225,75, 377,91, 519,34, 691,27, 753,07
Apnée, sommeil, centrale: 0,07, 0,37, 12,71, 47,50, 97,50, 225,75, 377,91, 519,34, 691,27, 753,07
Apnée: 0,06, 0,83, 0,97, 5,16, 20,00, 65,00, 476,50, 527,00, 742,00, 987,23
Apoplexie: 0,09, 0,12, 0,62, 15,17, 96,50, 225,00, 425,16, 571,00, 841,00, 937,41
Apoplexie: 0,09, 0,12, 0,62, 15,17, 96,50, 225,00, 425,16, 571,00, 841,00, 937,41
Appareil génital féminin,: 0,08, 0,35, 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 5,00, 55,47, 172,50, 397,50, 796,50
Appendicite: 0,14, 0,46, 7,50, 50,00, 93,50, 376,29, 524,37, 652,43, 752,63, 922,53
Appendicite: inclure une rapide de 48 heures avec un traitement ETDFL (eau seulement, sans nourriture)
Apraxias: 0,60, 1,00, 5,00, 247,88, 365,80, 454,37, 515,16, 689,41, 712,00, 997,87,
Apraxie de l’habillage: 0,60, 1,00, 5,00, 247,88, 365,80, 454,37, 515,16, 689,41, 712,00, 997,87,
Aprosencephalie: 0,11, 0,49, 1,00, 2,25, 30,00, 97,50, 325,71, 342,06, 750,00, 934,25
Aprosodia: 0,18, 1,07, 4,83, 15,25, 58,21, 109,42, 237,21, 387,02, 434,27, 611,05
Arachnoïdite: 0,16, 0,60, 0,85, 2,50, 7,50, 35,00, 87,50, 479,50, 527,00, 665,34,
Argentaffinome: 0,05, 0,52, 0,60, 0,93, 12,69, 125,00, 269,71, 434,03, 571,00, 839,00
Arhinencephaly: 0,08, 0,24, 0,65, 0,90, 2,50, 27,50, 55,91, 119,34, 393,50, 536,42
Arnold-Chiari Malformation: 0,06, 0,83, 2,50, 20,00, 65,00, 207,46, 479,93, 527,00, 749,00, 986,22
Arriération, mentale: (symptômes seulement) 0,14, 0,23, 0,41, 2,37, 4,05, 19,50, 175,00, 376,30, 407,60, 513,06
Artère carotide Rétrécissement: 0,02, 0,24, 2,75, 17,50, 35,19, 97,50, 269,71, 314,37, 563,19, 875,96
Artère rénale Sténose: 0,07, 0,55, 0,85, 7,58, 132,60, 347,50, 472,50, 597,50, 775,95, 925,31
Artériosclérose: 0,07, 0,73, 5,00, 7,25, 92,50, 352,93, 451,17, 519,68, 684,81, 712,81,
Artérite aortique, cellule géante: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,80, 5,25, 7,25, 35,00, 95,47, 226,32, 422,53
Artérite crânienne: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,80, 5,25, 7,25, 35,00, 95,47, 226,32, 422,53
Artérite temporale: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,80, 5,25, 7,25, 35,00, 95,47, 226,32, 422,53
Artérite, Takayasu: 0,10, 0,35, 52,50, 70,00, 97,50, 225,15, 450,00, 689,41, 712,00, 993,41,
Artérite, temporelle: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,80, 5,25, 7,25, 35,00, 95,47, 226,32, 422,53
Arthrite post-infectieuse: 0,06, 0,65, 0,80, 5,81, 42,50, 398,40, 410,00, 571,00, 828,00, 937,41,
Arthrite, dégénérative: 0,06, 0,41, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 77,50, 187,50, 358,81, 721,00, 986,22
Arthrite, Juvenile Chronique: 0,06, 0,78, 7,50, 40,00, 398,40, 476,50, 527,00, 665,34, 761,85, 987,23
Arthrite, juvénile Idiopathique: 0,06, 0,78, 7,50, 40,00, 398,40, 476,50, 527,00, 665,34, 761,85, 987,23
Arthrite, réactive: 0,06, 0,65, 0,80, 5,81, 42,50, 398,40, 410,00, 571,00, 828,00, 937,41,
Arthrite, rhumatismale, aiguë: 0,13, 0,25, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 72,50, 232,50, 551,10, 779,23, 839,43,
Arthrite, rhumatisme juvénile: 0,06, 0,78, 7,50, 40,00, 398,40, 476,50, 527,00, 665,34, 761,85, 987,23
Arthrite, rhumatoïde: 0,19, 1,00, 2,80, 17,50, 398,40, 225,00, 510,25, 682,02, 759,83, 932,41
Arthrogryposis: 0,19, 0,57, 0,83, 2,25, 5,09, 67,50, 96,50, 325,16, 424,37, 566,41,
Arthromyodysplasie congénitale: 0,19, 0,57, 0,83, 2,25, 5,09, 67,50, 96,50, 325,16, 424,37, 566,41,
Arthropathie Neurogénique: 0,11, 5,33, 7,00, 15,00, 125,00, 350,00, 425,00, 571,00, 828,00, 932,00,
Arthrose: 0,06, 0,41, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 77,50, 187,50, 358,81, 721,00, 986,22
Articulation temporo-mandibulaire Dysfunction Syndrome: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 5,12, 15,03, 47,50, 275,75, 458,50, 712,23, 992,00,
Arylsulfatase A Déficit: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 35,54, 95,69, 376,29, 515,70, 689,93
Arythmies, cardiaque: 0,09, 0,78, 0,83, 7,50, 8,00, 225,33, 510,25, 689,93, 750,00, 936,42
Asbestose: 0,04, 0,97, 7,50, 87,50, 175,33, 475,16, 527,00, 657,11, 742,00, 985,67
Ascariose: 0,06, 1,33, 5,27, 10,89, 90,00, 379,93, 425,00, 571,00, 829,00, 932,00,
Ascaris commun des parasites chats et les chiens: 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 13,93, 198.51, 323.30, 376.90, 404.90, 409.15, 408.00
Ascaris: 0,06 parasites, 0,52, 0,62, 0,93, 2,50, 15,44, 42,50, 100,00, 376,29, 450,00,
Ascite, Gelatinique: 0,08, 0,52, 0,65, 2,50, 10,53, 35,83, 224,37, 675,87, 727,00, 867,00,
Ascite: 0,07, 0,52, 6,23, 37,50, 355,08, 475,09, 527,00, 667,00, 789,00, 987,23
Asialia: 0,12, 5,81, 25,00, 87,50, 225,00, 458,50, 522,39, 683,00, 712,23, 992,00 ,:
Aspergillose: 0,12, 0,83, 5,00, 7,25, 37,50, 357,30, 434,25, 563,19, 709,83, 978,05
Asphyxie: 0,03, 0,70, 2,50, 5,07, 40,00, 72,50, 125,00, 275,16, 829,00, 937,41,
Asthme, Bronchial: 0,57, 0,90, 2,50, 3,00, 27,50, 95,75, 125,00, 150,00, 534,20, 871,00
Astigmatisme: 0,60, 0,90, 12,33, 7,50, 12,71, 55,00, 234,51, 325,71, 491,00, 667,90
Astrocytome, Cellule Géante: 0,02, 0,57, 9,00, 12,85, 45,00, 92,50, 175,75, 450,00, 515,16, 689,41
Astrocytome, grade IV: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 0,85, 7,50, 20,00, 57,50, 150,00, 225,37, 342,06,
Astrocytome: 0,02, 0,57, 9,00, 12,85, 45,00, 92,50, 175,75, 450,00, 515,16, 689,41
Asymétrique Septal Hyper. 0,13, 0,26, 20,00, 125,00, 376,29, 404,37, 515,16, 687,62, 712,81, 992,00,
Ataxia Telangiectasia: 0,13, 0,65, 19,90, 42,50, 376,29, 452,59, 522,39, 687,62, 712,42, 995,38,
Ataxia, Cerebellar: 0,10, 0,83, 10,89, 2,50, 52,50, 87,50, 95,19, 214,35, 552,59, 719,68,
Ataxie cérébelleuse: 0,10, 0,83, 10,89, 2,50, 52,50, 87,50, 95,19, 214,35, 552,59, 719,68,
Ataxie de Friedreich: 0,16, 0,49, 0,73, 0,95, 5,26, 7,25, 12,71, 92,50, 275,00, 425,43,
Ataxie spinocérébelleuse de type 3: 0,14, 0,25, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 13,93, 85,68, 225,23, 475,68, 527,00
Atelectasis (Pulmonaire): 0,05, 0,73, 0,95, 5,00, 17,50, 37,50, 322,06, 563,19, 714,82, 930,12
Atelectasis, Congestive: 0,05, 0,73, 0,95, 5,00, 17,50, 37,50, 322,06, 563,19, 714,82, 930,12
Atheroembolism: 0,05, 0,57, 0,92, 2,53, 12,34, 53,02, 78,30, 158.30, 257.02, 410.00
Atresia, biliaire: 0,16, 2,50, 10,53, 45,16, 62,50, 293,81, 425,00, 571,00, 833,00, 932,00,
Atresia, Esophageal: 0,22, 0,75, 0,85, 10,89, 32,50, 62,03, 225,54, 410,50, 719,34, 865,36,
Atresia, Pulmonary: 0,15, 0,41, 0,68, 0,98, 7,52, 11,81, 89,51, 417,43, 671,98, 905,70
Atresia, Tricuspid: 0,17, 32,50, 52,50, 72,50, 95,11, 175,75, 455,82, 518,92, 684,81, 962,00,
Atresie biliaire: 0,16, 2,50, 10,53, 45,16, 62,50, 293,81, 425,00, 571,00, 833,00, 932,00,
Atrésie pulmonaire: 0,15, 0,41, 0,68, 0,98, 7,52, 11,81, 89,51, 417,43, 671,98, 905,70
Atrophie musculaire spinale de l’enfance: 0,18, 0,32, 25,00, 52,50, 134,25, 175,75, 426,90, 571,00, 843,00, 937,41,
Atrophie, Musculaire, Peroneale: 0,19, 1,22, 4,33, 17,25, 63,21, 119,42, 287,21, 403,03, 435,00, 711,17
Atrophies optiques Héréditaire: 0,07, 0,57, 0,60, 11,09, 75,29, 137,50, 375,52, 456,50, 517,50, 687,62
Attaque ischémique transitoire: 0,17, 0,40, 0,62, 0,85, 2,50, 25,00, 109,32, 362,57, 621,68, 775,67
Aura: 0,07, 0,18, 0,73, 0,87, 5,71, 7,25, 22,50, 97,50, 375,35, 500,00, 655,20, 751,87, 932,41
Autisme, Infantile: 0,03, 0,25, 0,65, 0,93, 13,52, 7,50, 95,00, 322,53, 454,37, 517,50,
Autisme-Démence: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 9,97, 167,50, 325,50, 422,50, 650,00, 875,95, 919,34,
Auto-immun Poly CED: 0,05, 0,26, 0,57, 2,50, 13,39, 85,34, 157,50, 525,83, 757,77, 975,34,
Autoimmune I, Polyglandulaire: 0,05, 0,26, 0,57, 2,50, 13,39, 85,34, 157,50, 525,83, 757,77, 975,34,
Autoimmune II, Polyglandulaire: 0,05, 0,26, 0,57, 2,50, 13,39, 85,34, 157,50, 525,83, 757,77, 975,34,
Autonomic centrale Maladies du système nerveux: 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,75, 3,00, 70,00, 95.09, 175.16, 275.00, 357,30
Avitaminose: 0,04, 0,26, 0,46, 7,50, 37,50, 57,50, 100,00, 210,25, 436,42, 561,93,


Babésiasis: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 0,90, 7,50, 45,75, 71,50, 95,00, 219,34, 379,93
Babésiose: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 0,90, 7,50, 45,75, 71,50, 95,00, 219,34, 379,93
Bacillus Infections: 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 3,00, 73,30, 355,08 359,00, 363,00, 393,00,
Bacterémie: 0,35, 0,87, 2,50, 11,09, 40,00, 90,00, 275,16, 425,71, 564,28, 640,00,
Bague rétrécissements, intra-utérine: 0,07, 0,18, 5,62, 37.50, 100.00, 275.16, 525,71, 655,20, 750,00, 926,70,
Balanite: 0,03, 0,25, 0,93, 13,61, 7,50, 95,00, 310,25, 451,17, 519,68, 688,29
Balo Concentric Sclerosis: 0,25, 0,78, 0,93, 10,89, 7,50, 95,90, 322,53, 415,70, 562,91, 742,06,
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba: 0,06, 0,26, 0,68, 9,00, 10,89, 45,91, 125,29, 526,16, 652,43, 750,00
Barotrauma: 0,18, 0,23, 0,85, 5,81, 20,00, 62,50, 150,00, 350,00, 510,25, 653,69,
Barrett Esophage: 0,05, 0,46, 0,80, 7,50, 37,50, 85,75, 150,00, 229,32, 522,53, 655,20,
Barrett, Å’sophage: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 9,97, 167,50, 325,50, 422,50, 650,00, 875,95, 919,34,
Bartonella Infections: 0,07, 0,12, 1,63, 20,00, 40,00, 134,25, 357,77, 510,25, 752,63, 923,70,
Bartonellose: 0,07, 0,12, 1,63, 20,00, 40,00, 134,25, 357,77, 510,25, 752,63, 923,70,
Base anti-glomérulaire. M .: 0,17, 0,95, 10,53, 2,50, 125,09, 375,16, 525,71, 650,00, 752,63, 923,70,
Basedow’s Disease: 0,08, 0,35, 55,61, 119,87,232,25, 308,29, 455,52, 585,37, 697,50, 825,91
Basse Néphron Néphrose: 0,13, 0,18, 0,65, 0,97, 7,50, 11,95, 40,00, 150,00, 524,94, 689,93, 752,05
Batten Disease: 0,19, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,78, 47,50, 269,71, 450,00, 515,56, 686,21
Beaver Fever: 0,05, 0,35, 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 5,29, 55,47, 97,50, 324,37, 425,52
Beck Fréquence 1: 0,01 Fréquence de Delta Low Brain
Beck Frequency 2: 0,04 Premier Bob Beck BT Machine fréquence fixe
Beck Frequency 3: 0,08 Schumann Fréquence de résonance (également connue sous le nom de Résonance terrestre)
Beck Frequency 4: 0.11 Original BT-5 Brain Tuner depuis 1983
Beck Frequency 5: 10.00 Bob Beck Blood Cleanser
Beck, Dr Robert Beck (Bob Beck Brain Tuner, Bio Tuner Device Frequencies)
Beckwith-Wiedemann S: 0,11, 0,55, 47,50, 92,50, 375,75, 475,16, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70, 987,23
Bégaiement: 0,18, 1,07, 4,83, 15,25, 58,21, 109,42, 237,21, 387,02, 434,27, 611,05
Behcet Disease: 0,11, 0,55, 0,85, 16,20, 47,50, 376,29, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00
Bell infirmité motrice: 0,12, 17,85, 27,50, 47,50, 150,00, 225,00, 452,59, 683,00, 712,00, 993,41,
Beriberi, Cerebral: 0,23, 0,95, 12,85, 25,05, 97,50, 110,25, 229,32, 536,42, 650,00, 752,63,
Beriberi: 0,12, 0,22, 5,81, 5,50, 40,00, 67,50, 150,00, 269,71, 749,00, 987,23
Berry Aneurysm: 0,08, 0,24, 0,57, 7,50, 10,72, 36,21, 142,50, 321,00, 415,70, 775,68
Bertielliose: 0,24, 0,70, 40,00, 72,50, 97,50, 336,42, 475,19, 527,00, 662,71, 752,70
Berylliosis: 0,14, 0,26, 5,62, 42,50, 65,11, 90,00, 517,50, 688,29, 712,23, 997,87,
Besnoitia parasites (secte pulmonaire.): Protozoaire 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 13,93, 204,51, 337,30, 331,00, 352,80, 361,40, 358,00
Bilharziasis: 0,13, 0,23, 0,73, 0,85, 5,25, 137,25, 545,75, 687,50, 895,27, 976,29,
Blanc Dot Syndrome: 0,12, 0,49, 0,68, 2,75, 32,50, 72,50, 45,00, 95,00, 497,61, 923,70,
Blastocystis hominis infections: 0,04, 0,46, 0,75, 2,75, 7,50, 47,50, 96,50, 357,30, 834,00, 937,41,
Blépharite: 0,10, 0,83, 5,00, 45,11, 93,50, 475,16, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70, 987,23
Blépharoptose: 0,07, 0,25, 22,50, 42,50, 125,00, 377,91, 524,37, 650,00, 759,83, 926,70,
Blépharospasme: 0,12, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 5,62, 7,25, 32,50, 42,50, 90,00, 175,11,
Blépharospasme-Oromandibular D.0.06, 0,41, 0,70, 0,83, 2,50, 32,50, 305,05, 431,20, 632,59, 723,01
Blessure au genou: 0,1 9 , 0. 68 , 1 0 . 02 , 31 . 23 , 1 27 . 76 , 3 09 . 6 0, 4 36 . 09 , 4 6 3 0,9 7 , 50 2,9 3 , 651 . 82
Blessures à la tête: 0,13, 0,23, 1,60, 8,53, 17,50, 72,53, 155,29, 396,50, 437,48, 828,57,
Blessures à l’épaule: 0,12, 5,50, 32,50, 125.71, 229.32, 479.50, 527.00, 667.00, 789.00, 918.20
Blessures de bras: 0,18, 0,90, 5,50, 13,93, 55,16, 250,00, 425,09, 571,00, 827,00, 932,00,
Blessures de la moelle épinière: 0,18, 0,32, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 52,50, 425,16, 571,00, 841,00, 932,00,
Blessures: 0,16, 0,25, 0,62, 7,00, 12,71, 35.00, 90.00, 410.25, 560.00, 714.82
Blister Fever: 0,11, 0,55, 1,23, 5,58, 27,50, 291,25, 293,05, 292,00, 345,50, 824,37
Bloc cardiaque: 0,07, 0,22, 0,70, 2,75, 7,25, 50,00, 67,50, 115,70, 356,72, 475,52
Bloch-Sulzberger Syndrome: 0,10, 0,57, 0,68, 0,87, 35,58, 127,50, 337,50, 638,61, 715,23, 903,74,
Bloom Syndrome: 0,07, 0,49, 32,50, 125,75, 275,00, 425,00, 571,00, 721,00, 835,75, 937,41,
Bloom-Torre-Machacek S .: 0,07, 0,49, 32,50, 125,75, 275,00, 425,00, 571,00, 721,00, 835,75, 937,41,
Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome: 0,07, 0,57, 0,73, 2,50, 50,00, 150,00, 475,00, 527,00, 663,71, 776,50
BOR Syndrome: 0,15, 0,49, 0,62, 0,80, 5,11, 125,00, 426,90, 571,00, 838,00, 932,00,
Borna Disease: 0,04, 0,35, 2,50, 35,16, 93,50, 458,50, 517,50, 689,41, 712,00, 993,41,
Borréliose de Lyme: 0,65, 2,50, 7,50, 25,23, 70,00, 42,50, 95,67, 378,95, 523,01, 682,02
Botulisme, Infantile: 0,02, 0,32, 16,55, 85,00, 232,41, 458,50, 519,68, 687,62, 712,42, 992,00,
Botulisme: 0,02, 0,32, 16,55, 85,00, 232,41, 458,50, 519,68, 687,62, 712,42, 992,00,
Bouche Dryness: 0,12, 5,81, 25,00, 87,50, 225,00, 458,50, 522,39, 683,00, 712,23, 992,00,
Bourneville Maladie: 0,08, 0,35, 5,50, 35,16, 72,50, 93,50, 525,71, 650,00, 759,83, 924,37
BPCO: 0,37, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 15,31, 87,50, 204,72, 309,21, 457,22
Brachial plexopathie: 0,15, 0,57, 15,16, 52,50, 119,34, 357,30, 424,37, 561,93, 642,91, 930,12
Brachmann-De Lange Syndrome: 0,07, 0,24, 0,70, 7,50, 13,52, 45,53, 137,50, 572,50, 715,70, 903,50
Bradyarythmie: 0,24, 0,70, 2,75, 17,50, 57,50, 92,50, 322,06, 567,70, 640,00, 980,00
Bradycardie: 0,24, 0,70, 2,75, 17,50, 57,50, 92,50, 322,06, 567,70, 640,00, 980,00
Branchio-oculo-faciale S .: 0,15, 0,49, 0,62, 0,80, 5,11, 125,00, 426,90, 571,00, 838,00, 932,00,
Branchio-Otorenal dysplasie: 0,15, 0,49, 0,62, 0,80, 5,11, 125,00, 426,90, 571,00, 838,00, 932,00,
Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome: 0,15, 0,49, 0,62, 0,80, 5,11, 125,00, 426,90, 571,00, 838,00, 932,00,
Brill-Zinsser maladie: 0,37, 0,75, 23,90, 45,00, 96,50, 202,59, 522,53, 655,20, 750,00, 923,70,
Briquette Syndrome: 0,07, 0,57, 23,10, 50,00, 375,19, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 753,23, 986,22
Bronchectasie: 0,03, 0,40, 0,83, 71,50, 95,75, 175,15, 275,15, 357,30, 749,00, 987,23
Bronchiolite: 0,05, 0,40, 0,83, 2,50, 3,00, 73,30, 95,03, 175,00, 275,75, 358,57
Bronchite: 0,04, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 70,00, 95,03, 175,00, 269,71, 355,72, 755,00
Brown Tendon gaine Syndrome: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,50, 32,50, 47,50, 162,12, 232,03, 397,50, 679,93
Brown-Séquard Syndrome: 0,50, 0,68, 87,50, 95,03, 234,51, 452,59, 518,92, 684,81, 712,23, 997,87,
Brucellose: 0,05, 35,75, 60,00, 93,50, 225,15, 454,37, 517,50, 687,62, 712,00, 992,00,
Brueghel Syndrome: 0,06, 0,41, 0,70, 0,83, 2,50, 32,50, 305,05, 431,20, 632,59, 723,01
Bruxisme: 0,08, 0,32, 20,00, 85,03, 150,00, 225,00, 219,34, 453,72, 515,15, 683,00,
Budd-Chiari: 0,05, 0,24, 72,50, 122,53, 342,06, 512,33, 682,45, 753,07, 926,70,
Buerger maladie: 0,10, 0,58, 0,78, 5,25, 21,80, 49,50, 158,00, 342,06, 475,16, 533,00, 762,11
Bulbaire Paralysie progressive: 0,07, 0,22, 0,62, 2,50, 5,50, 40,00, 475,03, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00
Bulbospinal neuronopathie: 0,19, 1,22, 4,33, 17,25, 63,21, 119,42, 341,23, 403,03, 435,00, 711,17
Bulla: 0,11, 0,55, 1,23, 5,58, 27,50, 291,25, 293,05, 292,00, 345,50, 824,37
Bulleuse: .17, 0,18, 0,83, 2,50, 27,50, 73,98, 135,43, 367,02, 497,50, 625,83,
Bunion: 0,07, 0,24, 0,65, 5,75, 72,25, 123,00, 502,50, 622,88, 713,23, 807,73
Bunostomiasis: 0,11, 0,55, 1,20, 7,50, 30,00, 57,50, 72,50, 95,56, 133,63, 419,31
Bunyavirus Infections: 0,26, 0,65, 5,12, 7,00, 42,50, 200,00, 458,50, 515,15, 683,00, 712.42
Burkholderia Infections: 0,07, 0,12, 0,75, 0,93, 12,33, 22,50, 57,50, 92,50, 324,37, 225,00,
Burkitt Leucémie: 0,05, 0,57, 0,85, 52,50, 119,34, 375,03, 425,71, 568,43, 642,91, 985,90,
Burkitt tumeur: 0,05, 0,57, 0,85, 52,50, 119,34, 375,03, 425,71, 568,43, 642,91, 985,90,
Burns: 0,06, 0,25, 5,00, 7,00, 25,75, 87,50, 225,00, 450,00, 515,15, 687,62,
Bursite: 0,06, 0,23, 20,00, 62,50, 125,75, 150,00, 357,30, 532,41, 653,69, 759,83,


Café-au-Lait: Spots 0,52, 0,60, 2,25, 12,85, 45,03, 222,70, 425,00, 571,00, 839,00, 937,41,
Caffey-De Toni-Silvermann Syn .: 0,12, 0,25, 0,70, 1,07, 2,75, 14,53, 32,50, 92,50, 356,72, 425,58,
Calculs rénaux: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 0,85, 5,78, 32,50, 60,00, 125,23, 95,67, 150,00,
Calculs rénaux: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 0,85, 5,78, 32,50, 60,00, 125,23, 95,67, 150,00,
Caliciviridae Infections: 0,06, 0,49, 0,57, 7,50, 2,50, 30,00, 72,50, 225,75, 419,34, 561,93,
Calvitie: 0,06, 5,07, 95,00, 127,63, 275,05, 455,82, 515,16, 684,81, 712,23, 993,41,
Campylobacter Infections: 0,13, 0,35, 47,50, 159.30, 352,93, 475.15, 527.00, 662.71, 742.00, 988.90
Canal racine (traitement de bactéries): 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 3,00, 73,30, 95,75, 175,00, 269,71, 355,08
Canavan Maladie: 0,02, 0,97, 5,69, 32,50, 175,03, 451,17, 517,50, 683,00, 712,42, 995,38,
Canavan VBogaert-Bertrand: 0,02, 0,97, 5,69, 32,50, 175,03, 451,17, 517,50, 683,00, 712,42, 995,38,
Cancer Auriculaire: 0,08, 0,12, 0,85, 85,03, 119,34, 350,00, 434,33, 691,27, 759,83, 927,10
Cancer de la bouche: 0,57, 15,75, 52,50, 62,50, 95,00, 250,00, 434,00, 524,37, 682,02, 753,07.
Cancer de la bouche: 0,57, 15,75, 52,50, 62,50, 95,00, 250,00, 434,00, 524,37, 682,02, 753,07.
Cancer de la peau: 0,15, 2,12, 20,00, 45,15, 73,30, 96,50, 125,00, 375,75, 434,33, 563,19,
Cancer de la prostate: 0,13, 0,57, 0,83, 2,25, 97,50, 325,71, 434,16, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00,
Cancer de la thyroïde: 0,13, 0,57, 32,50, 97,50, 322,53, 434,16, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 988,90
Cancer de l’endomètre: 0,07, 0,18, 0,60, 14,97, 135,71, 255,50, 421,02, 693,50, 775,54, 878,50,
Cancer de l’ovaire: 0,07, 0,55, 0,85, 22,50, 47,50, 434,03, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70, 988,90
Cancer des voies urinaires: (voir: Cancer urinaire Tumeurs)
Cancer des yeux: 0,06, 0,23, 0,73, 32,50, 90,00, 175,00, 434,51, 653,69, 753,07, 922,53
Cancer du larynx: 0,03, 0,87, 2,50, 17,50, 35,15, 97,50, 434,61, 560,00, 840,96, 985,90
Cancer du pancréas: 0,06, 0,50, 47,50, 150,00, 219,34, 225,15, 210,50, 434,50, 515,16, 688,29,
Cancer du rectum: 0,46, 27,50, 17,50, 37.50, 85.00, 95.75, 150.00, 434.00, 571.00, 840.00,
Cancer du sein: 0,02, 0,46, 5,12, 27,50, 85,00, 95,75, 150,00, 434,71, 682,45, 753,07
Cancer du testicule: 0,04, 0,55, 7,25, 50,00, 97,50, 222,70, 434,59, 517,50, 687,62, 712,00
Cancer du testicule: 0,04, 0,55, 7,25, 50,00, 97,50, 222,70, 434,59, 517,50, 687,62, 712,00
Cancer endocrinien: 0,14, 0,46, 0,75, 0,85, 96,50, 355,72, 434,15, 571,00, 839,00, 932,00,
Cancer gastro-intestinal: 0,03, 2,12, 0,93, 2,50, 15,69, 115,90, 434,50, 540,0, 670,00, 790,00
Cancer Intestinal: 0,05, 0,52, 0,60, 0,93, 12,69, 125,00, 269,71, 434,03, 571,00, 839,00,
Cancer Métastase (orgue) complète: sein, du poumon, de la prostate, de l’ intestin / colon / rectum, du foie, de l’ endomètre : 0,13, 0,46, 0,83, 12,69, 93,50, 221,50, 434,71, 512,33, 667,00, 753,07
Cancer vulvaire: (voir: Cancer vulvaire néoplasmes)
Cancer: Adrenocortical CNA: 0,06, 0,18, 0,98, 6,05, 22,00, 47,28, 87,22, 97,50, 355,72, 434,50, 515,00
Cancer: amygdale: 0,08, 0,12, 40,00, 85,00, 136,42, 357,30, 434,75, 571,00, 840,00, 937,41,
Cancer: Bouche: 0,57, 15,75, 52,50, 62,50, 95,00, 250,00, 434,00, 524,37, 682,02, 753,07.
Cancer: Cancer de la bouche: 0,08, 0,57, 15,75, 52,50, 62,50, 95,00, 434,00, 524,37, 682,02, 753,07.
Cancer: Cancer de la vessie: 0,08, 5,75, 7,25, 50,00, 97,50, 210,50, 434,37, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10,
Cancer: Cancer du foie: 0,11, 0,52, 81,30, 135,71, 221,50, 434,50, 570,51, 691,51, 775,48, 971,55
Cancer: Cancer du rein: 0,13, 0,57, 0,78, 12,27, 68,29, 135,25, 272,72, 434,53, 733,91, 836,42
Cancer: Cancer yeux: 0,06, 0,23, 0,73, 32,50, 90,00, 175,00, 434,51, 653,69, 753,07, 922,53
Cancer: carcinome spinocellulaire: 0,15, 2,12, 20,00, 45,15, 73,30, 96,50, 125,00, 375,75, 434,33, 563,19
Cancer: Cellule rénale (rein): 0,13, 0,57, 0,78, 12,27, 68,29, 135,25, 272,72, 434,53, 733,91, 836,42
Cancer: cellules du pancréas, et exocrine Islet: 0,06, 0,50, 47,50, 150,00, 219,34, 225,15, 210,50, 434,50, 515,16, 688,29,
Cancer: col de l’utérus: 0,40, 0,78, 5,29, 7,50, 37,00, 95,50, 185,00, 434,00, 792,00, 985,67
Cancer: Colon :: 0,05, 0,52, 0,60, 0,93, 12,69, 125,00, 269,71, 434,03, 571,00, 839,00,
Cancer: des cellules de Merkel: 0,08, 0,12, 0,85, 5,16, 22,40, 43,10, 87,22, 97,50, 355,72, 434,50, 515,00
Cancer: Endocrine Gland: 0,14, 0,46, 0,75, 0,85, 96,50, 355,72, 434,15, 571,00, 839,00, 932,00,
Cancer: Endomètre: 0,07, 2,12, 5,69, 20,00, 93,50, 175,75, 434,50, 527,00, 667,00, 873,29
Cancer: épithélial de l’ovaire 0,07, 0,55, 0,85, 22,50, 47,50, 434,03, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70, 988,90
Cancer: Ewings (PNET): 0.24, 0.70, 2.75, 17.50, 57.50, 92.50, 434,06, 567,70, 640,00, 980,00
Cancer: extracrâniennes tumeur: 0,14, 0,75, 2,50, 65,00, 87,30, 236,42, 434,00, 561,93, 714,82, 978,05
Cancer: Extrahépatique cholédoque: 0,04, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 70,00, 95,03, 175,00, 269,71, 434,72, 755,00
Cancer: gastrique (estomac): 0,05, 0,52, 0,60, 0,93, 12,69, 125,00, 269,71, 434,03, 571,00, 839,00
Cancer: Gastro-intestinal: 0,05, 0,52, 0,60, 0,93, 12,69, 125,00, 269,71, 434,03, 571,00, 839,00
Cancer: Général Programme: 434,00 pour 2 à 3 heures par jour
Cancer: Général Set: 421,39, 422,81, 424,00, 424,25, 427,00, 428,00, 429,55, 434,00, 434,82, 434,11
Cancer: génital mâle: 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 50,00, 97,50, 229,32, 434,37, 519,68, 684,81, 712,00
Cancer: gestationnelle tumeur: 0,25, 0,78, 0,93, 10,89, 7,50, 95,90, 322,53, 434,70, 562,91, 742,06,
Cancer: glande salivaire: 0,57, 15,75, 52,50, 62,50, 95,00, 250,00, 434,00, 524,37, 682,02, 753,07.
Cancer: hypopharyngée: 0,11, 1,49, 32,57, 102,25, 212,50, 434,50, 672,50, 735,34, 893,50, 930,10
Cancer: Infections génitales, Femme: 0,03, 0,46, 27,50, 17,50, 40,00, 85,16, 95,00, 150,00, 210,50, 434,17
Cancer: Intestinal: 0,05, 0,52, 0,60, 0,93, 12,69, 125,00, 269,71, 434,03, 571,00, 839,00,
Cancer: Islet Cell Carcinoma: 0,13, 0,57, 0,78, 12,27, 68,29, 135,25, 272,72, 434,53, 733,91, 836,42
Cancer: la peau, Kaposi Sarcome 0,15, 2,12, 20,00, 45,15, 73,30, 96,50, 125,00, 375,75, 434,33, 563,19,
Cancer: la peau, le mélanome 0,15, 2,12, 20,00, 45,15, 73,30, 96,50, 125,00, 375,75, 434,33, 563,19,
Cancer: la peau, T-Cell Lymphe: 0,15, 2,12, 20,00, 45,15, 73,30, 96,50, 125,00, 375,75, 434,33, 563,19,
Cancer: la peau: 0,15, 2,12, 20,00, 45,15, 73,30, 96,50, 125,00, 375,75, 434,33, 563,19,
Cancer: la prostate: 0,13, 0,57, 0,83, 2,25, 97,50, 325,71, 434,16, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00,
Cancer: la thyroïde: 0,13, 0,57, 32,50, 97,50, 322,53, 434,16, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 988,90
Cancer: la vésicule biliaire: 0,08, 0,85, 2,50, 43,00, 97,23, 175,00, 434,00, 791,00, 853,00, 972,10
Cancer: la vessie urinaire: 0,08, 5,75, 7,25, 50,00, 97,50, 210,50, 434,37, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10
Cancer: Larynx: 0,03, 0,87, 2,50, 17,50, 35,15, 97,50, 434,61, 560,00, 840,96, 985,90
Cancer: Le mésothéliome malin: 0,49, 0,78, 7,50, 8,00, 15,43, 62,50, 325,00, 434,00, 515,70, 655,20
Cancer: le syndrome de Sézary: 2,12, 0,30, 2,33, 17,50, 45,75, 375,17, 434,00, 527,00, 662,71, 723,01,
Cancer: les cellules germinales de l’ovaire: 0,07, 0,55, 0,85, 22,50, 47,50, 434,03, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70, 988,90
Cancer: les cellules germinales: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 7,50, 20,00, 47,50, 95,31, 210,50, 434,95, 527,00
Cancer: les voies respiratoires: 0,10, 0,55, 0,73, 0,87, 67,20, 172,85, 230,00, 43420, 535,23, 608,21
Cancer: l’estomac: 0,03, 2,12, 2,50, 15,03, 96,50, 125,15, 434,91, 647,00, 789,00, 985,67
Cancer: Leucémie à tricholeucocytes: 0,07, 0,12, 0,60, 0,80, 2,50, 22,50, 72,50, 434,39, 739,10, 905,31
Cancer: Leucémie lymphoblastique: 0,07, 0,12, 0,60, 0,80, 2,50, 22,50, 72,50, 434,39, 739,10, 905,31
Cancer: Leucémie myéloïde: 0,07, 0,12, 0,60, 0,80, 2,50, 22,50, 72,50, 434,39, 739,10, 905,31
Cancer: leucémie, Lymphe chronique: 0,07, 0,12, 0,60, 0,80, 2,50, 22,50, 72,50, 434,39, 739,10, 905,31
Cancer: leucémie, myéloïde aiguë: 0,07, 0,12, 0,60, 0,80, 2,50, 22,50, 72,50, 434,39, 739,10, 905,31
Cancer: Leucémie: 0,07, 0,12, 0,60, 0,80, 2,50, 22,50, 72,50, 434,39, 739,10, 905,31
Cancer: lèvres et la cavité buccale: 0,08, 0,57, 15,75, 52,50, 62,50, 95,00, 250,00, 434,37, 682,02, 753,07.
Cancer: l’ovaire: 0,07, 0,55, 0,85, 22,50, 47,50, 434,03, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70, 988,90
Cancer: Lymphome à cellules T ,: 0,35, 0,93, 12,33, 25,23, 35,68, 87,50, 93,50, 233,63, 434,00, 519,34,
Cancer: Lymphome non hodgkinien: 0,35, 0,93, 12,33, 25,23, 35,68, 87,50, 93,50, 233,63, 434,00, 519,34,
Cancer: Lymphome, B-Cell: 0,41, 0,93, 2,75, 17,50, 35,67, 87,50, 93,50, 236,42, 434,00, 519,34,
Cancer: Lymphome, Malignant: 0,35, 0,93, 7,50, 17,50, 52,50, 70,00, 93,50, 215,70, 434,00, 523,01
Cancer: Lymphome: 0,35, 0,93, 7,50, 17,50, 52,50, 70,00, 93,50, 215,70, 434,00, 523,01
Cancer: Lymphoplasmacyt. 0,08, 2,75, 20,00, 62,50, 322,06, 410,25, 567,70, 642,91, 805,00, 930,12
Cancer: Mélanome: 0,49, 0,70, 32,80, 102,25, 212,75, 321,20, 434,00, 545,68, 795,61, 857,77
Cancer: Métastase épidermoïde: 0,10, 0,52, 7,50, 30,00, 225,03, 434,15, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 986,22
Cancer: mycosis fongoïde: 0,17, 0,22, 0,93, 2,75, 27,50, 132,50, 255,58, 434,85, 724,94, 825,87
Cancer: myélodysplasique Syn .: 0,19, 0,30, 0,80, 7,50, 27,50, 45,58, 96,50, 315,70, 434,34, 562,96
Cancer: Myélome multiple: 0,06, 0,35, 0,62, 0,97, 12,50, 27,50, 142,50, 434,87, 623,01, 815,58
Cancer: myéloprolifératifs Troubles: 0,05, 0,41, 0,60, 0,95, 5,78, 30,00, 57,50, 97,50, 434,87, 675,96
Cancer: nasopharyngé: 0,07, 0,32, 0,62, 0,85, 5,00, 22,50, 60,00, 352,93, 434,53, 563,19
Cancer: neuroblastome: 0,04, 2,12, 0,78, 2,50, 7,50, 55,91, 87,50, 96,50, 434,87, 523,01
Cancer: oesophagien: 0,05, 0,52, 0,60, 0,93, 12,69, 125,00, 260,71, 434,03, 301,00, 812,20,
Cancer: oreille: 0,08, 0,12, 0,85, 85,03, 119,34, 350,00, 434,33, 691,27, 759,83, 927,10
Cancer: oropharyngée: 0,10, 0,83, 10,89, 2,50, 52,50, 87,50, 95,19, 204,35, 434,59, 709,68
Cancer: os: 0,57, 0,83, 2,85, 32,50, 97,50, 322,53, 434,42, 566,41, 835,96, 978,85
Cancer: oto-rhino-: 0,05, 0,41, 0,90, 7,50, 108,20, 217,50, 387,50, 434,23, 595,47, 701,99,
Cancer: ovaire faible potentiel tumeur maligne 0,07, 0,55, 0,85, 22,50, 47,50, 434,03, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70, 988,90
Cancer: parathyroïde: 0,03, 0,52, 0,48, 2,75, 7,50, 55,91, 434,37, 519,34, 613,69, 706,53
Cancer: pénienne (pénis) 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 50,00, 97,50, 229,32, 434,37, 519,68, 684,81, 712,00
Cancer: Petit Intestin: 0,05, 0,52, 0,60, 0,93, 12,69, 125,00, 269,71, 434,03, 571,00, 839,00,
Cancer: phéochromocytome: 0,06, 0,49, 0,73, 3,21, 30,89, 115,83, 322,50, 434,50, 697,50, 875,35
Cancer: pituitaire: 0,10, 0,52, 7,50, 30,00, 225,03, 434,15, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 986,22
Cancer: Plasma cellulaire néoplasme: 0,07, 0,12, 0,60, 0,80, 2,50, 22,50, 72,50, 434,39, 739,10, 905,31
Cancer: poumon, non à petites cellules: 0,05, 0,41, 0,62, 15,75, 87,50, 434,00, 512,33, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10
Cancer: poumon, petites cellules: 0,05, 0,41, 0,62, 15,75, 87,50, 434,00, 512,33, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10
Cancer: rectaux (Rectum): 0,46, 27,50, 17,50, 37.50, 85.00, 95.75, 150.00, 434.00, 571.00, 840.00,
Cancer: résiduel: 0,61, 15.90, 52.81, 62.71, 97.53, 248.00, 434.50, 524,37, 601,27, 781,09
Cancer: rhabdomyosarcome, 0,12, 0,27, 9,33, 34,21, 205,69, 317,25, 434,50, 692,50, 776,95, 838,25,
Cancer: sarcome des tissus mous, 0,15, 2,12, 20,00, 45,15, 73,30, 96,50, 125,00, 375,75, 434,33, 563,19,
Cancer: Sarcome général – Resonant Lumière Autre Set: 1.97, 2.04, 2.10, 2.49. 3.17. 5,00, 5,57, 10,24, 13,72, 15,61
Cancer: sein: 0,02, 0,46, 5,12, 27,50, 85,00, 95,75, 150,00, 434,71, 682,45, 753,07
Cancer: Sinus et paranasaux fosse nasale: 0,57, 15,75, 52,50, 62,50, 95,00, 250,00, 434,00, 524,37, 682,02, 753,07
Cancer: Système digestif: 0,03, 2,12, 0,93, 2,50, 15,69, 115,90, 434,50, 540,0, 670,00, 790,00
Cancer: testiculaire (testiculaire): 0,04, 0,55, 7,25, 50,00, 97,50, 222,70, 434,59, 517,50, 687,62, 712,00
Cancer: Tête et cou: 0,10, 0,52, 7,50, 30,00, 225,03, 434,15, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 986,22
Cancer: Thoracic: 0,04, 0,40, 0,60, 7,25, 55,00, 92,50, 175,75, 434,16, 527,00, 667,00
Cancer: Thymome ,: 0,02, 0,22, 25,00, 55,75, 105,00, 229,32, 434,00, 515,16, 782,81, 993,41
Cancer: Trophoblastic: 0,13, 7,50, 35,16, 67,50, 96,50, 275,16, 434,16, 527,00, 663,71, 752,70,
Cancer: tumeur au cerveau, SPN et pinéale 0,04 Tumeurs, 0,02, 0,03, 5,03, 119,34, 350,00, 434,33, 691,27, 759,83, 927,10
Cancer: tumeur au cerveau, tronc cérébral gliome, 0,04, 0,02, 0,03, 5,03, 119,34, 350,00, 434,33, 691,27, 759,83, 927,10
Cancer: tumeur au cerveau, Visual Pathway et hypothalamiques gliome 0,04, 0,02, 0,03, 5,03, 119,34, 350,00, 434,33, 691,27, 759,83, 927,10
Cancer: tumeur cérébrale, cérébelleuse Astrocytoma0.04, 0,02, 0,03, 5,03, 119,34, 350,00, 434,33, 691,27, 759,83, 927,10
Cancer: tumeur cérébrale, cérébrale astrocytome 0,04, 0,02, 0,03, 5,03, 119,34, 350,00, 434,33, 691,27, 759,83, 927,10
Cancer: tumeur cérébrale, épendymome 0,04, 0,02, 0,03, 5,03, 119,34, 350,00, 434,33, 691,27, 759,83, 927,10
Cancer: tumeur cérébrale, médulloblastome 0,04, 0,02, 0,03, 5,03, 119,34, 350,00, 434,33, 691,27, 759,83, 927,10
Cancer: tumeur cérébrale: 0,04, 0,02, 0,03, 5,03, 119,34, 350,00, 434,33, 691,27, 759,83, 927,10
Cancer: Tumeurs du système nerveux: 0,04, 0,25, 0,65, 0,93, 2,50, 7,50, 96,50, 334,25, 434,87, 527,00
Cancer: Tumeurs urologiques: 0,03, 0,46, 0,75, 0,85, 2,50, 7,50, 17,50, 96,50, 434,93, 451,17,
Cancer: urétrale (urinaire): 0,03, 2,75, 7,50, 17,50, 96,50, 358,57, 434,82, 518,92, 683,00, 712,23
Cancer: utérins col de l’utérus: 0,04, 0,40, 0,78, 5,29, 7,50, 37,00, 95,50, 434,00, 792,00, 985,67
Cancer: utérins, Sarcome, 0,04, 0,40, 0,78, 5,29, 7,50, 37,00, 95,50, 434,00, 792,00, 985,67
Cancer: vaginal: 0,03, 0,46, 27,50, 17,50, 40,00, 85,16, 95,00, 150,00, 210,50, 434,17,
Cancer: vulvaire: 0,03, 0,46, 27,50, 17,50, 40,00, 85,16, 95,00, 150,00, 210,50, 434,17,
Cancer: Wilms Tumeur: 0,05, 0,53, 14,33, 31,23, 56,72, 63,44, 231,27, 434,82, 622,18, 653,50
Candida: 0,18, 0,93, 2,50, 42,50, 71,50, 96,50, 125,75, 434,00, 642,91, 983,17
Candidose, vulvo: 0,18, 0,93, 3,78, 42,50, 71,50, 96,50, 125,75, 434,00, 642,91, 983,17
Candidose, vulvo: 0,18, 0,93, 3,78, 42,50, 71,50, 96,50, 125,75, 434,00, 642,91, 983,17
Candidose: 0,18, 0,93, 2,50, 42,50, 71,50, 96,50, 125,75, 434,00, 642,91, 983,17
Candidose: 0,18, 0,93, 2,50, 42,50, 71,50, 96,50, 125,75, 434,00, 642,91, 983,17
Canker Maux de: 0,05, 0,41, 0,80, 5,17, 42,50, 119,34, 357,30, 527,00, 662,71, 789,00
Canulation: 0,11, 0,57, 0,80, 5,17, 15,00, 229,32, 512,33, 653,69, 753,07, 919,34
Caoutchouc anti: 0,15, 0,23, 0,65, 0,93, 7,50, 11,09, 52,50, 172,51, 383,50, 516,52
Capgras syndrome: 0,08, 0,12, 0,85, 20,00, 40,00, 352,93, 434,72, 517,50, 684,81, 712,42,
Capsulitis, adhésif: 0,06, 0,23, 20,00, 62,50, 125,75, 150,00, 357,30, 532,41, 653,69, 759,83,
Carboxylase carence, multiple, apparition tardive: 0,19, 0,35, 13,52, 90,00, 355,08, 475,16, 527,00, 667,00, 789,00, 986,22
Carcinoïde, Goblet Cell: 0,05, 0,52, 0,60, 0,93, 12,69, 125,00, 269,71, 434,03, 571,00, 839,00
Carcinoïde: 0,05, 0,52, 0,60, 0,93, 12,69, 125,00, 269,71, 434,03, 571,00, 839,00
Carcinome à petites cellules: 0,03, 0,46, 0,75, 0,85, 2,50, 7,50, 17,50, 96,50, 350,00, 434,00,
Carcinome anaplasique: 0,13, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 5,12, 7,25, 32,50, 90,00, 175,75, 434,53,
Carcinome basocellulaire: 0,08, 0,12, 0,85, 5,16, 20,00, 40,00, 85,0 0, 97,50, 355,72, 434,50 ,
Carcinome cellule d’avoine: 0,03, 0,46, 0,75, 0,85, 2,50, 7,50, 17,50, 96,50, 350,00, 434,00
Carcinome de la broche-Cell: 0,13, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 5,12, 7,25, 32,50, 90,00, 175,75, 434,53,
Carcinome des cellules de Merkel: 0,08, 0,12, 0,85, 5,16, 22,40, 43,10, 87,22, 97,50, 355,72, 43 4,50,
Carcinome du poumon non à petites cellules: 0,06, 0,18, 0,97, 5,83, 22,00, 47. 28, 87,22, 97,50, 355,72, 434,00
Carcinome épidermoïde: 0,15, 2,12, 20,00, 45,15, 73,30, 96,50, 125,00, 375,75, 434,33, 563,19
Carcinome indifférencié: 0,13, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 5,12, 7,25, 32,50, 90,00, 175,75, 434,53,
Carcinome thymique: 0,17, 0,52, 42,50, 72,50, 97,50, 379,93, 512,33, 682,02, 759,83, 927,10,
Carcinome: 0,13, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 5,12, 7,25, 32,50, 90,00, 175,75, 434,53,
Carcinose: 0,13, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 5,12, 7,25, 32,50, 90,00, 175,75, 434,53,
Cardiaque Hypertrophie: 0,13, 0,26, 23,80, 135,60, 390,00, 404,37, 515,16, 687,62, 712,81, 992,00,
Cardiaque Syndrome X: 0,07, 0,23, 0,85, 35,23, 63,02, 125,03, 235,68, 396,50, 575,61, 751,77
Cardiomégalie: 0,13, 0,26, 23,80, 135,60, 390,00, 404,37, 515,16, 687,62, 712,81, 992,00,
Cardiomyopathie arythmogénique: 0,05, 0,40, 0,85, 2,75, 5,00, 55,16, 269,71, 555,30, 707,00, 825,50
Cardiomyopathie congestive: 0,12, 0,25, 20,00, 125,16, 377,91, 414,17, 515,17, 683,00, 712,00, 993,41,
Cardiomyopathie congestive: 0,12, 0,25, 20,00, 125,16, 377,91, 414,17, 515,17, 683,00, 712,00, 993,41,
Cardiomyopathie dilatée: 0,12, 0,25, 20,00, 125,16, 377,91, 414,17, 515,17, 683,00, 712,00, 993,41,
Cardiomyopathie dilatée: 0,12, 0,25, 20,00, 125,16, 377,91, 414,17, 515,17, 683,00, 712,00, 993,41,
Cardiomyopathie hypertrophique obstructives: 0,13, 0,26, 20,00, 125,00, 376,29, 404,37, 515,16, 687,62, 712,81, 992,00,
Cardiomyopathie hypertrophique: 0,13, 0,26, 20,00, 125,00, 376,29, 404,37, 515,16, 687,62, 712,81, 992,00,
Cardiomyopathie, Restrictive: 0,12, 0,26, 20,00, 125,75, 375,17, 464,93, 527,00, 662,71, 742,00, 985,67
Cardiospasme: 0,22, 0,65, 0,83, 7,50, 120,00, 357,50, 425,36, 651,00, 754,37, 819,68
Cardite: 0,08, 0,32, 1,73, 32,90, 67,50, 125,23, 322,50, 539,00, 832,59, 915,58
Carence en vitamine A: 0,14, 0,57, 0,95, 23,50, 269,71, 57,50, 175,16, 436,42, 642,91, 978,05
Carence en vitamine D: 0,17, 0,22, 0,62, 11,09, 40,00, 57,50, 150,00, 175,00, 426,90, 826,00
Carence lisse Pursuit: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,50, 32,50, 47,50, 162,12, 232,03, 397,50, 679,93
Carotidienne Ulcère: 0,02, 0,24, 2,75, 17,50, 35,19, 97,50, 269,71, 314,37, 563,19, 875,96
Cartilages Maladies: 0,06, 0,52, 27,50, 55,75, 125,19, 250,00, 354,72, 517,50, 683,00, 712,42,
Castleman Disease: 0,04, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 5,75, 7,50, 37,50, 96,50, 225,91, 425,37
Cat syndrome des yeux: 0,05, 0,41, 0,62, 7,50, 17,50, 87,50, 479,50, 662,71, 749,00, 988,90
Cataract: 0,03, 0,41, 15,19, 87,50, 122,06, 312,33, 532,41, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10,
Cathétérisation: 0,11, 0,57, 0,80, 5,17, 15,00, 229,32, 512,33, 653,69, 753,07, 919,34
Cathétérisme cardiaque: 0,11, 0,57, 0,80, 1,52, 15,29, 52,50, 62,50, 196,50, 412,50, 673,11
Cathétérisme, cardiaque: 0,11, 0,57, 0,80, 1,52, 15,29, 52,50, 62,50, 196,50, 412,50, 673,11
Cathétérisme, Heart: 0,11, 0,57, 0,80, 1,52, 15,29, 52,50, 62,50, 196,50, 412,50, 673,11
Causalgie: 0,11, 0,57, 0,80, 62,50, 96,50, 210,50, 475,00, 667,00, 742,00, 988,90
Cavernitis, fibre: 0,04, 0,57, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 295,54, 487,50, 605,72, 723,82, 935,42
Cavus Deformity: 0,92, 32,75, 150,01, 293,70, 329,05, 415,84, 423,47, 472,12, 512,14, 629,90
Cellules géantes Artérite: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,80, 5,25, 7,25, 35,00, 95,47, 226,32, 422,53
Cellulite orbitaire: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 5,25, 77,25, 112,78, 407,50, 511,88, 725,37, 825,00
Cellulite, Orbital: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 5,25, 77,25, 112,78, 407,50, 511,88, 725,37, 825,00
Cellulitis: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 5,12, 7,25, 13,93, 147,50, 250,00, 425,75, 625,00,
Cémentome: 0,15, 0,23, 7,50, 11,09, 55,75, 96,50, 175,19, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00,
Central syndrome d’hypoventilation congénitale: 0,07, 0,37, 12,71, 47,50, 97,50, 225,75, 377,91, 519,34, 691,27, 753,07
Centrale de base de la maladie: 0,18, 0,54, 2,63, 6,82, 29,83, 58,71, 453,28, 589,48, 701,20, 812,00,
Centronucléaire Myopathie: 0,18, 0,54, 2,63, 6,82, 29,83, 58,71, 453,28, 589,48, 701,20, 812,00,
Centronucléaire Myopathie: 0,18, 0,54, 2,63, 6,82, 29,83, 58,71, 453,28, 589,48, 701,20, 812,00,
Cenuriasis: 0,24, 0,70, 40,00, 72,50, 97,50, 336,42, 475,19, 527,00, 662,71, 752,70
Céphalée: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 7,50, 22,50, 42,50, 96,50, 275,52, 515,70, 650,00
Cerclage de cervix: 0,15, 0,23, 7,50, 13,61, 96,50, 175,00, 500,00, 682,45, 753,07, 927,10,
Cerclage de utérins cervix: 0,15, 0,23, 7,50, 13,61, 96,50, 175,00, 500,00, 682,45, 753,07, 927,10,
Cerclage, col de l’utérus: 0,15, 0,23, 7,50, 13,61, 96,50, 175,00, 500,00, 682,45, 753,07, 927,10,
Cérébelleuse Dysmétrie: 0,10, 0,83, 10,89, 2,50, 52,50, 87,50, 95,19, 214,35, 552,59, 719,68,
Cerebelloretinal Angiomatose: 0,03, 0,46, 2,50, 7,50, 17,50, 96,50, 355,08, 517,50, 687,62, 712,42,
Cerebral Aneurysm: 0,08, 0,24, 0,57, 7,50, 10,72, 36,21, 142,50, 321,00, 415,70, 775,68
Cerebral en plaques, Diffuse: 0,25, 0,78, 0,93, 10,89, 7,50, 95,90, 322,53, 415,70, 562,91, 742,06,
Cérébrale commotion cérébrale: 0,04, 0,20, 0,65, 85,75, 90,00, 325,00, 375,11, 497,61, 689,93, 753,07
Cérébrale parenchymateuse H .: 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 93,50, 210,50, 453,72, 515,19, 683,00, 712,23, 993,41,
Cerebroatrophic H .: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 9,97, 167,50, 325,50, 422,50, 650,00, 875,95, 919,34,
Cerebrohepatorenal Syndrome: 0,16, 0,57, 0,78, 0,93, 2,75, 7,50, 22,50, 40,00, 125,00, 433,77
Cerebrooculorenal Syndrome: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,52, 28,10, 123,98, 407,91, 627,28, 736,22, 816,61
Cérébroside lipidose Syndrome: 0,05, 0,24, 0,70, 0,95, 2,50, 7,50, 32,50, 125,37, 319,34, 519,34
Cérébroside sulfatase Deficiency Disease: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 35,54, 95,69, 376,29, 515,70, 689,93
Cérébrovasculaire apoplexie: 0,09, 0,12, 0,62, 15,17, 96,50, 225,00, 425,16, 571,00, 841,00, 937,41
Cérébrovasculaire Moyamoya: 0,04, 0,25, 0,65, 0,93, 2,50, 7,50, 96,50, 324,94, 475,87, 527,00
Cerise tache rouge myoclonie S: 0,20, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 3,00, 7,50, 96,50, 326,16, 534,25, 652,43,
Céroïde-lipofuscinose, Neuronal: 0,19, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,78, 47,50, 269,71, 450,00, 515,56, 686,21
Cerveau Aneurysm: 0,08, 0,24, 0,57, 7,50, 10,72, 36,21, 142,50, 321,00, 415,70, 775,68
Cerveau Commotion: 0,04, 0,20, 0,65, 85,75, 90,00, 325,00, 375,11, 497,61, 689,93, 753,07
Cerveau Hémorragie, cérébrale: 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 93,50, 210,50, 453,72, 515,19, 683,00, 712,23, 993,41,
Cerveau Hypoxie: 0,15, 0,18, 0,80, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 151,27, 257,46, 413,91, 692,27
Cervico-brachial névralgie: 0,15, 0,57, 15,16, 52,50, 119,34, 357,30, 424,37, 561,93, 642,91, 930,12
Cestodes Infections: 0.24, 0.70, 40.00, 72.50, 97.50, 336.42, 475.19, 527.00, 662.71, 752.70
Cétose diabétique: 0,16, 0,41, 0,77, 8,93, 32,25, 43,01, 112,52, 421,35, 422,30, 802,59,
Chakra Solde (Fabian Maman Set): 0,39, 0,40, 0,43, 0,65, 6,87, 7,93, 8,33, 8,48, 8,63, 8,82
Chalazion: 0,06, 0,32, 0,83, 12,33, 225,17, 452,59, 518,92, 683,00, 712,23, 993,41,
Champignon des ongles: 0,07, 0,40, 0,90, 12,85, 20,14, 67,11, 135,52, 325,00, 475,52, 612,53
Chancre mou: 0,24, 0,70, 7,50, 72,50, 119,34, 324,37, 515,70, 682,02, 754,19, 941,00
CHARGE Syndrome: 0,10, 0,65, 5,12, 42,50, 225,17, 479,50, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00, 986,22
Charles Bonnet S: 0,10, 0,57, 1,00, 7,50, 27,50, 37,50, 96,50, 342,06, 515,70, 691,27, 756,53, 990,50,
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome: 0,04, 0,12, 20,00, 57,50, 95,19, 325,71, 225,75, 450,00, 515,19, 687,62,
Cheilite, Neuropathie du visage: 0,14, 0,22, 0,70, 6,21, 102,50, 247,50, 372,50, 505,61, 625,68, 956,16
Cheilitis: 0,85, 7,50, 2,75, 12,71, 52,50, 97,50, 419,34, 566,41, 642,91, 930,12
Chéloïde: 0,10, 0,50, 0,78, 0,85, 5,62, 37,50, 131,98, 285,00, 624,11, 881,19
Cherubism: 0,80, 1,27, 7,50, 65,00, 125,75, 229,32, 415,70, 563,19, 709,83, 978,85
Chest Entonnoir: 0,13, 0,23, 0,73, 0,80, 5,25, 7,25, 35,37, 95,91, 215,50, 510,00
Chilomonas parasites, toute la montagne: 2,50, 13,93, 204,51, 337,30, 388,95, 390,70, 389,00, 393,75, 400,00, 398,00
Chlamydia Infections: 0,05, 0,41, 0,80, 7,50, 72,50, 130,00, 367,50, 555,00, 625,19, 875,17,
Chlamydiaceae Infections: 0,05, 0,41, 0,80, 7,50, 125,19, 275,00, 424,37, 560,00, 642,91, 985.90
Chloasma: 0,03, 0,12, 0,93, 7,50, 30,00, 147,50, 262,50, 315,61, 505,68, 756,50,
Choc anaphylactique: 0,14, 0,75, 2,50, 65,00, 87,30, 236,42, 400,00, 561,93, 714,82, 978,05
Choc hémorragique: 0,17, 0,35, 55,75, 60,00, 115,70, 250,00, 524,37, 655,20, 754,19, 919,34
Choc hémorragique: 0,17, 0,35, 55,75, 60,00, 115,70, 250,00, 524,37, 655,20, 754,19, 919,34
Choc septique: 0,18, 0,22, 55,00, 62,50, 132,41, 210,50, 475,17, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00,
Choc, endotoxinique: 0,18, 0,22, 55,00, 62,50, 132,41, 210,50, 475,17, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00,
Choc, Fosse septique: 0,18, 0,22, 55,00, 62,50, 132,41, 210,50, 475,17, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00,
Choc, Toxic: 0,18, 0,22, 55,00, 62,50, 132,41, 210,50, 475,17, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00,
Choc: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 115,50, 210,50, 475,19, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 985,67
Cholangite: 0,06, 0,24, 5,69, 7,25, 25,19, 87,50, 73,00, 196,50, 475,17, 853,72,
Cholécystite: 0,08, 0,52, 0,62, 9,00, 13,39, 42,50, 210,50, 475,19, 527,00, 661,71,
Cholédoque Kyste: 0,04, 0,23, 0,85, 5,75, 20,00, 125,19, 350,00, 450,00, 775,17, 927,00,
Cholélithiase: 0,06, 0,49, 0,57, 72,50, 225,00, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00, 986,22
Choléra infantile: 0,02, 0,52, 0,70, 0,90, 2,50, 5,25, 15,47, 142,50, 292,50, 821,06
Choléra: 0,13, 0,35, 0,95, 159,22, 243,05, 451,17, 515,19, 688,29, 712,23, 993,41,
Cholestéatome oreille moyenne: 0,12, 0,23, 0,97, 5,25, 32,50, 475,19, 527,00, 661,71, 742,00, 988,90
Chondrite, costal: 0,05, 0,24, 15,75, 45,00, 93,50, 376,29, 512,33, 689,93, 759,83, 925,71
Chondroectodermal Dysplasia: 0,18, 0,62, 0,93, 9,50, 17,51, 162,81, 292,10, 317,30, 433,95, 805,19
Chondromalacie rotulienne: 0,04, 0,23, 22,50, 42,50, 62,50, 125,19, 150,00, 358,57, 525,71, 655,20
Chondromalacie: 0,06, 0,52, 27,50, 55,75, 125,19, 250,00, 354,72, 517,50, 683,00, 712,42,
Chondrome: 0,06, 0,25, 0,83, 96,50, 375,19, 450,00, 517,50, 687,62, 712,00, 992,00,
Chondrosarcome: 0,08, 0,52, 0,60, 2,25, 11,09, 45,75, 222,70, 522,53, 691,27, 750,00
Chordome: 0,06, 0,49, 0,57, 12,00, 72,50, 225,00, 475,19, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70
Chorée: 0,08, 0,55, 50,00, 85,75, 95,00, 229,32, 475,75, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00,
Choréiforme Mouvement: 0,08, 0,55, 50,00, 85,75, 95,00, 229,32, 475,75, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00,
Choréoathétose: 0,07, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 2,50, 41,01, 119,34, 475,69, 527,00, 667,00
Chorioangiome: 0,15, 0,24, 0,70, 0,83, 2,50, 17,50, 432,50, 555,91, 625,29, 775,52
Choriorétinite: 0,13, 0,57, 0,87, 10,89, 95,19, 300,00, 436,42, 563,19, 707,26, 978,85
Choroideremia: 0,20, 0,46, 17,50, 47,50, 95,19, 357,30, 452,59, 515,27, 683,00, 995,38,
Chromosome 16 anormale: 0,19, 0,18, 0,62, 42,50, 97,50, 175,00, 475,19, 527,00, 661,71, 742,00,
Chromosome 17 anormale: 0,13, 0,25, 0,73, 42,50, 97,50, 377,91, 475,27, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00,
Chromosome 18 anormale: 0,13, 0,35, 0,95, 5,50, 27,50, 47,50, 352,93, 426,90, 571,00, 846,00
Chromosome 20 anormale: 0,12, 0,23, 0,97, 15,19, 63,77, 132,80, 302,30, 452,50, 825,00, 975,75,
Chromosome 22 anormale: 0,12, 0,23, 0,97, 15,19, 63,77, 86,44, 132,80, 302,30, 452,50, 825,00,,
Chromosome 5p- Syndrome: 0,16, 0,55, 9,85, 87,50, 162,50, 212,50, 452,50, 597,50, 650,00, 726,07
Chromosome anormalité: 0,19, 0,23, 0,97, 15,19, 63,77, 258,23, 302,30, 452,50, 833,00, 975,75,
Chromosome autosomique: 0,19, 0,23, 0,97, 15,19, 63,77, 258,23, 302,30, 452,50, 833,00, 975,75,
Churg-Strauss syndrome: 0,19, 0,52, 0,65, 1,00, 13,93, 110,53, 380,00, 447,50, 728,98, 825,27
Chylopéricarde: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 22,50, 130,00, 251,23, 493,50, 555,08, 754,37, 815,68,
Cimeterre Syndrome: 0,08, 0,35, 5,15, 55,75, 85,27, 92,50, 355,72, 477,50, 527,00, 661,71,
Cinétose: 0,15, 0,23, 0,68, 0,83, 72,52, 137,57, 292,61, 537,30, 822,59, 921,05
Cinquième maladie: 0,07, 0,24, 0,65, 0,90, 2,50, 27,50, 155,36, 215,70, 375,54, 522,53,
Cirrhose du foie: 0,11, 0,55, 0,95, 5,50, 17,50, 37.50, 162.50, 383,50, 421,00, 645,25,
Cirrhose hépatique: 0,11, 0,55, 0,95, 5,50, 17,50, 37.50, 162.50, 383,50, 421,00, 645,25,
Cirrhose: 0,08, 0,55, 0,57, 7,50, 8,00, 12,69, 140,00, 363,02, 492,53, 912,48,
Cirrhose: 0,11, 0,55, 0,95, 5,50, 17,50, 37.50, 162.50, 383,50, 421,00, 645,25,
Clark, le Dr Hulda: (7-20-7-20-7-20) 30,00, 0,00, 0,00, 30,00, 0,00, 0,00, 30,00, 0,00, 0,00, 0,00
Claudication intermittente: 0,08, 0,24, 0,57, 7,50, 12,05, 2,50, 42,50, 271,50, 415,70, 675,68,
Claustrophobie: 0,02, 0,23, 0,65, 16,95, 73,50, 120,53, 355,54, 607,59, 816,51, 979,93
Cliquez-systoliques Murmur Syndrome: 0,04, 0,24, 49,71, 132,85, 235,51, 321,51, 405,62, 592,52, 654,32, 779,50,
Clonorchis sinensis Parasites: 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 122,50, 322,60, 425,70, 428,75, 427,00
COAD: 0,37, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 15,31, 87,50, 209,22, 302,34, 408,11, 532,67
Coagulation du sang: 0,07, 0,52, 30,00, 47,50, 150,00, 225,16, 476,50, 527,00, 663,71, 742,00,
Coagulation intravasculaire disséminée: 0,13, 0,72, 0,92, 9,50, 128,00, 302,50, 432,50, 597,50, 773,91, 901,17,
Coagulopathie de consommation: 0,13, 0,72, 0,92, 9,50, 128,00, 302,50, 432,50, 597,50, 773,91, 901,17,
Coccidioïdomycose: 0,04, 0,24, 0,65, 0,85, 2,50, 13,06, 119,50, 695,00, 722,70, 932,41,
Coenuriasis: 0,24, 0,70, 40,00, 72,50, 97,50, 336,42, 475,19, 527,00, 662,71, 752,70
Coeur Anomalies: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 5,25, 7,25, 52,51, 167,53, 326,16, 569,71, 719,34,
Coeur élargi: 0,13, 0,26, 23,80, 135,60, 390,00, 404,37, 515,16, 687,62, 712,81, 992,00,
Coeur gauche Syndrome, hypoplasie: 0,07, 0,18, 0,75, 0,83, 2,50, 7,50, 150,00, 379,93, 425,68, 932,00
Coeur Hypertrophie: 0,13, 0,26, 23,80, 135,60, 390,00, 404,37, 515,16, 687,62, 712,81, 992,00,
Coeur septales Défauts: 0,14, 0,22, 0,65, 5,29, 7,85, 51.02, 167.50, 324.37, 551.03, 725.52
Col de l’utérus de la douleur: 0,08, 0,49, 0,73, 0,80, 7,50, 142,53, 285,02, 412,03, 528,23, 775,56
Col de l’utérus Incompetence: 0,04, 0,40, 0,68, 5,09, 7,50, 37,00, 96,50, 180,00, 792,00, 985,67
Colic: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 1,00, 7,50, 155,98, 396,50, 415,70, 575,27, 927,00,
Colique aganglionose: 0,13, 0,52, 0,75, 5,52, 8,22, 47,50, 72,51, 126,33, 275,56, 475,22,
Colite granulomateuse: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 87,50, 480,00, 525,29, 825,00
Colite, muqueux: 0,23, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 22,50, 151,68, 312,50, 432,50, 705,67, 869,34,
Colite, pseudomembraneuse: 0,28, 0,75, 0,81, 0,98, 107,41, 128,31, 176,21, 517,10, 609,42, 717,21
Colite, ulcéreuse: 0,13, 0,25, 0,73, 5,75, 7,50, 55,50, 122,50, 442,50, 625,71, 875,27,
COLOBOME: 0,19, 0,18, 0,60, 12,19, 25,15, 117,00, 395,50, 620,00, 745,98, 997,50,
Colon , Irritable: 0,23, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 22,50, 151,68, 312,50, 432,50, 705,67, 869,34,
Coma, hyperglycémique / molaire non cétosique: 0,17, 0,18, 0,84, 7,59, 87,32, 132,51, 345,03, 657,50, 792,50, 925,79,
Coma: 0,17, 0,18, 0,84, 8,12, 87,32, 132,51, 345,03, 657,50, 792,50, 925,79
Complexe d’Eisenmenger: 0,02, 0,24, 0,70, 0,87, 2,50, 17,50, 75,34, 197,50, 315,70, 419,34
Complexe Triple-Symptôme: 0,11, 0,55, 0,85, 16,20, 47,50, 376,29, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00
Complexe Type syndrome douloureux régional II: 0,11, 0,57, 0,80, 62,50, 96,50, 210,50, 475,00, 667,00, 742,00, 988,90
Comprehensive Cancer, Focus sur la leucémie, le lymphome, le cerveau, les sarcomes, le sang, le cancer des os
Comprend BX Virus Carcinome PAR Sarcome, Ecoli, Méningite, Strep et Staph
Compression Neuropathie canal carpien: 0,03, 0,65, 12,33, 30,00, 182,23, 225,17, 534,50, 667,00, 742,00, 986,22
Condylomes acuminés: 0,16, 0,35, 17,50, 37,50, 210,50, 476,50, 527,00, 665,34, 789,00, 987,23
Conjonctivales Maladies: 0,17, 0,52, 0,60, 0,85, 118,20, 227,50, 455,95, 560,00, 750,00, 975,75,
Conjonctivite: 0,17, 0,52, 0,60, 0,85, 225,53, 327,50, 455,95, 760,00, 850,00, 969,71
Contigu Syndrome Gene, Williams: 0,14, 0,41, 8,00, 30,00, 57,50, 125,00, 357,77, 689,93, 750,00, 934,25
Contractures Arachnodactylie: 0,07, 0,29, 38,22, 49,00, 53,89, 67,95, 115,07, 502,26, 632,83, 726,77
Convergence Insuffisance: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,50, 32,50, 47,50, 162,12, 232,03, 397,50, 679,93
Convergence nystagmus: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,50, 82,00, 193,93, 237,50, 487,50, 706,21, 946,50
Convulsifs: 0,46, 0,95, 67,50, 150,00, 275.19, 519.34, 682.45, 711.21, 859.83, 922.53
Convulsions Jackknife: 06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19 ,,
Convulsions: 0,46, 0,95, 67,50, 150,00, 275.19, 519.34, 682.45, 711.21, 859.83, 922.53
Coqueluche: 0,10, 0,35, 0,95, 13,61, 27,50, 47,50, 60,00, 110,25, 425,05, 932,00,
Coqueluche: 0,10, 0,35, 0,95, 13,61, 27,50, 47,50, 60,00, 110,25, 425,05, 932,00,
Corbeau-Fukase Syndrome: 0,04, 0,22, 0,62, 13,52, 5,50, 40,00, 175,83, 432,41, 565,36, 709,83
Cornelia De Lange Syndrome: 0,07, 0,24, 0,70, 7,50, 13,52, 45,53, 137,50, 572,50, 715,70, 903,50
Coronaviridae Infections: 0,08, 0,35, 5,75, 12,93, 63,47, 182,50, 435,29, 562,50, 793,50, 995,75,
Corps Rougeole Encéphalite: 0,05, 1,52, 5,69, 55,15, 375,03, 479,93, 527,00, 662,71, 789,00, 987,23
Corpus Luteum Kyste: 0,06, 0,40, 0,83, 5,25, 85,47, 132,20, 247,50, 530,20, 618,20, 880,30
Cortical hyperostose, congénitale: 0,12, 0,25, 0,70, 1,07, 2,75, 14,53, 32,50, 92,50, 356,72, 425,58,
Corticobasale (CBGD): 0,12, 0,27, 7,61, 32,85, 98,09, 222,55, 462,52, 602,51, 743,12, 905,15,
Coryza aiguë: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 7,50, 120,00, 315,50, 472,50, 725,75, 850,00, 975,98
Costal Chondrite: 0,05, 0,24, 15,75, 45,00, 93,50, 376,29, 512,33, 689,93, 759,83, 925,71
Costello Syndrome: 0,06, 0,32, 0,73, 0,85, 10,89, 66,30, 185,29, 253,04, 735,30, 957,50,
Costochondrite: 0,05, 0,24, 15,75, 45,00, 93,50, 376,29, 512,33, 689,93, 759,83, 925,71
Costoclavicular Syndrome: 0,02, 0,40, 7,25, 20,00, 55,00, 92,50, 222,70, 475,11, 527,00, 987,23
Couleur Anomia: 0,52, 0,80, 7,50, 37.50, 175.33, 275.00, 379,93, 450,00, 519,68, 883,00,
Couleur Vision Défauts: 0,20, 0,46, 0,75, 8,89, 12,71, 57,50, 301,20, 617,50, 747,50, 891,35,
Court syndrome du côlon: 0,18, 0,30, 45,75, 72,50, 92,50, 375,19, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 727,05
Cowden maladie: 0,06, 0,26, 0,68, 9,00, 10,89, 45,91, 125,29, 526,16, 652,43, 750,00
Coxa Plana: 0,04, 0,32, 0,70, 0,87, 5,78, 32,50, 181,93, 621,69, 705,54, 815,70
Cramp: 0,13, 0,40, 0,62, 3,83, 35,25, 132,25, 282,50, 327,50, 522,50, 748,00
Crampes de chaleur: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 0,85, 7,50, 20,00, 57,50, 150,00, 225,52, 322,06
Crânienne Nerve II Maladies: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,29, 47,50, 275.52, 425.29, 571.00, 813.00
Crânienne Nerve III Maladies: 0,13, 0,40, 0,73, 0,83, 5,75, 7,25, 142.50, 557.50, 792.50, 891.00
Crâniennes Maladies nerveuses: 0,06, 0,26, 0,95, 5,15, 27,25, 42,50, 95,95, 427,50, 607,00, 862,02,
Crâniennes Nerve IX Maladies: 0,07, 0,57, 0,95, 2,25, 125.25, 320.00, 437.50, 593.50, 615.70, 824.37
Crâniennes Nerve VII Maladies: 0.08, 0.32, 0.610, 2.27, 44.25, 115.71, 255.48, 485.00, 856.72, 697,50
Crâniennes péridurale Hématome: 0,37, 0,97, 2,50, 17,50, 71,50, 96,50, 179,93, 224,37, 451,22, 567,21
Craniopharyngiome, Adamantinous: 0,15, 1,35, 16,75, 81,93, 118,85, 282,50, 315,95, 523,50, 775,29, 954,50,
Craniopharyngiome, papillaire: 0,15, 1,35, 16,75, 81,93, 118,85, 282,50, 315,95, 523,50, 775,29, 954,50,
Craniopharyngiome: 0,15, 1,35, 16,75, 81,93, 118,85, 282,50, 315,95, 523,50, 775,29, 954,50,
Craniorachischisis: 0,03, 0,24, 0,85, 2,50, 5,87, 85,00, 96,50, 175,87, 357,77, 452,59
Crâniosynostoses: 0,03, 0,32, 0,73, 0,95, 10,30, 21,80, 85.29, 234.51, 482.50, 717.52
Crétinisme: 0,19, 0,52, 0,68, 9,08, 112,83, 217,50, 335,00, 547,50, 725,28, 925,00
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome: 0,07, 0,12, 0,75, 0,93, 15,09, 24,40, 417,50, 505,00, 791,50, 995,15,,
Creutzfeldt-Jakob, une nouvelle variante: 0,07, 0,12, 0,75, 0,93, 17,50, 29,00, 412,00, 515,00, 791,50, 995,15,
Cri du chat syndrome: 0,16, 0,55, 9,85, 87,50, 162,50, 212,50, 452,50, 597,50, 650,00, 726,07
Crises convulsives: 0,46, 0,95, 67,50, 150,00, 275.19, 519.34, 682.45, 711.21, 859.83, 922.53
Cross Infection: 0,06, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 2,75, 17,50, 62,50, 195,95, 491,00, 769,71
Croupe: 0,04, 0,49, 0,82, 9,80, 67,50, 215,50, 332,50, 441,12, 625,29, 810,50,
Cruveilhier-Baumgarten S .: 0,04, 0,40, 0,78, 1,21, 52,78, 122,85, 315,00, 487,50, 725,79, 915,70,
Cryoglobulinémie: 0,15, 0,24, 0,65, 0,97, 12,71, 27,30, 212,50, 435,29, 695,75, 875,95,
Cryptococcose: 0,97, 1,12, 17,75, 51,20, 131,02, 217,50, 517,50, 653,00, 772,29, 956,03,
Cryptocotyle lingua parasites (adulte): 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 122,50, 322,60, 409,95, 416,00, 414,00
Cryptogénique Pneumonie: 0,03, 0,25, 10,53, 7,50, 95,15, 312,33, 455,82, 517,50, 688,29, 843,50
Cryptogénique Spasmes Infantile: 06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19 ,,
Cryptorchidie: 0,07, 0,57, 0,85, 10,89, 2,50, 25,29, 152,50, 324,37, 455,72, 879,93,
Cryptosporidiose: 0,11, 0,84, 1,71, 12,81, 82,50, 112,50, 235,95, 657,50, 802,50, 925,29,
Cuada Equina Syndrome: 0,11, 0,49, 0,78, 12,50, 43,00, 122,50, 262,50, 555,34, 692,50, 819,34,
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 2,50, 22,50, 147,50, 472,50, 725,00, 851,03, 975,29,
Currarino Syndrome: 0,07, 0,37, 0,85, 2,50, 3,00, 62,50, 95,75, 375,29, 633,91, 875,00
Cutaneous Larve Migrans: 0,07, 0,37, 0,70, 0,85, 5,69, 7,25, 30,00, 55,54, 93,50, 322,06,
Cutis Elastica: 0,15, 0,18, 0,93, 2,75, 125,34, 246,20, 405,00, 731,50, 826,50, 921,34
Cutis Laxa: 0,04, 0,37, 0,85, 2,75, 3,00, 65,75, 95,29, 475,00, 650,00, 825,75
Cyanose: 0,20, 0,25, 0,78, 2,50, 12,85, 117,50, 295,29, 432,41, 751,17, 917,50,
Cyclospora: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 7,50, 12,33, 325,50, 440,00, 672,50, 797,50, 925,95,
Cyclothymique Personnalité: 0,15, 0,23, 0,60, 0,95, 7,50, 18,30, 155,03, 517,50, 696,50, 893,00,
Cyst thoracique: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 22,50, 130,00, 251,23, 493,50, 555,08, 754,37, 815,68,
Cystic Fibrosis: 0,10, 0,50, 0,68, 0,83, 190,89, 312,50, 452,50, 687,50, 795,69, 892,50,
Cysticercose, cerveau: 0,13, 0,52, 0,73, 13,61, 125,29, 255,56, 372,58, 551,23, 673,29, 713,72
Cysticercose, Nerfs: 0,13, 0,52, 0,73, 13,61, 125,29, 255.56, 372.58, 551.23, 673.29, 713.72
Cysticercose: 0,08, 0,35, 0,75, 17,93, 119,00, 217,50, 385,95, 620,00, 781,33, 903,50,
Cystinose: 0,06, 0,32, 0,73, 0,83, 12,33, 20,00, 85,00, 150,00, 95,31, 122,53
Cystinurie: 0,23, 0,85, 10,53, 28,21, 17,50, 41,90, 62,50, 150,00, 326,07, 975,31
Cystite interstitielle chronique: 0,04, 0,46, 0,80, 2,25, 113,95, 232,50, 335,69, 587,50, 821,00, 975,31,
Cystite interstitielle: 0,04, 0,46, 0,80, 2,25, 113,95, 232,50, 335,69, 587,50, 821,00, 975,31,
Cystites interstitielles: 0,04, 0,46, 0,80, 2,25, 113,95, 232,50, 335,69, 587,50, 821,00, 975,31,
Cysts d’arachnoïde: 0,16, 0,60, 0,90, 2,50, 3,00, 125,09, 225,33, 344,50, 490, 56, 807,22
Cytomégaliques maladie d’inclusion: 0,07, 0,12, 0,85, 9,50, 88,00, 141,20, 297,50, 425,95, 675,31, 827,00
Cytomégalovirus Infections: 0,07, 0,12, 0,85, 9,50, 88,00, 141,20, 297,50, 425,95, 675,31, 827,00


Daltonisme: 0,20, 0,46, 0,75, 8,89, 12,71, 57,50, 301,20, 617,50, 747,50, 891,35,
Dandy-Walker Malformation: 0,10, 0,57, 0,80, 7,50, 17,50, 52,50, 199,30, 445,21, 675,62, 821,43
Dandy-Walker Syndrome: 0,10, 0,57, 0,80, 7,50, 17,50, 52,50, 199,30, 445,21, 675,62, 821,43
Darier-Blanche maladie: 0,16, 0,49, 0,62, 0,85, 13,39, 71,50, 142,21, 392,50, 677,91, 715,70
De Lange Syndrome: 0,07, 0,24, 0,70, 7,50, 13,52, 45,53, 137,50, 572,50, 715,70, 903,50
De prématurité Rétinopathie: 0,16, 0,57, 0,78, 0,95, 8,50, 95,69, 217,52, 491,00, 524,37, 892,41
De Quervain Thyroïdite: 0,14, 0,25, 0,60, 2,50, 32,50, 112,33, 319,34, 525,71, 753,07, 900,00
De Salmonella Gut : 0,18, 0,57, 1,85, 7,50, 329,00, 354,00, 386,00, 380,00, 575,28, 724,37
De Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada: 0,15, 0,93, 5,09, 17,50, 35,75, 73,30, 125,00, 375,09, 830,00, 932,00,
Décollement de la rétine: 0,08, 0,46, 1,00, 7,50, 217,50, 327,50, 452,50, 665,75, 796,50, 834,25,
Décompensation cardiaque: 0,14, 0,22, 0,75, 5,29, 7,25, 50,00, 167,50, 334,25, 425,00, 805,29,
Défaut pupillaire différent: 0,02, 0,24, 1,57, 9,85, 201,75, 364,00, 423,01, 697,30, 875,93, 979,53,
Déficience en facteur VII: 0,08, 0,22, 0,73, 2,50, 5,71, 50,00, 322,53, 415,70, 566,41, 707,26,
Deficiency Syndromes immunologique: 0,02, 0,30, 0,85, 32,88, 234,51, 425,68, 571,00, 879,00, 938,00,
Déficit de Biotinidase: 0,19, 0,35, 13,52, 90,00, 355,08, 475,16, 527,00, 667,00, 789,00, 986,22
Déficit en acide ascorbique: 0,05, 0,73, 2,95, 47,50, 222,53, 452,59, 517,50, 683,00, 712,00, 993,41,
Déficit en cystathionine maladie: 0,24, 0,73, 0,83, 7,50, 30,00, 57,50, 95,87, 97,50, 424,94, 562,91
Déficit en facteur XII: 0,05, 0,12, 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 45,00, 325,43, 515,70, 682,45, 755,49
Déficit immunitaire combiné sévère: 0,07, 0,24, 35,19, 150,00, 375,00, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 969,67
Déformation de Sprengel: 0,14, 0,30, 0.95,178.72, 375,17, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 761,85, 988,90
Dégénérescence hépatolenticulaire: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 7,50, 22,50, 42,50, 125,22, 275,56, 533,63, 652,43,
Dejerine-Roussy Syndrome: 0,02, 0,22, 25,00, 55,75, 125,00, 229,32, 450,00, 515,16, 712,81, 993,41,
Dejerine-Sottas maladie: (0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 20,00, 87,50, 342,06, 635,31, 834,45,
Dejerine-Thomas Syndrome: 0,08, 0,41, 0,80, 57,19, 105,50, 212,50, 385,00, 426,16, 675,52, 875,29
Delusionary parasitose: 0,16, 0,30, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 356,72, 451,17, 483,52, 680,00,
Démangeaisons: 0,06, 0,49, 9,65, 57,50, 219,51, 370,40, 472,50, 625,31, 725,87, 871,00,
Démence artériosclérotique: 0,06, 0,26, 0,65, 5,71, 7,00, 42,50, 92,50, 478,50, 527,00, 667,00
Démence précoce: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,85, 132,50, 337,50, 524,37, 758,57, 955,72,
Démence sénile Alzheimer : 0,11, 7,50, 67,50, 92,50, 377,91, 453,72, 515,16, 688,29, 712,00, 995,38,
Démence vasculaire: 0,06, 0,26, 0,65, 5,71, 7,00, 42,50, 92,50, 478,50, 527,00, 667,00,
Démence, Alzheimer Type: 0,11, 7,50, 67,50, 92,50, 377,91, 453,72, 515,16, 688,29, 712,00, 995,38,
Démence, corps de Lewy: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 2,50, 40,00, 87,50, 150,00, 375,69, 519,34
Démence, sénile: 0,11, 7,50, 67,50, 92,50, 377,91, 453,72, 515,16, 688,29, 712,00, 995,38,
Démences, Transmissibles: 0,09, 0,23, 1,95, 8,85, 44,11, 72,41, 125,21, 433,50, 541,50, 621,61
Démences: 0,09 Transmissibles, 0,23, 1,95, 8,85, 44,11, 72,41, 125,21, 433,50, 541,50, 621,61,
Dementia: 0,06, 0,26, 0,65, 5,15, 7,00, 42,50, 92,50, 475,95, 527,00, 661,71,
Dengue: 0,16, 0,55, 1,85, 17,50, 82,50, 192,50, 352,50, 519,34, 750,00, 824,37,
Dengue: 0,16, 0,55, 1,85, 17,50, 82,50, 192,50, 352,50, 519,34, 750,00, 824,37,
dentaire complète, santé bucco – dentaire, comprend parodontopathie
Dentaires / Jaw Cavitations: 0,17, 0,37, 0,90, 2,75, 5,12, 52,50, 90,00, 234,25, 842,00, 937,41,
Dentigère Cyst: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 7,50, 20,00, 47,50, 95,31, 210,50, 475,95, 527,00,
Depressive Syndrome: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 15,50, 41,09, 465,69, 597,50, 722,70, 875,93
Dermatite eczémateuse: 0,08, 0,41, 9,80, 87,50, 202,50, 345,00, 607,50, 725,83, 850,00, 924,37
Dermatite exfoliative: 0,03, 0,41, 1,62, 8,95, 109,50, 252,93, 387,50, 691,02, 822,06, 928,33
Dermatite herpétiforme: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 9,35, 27,50, 229,31, 487,50, 590,00, 725,00, 925,31
Dermatite pustulaire contagieuse: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 125,31, 387,50, 682,10, 822,06, 925,93,
Dermatite pustuleuse contagieuse: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 125,31, 387,50, 682,10, 822,06, 925,93,
Dermatite, Actinic: 0,13, 0,24, 1,70, 34,87, 62,25, 102,75, 232,50, 425,54, 725,35, 869,71
Dermatite: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 125,31, 387,50, 682,10, 822,06, 925,93,
Dermatofibroma: 0,02, 0,41, 0,90, 2,75, 5,87, 15,56, 73,30, 192,50, 533,63, 734,25
Dermatolysis: 0,04, 0,37, 0,85, 2,75, 3,00, 65,75, 95,29, 475,00, 650,00, 825,75
Dermatomegaly: 0,04, 0,37, 0,85, 2,75, 3,00, 65,75, 95,29, 475,00, 650,00, 825,75
Dermatomycoses: 0,02, 0,75, 2,62, 5,95, 8,50, 125.69, 262.50, 592.50, 758.57, 823.44
Dermatomyosite: 0,02, 0,75, 2,42, 5,35, 8,52, 125,69, 262,50, 561,50, 728,57, 802,44
Dermatophytoses: 0,02, 0,75, 2,62, 5,95, 8,50, 125.69, 262.50, 592.50, 758.57, 823.44
Dermatose neutrophilique: 0,19, 0,37, 7,25, 45,75, 96,50, 325,00, 519,34, 655,20, 750,00, 922,53
Dermatoses: 0,19, 0,37, 7,25, 45,75, 96,50, 325,00, 519.34, 655.20, 750.00, 922.53
Dermoid Cyst: 0,05, 0,49, 1,52, 9,85, 85,25, 405,50, 532,50, 637,50, 721,62, 852,09,
Dermoid: 0,05, 0,49, 1,52, 9,85, 85,25, 405,50, 532,50, 637,50, 721,62, 852,09,
Des cellules de Merkel tumeur: 0,08, 0,12, 0,85, 5,16, 22,40, 43,10, 87,22, 97,50, 355,72, 434,50, 515,00
Des maladies démyélinisantes: 0,07, 0,12, 0,75, 0,93, 12,85, 22,50, 57,50, 672.50, 803.50, 935.31,
Des maladies des ongles: 0,05, 0,37, 0,95, 2,75, 7,50, 22,50, 47,50, 607,50, 834,56, 911,87
Des maladies des voies respiratoires: 0,10, 0,55, 0,73, 0,87, 67,20, 172,85, 230,00, 533,20, 675,95, 875,29
Des maladies gastro-intestinales: 0,02, 0,52, 0,70, 0,90, 2,50, 5,25, 15,47, 142,50, 292,50, 821,06
Des troubles du mouvement: 0,02, 0,24, 0,95, 2,50, 25,78, 172,50, 296,50, 475,58, 576,29, 772,20
Desmoïde: 0,05, 0,23, 0,95, 13,39, 121,59, 285,43, 315,91, 472,50, 612,50, 930,00
Detox: (extraction de toxine) 0,20, 0,14, 0,33, 0,42, 0,44, 0,55, 0,52, 0,76, 0,78, 1,86,
Detox: (foie, reins, des ganglions lymphatiques, l’ intestin, du poumon ): 0,03, 0,54, 0,75, 0,02, 0,24, 0,15, 0,52, 0,44, 0,64, 0,18
Detox: [Baklayan – Allemagne set: 2 jeux ci – dessous]
Deuxième maladies des nerfs crâniens: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,29, 47,50, 275.52, 425.29, 571.00, 813.00
Devic Disease: 0,05, 0,57, 0,60, 2,25, 5,29, 37,50, 375,56, 475,29, 527,00, 831,90,
Diabète de soudaines: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 429,70, 478,23, 895,00, 951,30
Diabète de type 2 Fréquence 465,00 pendant 1-2 heures par jour
Diabète de type 3 Fréquence 787,00 pendant 1-2 heures par jour
Diabète insipide: 0,16, 0,24, 0,68, 110,97, 202,50, 367,00, 420,35, 422,30, 792,90, 935,31,
Diabète sucré, à évolution lente: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 421,00, 465,00, 895,00, 951,30
Diabète sucré, Stable: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 421,00, 465,00, 895,00, 951,30
Diabète symptômes Hyperglycémie: Fréquence 657,50 pour réduire les symptômes (1 heure)
Diabetes Maturité-Onset: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 421,00, 465,00, 895,00, 951,30
Diabetes Mellitus maturité Onset: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 421,00, 465,00, 895,00, 951,30
Diabetes, Bronze: 0,12, 0,35, 0,85, 189,59, 287,58, 342,52, 467,50, 591,29, 619,34, 897,01
Diabétique Acidose: 0,16, 0,41, 0,77, 8,93, 32,25, 43,01, 112,52, 421,35, 422,30, 802,59,
diabétique liée à la fatigue chronique et l’obésité Fréquence 347.51 1-2 heures par jour
Diabétique névralgie: 0,16, 0,41, 0,77, 8,93, 32,25, 43,01, 112,52, 421,35, 422,30, 802,59,
Diabétique polyneuropathie: 0,16, 0,41, 0,77, 8,93, 32,25, 43,01, 112,52, 421,35, 422,30, 802,59,
Dialyse rénale: 0,06, 0,50, 0,87, 12,85, 27,50, 141,59, 301,23, 453,02, 783,40, 825,03
Dialyse, extracorporelle: 0,06, 0,50, 0,87, 12,85, 27,50, 141,59, 301,23, 453,02, 783,40, 825,03
Dialyse, rénale: 0,06, 0,50, 0,87, 12,85, 27,50, 141,59, 301,23, 453,02, 783,40, 825,03
Diastématomyélie: 0,03, 0,24, 0,85, 2,50, 5,87, 85,00, 96,50, 175,87, 357,77, 452,59
DIDMOAD: 0,20, 0,46, 2,50, 7,50, 37.50, 96.50, 222,70, 527,00, 749,00, 985,67
Dientamoeba fragilis Parasites: 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 122,50, 322,60, 401,35, 406,05, 404,00
Dientamoebose: 0,07, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 3,00, 62,50, 195,31, 375,00, 575,31, 875,69
Dies ectodermiques anhidrotiques: 0,13, 0,52, 0,83, 8,50, 12,53, 145,83, 262,50, 397,50, 633,91, 825,17
Difformités: 0,04, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 215,69, 347,25, 532,50, 742,50, 896,50, 975,98
Diffuse cérébrale en plaques: 0,25, 0,78, 0,93, 10,89, 7,50, 95,90, 322,53, 415,70, 562,91, 742,06,
Diffuse douleur myofasciale S .: 0,04, 0,49, 0,78, 7,50, 118,00, 215,43, 362,51, 422,06, 608,41, 751,20
Diffuse Lewy Body: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 2,50, 40,00, 87,50, 150,00, 375,69, 519,34
Diffuse parenchyme du poumon: 0,05, 0,24, 0,60, 0,97, 7,50, 35,62, 117,52, 402,06, 675,62, 823,01
Dihydroptéridine reductase: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 5,85, 72,50, 135,00, 367,50, 550,30, 725,34, 920,32,
Diphtérie: 0,09, 0,25, 0,78, 2,75, 12,69, 7,50, 95,83, 334,25, 453,72, 515,31,
Diphyllobothriase: 0,02, 0,24, 0,70, 7,50, 18,21, 145,50, 407,50, 712,50, 827,50, 921,06
Diplégie spastique: 0,06, 0,32, 20,00, 85,75, 150,00, 225,00, 222,70, 454,50, 515,17, 687,62
Diplégique Infantile Cbl. Infirmité motrice: 0,06, 0,32, 20,00, 85,75, 150,00, 225,00, 222,70, 454,50, 515,17, 687,62
Diplopie: 0,26, 0,65, 10,53, 5,15, 42,50, 65,31, 95,90, 225,83, 455,82, 805,31,
Dipylidiasis: 0,24, 0,70, 40,00, 72,50, 97,50, 336,42, 475,19, 527,00, 662,71, 752,70
Disorder saisie: 0,07, 0,18, 0,73, 0,87, 5,71, 7,25, 22,50, 97,50, 375,35, 500,00, 655,20, 751,87, 932,41
Disque Glissé: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 7,50, 2,75, 40,00, 275,65, 475,68, 527,00, 667,00
Disque optique Oedème: 0,05, 0,40, 0,85, 2,50, 13,98, 12,71, 95,47, 233,91, 426,90, 571,00,
Disque, Hernie: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 7,50, 2,75, 40,00, 275,65, 475,68, 527,00, 667,00
Dissociation auriculo-ventriculaire: 0,07, 0,22, 0,70, 2,75, 7,25, 50,00, 67,50, 115,70, 356,72, 475,52
Dissociation: 0,11, 0,49, 0,97, 17,30, 29,50, 422,50, 602,50, 715,31, 803,50, 924,37,
Distal Trisomie: 0,12, 0,35, 3,95, 47,50, 87,50, 127,50, 325,90, 526,50, 708,57, 872,93
Distichiasis: 0,08, 0,41, 0,80, 7,50, 2,50, 30,00, 65,31, 125,00, 355,72, 422,53,
Diverticule Arachnoïde: 0,16, 0,60, 0,90, 2,50, 3,00, 125,09, 225,33, 344,50, 490,56, 807,22
Diverticule de Meckel: 0,07, 0,12, 0,62, 3,78, 12,69, 27,50, 57,50, 126,16, 150,00, 403,86,
Diverticule de Zenker: 0,23, 7,50, 22,50, 35,05, 95,00, 375,33, 424,37, 563,19, 714,82, 978,05
Diverticule de Zenker: 0,23, 7,50, 22,50, 35,05, 95,00, 375,33, 424,37, 563,19, 714,82, 978,05
Diverticulite: 0,19, 0,23, 0,85, 2,25, 20,00, 17,50, 41,02, 662,50, 834,00, 913,70,
Donovanosis: 0,03, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 88,00, 370,50, 547,50, 656,50, 725,37, 825,52
Douleur au dos: 0,14, 0,40, 7,50, 55,00, 96,50, 376,29, 425,09, 571,00, 833,00, 932,00,
Douleur du visage Syndromes: 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 5,17, 55,83, 115,71, 255,48, 485,00, 697,50, 856,72
Douleur thoracique: 0,10, 0,26, 0,65, 5,81, 7,00, 42,50, 234,25, 475,19, 627,00, 762,71
Dracunculiasis: 0,10, 0,57, 0,80, 54,71, 195,31, 352,50, 595,90, 619,34, 797,61, 891,27
Dracunculose: 0,10, 0,57, 0,80, 54,71, 195,31, 352,50, 595,90, 619,34, 797,61, 891,27
Droit hypertrophies ventriculaires: 0,12, 0,57, 0,95, 5,58, 20,00, 145,79, 262,50, 393,50, 734,51, 919,34
Du troisième nerf crânien Paralysie: 0,13, 0,40, 0,73, 0,83, 5,75, 7,25, 142,50, 557,50, 792,50, 891,00
Duane Rétractation: 0,04, 9,46, 44,30, 194,71, 207,50, 330,00, 537,50, 605,83, 754,03, 825,31
Duane Syndrome: 0,04, 9,46, 44,30, 194,71, 207,50, 330,00, 537,50, 605,83, 754,03, 825,31
Dubin-Johnson Syndrome: 0,20, 0,46, 0,60, 2,50, 13,00, 35,78, 187,50, 235,00, 395,62, 805,70
Duncan Syndrome de: 0,12, 0,35, 0,87, 7,50, 25,00, 35,68, 87,50, 93,50, 234,51, 519,34
Dupuytren: 0,07, 0,82, 5,85, 12,71, 25,40, 341,00, 415,70, 734,51, 819,34, 982,02
Dysautonomie familiale: 0,14, 0,25, 0,85, 5,25, 7,25, 325,00, 587,50, 745,31, 815,90, 927,00,
Dyscalculie: 0,15, 0,23, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 212,85, 455,98, 557,50, 796,50, 891,50,
Dysembryoma: 0,12, 0,90, 5,25, 27,50, 57,50, 222,53, 425,11, 571,00, 838,00, 937,41,
Dysentery: 0,23, 0,97, 5,83, 7,25, 17,50, 67,50, 234,25, 522,53, 655,20, 751,87,
Dysfonctionnement cérébral, Minimal: 0,04, 0,25, 0,46, 0,32, 0,52, 0,75, 42,50, 87,50, 132,41, 376,29
Dysgénésie gonadique, 45, X: 0,07, 0,57, 0,73, 2,50, 50,00, 150,00, 475,00, 527,00, 663,71, 776,50
Dysgénésie gonadique, XO: 0,07, 0,57, 0,73, 2,50, 50,00, 150,00, 475,00, 527,00, 663,71, 776,50
Dyshidrosis: 0,08, 0,41, 9,80, 87,50, 202,50, 345,00, 607,50, 725,83, 850,00, 924,37
Dyskinésie ciliaire, primaire: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 7,50, 18,00, 27,50, 135.67,225.62, 635,23, 917,02
Dyskinésie Syndromes: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,50, 32,50, 47,50, 162,12, 232,03, 397,50, 679,93
Dyskinésie tardive: 0,06, 7,00, 22,50, 479,50, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70, 987,23
Dyslexie Symptômes: 0,18, 0,25, 5,61, 18,50, 41,50, 126,51, 325.81, 472.00, 538.10, 614.01
Dyslipidémies: 0,07, 0,23, 0,97, 14,03, 32,50, 72,91, 135,34, 497,50, 675,00, 954,37
Dyslipoprotéinémies: 0,07, 0,23, 0,97, 14,03, 32,50, 72,91, 135,34, 497,50, 675,00, 954,37
Dysmétrie: 0,10, 0,83, 10,89, 2,50, 52,50, 87,50, 95,19, 214,35, 552,59, 719,68,
Dysmorphophobies: 0,07, 0,57, 23,10, 50,00, 375,19, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 753,23, 986,22
Dysnomie: 0,52, 0,80, 7,50, 37,50, 175,33, 275,00, 379,93, 450,00, 519,68, 883,00,
Dysostose cléidocrânienne: 0,17, 0,52, 0,62, 0,85, 20,30, 97,50, 155,27, 562,50, 753,20, 850,00
Dysostose craniofaciale: 0,09, 3,50, 12,68, 51,89, 110,30, 292,50, 452,50, 695,75, 825,29, 953,72,
Dysostose craniofaciale: 0,09, 3,50, 12,68, 51,89, 110,30, 292,50, 452,50, 695,75, 825,29, 953,72,
Dyspareunie: 0,15, 0,18, 0,93, 2,75, 137,53, 263,02, 402,50, 571,15, 796,53, 825,34,
Dyspepsie: 0,08, 0,12, 17,85, 57,71, 122,02, 241,40, 485,83, 597,54, 725,38, 851,17
Dysphagie: 0,07, 0,22, 0,62, 2,75, 5,50, 40,00, 100,00, 522,53, 682,45, 754,19
Dysphasie: 0,14, 0,62, 0,85, 12,85, 5,07, 453,72, 515,09, 684,81, 712,81, 993,41,
Dysplasie artério-hépatique: 0,08, 0,80, 0,95, 22,50, 57,50, 175,00, 419,34, 563,19, 813,96, 983,17
Dysplasie broncho-pulmonaire: 0,04, 0,23, 0,95, 7,50, 10,89, 55,15, 376,29, 534,25, 655,20, 904,10,
Dysplasie cléidocrânienne: 0,17, 0,52, 0,62, 0,85, 20,30, 97,50, 155,27, 562,50, 753,20, 850,00,
Dysplasie de VR arythmogénique: 0,05, 0,40, 0,85, 2,75, 5,00, 55,16, 269,71, 555,30, 707,00, 825,50
Dysplasie du sein: 0,04, 0,25, 0,97, 9,00, 73,89, 123,20, 257,51, 302,58, 592,49, 875,43
Dysplasie ectodermique: 0,13, 0,52, 0,83, 8,50, 12,53, 145,83, 262,50, 397,50, 633,91, 825,17
Dysplasie Fibreuse d’os: 0,13, 0,57, 0,78, 0,90, 2,25, 144,90, 323,72, 602,53, 918,28
Dysplasie Fibreuse, polyostotique: 0,20, 0,46, 0,60, 2,25, 12,85, 144,90, 323,72, 602,53, 918,28
Dysplasie mammaire: 0,04, 0,25, 0,97, 9,00, 73,89, 123,20, 257,51, 302,58, 592,49, 875,43
Dysplasie septo-optique: 0,22, 0,97, 7,50, 85,19, 96,50, 95,75, 175,00, 524,37, 655,20, 995,20,
Dysplasie thanatophore: 0,16, 0,30, 0,57, 20,00, 37,50, 95,11, 312,33, 476,50, 527,00, 753,23,
Dysplasie, artériohépatique: 0,08, 0,80, 0,95, 22,50, 57,50, 175,00, 419,34, 563,19, 813,96, 983,17
Dyspraxie: 0,60, 1,00, 5,00, 247,88, 365,80, 454,37, 515,16, 689,41, 712,00, 997,87,
Dyst cornéenne. Héréditaire: 0,04, 0,24, 11,45, 48,15, 132,79, 209,27, 332,30, 592,50, 775,29, 819,34,
Dystonie cervicale: 0,18, 0,30, 5,50, 22,50, 40,00, 96,50, 332,41, 475,11, 667,00, 752,70,
Dystonie: 0,08, 0,50, 0,83, 11,70, 58,87, 330,21, 417,32, 653,02, 822,01, 971,32
Dystrophia brevicollis Congenita: 0,03, 0,52, 0,62, 0,93, 7,50, 12,71, 85,00, 96,50, 300,00, 225,54
Dystrophie de Groenouw: 0,04, 0,24, 11,45, 48,15, 132,79, 209,27, 332,30, 592,50, 775,29, 819,34,
Dystrophie maculaires, cornéen: 0,04, 0,24, 11,45, 48,15, 132,79, 209,27, 332,30, 592,50, 775,29, 819,34
Dystrophie musculaire: 0,13, 0,40, 0,60, 0,83, 5,87, 47,25, 142,50, 357,52, 702,51, 882,11
Dystrophie sympathique réflexe: 0,09, 0,52, 0,65, 0,93, 5,71, 87,50, 255,31, 525,29, 675,31, 878,50


Eaton-Lambert Syndrome: 0,13, 0,32, 0,93, 2,44, 81,27, 131,61, 334,25, 415,70, 568,43, 813,96
Ebstein Anomaly: 0,26, 0,65, 11,09, 5,71, 42,50, 65,83, 92,50, 234,25, 452,59, 815,87,
Ecchymose: 0,11, 0,55, 0,80, 23,50, 117,50, 252,50, 462,50, 596,50, 797,50, 975,34
Échec Autonomique: 0.07, 8.00, 13.98, 42.50, 97.50, 325.17, 515.70, 650.00, 750.00, 927.10,
Échinococcose: 0,12, 0,55, 5,85, 81,50, 127,55, 241,52, 471,50, 625,30, 853,00, 915,09
Echinoporyphium recurvatum parasites: 2,50, 13,93, 204,51, 337,30, 388,95, 390,70, 389,00, 418,55 423,90, 421,00
Echinostoma revolutum Parasites: 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 122,50, 322,60, 425,70, 428,75, 427,00
Éclampsie: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 5,71, 7,25, 13,98, 247,50, 450,00, 695,83, 895,87,
Ecthyma, transmissibilité: 0,15, 0,83, 7,62, 67,92, 197,50, 212,85, 405,00, 527,50, 716,50, 871,20
Ectodermique Defect congénitale: 0,13, 0,52, 0,83, 8,50, 12,53, 145,83, 262,50, 397,50, 633,91, 825,17
Ectoparasites: Infestations 0,11, 1,49, 32,57, 102.25, 212.50, 432.50, 672.50, 735.34, 893.50, 930.10
Ectropion: 0,12, 0,35, 0,95, 7,50, 127,50, 247,50, 465,00, 596,50, 655,72, 875,34
Eczéma: 0,08, 0,41, 9,80, 87,50, 202,50, 345,00, 607,50, 725,83, 850,00, 924,37
Efférente pupillaire Defect: 0,02, 0,24, 1,57, 9,85, 201,75, 364,00, 423,01, 697,30, 875,93, 979,53,
Égyptien ophtalmie: 0,19, 0,37, 0,78, 0,95, 2,25, 5,25, 45,00, 65,75, 752,63, 924,37
Ehlers-Danlos: 0,15, 0,18, 0,93, 2,75, 125,34, 246,20, 405,00, 731,50, 826,50, 921,34
Ehrlichiose: 0,08, 0,12, 0,85, 58,87, 224,03, 410,20, 585,83, 626,07, 725,34, 826,90,
Eisenmenger syndrome: 0,02, 0,24, 0,70, 0,87, 2,50, 17,50, 75,34, 197,50, 315,70, 419,34
Ekbom Syndrome: 0,16, 0,57, 7,78, 23,97, 125,95, 327,50, 422,50, 590,00, 715,70, 836,42,
Elaeophoriasis: 0,19, 0,18, 0,73, 7,50, 68,00, 115,44, 322,50, 545,43, 612,37, 779,93,
Electron Transport Chain Def: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 2,50, 215,61, 355,68, 419,34, 651,10, 723,03, 868,43
Elfin Faciès Syndrome: 0,14, 0,41, 8,00, 30,00, 57,50, 125,00, 357,77, 689,93, 750,00, 934,25
Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome: 0,18, 0,62, 0,93, 9,50, 17,51, 162,81, 292,10, 317,30, 433,95, 805,19
Embolie cholestérol: 0,05, 0,57, 0,92, 2,53, 12,34, 53,02, 78,30, 158,30, 257,02, 410,00
Embolie de cholestérol: 0,05, 0,57, 0,92, 2,53, 12,34, 53,02, 78,30, 158,30, 257,02, 410,00
Embolie pulmonaire: 0,35, 0,41, 0,92, 0,97, 7,50, 13,42, 71,50, 205,41, 476,29, 515,70,
Embryopathies: 0,09, 0,37, 0,91, 128,50, 236,50, 302,27, 491,61, 651,02, 708,57, 879,21,
Emetophobia: 0,08, 0,62, 0,87, 5,81, 225,00. 423,07, 572,00, 727,33, 841,12, 903,91
Emphysème pulmonaire: 0,55, 0,41, 0,62, 1,97, 7,50, 15,93, 67,50, 209,31, 345,69, 502,51,
Empoisonnement à l’arsenic: 0,10, 0,83, 5,50, 52,50, 342,06, 458,50, 515,09, 687,62, 712,23, 995,38,
Empoisonnement de la plante: 0,13, 0,52, 1,73, 7,25, 15,71, 35,34, 272,51, 512,91, 775,83, 815,38
Empyème pleural: 0,11, 0,55, 0,80, 5,15, 151,34, 252,50, 562,50, 696,50, 797,50, 822,53,
Empyème thoracique: 0,11, 0,55, 0,80, 5,15, 151,34, 252,50, 562,50, 696,50, 797,50, 822,53,
Empyème, la vésicule biliaire: 0,08, 0,52, 0,62, 9,00, 13,39, 42,50, 210,50, 475,19, 527,00, 661,71,
En caoutchouc bleu Bleb Naevus S .: 0,08, 0,24, 4,22, 12,71, 92,50, 325,16, 400,00, 560,00, 642,06, 987,23
Encanphopathie Anoxique: 0,15, 0,18, 0,80, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 151,27, 257,46, 413,91, 692,27
Encephalite à l’arthropode: 0,15, 0,23, 0,60, 0,95, 7,50, 150,89, 455,34, 527,50, 896,50, 917,20
Encéphalite Periaxialis: 0,25, 0,78, 0,93, 10,89, 7,50, 95,90, 322,53, 415,70, 562,91, 742,06,
Encéphalite, Arbovirus: 0,15, 0,23, 0,60, 0,95, 7,50, 150,89, 455,34, 527,50, 896,50, 917,20
Encéphalite, épidémie: 0,15, 0,23, 0,60, 0,95, 7,50, 150,89, 455,34, 527,50, 896,50, 917,20
Encéphalite, japonais: 0,15, 0,23, 0,60, 0,95, 7,50, 150,89, 455,34, 527,50, 896,50, 917,20
Encéphalite, Saint – Louis : 0,15, 0,23, 0,60, 0,95, 7,50, 150,89, 455,34, 527,50, 896,50, 917,20
Encéphalite: 0,03, 0,50, 0,83, 5,71, 79,30, 192,50, 467,50, 652,20, 802,51, 912,52,
Encéphalocèle: 0,13, 0,57, 0,78, 0,97, 2,50, 87,50, 323,98, 665,70, 822,70, 906,07
Encéphalomyélite myalgique: 0,05, 0,23, 0,95, 12,33, 22,50, 45,91, 72,50, 92,50, 347,51, 821,00,
Encéphalomyélite, subaiguë N .: 0,46, 0,95, 7,50, 25,54, 15,69, 40,00, 60,00, 125,00, 300,00, 527,81
Encéphalomyélite: 0,08, 0,46, 3,29, 7,50, 117,50, 327,50, 452,50, 662,02, 896,50, 981,00,
Encéphalopathie Binswanger: 0,06, 0,26, 0,65, 5,71, 7,00, 42,50, 92,50, 478,50, 527,00, 667,00
Encephalopathie de bilirubine: 0,08, 0,35, 0,60, 0,80, 2,75, 5,50, 50,00, 62,50, 90,00, 95,67
Encéphalopathie hypoxique: 0,15, 0,18, 0,80, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 151,27, 257,46, 413,91, 692,27
Encéphalopathie hypoxique: 0,15, 0,18, 0,80, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 151,27, 257,46, 413,91, 692,27
Encéphalopathie Spongiforme, subaiguë: 0,07, 0,12, 0,75, 0,93, 15,09, 24,40, 417,50, 505,00, 791,50, 995,15,,
Encéphalopathie Wernicke: 0,23, 0,95, 12,85, 25,05, 97,50, 110,25, 229,32, 536,42, 650,00, 752,63,
Encéphalopathie: 0,46, 0,95, 7,50, 25,54, 15,69, 40,00, 60,00, 125,00, 300,00, 527,81
Encéphalopathies spongiformes: 0,09, 0,23, 1,95, 8,85, 44,11, 72,41, 125,21, 433,50, 541,50, 621,61
Enchondromatose: 0,15, 0,18, 0,87, 15,83, 23,21, 212,53, 247,58, 465,34, 695,02, 792,51
Enchondrome, multiple: 0,15, 0,18, 0,87, 15,83, 23,21, 212,53, 247,58, 465,34, 695,02, 792,51
Enchondrome: 0,06, 0,25, 0,83, 96,50, 375,19, 450,00, 517,50, 687,62, 712,00, 992,00,
Enchondrosis, multiple: 0,15, 0,18, 0,87, 15,83, 23,21, 212,53, 247,58, 465,34, 695,02, 792,51
Encopresis: 0,55, 0,57, 0,83, 7,50, 10,89, 40,00, 119,34, 275,34, 425,83, 571,00, 868,00, 932,00,
Endamoeba gingivalis trophozoïte Parasites: 0,81, 1,42, 4,32, 5,50, 13,93, 122,50, 322,60, 433,80 441,00 438,00
Endocardite bactérienne: 0,13, 0,57, 0,78, 12,27, 68,29, 135,25, 272,72, 425,53, 733,91, 836,42,
Endodontie: 0,02, 0,12, 0,95, 13,39, 22,50, 51,30, 261,02, 491,51, 619,34, 875,35,
Endométriome: 0,03, 0,25, 0,73, 12,85, 7,50, 35,51, 62,58, 434,35, 672,91, 924,37,
Endophtalmie: 0,07, 0,46, 0,60, 0,95, 10,53, 32,50, 387,50, 595,54, 732,41, 925,35,
Endoscopie: 0,07, 0,46, 3,21, 5,17, 17,50, 127,50, 351,21, 611,00, 706,50, 921,20,
Engelures: 0,16, 0,57, 0,85, 7,50, 52,50, 122,53, 375.19, 400.00, 564.28, 846.96,
Entérites, Granulomatous: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 87,50, 480,00, 525,29, 825,00
Entérites, pseudomembraneuse: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 87,50, 480,00, 525,29, 825,00
Entérites, régional: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 87,50, 480,00, 525,29, 825,00
Enterobius vermicularis parasites 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 420,95, 426,30, 423,00
Entérocèle: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 13,39, 5,58, 150,00, 475,85, 736,42, 819,34, 915,70
Entérocolite Clostridium: 0,28, 0,75, 0,81, 0,98, 107,41, 128,31, 176,21, 517,10, 609,42, 717,21
Entérocolite: 0,28, 0,75, 0,81, 0,98, 107,41, 128,31, 176,21, 517,10, 609,42, 717,21
Enthésopathie: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 68,50, 232,50, 551,10, 779,23, 839,43,
Entomophthoramycosis: 0,14, 0,49, 0,73, 0,95, 97,50, 175,33, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70,
Entrapment Neuropathie: 0,03, 0,65, 12,33, 30,00, 182,23, 225,17, 534,50, 667,00, 742,00, 986,22
Entropion: 0,15, 0,18, 0,87, 5,71, 27,50, 223,54, 245,54, 262,02, 692,33, 892,50
Énurésie: 0,13, 0,24, 0,78, 0,90, 13,39, 39,00, 96,50, 250,00, 476,50, 527,00,
Éosinophilie, Tropical: 0,02, 0,12, 0,95, 12,33, 82,50, 152,00, 362,02, 604,00, 713,34, 823,58
Éosinophilie: 0,02, 0,12, 0,95, 12,33, 82,50, 152,00, 362,02, 604,00, 713,34, 823,58
Éosinophilie-myalgie: 0,02, 0,12, 0,95, 12,33, 82,50, 152,00, 362,02, 604,00, 713,34, 823,58
Épanchement péricardique: 0,19, 0,50, 0,57, 1,47, 19,52, 122,50, 352,50, 487,50, 695,35, 833,91
Épanchement pleural: 0,17, 0,31, 0,82, 7,50, 117,52, 237,58, 357,53, 495,34, 533,91, 661,20,
Épaule Ceinture Neuropathie: 0,15, 0,57, 15,16, 52,50, 119,34, 357,30, 424,37, 561,93, 642,91, 930,12
Épendymome, myxopapillaire: 0,07, 0,18, 6,75, 40,87, 172,69, 201,25, 421,50, 597,50, 835,35, 923,07,
Épendymome, papillaire: 0,07, 0,18, 6,75, 40,87, 172,69, 201,25, 421,50, 597,50, 835,35, 923,07,
Épendymome: 0,07, 0,18, 6,75, 40,87, 172,69, 201,25, 421,50, 597,50, 835,35, 923,07,
Éperon du talon: 0,23, 0,60, 12,00, 55,00, 96,50, 375,11, 512,33, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10
Eperythrozoonosis: 0,19, 0,40, 0,95, 322,85, 323,90, 323,50, 342,75, 346,00, 349,30, 923,01
Épicondylite, latéral H. : 0,08, 7,25, 50,00, 62,50, 93,50, 322,53, 475,03, 527,00, 667,00, 987,23
Épidémie Neurolabyrinthitis: 0,03, 0,18, 0,65, 0,93, 10,89, 5,50, 93,50, 210,50, 424,37, 978,05
Épidermoïde Cyst: 0,12, 0,25, 8,62, 17,25, 82,50, 115,87, 325,00, 491,51, 673,35, 874,54,
Épidermolyse bulleuse: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 48,91, 137,50, 295,50, 413,93, 653,02, 876,29, 924,37
Épidermophytie: 0,05, 0,41, 22,50, 57,50, 325,16, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00, 986,22
Épididymite: 0,02, 0,12, 0,95, 13,61, 52,50, 150,00, 463,04, 633,25, 723,53, 855,35
Épiglottite: 0,07, 0,46, 0,60, 0,95, 11,09, 32,50, 127,50, 395,83, 619,34, 725,54,
Epiloia: 0,08, 0,35, 5,50, 35,16, 72,50, 93,50, 525,71, 650,00, 759,83, 924,37
Epiphora: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 5,50, 22,50, 35,69, 73,30, 92,50, 125,23, 527,81
Épisclérite: 0,08, 0,35, 5,19, 55,00, 72,50, 92,50, 322,06, 475,27, 827,00, 967,00,
Épisiotomie: 0,12, 0,25, 51,62, 72,25, 105,17, 237,32, 421,51, 602,50, 725,00, 822,35,
Épistaxis: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 6,95, 27,50, 85,54, 122,71, 453,02, 743,54, 836,42,
Épithéliale néoplasmes, Malignant: 0,13, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 5,12, 7,25, 32,50, 90,00, 175,75, 434,53,
Épithélioma basocellulaire: 0,08, 0,12, 0,85, 5,16, 20,00, 40,00, 85,00, 97,50, 355,72, 434,50, 515,00,
Épithélioma: 0,13, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 5,12, 7,25, 32,50, 90,00, 175,75, 434,53,
Éponge médullaire rénale: 0,03, 0,50, 0,93, 10,72, 38,10, 47,50, 155,65, 297,50, 334,25, 757,77
Epstein-Barr Virus Infections: 0,07, 0,52, 0,70, 0,93, 372.50, 375.00, 380.00, 382.85, 519.34, 791.28
Erb Paralysie: 0,15, 0,57, 15,16, 52,50, 119,34, 357,30, 424,37, 561,93, 642,91, 930,12
Erdheim-Chester maladie: 0,04, 1,52, 14,75, 71,87, 152,25, 217,50, 335,00, 492,50, 675,54, 775,35
Ergot Poisoning: 0,07, 0,52, 0,68, 0,90, 2,75, 5,00, 15,36, 0,04, 325,54, 533,63
Ergotism: 0,07, 0,52, 0,68, 0,90, 2,75, 5,00, 15,36, 0,04, 325,54, 533,63
Érysipèle: 0,04, 0,52, 0,73, 0,87, 2,25, 17,50, 35,83, 192,50, 675,36, 826,90,
Érythème infectieux: 0,07, 0,24, 0,65, 0,90, 2,50, 27,50, 155,36, 215,70, 375,54, 522,53,
Erythème: 0,07, 0,24, 0,65, 0,90, 2,50, 27,50, 55,54, 124,37, 475,36, 778,50,
Erythremia: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 13,02, 55,37, 121,20, 271,01, 694,00, 715,70, 824,37,
Erythroderma: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 125,31, 387,50, 682,10, 822,06, 925,93,
Érythrodermie, Maculopapular: 0,08, 0,37, 0,78, 0,90, 7,52, 10,32, 140,00, 232,50, 725,47, 925,37
Érythrodermie, Sézary: 0,18, 0,30, 2,33, 17,50, 45,75, 375,17, 475,00, 527,00, 662,71, 723,01,
Érythropoiétique: 0,08, 0,41, 2,83, 15,25, 67,25, 221,01, 471,02, 597,52, 722,30, 822,57,
Escherichia coli Infections: 0,16, 0,41, 0,73, 0,83, 7,50, 356,00, 393,00, 425,00, 610,50, 826,07
Esophagotracheal Fistule: 0,13, 0,40, 0,73, 5,62, 7,25, 42,50, 90,00, 479,50, 527,00, 986,22
Ésophorie: 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 5,25, 25,51, 42,50, 162,52, 492,57, 675,51, 828,53
Ésotropie: 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 5,25, 25,51, 42,50, 162,52, 492,57, 675,51, 828,53
ESRD: 0,13, 0,18, 0,65, 0,97, 7,50, 11,95, 40,00, 150,00, 524,94, 689,93
Essential périartérite: 0,08, 0,32, 0,73, 3,87, 19,12, 159,32, 285,00, 654,03, 724,34, 933,91
Essential Tremor: 0,11, 0,57, 81,30, 105,71, 221,50, 337,50, 570,51, 691,51, 775,48, 971,55
Etat Marbre: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,50, 32,50, 47,50, 162,12, 232,03, 397,50, 679,93
Étranglées disque: 0,05, 0,40, 0,85, 2,50, 13,98, 12,71, 95,47, 233,91, 426,90, 571,00,
Eustachian dysfonctionnement de la trompe : 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 3,00, 73,30, 95,75, 175,00, 269,71, 355,08
Éveil Epilepsie: 0,07, 0,18, 0,73, 0,87, 5,71, 7,25, 22,50, 97,50, 375,35, 500,00,
Ewing de tumeur: 0,03, 0,25, 0,78, 0,93, 7,50, 95,75, 300,00, 454,37, 615,19, 784,81,
Exanthème: 0,07, 0,50, 0,95, 7,50, 10,53, 132,50, 242,50, 392,01, 629,26, 915,48
Exencéphalie: 0,03, 0,24, 0,85, 2,50, 5,87, 85,00, 96,50, 175,87, 357,77, 452,59
Exophorie: 0,15, 0,23, 12,75, 38,85, 105,25, 217,25, 435,36, 617,52, 791,48, 877,91
Exophtalmique goitre: 0,08, 0,35, 55,61, 119.87,232.25, 308,29, 455,52, 585,37, 697,50, 825,91
Exostoses: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 11,09, 32,50, 42,50, 190.00, 450.00, 856.72
Exotropie: 0,15, 0,23, 12,75, 38,85, 105,25, 217,25, 435,36, 617,52, 791,48, 877,91
Experimental Lung Inflammation: 0,05, 0,35, 0,75, 0,93, 5,71, 7,50, 345,83, 465,34, 593,50, 725,00,
Extracorporel Dialyse: 0,06, 0,50, 0,87, 12,85, 27,50, 141,59, 301,23, 453,02, 783,40, 825,03
Extrusion de la vessie: 0,02, 0,90, 2,25, 5,00, 132,41, 322,53, 412,33, 561,93, 714,82, 978,05


Facial Hémiatrophie: 0,10, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 5,83, 17,50, 87,50, 157,50, 596,50, 857,77
Facial myokymies: 0,08, 0,32, 0,610, 2,27, 44,25, 115,71, 255,48, 485,00, 697,50, 856,72
Facteur IX carence: 0,06, 0,23, 0,97, 7,50,, 175,20, 212,97, 321,51, 471,21, 647,07, 815,56,
Facteur V Deficiency: 0,04, 0,32, 0,62, 0,97, 5,00, 22,50, 60,00, 90,00, 325,36, 863,65,
Facteur V Leiden : 0,07, 0,52, 30,00, 47,50, 150,00, 225,16, 476,50, 527,00, 663,71, 742,00,
Facteur VIII carence:: 0,05, 0,46, 3,80, 18,89, 175,20, 212,97, 321,51, 471,21, 647,07, 815,56,
Facteur XI carence: 0,10, 0,26, 0,68, 7,50, 11,09, 45,00, 325,43, 515,70, 682,45, 755,49
Fasciculation: 0,10, 0,26, 0,68, 9,70, 13,52, 45,00, 352,93, 496,01, 682,45, 755,49,
Fasciite nécrosante: 0,16, 0,57, 0,95, 3,87, 72,25, 125,43, 387,50, 525,91, 712,50, 825,44
Fasciite: 0,05, 0,12, 0,60, 3,87, 72,25, 125,43, 387,50, 525,91, 712,50, 825,44,
Fasciola Å“ufs de parasites hepatica 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40 422.00, 427.60, 425.00
Fasciolase: 0,05, 0,41, 1,00, 5,75, 7,25, 15,91, 173,30, 435,44, 792,50, 915,70,
Fasciolopsis buskii adulte Parasites 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 427,70, 435,10, 434,00,
Fasciolopsis Å“ufs de parasites buskii 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 427.35, 435.45, 434.00,
Fatigue: 0,04, 0,25, 0,95, 7,50, 12,85, 29,03, 157,50, 381,02, 595,42, 875,00,
Favisme: 0,11, 0,24, 0,65, 0,83, 2,50, 27,50, 55,37, 87,50, 125,52, 322,06
Fazio-Londe Syndrome: 0,07, 0,22, 0,62, 2,50, 5,50, 40,00, 475,03, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00
Felty Syndrome: 0,19, 1,00, 2,80, 17,50, 398,40, 225,00, 510,25, 682,02, 759,83, 932,41
Fibrillation auriculaire: 0,08, 0,73, 0,97, 5,75, 37,50, 85,09, 96,50, 125,16, 325,00, 377,91
Fibrillation auriculaire: 0,08, 0,73, 0,97, 5,75, 37,50, 85,09, 96,50, 125,16, 325,00, 377,91
Fibrillation ventriculaire: 0,14, 0,57, 7,25, 32,50, 42,50, 90,00, 275,09, 410,25, 642,06, 978,05
Fibrinogène Deficiency: 0,15, 0,18, 2,50, 322,06, 458,50, 515,05, 684,81, 712,42, 995,38,
Fibrodysplasia OP: 0,23, 1,18, 2,26, 13,58, 308,49, 425,08, 511,75, 608,02, 715,83, 822,41
Fibrokystique Mastopathie: 0,04, 0,25, 0,97, 9,00, 73,89, 123,20, 257,51, 302,58, 592,49, 875,43
Fibromatose, agressif: 0,05, 0,23, 0,95, 13,39, 121,59, 285,43, 315,91, 472,50, 612,50, 930,00
Fibromatose, juvénile hyalin: 0,05, 0,23, 0,95, 10,53, 32,51, 62,48, 145,44, 372,50, 522,50, 792,30
Fibrome tumeur: 0,85, 0,98, 1,80, 17,53, 213,23, 321,29, 423,69, 597,50, 862,50, 915,54
Fibrome Utérus: 0,85, 0,98, 1,80, 17,53, 213,23, 321,29, 423,69, 597,50, 862,50, 915,54
Fibrome, Shope: 0,07, 0,35, 25,40, 50,00, 60,00, 150,00, 475,11, 527,00, 667,00, 987,23
Fibrome, utérins: 0,85, 0,98, 1,80, 17,53, 213,23, 321,29, 423,69, 597,50, 862,50, 915,54
Fibrome, utérins: 0,85, 0,98, 1,80, 17,53, 213,23, 321,29, 423,69, 597,50, 862,50, 915,54
Fibrome: (0,85, 0,98, 1,80, 17,53, 213,23, 321,29, 423,69, 597,50, 862,50, 915,54
Fibrome: 0,85, 0,98, 1,80, 17,53, 213,23, 321,29, 423,69, 597,50, 862,50, 915,54
Fibromusculaire dysplasie: 0,02, 0,52, 0,75, 2,75, 5,25, 47,50, 275,00, 424,37, 560,00, 815,96
Fibromyalgie: 0,04, 0,49, 0,78, 7,50, 118,00, 215,43, 362,51, 422,06, 608,41, 751,20
Fibroplasie rétrolentale: 0,16, 0,57, 0,78, 0,95, 8,50, 95,69, 217,52, 491,00, 524,37, 892,41
Fibrose général Syndrome: 0,08, 0,55, 0,57, 7,50, 8,00, 12,69, 140,00, 363,02, 492,53, 912,48,
Fibrose hépatique: 0,11, 0,55, 0,95, 5,50, 17,50, 37.50, 162.50, 383,50, 421,00, 645,25,
Fibrose, Foie: 0,11, 0,55, 0,95, 5,50, 17,50, 37.50, 162.50, 383,50, 421,00, 645,25,
Fibrosis: 0,08, 0,55, 0,57, 7,50, 8,00, 12,69, 140,00, 363,02, 492,53, 912,48,
Fibrosite: 0,04, 0,49, 0,78, 7,50, 118,00, 215,43, 362,51, 422,06, 608,41, 751,20
Fibulaire amyotrophie: 0,19, 1,22, 4,33, 17,25, 63,21, 119,42, 287,21, 403,03, 435,00, 711,17
Fièvre aphteuse: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 72,50, 125,75, 375,19, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70,
Fièvre d’eau noire: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 1,00, 12,05, 177,71, 234,00, 591,00, 683,16, 849,34,
Fièvre jaune: 0,05, 7,50, 17,50, 47,50, 96,50, 475,05, 527,00, 657,11, 753,23, 987,23
Fièvre méditerranéenne familiale: 0,16, 0,57, 0,95, 5,25, 37,25, 132,50, 237,50, 522,53, 675,43, 819,34,
Fièvre méditerranéenne, familiale: 0,16, 0,57, 0,95, 5,25, 37,25, 132,50, 237,50, 522,53, 675,43, 819,34,
Fièvre ondulante: 0,05, 35,75, 60,00, 93,50, 225,15, 454,37, 517,50, 687,62, 712,00, 992,00,
Fièvre Q: 0,80, 1,12, 9,85, 51,71, 75,93, 412,02, 385,69, 690,00, 812,93, 906,42,
Fièvre rémittente: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 1,00, 12,05, 177,71, 234,00, 591,00, 683,16, 849,34,
Fièvre rhumatismale: 0,13, 0,25, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 72,50, 232,50, 551,10, 779,23, 839,43,
Fièvre: 0,12, 0,23, 0,83, 5,50, 13,93, 12,71, 92,50, 376,29, 519,34, 652,43
Fièvres hémorragiques virales: 0,03, 0,12, 0,95, 2,50, 22,50, 51,33, 193,50, 356,72, 426,16, 567,70
Filarioidea Infections: 0,19, 0,18, 0,73, 7,50, 68,00, 115,44, 322,50, 545,43, 612,37, 779,93,
Filariose: 0,19, 0,18, 0,73, 7,50, 68,00, 115,44, 322,50, 545,43, 612,37, 779,93,
Fin d’insuffisance rénale: 0,13, 0,18, 0,65, 0,97, 7,50, 11,95, 40,00, 150,00, 524,94, 689,93
Fisher Syndrome: 0,03, 0,12, 0,93, 7,50, 132,31, 247,52, 362,54, 596,52, 695,61, 819,34
Fissure à Ano: 0,05, 0,60, 2,25, 7,50, 97,50, 475,00, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70, 986,22
Fistule: 0,13, 0,25, 0,62, 5,75, 17,25, 37,30, 129,56, 345,43, 415,70, 682,02
Floppy valve mitrale: 0,04, 0,24, 49,71, 132,85, 235,51, 321,51, 405,62, 592,52, 654,32, 779,50,
Foie gras: 0,04, 0,49, 0,78, 7,50, 8,00, 15,43, 62,50, 325,00, 515,70, 655,20
Fonctions pupillaires anormales: 0,02, 0,24, 1,57, 9,85, 201,75, 364,00, 423,01, 697,30, 875,93, 979,53,
Foster-Kennedy Syndrome: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,29, 47,50, 275,52, 425,29, 571,00, 813,00
Fournier Disease: 0,08, 0,55, 0,57, 7,50, 18,00, 121,09, 242,90, 360,00, 596,50, 975,43
Fractures osseuses: 0,13, 0,57, 0,78, 0,93, 32,50, 217,50, 552,71, 743,01, 815,91, 913,52)
Fragilitas ossium: 0,20, 0,12, 0,62, 112,50, 230,89, 412,50, 615,00, 752,50, 802,50, 925,52
FRAXA Syndrome: 0,23, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 5,50, 33,98, 145,43, 295,30, 375,43, 522,53
Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome: 0,19, 0,52, 0,68, 0,80, 2,50, 5,17, 15,00, 42,50, 92,50, 325,43,
Freiberg maladie de: 0,17, 0,52, 0,73, 0,95, 2,25, 17,50, 35,91, 72,50, 90,00, 275,37,
Friedreich maladie: 0,16, 0,49, 0,73, 0,95, 5,26, 7,25, 12,71, 92,50, 275,00, 425,43,
Frigidité: 0,12, 0,58, 38,00, 53,77, 202,00, 390,61, 502,36, 581,26, 638,19, 708,92,
Froid, « rhume et la grippe » 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 7,50, 12,50, 40,00, 120,00, 313,35, 320,00, 615,00,
Froid, commune: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 7,50, 120,00, 315,50, 472,50, 725,75, 850,00, 975,98
Frontal Encéphalocèle: 0,13, 0,57, 0,78, 0,97, 2,50, 87,50, 323,98, 665,70, 822,70, 906,07
Frontotemporale Lobar Degen .: 0,06, 0,26, 0,65, 5,15, 7,00, 42,50, 92,50, 475,95, 527,00, 661,71,
Fucosidase Déficit: 0,05, 0,24, 0,68, 0,95, 2,50, 7,50, 32,50, 96,50, 275,47, 522,53
Fucosidose: 0,05, 0,24, 0,68, 0,95, 2,50, 7,50, 32,50, 96,50, 275,47, 522,53
Fugue: 0,11, 0,49, 0,97, 17,30, 29,50, 422,50, 602,50, 715,31, 803,50, 924,37,
Fumarylacetoacetase Deficiency: 0,05, 0,35, 0,68, 2,50, 5,50, 35,16, 93,50, 682,45, 752,63, 910,25
Furoncles: 0,20, 0,46, 0,60, 2,25, 12,85, 27,50, 42,50, 96,50, 236,42, 455,21
Furonculose: 0,20, 0,46, 0,60, 2,25, 12,85, 27,50, 42,50, 96,50, 236,42, 455,21
Fusobacterium Infections: 0.19, 0.18, 0.75, 9.00, 11.09, 22.50, 47.50, 115.70, 377.91, 470.12


G (M2) Gangliosidose, Type I: .20, 0,12, 27,50, 47,50, 96,50, 275,03, 534,25, 691,27, 753,07, 927,10,
G (M2) Gangliosidose, Type II: 0,17, 0,55, 0,95, 5,15, 13,98, 137,50, 362,50, 697,50, 775,00, 922,53,
Galactokinase Deficiency: 0,11, 0,24, 0,65, 0,83, 2,50, 127,50, 255,47, 387,50, 696,50, 825,91
Galactorrhea: 0,19, 0,30, 0,62, 7,50, 8,00, 2,50, 32,50, 55,23, 150,00, 325,54
Galactose-1-phosphate UTD: 0,11, 0,24, 0,65, 0,83, 2,50, 127,50, 255,47, 387,50, 696,50, 825,91
Galactosemias: 0,11, 0,24, 0,65, 0,83, 2,50, 127,50, 255,47, 387,50, 696,50, 825,91
Galactosylcéramidase Deficiency: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 2,50, 5,50, 27,50, 37,50, 123,01, 327,23, 533,69
Gammapathie, Monoclonal: 0,13, 0,40, 0,68, 0,80, 5,26, 72,50, 135,47, 296,50, 556,72, 879,93
Gammapathie, Monoclonal: 0,13, 0,40, 0,68, 0,80, 5,26, 72,50, 135,47, 296,50, 556,72, 879,93
Ganglioside sialidase Deficiency: 0,20, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 3,00, 7,50, 96,50, 326,16, 534,25, 652,43,
Gangliosidose G (M2), Type I: .20, 0,12, 27,50, 47,50, 96,50, 275,03, 534,25, 691,27, 753,07, 927,10,
Gangliosidose G (M2), type II: 0,17, 0,55, 0,95, 5,15, 13,98, 137,50, 362,50, 697,50, 775,00, 922,53,
Gangliosidose, B Variante: .20, 0,12, 27,50, 47,50, 96,50, 275,03, 534,25, 691,27, 753,07, 927,10,
Gangrène: 0,07, 0,50, 0,95, 7,50, 13,52, 132,50, 342,50, 490,00, 696,50, 796,50,
Gardner Syndrome: 0,05, 0,52, 0,78, 10,47, 5,58, 32,50, 65,68, 149,21, 275,67, 375,68,
Gastrite, hypertrophique :: 0,10, 0,50, 0,68, 10,09, 14,28, 17,50, 237,50, 517,50, 696,50, 816,50,
Gastrite: 0,15, 0,23, 0,73, 0,85, 5,26, 127,25, 335,91, 487,50, 692,47, 752,01,
Gastro-entérite: 0,10, 0,50, 0,68, 0,95, 5,75, 17,50, 237,50, 517,50, 696,50, 816,50,
Gastroparésie: 0,17, 0,52, 0,75, 0,95, 2,25, 17,50, 135,37, 385,91, 591,00, 722,53,
Gastroschisis: 0,16, 0,49, 0,73, 0,95, 12,69, 5,26, 12,71, 92,50, 269,71, 475,47
GBS: Miller Fisher Variante: 0,03, 0,12, 0,93, 7,50, 132,31, 247,52, 362,54, 596,52, 695,61, 819,34
Géant cellulaire glioblastome: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 0,85, 7,50, 20,00, 57,50, 150,00, 225,37, 342,06,
Géant des ganglions lymphatiques Hyperplasie: 0,04, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 5,75, 7,50, 37,50, 96,50, 225,91, 425,37
Géant intracrânienne anévrysme: 0,08, 0,24, 0,57, 7,50, 10,72, 36,21, 142,50, 321,00, 415,70, 775,68
Géant Platelet Syndrome: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,33, 32,50, 142,50, 320,00, 425,87, 525,56
Gelineau Syndrome: 0,14, 0,57, 0,73, 7,50, 2,50, 50,00, 187,50, 455,30, 672,23, 775,87,
Général Moules: 77,00, 126,00, 133,00, 177,00, 181,00, 188,00, 232,00, 242,00, 277,00, 288,00,
Général: 0,41 parasites, 0,60, 0,85, 5,17, 22,50, 57,50, 322.06, 475.43, 575.44, 627.00
Genouillé ganglionite: 0,08, 0,32, 0,610, 2,27, 44,25, 115,71, 255,48, 485,00, 697,50, 856,72
Genouillé zona: 0,12, 0,45, 0,90, 5,91, 137,50, 372,50, 416,60, 420,20, 418,00, 824,37
Germinoblastoma: Lymphome: 0,41, 0,93, 2,75, 17,50, 35,67, 87,50, 93,50, 236,42, 434,00, 519,34
Gerstmann-Straussler- Syndrome: 0,06, 0,26, 0,68, 7,50, 10,53, 45,37, 96,50, 536,42, 655,20, 751,87
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker: 0,06, 0,26, 0,68, 7,50, 10,53, 45,37, 96,50, 536,42, 655,20, 751,87
Giardiase: 0,05, 0,35, 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 5,29, 55,47, 97,50, 324,37, 425,52
Giedion-Langer Syndrome: 0,08, 0,35, 0,75, 7,50, 32,58, 174,50, 407,50, 632,00, 723,54, 885,54
Gigantisme cérébral: 0,08, 0,35, 2,50, 93,50, 234,25, 455,82, 515,17, 684,81, 712,81, 997,87,
Gilbert Disease: 0,07, 0,32, 0,62, 0,85, 5,00, 22,50, 60,00, 352,93, 422,53, 563,19,
Gilles de la Tourette: 0,16, 0,23, 12,85, 55,75, 125,00, 210,50, 479,93, 593,20, 761,85, 987,23
Gingivite: 0,07, 0,12, 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 22,50, 187,50, 396,50, 587,50, 696,50
GIST: 0,03, 2,12, 0,93, 2,50, 15,69, 115,90, 434,50, 540,0, 670,00, 790,00
Glande salivaire virus de la maladie: 0,07, 0,12, 0,85, 9,50, 88,00, 141,20, 297,50, 425,95, 675,31, 827,00
Glande sudoripare Maladies: 0,12, 0,40, 0,90, 119,34, 175,15, 475.03, 527.00, 667.00, 753.23, 986.22
Glanders: 0,07, 0,12, 0,75, 0,93, 12,33, 22,50, 57,50, 92,50, 324,37, 225,00,
Glaucome Capsulare: 0,15, 0,23, 0,73, 0,85, 5,36, 147,25, 335,48, 487,50, 695,83, 875,36
Glaucome: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 5,29, 7,25, 32,50, 137,50, 326,07, 490,00, 515,70
Glioblastome, le rétinal: 0,55, 0,68, 0,87, 7,50, 13,61, 40,00, 90,00, 375,95, 575,31, 827,00,
Glioblastome: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 0,85, 7,50, 20,00, 57,50, 150,00, 225,37, 342,06,
Gliome, astrocytaires: 0,02, 0,57, 9,00, 12,85, 45,00, 92,50, 175,75, 450,00, 515,16, 689,41
Gliome, le rétinal: 0,55, 0,68, 0,87, 7,50, 13,61, 40,00, 90,00, 375,95, 575,31, 827,00,
Gliome: 0,05, 0,49, 9,73, 88,00, 105,75, 237,25, 413,93, 651,20, 732,59, 973,52
GLNH: 0,04, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 5,75, 7,50, 37,50, 96,50, 225,91, 425,37
Glomérulonéphrite: 0,15, 0,24, 0,68, 0,83, 32,50, 197,50, 332,50, 555,37, 696,50, 875,52,
Glossite exfoliatrice areata: 0,03, 0,12, 0,60, 0,93, 2,25, 217,50, 387,50, 475,00, 575,52, 726,90
Glossite, migrateurs Benign: 0,03, 0,12, 0,60, 0,93, 2,25, 217,50, 387,50, 475,00, 575,52, 726,90
Glossopharyngeal Nerve: 0,07, 0,57, 0,95, 2,25, 125,25, 320,00, 437,50, 593,50, 615,70, 824,37
Glossopharyngeal névralgie: 0,07, 0,57, 0,95, 2,25, 125,25, 320,00, 437,50, 593,50, 615,70, 824,37
Glottique Sténose: 0,20, 0,25, 0,75, 2,50, 3,00, 5,58, 95,23, 175,54, 425,69, 571,00
Glucides-Déficient Syndrome Glycoprotéine: 0,18, 0,60, 20,00, 93,50, 175,16, 434,00, 519,34, 682,45, 759,83, 900,00
Glucocérébrosidase Deficiency: 0,05, 0,24, 0,70, 0,95, 2,50, 7,50, 32,50, 125,37, 319,34, 519,34
Glucosephosphate DHG Deficiency: 0,11, 0,24, 0,65, 0,83, 2,50, 27,50, 55,37, 87,50, 125,52, 322,06,
Glucosylcéramide bêta-glucosidase Deficiency Disease: 0,05, 0,24, 0,70, 0,95, 2,50, 7,50, 32,50, 125,37, 319,34, 519,34
Glycogénose: 0,03, 0,37, 0,95, 2,50, 7,50, 72,50, 96,50, 375,37, 269,71, 377,91
Glycogénose: 0,03, 0,37, 0,95, 2,50, 7,50, 72,50, 96,50, 375,37, 269,71, 377,91
Goitre, exophtalmique: 0,08, 0,35, 55,61, 119.87,232.25, 308,29, 455,52, 585,37, 697,50, 825,91
Goodpasture Syndrome: 0,17, 0,95, 10,53, 2,50, 125,09, 375,16, 525,71, 650,00, 752,63, 923,70,
Gout: 0,07, 0,24, 30,65, 78,52, 197,25, 267,00, 512,35, 602,21, 733,63, 925,00,
Gram bactérienne (+) et (-) Les infections bactériennes spécifiques au froid et la grippe Inc. Pneumonie
Gram négatif Infections bactériennes: 0,15, 9,23, 42,75, 183.85, 275.29, 307.25, 435.37, 795.52, 587,50, 901.03
Gram positif Infections bactériennes: 0,15, 0,92, 2,75, 13,22, 163,00, 275,29, 307,25, 435,37, 587,50, 795,52
Grande Pox: 0,02, 5,25, 25,15, 125,75, 275,03, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00, 987,23
Granuleuse D. (cornéen): 0,04, 0,24, 11,45, 48,15, 132,79, 209,27, 332,30, 592,50, 775,29, 819,34,
Granulomateuse chéilite: 0,14, 0,22, 0,70, 6,21, 102,50, 247,50, 372,50, 505,61, 625,68, 956,16
Granulomateuse chronique: 0,14, 0,22, 0,70, 6,21, 102,50, 247,50, 372,50, 505,61, 625,68, 956,16
Granulomatose à cellules de Langerhans: 0,14, 0,32, 0,97, 2,50, 11,09, 20,00, 57,50, 225,00, 423,01, 565,36
Granulomatose Slack peau: 0,35, 0,93, 12,33, 25,23, 35,68, 87,50, 93,50, 233,63, 434,00, 519,34,
Granulomatose, Lipides: 0,04, 1,52, 14,75, 71,87, 152,25, 217,50, 335,00, 492,50, 675,54, 775,35
Granulomatose, Wegener: 0,09, 0,33, 5,49, 37,00, 203,83, 381,41, 481,93, 614,82, 763,00, 797,23
Granulome annulaire: 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 7,50, 88,00, 370,50, 547,50, 656,50, 725,37, 825,52
Granulome Hodgkin: 0,02, 0,12, 0,95, 13,39, 22,50, 50,00, 60,00, 93,50, 234,11, 475,87
Granulome inguinal: 0,03, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 88,00, 370,50, 547,50, 656,50, 725,37, 825,52
Granulome malin: 0,02, 0,12, 0,95, 13,39, 22,50, 50,00, 60,00, 93,50, 234,11, 475,87
Granulome Pseudopyogenic: 0,10, 1,00, 12,33, 5,50, 45,00, 234,51, 475,16, 527,00, 752,70, 987,23
Granulome vénérien:: 0,03, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 88,00, 370,50, 547,50, 656,50, 725,37, 825,52
Granulome: 0,10, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 5,75, 39,50, 132,81, 387,21, 506,53, 925,37,
Graves Disease: 0,08, 0,35, 55,61, 119.87,232.25, 308,29, 455,52, 585,37, 697,50, 825,91
Grippe A: 0,25, 0,02, 0,45, 0,65, 2,21, 6,15, 10,23, 15,91, 30,28, 77,50, 327,11
Grippe humaine: 0,08, 0,25, 0,57, 7,50, 10,53, 12,50, 40,00, 313,35, 320,00, 615,00,
Grippe porcine: 0,02, 0,45, 0,65, 2,21, 6,15, 10,23, 15,91, 30,28, 77,50, 327,11
Grippe porcine: H1N1: 0,02, 0,45, 0,65, 2,21, 6,15, 10,23, 15,91, 30,28, 77,50, 327,11
Grippe: 0,08, 0,25, 0,57, 7,50, 10,53, 12,50, 40,00, 313,35, 320,00, 615,00,
Grive: 0,18, 0,93, 2,50, 42,50, 71,50, 96,50, 125,75, 434,00, 642,91, 983,17
Gronblad-Strandberg Syndrome: 0,16, 0,35, 0,95, 5,50, 27,50, 47,50, 350,00, 425,31, 571,00, 859,00
GTF Syndrome: 0,08, 0,55, 7,50, 8,00, 12,33, 96,50, 175,16, 410,25, 642,91, 978,05
Guerin-Stern Syndrome: 0,19, 0,57, 0,83, 2,25, 5,09, 67,50, 96,50, 325,16, 424,37, 566,41,
Guerre Névroses: 0,11, 0,24, 0,70, 0,97, 112,75, 217,50, 435,27, 657,50, 895,00, 925,27,
Guinée infection par le ver: 0,10, 0,57, 0,80, 54,71, 195,31, 352,50, 595,90, 619,34, 797,61, 891,27
Guyon Syndrome: 0,07, 0,32, 0,60, 0,83, 2,25, 225,00, 476,50, 527,00, 742,00, 987,23
Gynécomastie: 0,19, 0,23, 0,95, 2,25, 112,50, 227,50, 252,20, 322,50, 421,00, 826,32,
Gyrate Atrophie: 0,05, 0,66, 1,32, 7,50, 17,50, 15,91, 151,20, 231,20, 341,00, 525,29


H1N1- grippe porcine: 0,02, 0,45, 0,65, 2,21, 6,15, 10,23, 15,91, 30,28, 77,50, 327,11
H5N1- grippe aviaire: 0,02, 0,45, 0,65, 2,74, 8,32, 11,69, 25,12, 77,01, 351,29, 501,71
Haemophilus influenzae: 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 3,00, 73,30, 95,75, 175,00, 269,71, 336,41
Hageman Trait: 0,08, 0,22, 0,73, 2,50, 5,71, 50,00, 322,53, 415,70, 566,41, 707,26,
Hailey-Hailey maladie: 0,19, 0,57, 1,12, 7,50, 27,50, 42,50, 96,50, 325,43, 415,70, 562,91
Hakim Syndrome: 0,05, 0,37, 0,90, 12,85, 67,50, 267,50, 555,56, 695,87, 875,58, 943,20
Halitose: 0,03, 0,12, 0,95, 2,50, 22,50, 50,00, 126,16, 325,29, 519,34, 682,45
Hallux abductovalgus: 0,07, 0,24, 0,65, 5,75, 72,25, 123,00, 502,50, 622,88, 713,23, 807,73
Hallux Valgus: 0,07, 0,24, 0,65, 5,75, 72,25, 123,00, 502,50, 622,88, 713,23, 807,73
Hamartoma Syndrome, multiple: 0,06, 0,26, 0,68, 9,00, 10,89, 45,91, 125,29, 526,16, 652,43, 750,00
Hamartoma: 0,07, 0,22, 0,73, 2,50, 5,52, 50,00, 93,50, 423,01, 568,43, 642,91
Hamman-Rich Syndrome: 0,65, 0,41, 0,62, 4,97, 7,50, 15,31, 87,50, 325,93, 385,90, 504,37
Hammertoes: 0,92, 32,75, 150,01, 293,70, 329,05, 415,84, 423,47, 472,12, 512,14, 629,90
Hand-Schuller-Christian S .: 0,14, 0,32, 0,97, 2,50, 11,09, 20,00, 57,50, 225,00, 423,01, 565,36
Hantavirus Infections: 0,07, 0,12, 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 125,52, 387,50, 525,00, 707,50, 816,50,
Hartnup Maladie: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 5,75, 67,25, 132,50, 237,50, 391,50, 421,22, 515,70
Hasstile sig parasites. tricolor (adulte) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 448,05, 455,10, 453,00,
Head Cancer: 0,10, 0,52, 7,50, 30,00, 225,03, 434,15, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 986,22
Head Lice: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,93, 7,50, 13,93, 85,54, 96,50, 327,81, 405,23
Heart Failure: 0,14, 0,22, 0,75, 5,29, 7,25, 50,00, 167,50, 334,25, 425,00, 805,29,
Helicobacter Pylori: 0,25, 0,85, 2,23, 30,00, 95,00, 107,10, 225,30, 438,95, 633,10, 823,41
HELLP syndrome: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 5,71, 7,25, 13,98, 247,50, 450,00, 695,83, 895,87,
Hémangiome caverneux: 0,03, 0,37, 0,97, 2,75, 81,50, 172,50, 396,50, 475,29, 533,63, 876,29
Hémangiome, histiocytoïde: 0,15, 0,24, 0,70, 0,83, 2,50, 17,50, 432,50, 555,91, 625,29, 775,52
Hémangiome, intramusculaire: 0,15, 0,24, 0,70, 0,83, 2,50, 17,50, 432,50, 555,91, 625,29, 775,52
Hémangiome, sclérosante: 0,02, 0,41, 0,90, 2,75, 5,87, 15,56, 73,30, 192,50, 533,63, 734,25
Hémangiome: 0,15, 0,24, 0,70, 0,83, 2,50, 17,50, 432,50, 555,91, 625,29, 775,52
Hematochezia: 0,05, 0,52, 0,71, 0,93, 2,56, 33,18, 215,47, 402,53, 592,50, 7325,37
Hématome sous-dural: 0,21, 0,25, 4,57, 42,69, 112,25, 412,50, 596,50, 643,74, 825,52, 971,00
Hématome sous-dural: 0,21, 0,25, 4,57, 42,69, 112,25, 412,50, 596,50, 643,74, 825,52, 971,00
Hématome, péridurale, cranienne: 0,37, 0,97, 2,50, 17,50, 71,50, 96,50, 179,93, 224,37, 451,22, 567,21
Hematospermia: 0,08, 0,24, 0,65, 5,25, 73,25, 147,18, 351,52, 412,58, 539,21, 725,29
Hématurie: 0,04, 0,26, 0,68, 2,28, 12,85, 45,23, 167,50, 396,50, 425,52, 625,29
Héméralopie: 0,12, 0,65, 25,05, 87,50, 125,33, 222,53, 479,93, 527,00, 667,00, 987,23
Hemianopsia, binasal: 0,13, 0,58, 0,73, 2,58, 5,78, 145,91, 372,52, 428,01, 511,19, 605,59
Hemianopsia, Bitemporal: 0,13, 0,58, 0,73, 2,58, 5,78, 145,91, 372,52, 428,01, 511,19, 605,59
Hemianopsia, homonymes: 0,13, 0,58, 0,73, 2,58, 5,78, 145,91, 372,52, 428,01, 511,19, 605,59
Hemianopsia: 0,13, 0,58, 0,73, 2,58, 5,78, 145,91, 372,52, 428,01, 511,19, 605,59
Hémicrânie: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 7,50, 22,50, 42,50, 96,50, 275,52, 515,70, 650,00
Hémifacial Paralysie: 0,08, 0,32, 0,610, 2,27, 44,25, 115,71, 255,48, 485,00, 697,50, 856,72
Hémiplégie: 0,11, 0,49, 0,78, 2,25, 77,50, 102,71, 262,50, 455,91, 837,50, 910,50
Hemispinal syndrome du cordon: 0,50, 0,68, 87,50, 95,03, 234,51, 452,59, 518,92, 684,81, 712,23, 997,87,
Hémochromatose: 0,12, 0,35, 0,85, 189,59, 287,58, 342,52, 467,50, 591,29, 619,34, 897,01
Hemodialysis: 0,06, 0,50, 0,87, 12,85, 27,50, 141,59, 301,23, 453,02, 783,40, 825,03
Hémoglobine S Disease: 0,02, 0,12, 5,16, 62,50, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
Hémoglobinopathies: 0,08, 0,41, 1,89, 145,56, 297,25, 315,29, 407,50, 562,53, 735,68, 854,38
Hémoglobinurie paroxystique nocturne: 0,19, 0,23, 3,95, 62,50, 162,50, 219,11, 320,10, 472,53, 888,03, 937,39,
Hémoglobinurie paroxystique: 0,19, 0,23, 3,95, 62,50, 162,50, 219,11, 320,10, 472,53, 888,03, 937,39,
-Hémolytiques et urémique: 0,05, 0,18, 4,82, 65,00, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
Hémopathies: 0,07, 0,25, 0,57, 0,87, 2,25, 72,50, 96,50, 226.32, 526.16, 682.02
Hémopéricarde: 0,19, 0,50, 0,57, 1,47, 19,52, 122,50, 352,50, 487,50, 695,35, 833,91
Hémophilie C: 0,10, 0,26, 0,68, 7,50, 11,09, 45,00, 325,43, 515,70, 682,45, 755,49
Hémophilie vasculaire: 0,02, 0,25, 7,50, 67,50, 50,00, 95,00, 275,05, 475,09, 667,00, 985,67
Hémophilie: 0,05, 0,46, 3,80, 18,89, 175,20, 212,97, 321,51, 471,21, 647,07, 815,56,
Hemophthalmos: 0,03, 0,23, 0,73, 0,80, 12,69, 5,17, 32,50, 93,50, 175,00, 526,07
Hémoptysie: 0,17, 0,18, 0,87, 2,75, 22,01, 41,58, 187,52, 265,29, 692,50, 742,06,
Hémorragie cérébrale: 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 93,50, 210,50, 453,72, 515,19, 683,00, 712,23, 993,41,
Hémorragie cérébrale: 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 93,50, 210,50, 453,72, 515,19, 683,00, 712,23, 993,41,
Hémorragie intracérébrale: 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 93,50, 210,50, 453,72, 515,19, 683,00, 712,23, 993,41,
Hémorragie postpartum: 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 162,12, 210,50, 453,72, 515,19, 683,00, 712,23, 993,41,
Hémorragie yeux: 0,03, 0,23, 0,73, 0,80, 12,69, 5,17, 32,50, 93,50, 175,00, 526,07
Hémorragie yeux: 0,03, 0,23, 0,73, 0,80, 12,69, 5,17, 32,50, 93,50, 175,00, 526,07
Hémorragie, crânio péridurale: 0,37, 0,97, 2,50, 17,50, 71,50, 96,50, 179,93, 224,37, 451,22, 567,21
Hémorragie, Gastro-intestinal: 0,05, 0,52, 0,71, 0,93, 2,56, 33,18, 215,47, 402,53, 592,50, 7325,37
Hémorragie, subdural: 0,21, 0,25, 4,57, 42,69, 112,25, 412,50, 596,50, 643,74, 825,52, 971,00
Hémorragies gastro-intestinales: 0,05, 0,52, 0,71, 0,93, 2,56, 33,18, 215,47, 402,53, 592,50, 7325,37
Hémorroïdes: 0,10, 0,57, 2,83, 12,33, 30,00, 87,53, 196,50, 551,03, 777,30, 866,41
Hémosidérose: 0,14, 0,25, 0,95, 7,50, 10,53, 20,00, 57,50, 325,56, 497,61, 660,41
Hendra virus de la maladie: 0,07, 0,33, 1,06, 5,20, 27,53, 102,37, 145,47, 203,00, 486,10, 535,91
Henoch purpura: 0,13, 0,23, 0,65, 18,20, 57,50, 108,02, 305,31, 606,30, 719,94, 822,53,
Henoch-Schönlein purpura: 0,13, 0,23, 0,65, 18,20, 57,50, 108,02, 305,31, 606,30, 719,94, 822,53,
Hépatique V. Outflow Obstruction: 0,05, 0,24, 72,50, 122,53, 342,06, 512,33, 682,45, 753,07, 926,70,
Hépatite A: 0,15, 0,87, 5,29, 27,50, 65,29, 95,22, 182,50, 233,45, 420,80, 418,00
Hépatite B: 0,18 0,87, 5,29, 27,50, 45,56, 95,22, 182,50, 414,55, 420,80, 418,00
Hépatite C: 0,20, 0,87, 5,29, 27,50, 65,29, 95,22, 182,50, 233,45, 414,55, 421,80
Hépatite chronique, cryptogénique: 0,87, 27,50, 45,56, 65,29, 95,22, 182,50, 233,45, 414,55, 420,80, 418,00
Hépatite chronique: 0,87, 27,50, 45,56, 65,29, 95,22, 182,50, 233,45, 414,55, 420,80, 418,00
Hépatite chronique: 0,87, 27,50, 45,56, 65,29, 95,22, 182,50, 233,45, 414,55, 420,80, 418,00
Hépatites virales humaines: 0,15, 0,18, 0,87, 5,29, 27,50, 45,56, 65,29, 95,22, 182,50, 233,45,
Hépatomégalie: 0,02, 0,50, 0,97, 2,25, 12,85, 15,22, 42,50, 90,00, 322,06, 326,16,
Héréditaire sensitive et autonomique neuropathies: Voir HSAN: 1 – 5
Heredopathia Atactica Poly.N .: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 20,00, 87,50, 342,06, 635,31, 834,45,
Hermanski-Pudlak Syndrome: 0,08, 0,40, 0,76, 85,25, 118,25, 287,56, 367,50, 605,22, 800,79, 965,00
Herniaire: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 13,39, 5,58, 150,00, 475,85, 736,42, 819,34, 915,70
Hernie cérébrale: 0,13, 0,57, 0,78, 0,97, 2,50, 87,50, 323,98, 665,70, 822,70, 906,07
Hernie diaphragmatique: 0,04, 0,26, 0,68, 2,25, 10,89, 145,22, 267,50, 425,91, 657,77, 825,22,
Hernie diaphragmatique: 0,04, 0,26, 0,68, 2,25, 10,89, 145,22, 267,50, 425,91, 657,77, 825,22,
Hernie hiatale: 0,04, 0,30, 0,62, 51,25, 117,25, 245,56, 367,50, 625,22, 816,72, 905,00
Hernie hiatale: 0,04, 0,30, 0,62, 51,25, 117,25, 245,56, 367,50, 625,22, 816,72, 905,00
Hernie ombilicale: 0,04, 0,30, 0,60, 2,50, 117,25, 245,56, 367,50, 625,22, 816,72, 905,00
Hernie ombilicale: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 13,39, 5,58, 150,00, 475,85, 736,42, 819,34, 915,70)
Hernies, oesophagien: 0,04, 0,30, 0,62, 51,25, 117,25, 245,56, 367,50, 625,22, 816,72, 905,00
Hernies, para-: 0,04, 0,30, 0,62, 51,25, 117,25, 245,56, 367,50, 625,22, 816,72, 905,00
Herpès génital: 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 291,25, 293,05, 292,00, 345,50, 495,22, 734,25, 824,37
Herpès labial: 0,11, 0,55, 1,23, 5,58, 27,50, 291,25, 293,05, 292,00, 345,50, 824,37
Herpes Simplex 1: 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 291,25, 293,05, 292,00, 345,50, 495,22, 734,25, 824,37
Herpes Simplex 2 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 291,25 293,05 292,00, 353,90, 362,90, 360,00, 355,00
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis: 0,05, 0,97, 5,83, 7,50, 12,33, 113,23, 425,00, 571,00, 865,83, 937,41,
Herpes Simplex, labiale: 0,11, 0,55, 1,23, 5,58, 27,50, 291,25, 293,05, 292,00, 345,50, 824,37
Herpès: 0,12, 0,45, 0,90, 5,91, 137,50, 372,50, 416,60, 420,20, 418,00, 824,37
Herpesviridae Infections: 0,55, 0,95, 291,25 293,05, 292,00, 345,50, 434,00, 495,22, 734,25, 824,37
Herpesvirus Infections: 0,55, 0,95, 291,25 293,05, 292,00, 345,50, 434,00, 495,22, 734,25, 824,37
Herpétique aiguë N. Encéphalite: 0,05, 0,97, 5,83, 7,50, 12,33, 113,23, 425,00, 571,00, 865,83, 937,41,
Herpétique Paralysie faciale: 0,12, 17,85, 27,50, 47,50, 150,00, 225,00, 452,59, 683,00, 712,00, 993,41,
Herxheimer réaction: (Rest des séances de traitement thérapeutique Electro pendant 2-3 jours et nettoyer le foie)
Hexosaminidase B Deficiency: 0,17, 0,55, 0,95, 5,15, 13,98, 137,50, 362,50, 697,50, 775,00, 922,53,
Hexosaminidase Carence: .20, 0,12, 27,50, 47,50, 96,50, 275,03, 534,25, 691,27, 753,07, 927,10,
Hibernome: 0,02, 0,50, 0,87, 172,50, 207,50, 315,23, 425,62, 691,22, 735,54, 962,07,
Hidrosadénite: 0,15, 9,23, 66,73, 185,64, 215,25, 537,11, 632,22, 781,50, 893,00, 952,00
Hidrotique Dysplasie ectodermique: 0,13, 0,52, 0,83, 8,50, 12,53, 145,83, 262,50, 397,50, 633,91, 825,17
Hirsutisme: 0,11, 0,49, 0,78, 2,52, 7,53, 123,42, 263,02, 515,78, 682,02, 752,05
Histidinémie: 0,12, 0,35, 0,85, 7,50, 117,50, 142,50, 267,50, 395,91, 625,70, 796,01
Histiocytome cutanée: 0,02, 0,41, 0,90, 2,75, 5,87, 15,56, 73,30, 192,50, 533,63, 734,25
Histiocytome fibreux: 0,02, 0,41, 0,90, 2,75, 5,87, 15,56, 73,30, 192,50, 533,63, 734,25
Histiocytome, Benign fibreuse: 0,02, 0,41, 0,90, 2,75, 5,87, 15,56, 73,30, 192,50, 533,63, 734,25
Histiocytome, Tumeur fibreuse: 0,08, 0,41, 1,00, 5,78, 7,25, 15,87, 70,00, 92,50, 215,70, 519,34
Histiocytose à cellules de Langerhans: 0,14, 0,32, 0,97, 2,50, 11,09, 20,00, 57,50, 225,00, 423,01, 565,36
Histiocytose à cellules de Langerhans: 0,14, 0,32, 0,97, 2,50, 11,09, 20,00, 57,50, 225,00, 423,01, 565,36
Histiocytose X: 0,14, 0,32, 0,97, 2,50, 11,09, 20,00, 57,50, 225,00, 423,01, 565,36
Histiocytose, non Langerhansl: 0,14, 0,41, 0,97, 7,50, 10,72, 20,00, 57,50, 175,87, 415,70, 568,43
Histiocytose: 0,14, 0,12, 0,97, 7,50, 12,69, 20,00, 57,50, 224,94, 426,16, 563,19
Histomonose: 0,02, 0,23, 0,85, 5,71, 55,83, 172,50, 317,50, 663,50, 725,31, 853,02
Histoplasmose: 0,07, 0,23, 0,83, 2,50, 13,93, 12,71, 55,56, 93,50, 375,87, 426,90
Hiver Vomissements (froid / grippe) 0,06, 0,49, 0,57, 7,50, 2,50, 30,00, 72,50, 225,75, 419,34, 561,93
Hives: 0,07, 0,49, 0,60, 0,93, 2,25, 5,81, 13,93, 95.09, 375.00, 525.71
HMN type proximaux I: 0,18, 0,32, 25,00, 52,50, 134,25, 175,75, 426,90, 571,00, 843,00, 937,41,
Hochant Spasm: 06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19 ,,
Hodgkin Maladie: 0,02, 0,12, 0,95, 13,39, 22,50, 50,00, 60,00, 93,50, 234,11, 475,87
Holmes-Adie Syndrome: 0,17, 0,46, 10,85, 55,16, 96,50, 350,00, 567,00, 692,33, 810,20, 982,11
Holoprosencéphalie: 0,08, 0,24, 0,65, 0,90, 2,50, 27,50, 55,91, 119,34, 393,50, 536,42
Holt-Oram Syndrome: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 5,25, 7,25, 52,51, 167,53, 326,16, 569,71, 719,34,
Homocystinurie: 0,24, 0,73, 0,83, 7,50, 30,00, 57,50, 95,87, 97,50, 424,94, 562,91
Homologue maladie débilitante: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,85, 32,50, 42,50, 190,00, 325,37, 425,52,
Horizontal nystagmus: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,50, 82,00, 193,93, 237,50, 487,50, 706,21, 946,50
Hormone folliculo-stimulante: 0,13, 0,35, 0,70, 0,85, 5,79, 77,25, 130,00, 296,50, 625,58, 915,70
Hormone lutéinisante: 0,13, 0,35, 0,70, 0,85, 5,79, 77,25, 130,00, 296,50, 625,58, 915,70
Hormone thyroïde syndrome de résistance: 0,19, 15,00, 33,00, 97,50, 157,80, 332,41, 426,90, 571,00, 836,00, 932,00,
Horner Syndrome: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,33, 32,50, 142,50, 320,00, 425,87, 525,56
Horton artérite à cellules géantes: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,80, 5,25, 7,25, 35,00, 95,47, 226,32, 422,53
Horton Disease: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,80, 5,25, 7,25, 35,00, 95,47, 226,32, 422,53
HSAN Type I: 0,39, 0,70, 0,92, 7,90, 33,00, 54,50, 71,17, 85,50, 104,14, 581,02
HSAN Type II: 0,34, 0,62, 0,87, 7,81, 32,50, 51,50, 90,17, 97,50, 124,14, 512,02
HSAN Type III: 0,14, 0,25, 0,85, 5,25, 7,25, 325,00, 587,50, 745,31, 815,90, 927,00,
HSAN Type IV: 0,34, 0,62, 0,87, 7,81, 32,50, 325,00, 587,50, 745,31, 815,90, 927,00,
HSAN Type V: 0,74, 0,80, 0,92, 7,63, 32,50, 51,50, 90,17, 97,50, 124,14, 537,62
HTLV-III Infections: (VIH) 0,15, 5,58, 22,00, 30,00, 47,50, 162,82, 365,00, 388,90, 434,00, 456,11
HTLV-III-LAV Infections: (VIH) 0,15, 5,58, 22,00, 30,00, 47,50, 162,82, 365,00, 388,90, 434,00, 456,11
Humaine de la grippe: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 7,50, 12,50, 40,00, 120,00, 313,35, 320,00, 615,00,
Human Rétrovirus: 0,07, 0,88, 9,71, 68,83, 102,85, 205,28, 312,50, 492,50, 675,95, 823,37,
Huntington Chorée: 0,15, 0,23, 0,75, 3,85, 52,25, 177,25, 400,00, 563,19, 642,91, 976,90
Huntington Disease: 0,15, 0,23, 0,75, 3,85, 52,25, 177,25, 400,00, 563,19, 642,91, 976,90
Hutchinson de dents de: 0,02, 0,18, 25,00, 125,15, 269,71, 475,03, 527,00, 667,00, 761,85, 986,22
Hutchinson est mélanique rousseur: 0,06, 0,37, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 62,50, 95,56, 325,87, 473,00, 742,06
Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome: 0,04, 0,12, 0,95, 12,85, 32,50, 50,00, 235,31, 603,50, 747,50, 823,30,
Hydatid Cyst: 0,12, 0,55, 5,85, 81,50, 127,55, 241,52, 471,50, 625,30, 853,00, 915,09
Hydatidose: 0,12, 0,55, 5,85, 81,50, 127,55, 241,52, 471,50, 625,30, 853,00, 915,09
Hydramnios: 0,18, 0,55, 1,00, 5,25, 27,50, 42,50, 72,50, 195,87, 420,02, 719,34
Hydrocéphalie à pression normale: 0,05, 0,37, 0,90, 12,85, 67,50, 267,50, 555,56, 695,87, 875,58, 943,20
Hydrocéphalie congénitale: 0,07, 0,37, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 67,50, 195,87, 427,02, 573,82, 854,00
Hydrocéphalie obstructives: 0,07, 0,37, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 67,50, 195,87, 427,02, 573,82, 854,00
Hydrocéphalie, normal : 0,05, 0,37, 0,90, 12,85, 67,50, 267,50, 555,56, 695,87, 875,58, 943,20
Hydrocéphalie: 0,07, 0,37, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 67,50, 195,87, 427,02, 573,82, 854,00
Hydrocéphalie: 0,07, 0,37, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 67,50, 195,87, 427,02, 573,82, 854,00
Hydronéphrose: 0,20, 0,25, 0,75, 2,53, 3,40, 5,58, 95,87, 175,91, 425,87, 571,40
Hydrophobia: 0,07, 0,18, 1,65, 7,93, 102,53, 165,50, 415,00, 693,50, 875,31, 915,93
Hydrops: 0,07, 0,23, 8,97, 77,50, 132,50, 232,50, 431,87, 602,53, 775,30, 852,72
Hydrosyringomyelia: 0,12, 5,12, 7,00, 32,50, 95,75, 175,00, 522,53, 682,02, 759,83, 900,00
Hyperacousie: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 17,50, 86,53, 132,75, 342,51, 721,20, 823,10, 919,34
Hyperaldostéronisme: 0,08, 0,26, 0,78, 2,50, 17,50, 255,87, 387,50, 405,00, 645,87, 723,58
Hyperbilirubinemic Encéphalopathie: 0,08, 0,35, 0,60, 0,80, 2,75, 5,50, 50,00, 62,50, 90,00, 95,67
Hyperbilirubinémie, Héréditaire: 0,13, 0,52, 0,62, 9,00, 13,61, 155,87, 362,52, 453,02, 775,91, 925,58
Hypercalcémie: 0,11, 0,49, 14,73, 82,50, 217,50, 344,01, 671,52, 753,21, 871,02, 975,87
Hypercapnie: 0,12, 0,35, 0,93, 7,50, 25,00, 35,87, 87,50, 93,50, 234,51, 523,01
Hypercholesteremia: 0,08, 0,41, 0,95, 2,50, 5,50, 15,58, 187,50, 292,50, 619,34, 815,70
Hypercholestérolémie: 0,08, 0,41, 0,95, 2,50, 5,50, 15,58, 187,50, 292,50, 619,34, 815,70
Hyperémèse: 0,19, 0,23, 0,85, 2,25, 74,33, 147,91, 339,04, 562,51, 725,87, 875,58
Hyperémie: 0,46, 0,95, 11,09, 65,23, 115,79, 342,50, 431,22, 535,58, 603,16, 805,79
Hyperglycémique HN Coma: 0,17, 0,18, 0,84, 7,59, 87,32, 132,51, 345,03, 657,50, 792,50, 925,79,
Hyperhidrose: 0,06, 0,12, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 40,00, 133,63, 226,32, 475,58, 527,00
Hyperimmunoglobulinémie E-récurrente Syndrome d’infection: 0,13, 0,23, 0,70, 33,47, 288,75, 351,00, 432,50, 601,23, 719,01, 851,91
Hyperinsulinisme: 0,14, 0,25, 0,85, 7,50, 8,00, 13,93, 185,79, 325,23, 741,34, 960,41
Hyperkaliémie: 0,10, 0,57, 0,95, 12,85, 20,00, 37,50, 95,79, 250,00, 475,58, 527,00
Hyperkinétique Syndrome: 0,04, 0,25, 0,46, 0,32, 0,52, 0,75, 42,50, 87,50, 132,41, 376,29
Hyperlipidémie, Familial: 0,07, 0,23, 0,83, 12,33, 30,00, 131,00, 253,02, 350,00, 425,79, 826,90
Hyperlipidémie, Lipoprotein: 0,07, 0,23, 0,83, 12,33, 30,00, 131,00, 253,02, 350,00, 425,79, 826,90
Hypermétropie: 0,03, 0,46, 0,60, 8,85, 72,50, 115,78, 217,50, 493,50, 723,01, 825,79
Hypermétropie: 0,03, 0,46, 0,60, 8,85, 72,50, 115,78, 217,50, 493,50, 723,01, 825,79
Hyperostose corticale, congénitale 0,12, 0,25, 0,70, 1,07, 2,75, 14,53, 32,50, 92,50, 356,72, 425,58,
Hyperostose: 0,12, 0,25, 0,70, 2,50, 2,75, 10,53, 32,50, 92,50, 356,72, 425,58,
Hyperoxalurie: 0,03, 0,32, 0,62, 0,80, 7,50, 2,50, 32,50, 90,00, 322,06, 524,94
Hyperphénylalaninémie, non phénylcétonurie: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 5,85, 72,50, 135,00, 367,50, 550,30, 725,34, 920,32,
Hyperpipecolic Acidemia: 0,06, 0,26, 0,57, 9,00, 12,85, 35,54, 125,00, 424,37, 760,00, 812,91
Hyperpituitarism: 0,13, 0,35, 0,70, 0,85, 5,79, 77,25, 130,00, 296,50, 625,58, 915,70
Hyperplasie angiolymphoïde: 0,10, 1,00, 12,33, 5,50, 45,00, 234,51, 475,16, 527,00, 752,70, 987,23
Hyperplasie lymphoïde angio-foliculaire: 0,04, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 5,75, 7,50, 37,50, 96,50, 225,91, 425,37
Hyperplasie, Giant Noeud lymphatique: 0,04, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 5,75, 7,50, 37,50, 96,50, 225,91, 425,37
Hyperpotassemia: 0,10, 0,57, 0,95, 12,85, 20,00, 37,50, 95,79, 250,00, 475,58, 527,00
Hyperprolactinémie: 0,03, 0,52, 0,68, 0,90, 7,50, 88,50, 151,79, 285,00, 325,79, 819,34
Hypersalivation: 0,24, 0,90, 9,00, 13,52, 85,00, 92,50, 250,00, 376,29, 425,75, 845,10
Hypersensibilité atopique: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 1,92, 30,72, 57,50, 152,01, 321,26, 669,71, 823,01
Hypersensibilité de type III: 0,02, 0,30, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 240,28, 346,00, 628,00, 833,70, 925,68
Hypersensibilité IgE-Mediated: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 1,92, 30,72, 57,50, 152,01, 321,26, 669,71, 823,01
Hypersensibilité immédiate: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 1,92, 30,72, 57,50, 152,01, 321,26, 669,71, 823,01
Hypersensibilité Latex: 0,15, 0,23, 0,65, 0,93, 7,50, 11,09, 52,50, 172,51, 383,50, 516,52
Hypersensibilité respiratoire: 0,06, 0,55, 0,70, 9,87, 74,50, 130,00, 240,00, 490,00, 675,29, 879,50,
Hypersensibilité, Atopic: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 1,92, 30,72, 57,50, 152,01, 321,26, 669,71, 823,01
Hypersensibilité, Latex: 0,15, 0,23, 0,65, 0,93, 7,50, 11,09, 52,50, 172,51, 383,50, 516,52
Hypersensibilité, Type I: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 1,92, 30,72, 57,50, 152,01, 321,26, 669,71, 823,01
Hypersensibilité, Type III: 0,02, 0,30, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 240,28, 346,00, 628,00, 833,70, 925,68
Hypersensibilité: 0,04, 0,37, 0,65, 0,80, 2,50, 25,58, 52,50, 192,50, 375,79, 926,06,
Hypersomnie, périodique: 0,04, 0,50, 0,68, 0,87, 5,58, 7,50, 37,50, 95,54, 323,01, 426,90,
Hypertension artérielle pulmonaire: 0,14, 0,40, 0,78, 1,00, 2,50, 12,33, 15,58, 52,50, 225,79, 424,94
Hypertension pulmonaire: 0,14, 0,40, 0,78, 1,00, 2,50, 12,33, 15,58, 52,50, 225,79, 424,94
Hypertension, Malignant: 0,07, 0,41, 0,78, 3,21, 88,52, 109,69, 215,23, 505,79, 615,58, 725,79
Hypertension, Portal: 0,04, 0,40, 0,78, 1,21, 52,78, 122,85, 315,00, 487,50, 725,79, 915,70,
Hypertension: 0,03, 0,40, 0,78, 1,00, 2,50, 33,39, 75,79, 185,58, 425,79, 719,34
Hypertérase intracrânienne bénigne: 0,06, 0,49, 0,68, 7,50, 102,50, 231,70, 472,50, 625,69, 705,70, 857,20
Hyperthermie maligne: 0,11, 0,55, 0,95, 5,25, 20,00, 37,50, 62,50, 93,50, 150,00, 478,50
Hyperthermie, Tumeur: 0,11, 0,55, 0,95, 5,25, 20,00, 37,50, 62,50, 93,50, 150,00, 478,50
Hyperthermie, Tumeur: 0,11, 0,55, 0,95, 5,25, 20,00, 37,50, 62,50, 93,50, 150,00, 478,50
Hyperthermie: 0,12, 0,23, 0,83, 5,50, 13,93, 12,71, 92,50, 376,29, 519,34, 652,43
Hyperthésie auditive: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 17,50, 86,53, 132.75, 342,51, 721,20, 823,10, 919,34
Hyperthyroïdie: 0,07, 0,46, 0,83, 7,50, 20,00, 85,23, 313,63, 429,70, 405,79, 535,59,
Hypertrophée Ventricular Gauche: 0,11, 0,57, 0,95, 5,25, 20,00, 37.50, 262.50, 593,50, 775,79, 808,50
Hypertrophie du foie: 0,02, 0,50, 0,97, 2,25, 12,85, 15,22, 42,50, 90,00, 322,06, 326,16,
Hypertrophie osseuse: 0,12, 0,25, 0,70, 2,50, 10,53, 2,75, 32,50, 92,50, 356,72, 425,58,
Hypertrophie ventriculaire droite: 0,12, 0,57, 0,95, 5,58, 20,00, 145,79, 262,50, 393,50, 734,51, 919,34
Hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche: 0,11, 0,57, 0,95, 5,25, 20,00, 37.50, 262.50, 593,50, 775,79, 808,50
Hypertropie: 0,17, 0,57, 37.50, 87.50, 90.00, 452,59, 519,68, 684,81, 712,23, 997,87,
Hyperventilation: 0,12, 0,23, 0,85, 5,50, 22,50, 35,58, 73,30, 92,50, 352,93, 523,01,
Hypervitaminose A: 0,11, 0,57, 0,95, 5,50, 17,50, 137,50, 262,50, 393,50, 775,79, 815,70
Hyphéma: 0,11, 0,57, 0,95, 5,50, 217,50, 117,50, 162,50, 393,50, 677,91, 797,61
Hypocalcémie: 0,12, 0,50, 0,85, 5,50, 32,50, 125,79, 270,00, 492,50, 658,57, 824,94
Hypocondrie: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 7,50, 8,00, 127,50, 235,58, 525,79, 725,00, 825,79
Hypocuprémie congénitale: 0,17, 0,42, 18,81, 89,10, 115,18, 220,05, 375,00, 532,51, 615,20, 713,87
Hypogalactia: 0,19, 0,30, 0,62, 7,50, 8,00, 2,50, 32,50, 55,23, 150,00, 325,54
Hypogammaglobulinémie: 0,12, 0,80, 22,50, 90,00, 175,00, 451,17, 517,50, 683,00, 712,23, 992,00,
Hypogonadisme: 0,10, 0,50, 0,78, 0,85, 5,58, 67,50, 137,50, 285,79, 495,80, 726,00
Hypohidrose: 0,03, 0,55, 0,87, 10.72,27.50, 127,50, 335,58, 525,61, 826,32, 919,55
Hypokaliémie: 0,07, 0,12, 0,75, 0,83, 32,75, 107,50, 247,50, 350,00, 476,29, 605,68
Hypoménorrhée: 0,06, 0,53, 49,93, 172,50, 287,50, 313,98, 455,23, 607,50, 811,52, 903,54
Hyponatrémie: 0,13, 0,24, 0,73, 0,87, 2,25, 5,78, 30,00, 150,00, 175,61, 534,25,
Hypophosphatasie: 0,04, 0,22, 0,95, 5,58, 25,68, 17,50, 42,50, 60,00, 95,23, 125,68,
Hypopituitarisme: 0,15, 0,26, 0,80, 5,50, 20,00, 32,50, 45,68, 57,50, 93,50, 92,50, 356,72,
Hypoplasie du coeur gauche Syndrome: 0,07, 0,18, 0,75, 0,83, 2,50, 7,50, 150,00, 379,93, 425,68, 932,00,
Hypopotassemia: 0,07, 0,12, 0,75, 0,83, 32,75, 107,50, 247,50, 350,00, 476,29, 605,68
Hypoproconvertinémie: 0,08, 0,22, 0,73, 2,50, 5,71, 50,00, 322,53, 415,70, 566,41, 707,26,
Hyposalivation: 0,12, 5,81, 25,00, 87,50, 225,00, 458,50, 522,39, 683,00, 712,23, 992,00,
Hyposecre Adenohypophysaire: 0,13, 0,35, 0,70, 0,85, 5,79, 77,25, 130,00, 296,50, 625,58, 915,70
Hypospadias: 0,13, 0,57, 0,73, 0,85, 13,93, 45,52, 132,02, 255,10, 775,61, 813,63
Hypotension orthostatique: 0,07, 8,00, 13,98, 42,50, 97,50, 325,17, 515,70, 650,00, 750,00, 927,10,
Hypotension: 0,02, 0,24, 0,85, 37,50, 101,32, 221,10, 419,34, 562,91, 709,83, 976,90
Hypothermie: 0,03, 0,46, 0,60, 0,85, 2,50, 5,25, 17,50, 93,50, 224,94, 425,61,
Hypothyroïdie congénitale: 0,19, 0,52, 0,68, 9,08, 112,83, 217,50, 335,00, 547,50, 725,28, 925,00
Hypothyroïdisme: 0,07, 0,46, 0,83, 7,50, 20,00, 85,23, 313,63, 405,79, 429,70, 539,00,
Hypoventilation alvéolaire C: 0,07, 0,37, 12,71, 47,50, 97,50, 225,75, 377,91, 519,34, 691,27, 753,07
Hypovolémique Choc: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 115,50, 210,50, 475,19, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 985,67
Hypoxanthine-phosphoribosyl-transférase Déficit: 0,07, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 2,50, 41,01, 119,34, 475,69, 527,00, 667,00
Hypoxie, cerveau: 0,15, 0,18, 0,80, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 151,27, 257,46, 413,91, 692,27
Hypoxie: 0,08, 0,85, 2,50, 43,00, 97,23, 175,00, 388,00, 791,00, 853,00, 972,10
Hypsarythmie: 06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19 ,,
Hysteria, dissociatif: 0,11, 0,49, 0,97, 17,30, 29,50, 422,50, 602,50, 715,31, 803,50, 924,37,


Ichtyose: 0,03, 0,18, 0,65, 0,80, 33,52, 72,50, 270,96, 321,80, 505,67, 715,28
Ictère hémolytique: 0,02, 0,12, 5,16, 62,50, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
Ictère: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 12,05, 152,50, 293,50, 315,62, 496,01
IDDM: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 429,70, 478,23, 895,00, 951,30
Idéationnel apraxie: 0,60, 1,00, 5,00, 247,88, 365,80, 454,37, 515,16, 689,41, 712,00, 997,87,
Idiopathique hypertrophique Sténose sous-aortique: 0,13, 0,26, 20,00, 125,00, 376,29, 404,37, 515,16, 687,62, 712,81, 992,00,
Idiopathique hypertrophique Sténose subvalvulaire: 0,13, 0,26, 20,00, 125,00, 376,29, 404,37, 515,16, 687,62, 712,81, 992,00,
Idiopathique Scrotal Calcinosis: 0,12, 0,26, 0,70, 2,50, 31,00, 72,75, 122,50, 282,81, 357,77, 426,16
Idiopathiques Hypotension orthostatique :: 0,07, 8,00, 13,98, 42,50, 97,50, 325,17, 515,70, 650,00, 750,00, 927,10,
IgA Déficit: 0,13, 0,23, 0,70, 0,87, 5,78, 7,25, 30,00, 96,50, 322,06, 519,34
IgA Neuropathie: 0,15, 0,24, 0,68, 0,83, 32,50, 197,50, 332,50, 555,37, 696,50, 875,52,
Iléite, régional: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 87,50, 480,00, 525,29, 825,00
Iléite, Terminal: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 87,50, 480,00, 525,29, 825,00
Ileocolitis: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 87,50, 480,00, 525,29, 825,00
Immobilisé syndrome: 0,15, 0,46, 0,95, 5,85, 62,50, 107,50, 217,50, 496,50, 855,72, 915,31,
Immuno commun variable: 0,15, 5,58, 22,00, 30,00, 47,50, 360,59, 365,00, 388,90, 434,00, 456,11
Immunodéficience AIS: 0,15, 5,58, 22,00, 30,00, 47,50, 360,59, 365,00, 388,90, 434,00, 456,11
Immunodéficience sévère: 0,07, 0,24, 35,19, 150,00, 375,00, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 969,67
Impétigo Contagiosa: 0,15, 0,23, 0,65, 0,93, 37,50, 130,72, 352,50, 712,50, 693,50
Impétigo: 0,15, 0,23, 0,65, 0,93, 37,50, 130,72, 352,50, 712,50, 693,50
Imsomnia: 0,26, 0,38, 0,89, 6,31, 11,59, 48,90, 181,28, 327,18, 433,83, 509,21
Inapproprié FSH Sécrétion: 0,13, 0,35, 0,70, 0,85, 5,79, 77,25, 130,00, 296,50, 625,58, 915,70
Inapproprié hormone de croissance: 0,08, 0,42, 0,77, 7,91, 31,21, 122,74, 255,61, 371,33, 742,80, 955,20
Inapproprié hormone folliculo-stimulante Sécrétion: 0,13, 0,35, 0,70, 0,85, 5,79, 77,25, 130,00, 296,50, 625,58, 915,70
Inapproprié hormone lutéinisante: 0,13, 0,35, 0,70, 0,85, 5,79, 77,25, 130,00, 296,50, 625,58, 915,70
Inapproprié thyréostimuline Sécrétion: 0,13, 0,35, 0,70, 0,85, 5,79, 77,25, 130,00, 296,50, 625,58, 915,70
Incontinence fécale: 0,13, 0,35, 0,85, 5,75, 17,50, 42,50, 221,02, 425,43, 771,00, 815,91
Incontinentia Pigmenti Ach .: 0,10, 0,57, 0,68, 0,87, 35,58, 127,50, 337,50, 638,61, 715,23, 903,74,
Incontinentia Pigmenti: 0,10, 0,57, 0,68, 0,87, 35,58, 127,50, 337,50, 638,61, 715,23, 903,74,
Infection de l’ oreille: 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 3,00, 73,30, 95,75, 175,00, 269,71, 355,08
Infections à Salmonella: 0,18, 0,57, 1,85, 7,50, 329,00, 382,30, 386.55. 355,00, 386,00, 390,00
Infections bactériennes et mycoses: 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 3,00, 73,30, 95,75, 175,00, 269,71, 355,08
Infections bactériennes, bélier G (-): 0,15, 9,23, 42,75, 183,85, 275,29, 307,25, 435,37, 587,50, 795,52, 901.03
Infections bactériennes, bélier G (+): 0,15, 0,92, 2,75, 13,22, 163.00, 275.29, 307.25, 435.37, 795.52, 587,50
Infections Clostridium: 361,00, 362,00, 364,55, 382,80, 384,00, 389,00, 391,15, 394,20, 396,00, 398,10,
Infections d’Adenoviridae: 0,18, 0,52, 0,80, 37,50, 93,20, 150,00, 392.90, 509,35, 755,00, 866,15
Infections d’adénovirus: 0,18, 0,52, 0,80, 37,50, 93,20, 150,00, 392,90, 509,35, 755,00, 866,15
Infections de Shigella (GEN) : 3,00, 73,30, 95,75, 175,00, 269,71, 318,00, 390,09, 394,00, 426,22, 512,81
Infections des voies urinaires: 0,49, 0,73, 0,80, 7,50, 20,00, 50,00, 124,37, 376,29, 496,01, 689,93
Infections Nosocomiales: 0,06, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 2,75, 17,50, 62,50, 195.95, 491.00, 769.71
Infections par Alphavirus: 0,12, 0,78, 12,71, 55,00, 90,00, 175,05, 425,00, 571,00, 822,00, 932,00,
Infections par arbovirus: 0,07, 0,68, 2,33, 35,00, 87,50, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 753,23, 987,23
Infections Tumor Virus: 0,07, 0,35, 25,40, 50,00, 60,00, 150.00, 475.11, 527.00, 667.00, 987.23
Infirmité motrice cérébrale: 0,06, 0,32, 20,00, 85,75, 150,00, 225,00, 222,70, 454,50, 515,17, 687,62
Infirmité motrice: 0,02, 0,22, 0,97, 7,50, 22,50, 85,37, 155,47, 285,00, 416,50, 605,41
Inflammation: 0,08, 0,12, 0,60, 0,80, 2,50, 30,98, 103,00, 362,50, 692,01, 825,00
Inflammatoire myopathie: 0,07, 0,33, 0,75, 0,83, 3,70, 8,51, 98,50, 314,95, 405,07, 517,02
Influenza aviaire: 0,17, 0,24, 0,75, 0,97, 5,62, 30,00, 62,50, 93,50, 150,00, 872,00
Influenza de type B: 0,25, 10,53, 12,50, 40,00, 170,00, 313,35, 315,00 323,90, 320,00, 615,00,
Inoculation lymphoréticulose: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 17,50, 35,17, 97,50, 222,70, 314,33, 560,00, 707,26,
Insensions d’androgène. Syn: 0,06, 7,50, 67,50, 95,00, 376,29, 475,05, 527,00, 665,34, 761,85, 987,23
Insomnie fatale familiale: 0,26, 0,38, 0,89, 6,31, 11,59, 48,90, 181,28, 327,18, 433,83, 509,21
Insuffisance cardiaque: 0,14, 0,22, 0,75, 5,29, 7,25, 50,00, 167,50, 334,25, 425,00, 805,29,
Insuffisance pancréatique exocrine: 0,10, 0,50, 0,68, 5,95, 35,71, 87,50, 137,50, 357,50, 596,50, 742,06
Insuffisance rénale chronique: 0,13, 0,18, 0,65, 0,97, 7,50, 11,95, 40,00, 150,00, 524,94, 689,93, 752,05
Insuffisance rénale chronique: 0,13, 0,18, 0,65, 0,97, 7,50, 11,95, 40,00, 150,00, 524,94, 689,93, 752,05
Insuffisance rénale, aiguë: 0,13, 0,18, 0,65, 0,97, 7,50, 11,95, 40,00, 150,00, 524,94, 689,93, 752,05
Insuffisance rénale, aiguë: 0,13, 0,18, 0,65, 0,97, 7,50, 11,95, 40,00, 150,00, 524,94, 689,93, 752,05
INSUFFISANCE VEINEUSE: 0,12, 0,65, 13,98, 87,50, 96,50, 222,53, 325,00, 475,16, 749,00, 986,22
Insulino-dépendant Diabète: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 429,70, 478,23, 895,00, 951,30
Insulinome: 0,04, 0,32, 0,70, 0,87, 5,25, 32,50, 60,00, 125,68, 225,65, 275,68
Insuloma: 0,04, 0,32, 0,70, 0,87, 5,25, 32,50, 60,00, 125,68, 225,65, 275,68
Intention Tremor: 0,40, 0,60, 0,85, 5,09, 7,25, 92,50, 175,00, 476,50, 527,00, 663,71,
Interstitielles Maladies pulmonaires: 0,05, 0,24, 0,60, 0,97, 7,50, 35,62, 117.52, 402.06, 675.62, 823.01
Interventions chirurgicales orales: 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 13,93, 205.51, 337.30, 331.00, 435.85, 408.00, 409,70
Interventions chirurgicales reconstructives, cosmétiques: 0,06, 0,23, 0,73, 0.87,105.72, 237,25, 432.50, 526.07, 669.71, 819.34
Interventions chirurgicales reconstructives: 0,06, 0,23, 0,73, 0,87, 105.72, 432.50, 237,25, 526.07, 669.71, 819.34
Intervertébral Déplacement disque: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 7,50, 2,75, 40,00, 275,65, 475,68, 527,00, 667,00
Intestinal Neuronal dysplasie: 0,05, 0,52, 0,78, 7,50, 8,00, 32,50, 62,50, 125,68, 250,00, 376,29
Intoxication alimentaire: 0,12, 0,23, 0,83, 5,50, 12,71, 83,93, 192,50, 475,44, 624,37, 882,45
Intracrânienne Aneurysm: 0,08, 0,24, 0,57, 7,50, 10,72, 36,21, 142,50, 321,00, 415,70, 775,68
Intracrânienne idiopathique Hypertension: 0,06, 0,49, 0,68, 7,50, 102,50, 231,70, 472,50, 625,69, 705,70, 857,20
Intracrânienne Troubles vasculaires: 0,08, 0,25, 0,70, 0,85, 7,50, 17,50, 185,75, 350,00, 425,17, 510,50,
Intracrânienne vasospasme: 0,19, 0,26, 0,57, 7,50, 12,69, 35,33, 322,06, 425,71, 564,28, 930,12
Iodamoebiasis: 0,52, 2,50, 40,00, 95,00, 376,29, 476,50, 527,00, 665,34, 752,70, 987,23
Iritis: 0,04, 0,25, 0,87, 11,09, 7,50, 12,71, 85,68, 132,50, 353,50, 855,08
Irrégularités chaîne respiratoire, Mitochondrial: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 2,50, 215,61, 355,68, 419,34, 651,10, 723,03, 868,43
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: 0,23, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 22,50, 151,68, 312,50, 432,50, 705,67, 869,34,
Ischémie cérébrale transitoire: 0,17, 0,40, 0,62, 0,85, 2,50, 25,00, 109,32, 362,57, 621,68, 775,67
Ischémie cérébrale: 0,04, 0,02, 0,65, 85,75, 90,00, 375,11, 496,00, 682,00, 750,00, 911,20
Ischémie cérébrale: 0,04, 0,02, 0,65, 85,75, 90,00, 375,11, 496,00, 682,00, 750,00, 911,20
Ischémie myocardique: 0,08, 0,35, 0,62, 0,97, 12,50, 117,50, 345,23, 567,50, 625,87, 775,58
Ischémie, Myocardial: 0,08, 0,35, 0,62, 0,97, 12,50, 117,50, 345,23, 567,50, 625,87, 775,58
Ischémiques Encéphalopathie: 0,04, 0,02, 0,65, 85,75, 90,00, 375,11, 496,00, 682,00, 750,00, 911,20
Itch nageuse: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 125,31, 387,50, 682,10, 822,06, 925,93,
Ito Syndrome: 0,10, 0,57, 0,68, 0,87, 35,58, 127,50, 337,50, 638,61, 715,23, 903,74,
Ivemark Syndrome: 0,16, 0,49, 0,62, 0,85, 7,50, 162,50, 281,20, 492,52, 675,62, 825,23


Jacksonienne saisie: 0,46, 0,95, 67,50, 150,00, 275,19, 519,34, 682,45, 711,21, 859,83, 922,53
Jacobsen syndrome: 0,18, 0,78, 0,85, 13,61, 7,50, 27,50, 95,62, 375,67, 523,01, 682,02
Jansky-Bielschowsky Disease: 0,19, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,78, 47,50, 269,71, 450,00, 515,56, 686,21
Jaunisse, idiopathique chronique: 0,20, 0,46, 0,60, 2,50, 13,00, 35,78, 187,50, 235,00, 395,62, 805,70
Jaunisse: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 12,05, 152,50, 293,50, 315,62, 496,01
Jerk nystagmus: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,50, 82,00, 193,93, 237,50, 487,50, 706,21, 946,50
Joint Charcot: 0,11, 5,33, 7,00, 15,00, 125,00, 350,00, 425,00, 571,00, 828,00, 932,00,
Joint Diseases: 0,11, 0,24, 0,57, 38,83, 222.72, 317.50, 431.20, 572.50, 695.67, 905.62
Joseph Disease: 0,14, 0,25, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 13,93, 85,68, 225,23, 475,68, 527,00
Juvénile amyotrophie spinale: 0,18, 0,32, 25,00, 52,50, 134,25, 175,75, 426,90, 571,00, 843,00, 937,41,
Juvénile artérite temporale: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,80, 5,25, 7,25, 35,00, 95,47, 226,32, 422,53
Juvénile Huntington Disease: 0,15, 0,23, 0,75, 3,85, 52,25, 177,25, 400,00, 563,19, 642,91, 976,90
Juvénile parkinsonien familiale: 0,57, 0,78, 0,90, 5,25, 7,00, 115,71, 255,83, 485,43, 692,50, 825,00


Kallmann Syndrome: 0,12, 0,50, 0,85, 5,50, 32,50, 35,00, 75,85, 92,50, 125,62, 519,34
Kaposi Maladie: 0,08, 7,50, 12,85, 40,00, 65,16, 96,50, 175,05, 653,69, 759,83, 923,70,
Kartagener Triad: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 7,50, 18,00, 27,50, 135.67,225.62, 635,23, 917,02
Kawasaki maladie: 0,04, 0,24, 0,95, 2,75, 5,87, 178,50, 326,50, 571,52, 705,87, 827,23
Kearns Syndrome: 0,15, 0,35, 0,62, 0,93, 7,50, 13,52, 52,50, 72,50, 93,50, 96,50,
Kearns-Sayer Syndrome: 0,15, 0,35, 0,62, 0,93, 7,50, 13,52, 52,50, 72,50, 93,50, 96,50,
Kératite, rectocolite: 0,33, 0,90, 2,77, 37,21, 98,11, 123,60, 205,30, 418,15, 633,10, 823,41
Kératite: 0,07, 0,55, 0,70, 0,87, 5,25, 7,25, 30,00, 55,23, 93,50, 325,62
Kératocône: 0,19, 0,52, 0,68, 0,97, 57,50, 119,53, 325,62, 634,20, 701,50, 881,62
Kératose séborrhéique: 0,12, 0,68, 0,85, 12,05, 7,50, 27,50, 97,50, 275,62, 523,01, 687,45
Kératose séborrhéique: 0,12, 0,68, 0,85, 12,05, 7,50, 27,50, 97,50, 275,62, 523,01, 687,45
Kératose, Actinic: 0,16, 0,49, 0,62, 0,85, 13,39, 71,50, 142,21, 392,50, 677,91, 715,70
Kernictère: 0,08, 0,35, 0,60, 0,80, 2,75, 5,50, 50,00, 62,50, 90,00, 95,67
Kienbock maladie: 0,13, 0,22, 0,93, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 72,50, 127,00, 356,50, 624,37
Kimura Disease: 0,10, 1,00, 12,33, 5,50, 45,00, 234,51, 475,16, 527,00, 752,70, 987,23
Kinky Syndrome des cheveux: 0,17, 0,42, 18,81, 89,10, 115,18, 220,05, 375,00, 532,51, 615,20, 713,87
Klebsiella Infections: 0,13, 0,41, 0,65, 0,97, 7,50, 10,47, 398,45, 401,00, 404,65, 419,00
Kleine-Levin Syndrome: 0,04, 0,50, 0,68, 0,87, 5,58, 7,50, 37,50, 95,54, 323,01, 426,90,
Klein-Waardenburg: 0,04, 0,52, 5,09, 35,00, 175,33, 432,41, 561,93, 714,82, 823,00, 987,23
Klippel-Feil Syndrome: 0,03, 0,52, 0,62, 0,93, 7,50, 12,71, 85,00, 96,50, 300,00, 225,54
Klippel-Trenaunay maladie: 0,06, 0,12, 0,60, 0,90, 2,75, 17,50, 72,50, 375,69, 357,77, 425,23
Klippel-Trenaunay: 0,06, 0,12, 0,60, 0,90, 2,75, 17,50, 72,50, 375,69, 357,77, 425,23
Klumpke Paralysie: 0,15, 0,57, 15,16, 52,50, 119,34, 357,30, 424,37, 561,93, 642,91, 930,12
Konzo: 0,13, 0,52, 1,73, 7,25, 15,71, 35,34, 272,51, 512,91, 775,83, 815,38
Krukenberg tumeur: 0,07, 0,49, 0,60, 0,80, 32,10, 251,50, 382,50, 501,69, 618,00, 713,54,
Kufs Disease: 0,19, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,78, 47,50, 269,71, 450,00, 515,56, 686,21
Kugelberg-Welander: 0,18, 0,32, 25,00, 52,50, 134,25, 175,75, 426,90, 571,00, 843,00, 937,41,
Kuru Encéphalopathie: 0,07, 0,57, 0,85, 2,50, 35,12, 213,98, 307,50, 426,42, 613,01, 719,34
Kuru: 0,07, 0,57, 0,85, 2,50, 35,12, 213,98, 307,50, 426,42, 613,01, 719,34
Kysté de boulanger: 0,17, 0,35, 8,85, 57,50, 117,50, 237,52, 357,50, 691,02, 810,50, 915,70,
Kyste du cholédoque, de type I: 0,04, 0,23, 0,85, 5,75, 20,00, 125,19, 350,00, 450,00, 775,17, 927,00,
Kyste du cholédoque: 0,04, 0,23, 0,85, 5,75, 20,00, 125,19, 350,00, 450,00, 775,17, 927,00,
Kyste du sein: 0,08, 0,24, 12,71, 35,16, 92,50, 355,72, 412,33, 563,19, 709,83, 978,85
Kyste sébacé: 0,12, 0,25, 8,62, 17,25, 82,50, 115,87, 325,00, 491,51, 673,35, 874,54,
Kystes de l’ovaire: 0,06, 0,40, 0,83, 5,25, 85,47, 132.20, 247.50, 530.20, 618.20, 880.30
Kystes épidermiques: 0,12, 0,25, 8,62, 17,25, 82,50, 115,87, 325,00, 491,51, 673,35, 874,54,
Kystes mammaires: 0,08, 0,24, 12,71, 35,16, 92,50, 355.72, 412.33, 563.19, 709.83, 978.85


L’ anémie d’ Addison: 0,02, 0,12, 5,16, 62,50, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
L’ anémie, de 0,02 Addison, 0,12, 5,16, 62,50, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
L’ arthrite spécifique: 0,05, 0,75, 0,90, 9,00, 11,09, 55,33, 398,40, 425,71, 642,91, 980,00
L’ asthme spécifique: 0,57, 0,90, 2,50, 3,00, 27,50, 95,75, 125,00, 150,00, 534,20, 871,00
L’ insomnie : 0,13, 0,40, 0,62, 42,50, 57,50, 92,50, 175,00, 475,17, 527,00, 667,00,
La cardiopathie ischémique: 0,08, 0,35, 0,62, 0,97, 12,50, 117,50, 345,23, 567,50, 625,87, 775,58
La carence en vitamine: 0,04, 0,26, 0,46, 7,50, 37.50, 57.50, 100.00, 210.25, 436,42, 561,93,
La cataracte, membraneuse: 0,03, 0,41, 15,19, 87,50, 122,06, 312,33, 532,41, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10,
La chirurgie gastro-intestinale post: 0,03, 0,50, 0,93, 2,50, 119,00, 417,50, 545,31, 673,30, 796,50, 825,00
La compression du nerf cubital: 0,07, 0,32, 0,60, 0,83, 2,25, 225,00, 476,50, 527,00, 742,00, 987,23
La démence vasculaire: 0,06, 0,26, 0,65, 5,71, 7,00, 42,50, 92,50, 478,50, 527,00, 667,00
La dépression, bipolaire: 0,04, 0,37, 0,87, 2,25, 2,50, 70,00, 95,27, 269,71, 175,27, 350,00
La dépression, du post-partum: 0,08, 0,50, 0,85, 19,03, 5,93, 331,05, 447,50, 550,00, 625,00, 833,91,
La dépression, Endogène: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 15,50, 41,09, 465,69, 597,50, 722,70, 875,93
La dépression, névrotique: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 15,50, 41,09, 465,69, 597,50, 722,70, 875,93
La dépression, unipolaires: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 15,50, 41,09, 465,69, 597,50, 722,70, 875,93
La douleur nerveuse: 0,08, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 8,00, 77,50, 196,50, 315,70, 524,94, 660,41,
La douleur, la migraine: 0,15, 0,18, 2,32, 63,75, 72,30, 132,20, 220,30, 587,30, 722,52, 915,20
La douleur, le général: 0,16, 0,35, 0,95, 5,26, 27,50, 52,50, 225,47, 522,53, 682,02, 750,00
La douleur, les maux de dos: 0,18, 0,42, 0,81, 5,18, 21,05, 32,33, 205,11, 583,09, 612,57, 622,38
La dysfonction érectile: 0,08, 0,24, 0,65, 0,90, 2,50, 27,50, 55,36, 115,70, 326,07, 534,25,
La dysplasie du col: 0,02, 0,24, 0,85, 37,50, 101,32, 221,10, 419,34, 562,91, 709,83, 976,90
La dysplasie ventriculaire droite, arythmogène: 0,05, 0,40, 0,85, 2,75, 5,00, 55,16, 269,71, 555,30, 707,00, 825,50
La dysplasie ventriculaire, Droite, arythmogène: 0,05, 0,40, 0,85, 2,75, 5,00, 55,16, 269,71, 555,30, 707,00, 825,50
La elongatus de parasites: 0,19, 0,52, 0,78, 1,22, 13,39, 5,20, 17,50, 72,50, 234,25, 425,43
La fasciite plantaire : 0,23, 0,60, 12,00, 55,00, 96,50, 375,11, 512,33, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10
La fibrose pulmonaire: 0,65, 0,41, 0,62, 4,97, 7,50, 15,31, 87,50, 325,93, 385,90, 504,37,
La fièvre de Lassa: 0,03, 0,24, 4,57, 57,50, 110,47, 321,82, 491,31, 681,28, 721,66, 839,34 Lassitude
La fièvre glandulaire: 0,08, 0,35, 0,60, 0,80, 212,03, 305,21, 451,27, 565,61, 690,00, 826,32
La fièvre récurrente: 0,08, 0,57, 0,90, 5,71, 45,20, 152,59, 262,50, 695,02, 715,73, 819,34
La fièvre typhoïde: 0,13, 0,40, 0,87, 43,20, 92,50, 310,25, 479,50, 527,00, 789,00, 985,67
La fièvre typhoïde: 0,13, 0,40, 0,87, 43,20, 92,50, 310,25, 479,50, 527,00, 789,00, 985,67
La gonorrhée: 0,20, 0,25, 0,57, 13,61, 23,25, 221,75, 333,85, 336,50, 334,00, 971,00
La grippe (Bird) H5N1: 0,08, 0,25, 0,57, 7,50, 10,53, 12,50, 40,00, 173,30, 329,37, 675,00,
La grippe, aviaire H5N1: 0,08, 0,25, 0,57, 7,50, 10,53, 12,50, 40,00, 173,30, 329,37, 675,00,
La grippe, le général: 0,08, 0,25, 0,57, 7,50, 10,53, 12,50, 40,00, 313,35, 320,00, 615,00,
La maladie cœliaque: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 2,50, 20,00, 47,50, 72,50, 125,17, 379,93, 475,19,
La maladie d’ Alzheimer et d’ autres démences complète
La maladie de Blount: (se.14, 0,30, 0,83, 7,50, 128,00, 202,43, 340,00, 450,00, 575,37, 719,34
La maladie de Charcot-Marie-Tooth: 0,19, 1,22, 4,33, 17,25, 63,21, 119,42, 287,21, 403,03, 435,00, 711,17
La maladie de Dühring: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 9,35, 27,50, 229,31, 487,50, 590,00, 725,00, 925,31
La maladie de Fabry: 0,07, 0,22, 0,73, 2,50, 5,25, 50,00, 275,36, 536,42, 655,20, 755,49
la maladie de Fournier: 0,08, 0,55, 0,57, 7,50, 18,00, 121,09, 242,90, 360,00, 596,50, 975,43
La maladie de Gaucher: 0,05, 0,24, 0,70, 0,95, 2,50, 7,50, 32,50, 125,37, 319,34, 519,34
La maladie de Hansen: 0,17, 0,24, 0,79, 3,50, 5,82, 48,00, 97,50, 123,01, 468,43, 592,26
La maladie de Lyme: 0,65, 2,50, 7,50, 25,23, 70,00, 42,50, 95,67, 378,95, 523,01, 682,02
La maladie de Niemann-Pick: 0,05, 0,46, 0,95, 7,50, 32,50, 154,31, 267,50, 352,57, 411,12, 634,25
La maladie de Ormond: 0,07, 0,46, 0,65, 112,95, 295,87, 347,50, 427,50, 695,28, 750,00, 875,95,
La maladie de Paget, Mammaire: 0,08, 0,49, 0,68, 7,50, 11,09, 17,50, 72,50, 215,70, 456,50, 517,50
La maladie de Paget: 0,08, 0,49, 0,68, 7,50, 11,09, 17,50, 72,50, 215,70, 456,50, 517,50
La maladie de Parkinson idiopathique: 0,08, 0,35, 0,65, 0,83, 9,50, 115,71, 354,95. 355,35, 368,00, 398,40
La maladie de Parkinson: 0,08, 0,35, 0,65, 0,83, 9,50, 115,71, 354,95. 355,35, 368,00, 398,40
La maladie de Peyronie: 0,04, 0,57, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 295,54, 487,50, 605,72, 723,82, 935,42
La maladie de Schamberg: 0,10, 0,57, 0,68, 0,87, 35,58, 127,50, 337,50, 638,61, 715,23, 903,74,
La maladie de Still, juvénile : 0,06, 0,78, 7,50, 40,00, 398,40, 476,50, 527,00, 665,34, 761,85, 987,23
La maladie de Whipple: 0,87, 7,50, 2,50, 32,50, 97,50, 250,00, 479,50, 527,00, 789,00, 987,23
La maladie de Whitmore: 0,03, 0,50, 0,90, 13,61, 37,50, 117,50, 255,61, 497,50, 715,70, 842,06
La maladie des cellules I: 0,20, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 3,00, 7,50, 96,50, 326,16, 534,25, 652,43,
La maladie d’inclusion: 0,07, 0,12, 0,85, 9,50, 88,00, 141,20, 297,50, 425,95, 675,31, 827,00
La maladie d’Ollier: 0,15, 0,18, 0,87, 15,83, 23,21, 212,53, 247,58, 465,34, 695,02, 792,51
La maladie du sein de Paget: 0,08, 0,49, 0,68, 7,50, 11,09, 17,50, 72,50, 215,70, 456,50, 517,50
La maladie inflammatoire pelvienne: 0,04, 0,46, 33,01, 72,50, 117,59, 231,90, 509,02, 645,44, 819,34, 915,00
La maladie rénale, terminale: 0,13, 0,18, 0,65, 0,97, 7,50, 11,95, 40,00, 150,00, 524,94, 689,93, 752,05
La maladie vaginale: 0,07, 0,12, 0,85, 5,62, 15,16, 40,00, 419,34, 561,93, 640,00, 985,90
La méningite virale: 0,12, 0,25, 0,93, 2,75, 30,00, 155,68, 262,10, 315,61, 527,50, 725,37
La moelle épinière myélodysplasie: 0,03, 0,24, 0,85, 2,50, 5,87, 85,00, 96,50, 175,87, 357,77, 452,59
La perte auditive, soudain: 0,04, 0,50, 0,95, 2,25, 10,53, 105,91, 242,50, 391,28, 425,52, 815,29
La perte osseuse, liée à l’âge: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 1,77, 12,33, 27,50, 135,52, 550,00, 725,29, 875,00,
La phosphorylation oxydative Deficiency: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 2,50, 215,61, 355,68, 419,34, 651,10, 723,03, 868,43
La pneumonie interstitielle: 0,05, 0,24, 0,60, 0,97, 7,50, 35,62, 117,52, 402,06, 675,62, 823,01
La prolactine, la sécrétion inappropriée: 0,03, 0,52, 0,68, 0,90, 7,50, 88,50, 151,79, 285,00, 325,79, 819,34
La rougeole, l’allemand: 0,07, 0,24, 0,60, 7,22, 132.25, 427.50, 555.95, 690.00, 875.00, 936.42,
La sclérodermie systémique: 0,02, 0,32, 0,62, 0,95, 124,37, 325,19, 175,00, 479,50, 527,00, 667,00,
La sclérose en plaques, aiguë .: 0,05, 0,32, 0,73, 3,95, 17,51, 125,21, 162,52, 275,87, 523,52, 671,22,
La sclérose en plaques: 0,05, 0,32, 0,73, 3,95, 17,51, 125,21, 162,52, 275,87, 523,52, 671,22,
La sclérose tubéreuse: 0,08, 0,35, 5,50, 35,16, 72,50, 93,50, 525,71, 650,00, 759,83, 924,37
La tuberculose, la colonne vertébrale: 0,08, 0,40, 0,73, 0,90, 5,11, 47,50, 97,50, 222,70, 527,00, 663,71
la tumeur de Castleman: 0,04, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 5,75, 7,50, 37,50, 96,50, 225,91, 425,37
La vitamine B Carence:: 0,05, 0,41, 1,00, 45,00, 97,50, 324,37, 410,25, 566,41, 709,83, 930,12
La vitamine B12: 0,05, 0,41, 1,00, 45,00, 97,50, 324,37, 410,25, 566,41, 709,83, 930,12
La vitamine C Deficiency: 0,05, 0,73, 2,95, 47,50, 222,53, 452,59, 517,50, 683,00, 712,00, 993,41,
Labyrinthite: 0,11, 0,24, 0,62, 0,85, 118,33, 209,18, 321,00, 544,10, 631,17, 705,00
Lacrymal Obstruction conduit: 0,20, 0,46, 0,60, 2,75, 122,00, 275,69, 327,50, 649,54, 735,00, 833,69
Lactobacillus acidophilus: 346,05, 347,00, 348,00, 349,00, 350,00, 351,65, 352,00, 353,00, 354,00, 355,00
Lambert-Eaton myasthénique: 0,13, 0,32, 0,93, 2,44, 81,27, 131,61, 334,25, 415,70, 568,43, 813,96
Lambliase: 0,05, 0,35, 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 5,29, 55,47, 97,50, 324,37, 425,52
Landau-Kleffner syndrome: 0,12, 0,23, 0,83, 5,25, 97,00, 128,21, 162,50, 338,06, 511,94, 631,41
Landry-Guillain-Barré: 0,04, 0,32, 0,62, 5,97, 35,25, 112,73, 296,00, 392,97, 701,66, 933,50,
l’anémie de Cooley: 0,05, 0,29, 0,65, 6,21, 7,87, 45,00, 56,52, 135,21, 302,16, 409,22
L’anémie de Fanconi: 0,05, 0,41, 1,29, 5,43, 7,25, 125,44, 467,50, 605,91, 702,50, 815,43,
L’anémie ferriprive: 0,10, 0,32, 2,50, 57,20, 125,00, 175,00, 525,71, 682,02, 759,83, 932,41
Langer-Giedion Syndrome: 0,08, 0,35, 0,75, 7,50, 32,58, 174,50, 407,50, 632,00, 723,54, 885,54
Langue géographique: 0,03, 0,12, 0,60, 0,93, 2,25, 217,50, 387,50, 475,00, 575,52, 726,90
Langue géographique: 0,03, 0,12, 0,60, 0,93, 2,25, 217,50, 387,50, 475,00, 575,52, 726,90
L’apnée du sommeil, Central: 0,07, 0,37, 12,71, 47,50, 97,50, 225,75, 377,91, 519,34, 691,27, 753,07,
Larsen Syndrome: 0,13, 0,57, 0,73, 0,90, 2,25, 35,78, 137,09, 490,21, 822,50, 935,22,
L’arthrite, le rhumatisme et l’ostéoporose, comprend les maux de tête, les douleurs articulaires et cervicales. Comprenant
Larva migrans: 0,07, 0,37, 0,70, 0,85, 5,69, 7,25, 30,00, 55,54, 93,50, 322,06,
Larve Migrans, Cutaneous: 0,07, 0,37, 0,70, 0,85, 5,69, 7,25, 30,00, 55,54, 93,50, 322,06,
Larve Migrans, Ocular: 0,07, 0,37, 0,70, 0,85, 5,69, 7,25, 30,00, 55,54, 93,50, 322,06,
Laryngé Paralysie: 0,08, 0,12, 15,33, 85,00, 90,00, 357,30, 527,00, 657,11, 833,20, 987,23
Laryngé Perichondritis: 0,03, 0,24, 0,62, 0,83, 183,39, 315,62, 432,39, 691,50, 822,54, 923,01
Laryngé Sténose: 0,20, 0,25, 0,75, 2,50, 3,00, 5,58, 95,23, 175,54, 425,69, 571,00
Laryngée du nerf infirmité motrice: 0,08, 0,12, 15,33, 85,00, 90,00, 357,30, 527,00, 657,11, 833,20, 987,23
Laryngite: 0,03, 0,24, 0,60, 0,80, 11,95, 52,71, 50,00, 197,50, 305,61, 432,41
Laryngomalacie: 0,19, 0,52, 0,78, 0,97, 7,50, 116,72, 205,54, 325,00, 422,50, 925,69
Laryngosténose: 0,20, 0,25, 0,75, 2,50, 3,00, 5,58, 95,23, 175,54, 425,69, 571,00
Larynx Tumeurs: 0,03, 0,87, 2,50, 17,50, 35,15, 97,50, 434,61, 560,00, 840,96, 985.90
L’asthme bronchiques: 0,57, 0,90, 2,50, 3,00, 27,50, 95,75, 125,00, 150,00, 534,20, 871,00
L’asthme et les allergies complètes
Laurence-Moon Syndrome: 0,10, 0,50, 0,68, 0,87, 35,25, 164,27, 204,19, 325,69, 521,29, 662,52
Laurence-Moon-Biedl: 0,10, 0,50, 0,68, 0,87, 35,25, 164,27, 204,19, 325,69, 521,29, 662,52
Le diabète auto-immune: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 429,70, 478,23, 895,00, 951,30
Le diabète cétonurique: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 429,70, 478,23, 895,00, 951,30
Le diabète de type 1 Fréquence 429,70 pendant 1-2 heures par jour
Le diabète gestationnel: 0,15, 0,89, 12,70, 77,00, 134,20, 235,87, 312,50, 420,35, 465,30, 872,90,
Le diabète gestationnel: 0,15, 0,89, 12,70, 77,00, 134,20, 235,87, 312,50, 420,35, 465,30, 872,90,
Le diabète juvénile-Onset: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 429,70, 478,23, 895,00, 951,30
Le diabète non insulino-dépendant: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 421,00, 465,00, 895,00, 951,30
Le diabète résistant à la cétose: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 421,00, 465,00, 895,00, 951,30
Le diabète sucré de type 1: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 429,70, 478,23, 895,00, 951,30
Le diabète sucré de type 2: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 421,00, 465,00, 895,00, 951,30
Le glioblastome: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 0,85, 7,50, 20,00, 57,50, 150,00, 225,37, 342,06,
Le gluten entéropathie: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 2,50, 20,00, 47,50, 72,50, 125,17, 379,93, 475,19,
Le lupus érythémateux disséminé Dissem .: 0,11, 0,49, 0,73, 2,25, 7,50, 30,00, 270,28, 333,91, 791,03, 905,07
Le lupus érythémateux disséminé: 0,11, 0,49, 0,73, 2,25, 7,50, 30,00, 270,28, 333,91, 791,03, 905,07
Le mal de mer: 0,15, 0,23, 0,68, 0,83, 72,52, 137,57, 292,61, 537,30, 822,59, 921,05
Le mésothéliome: 0,15, 0,23, 0,72, 1,83, 82,53, 137,51, 242,10, 407,50, 592,52, 693,20,
Le neuroblastome, le rétinal: 0,55, 0,68, 0,87, 7,50, 13,61, 40,00, 90,00, 375,95, 575,31, 827,00,
Le nœud de Bouchard: 0,06, 0,41, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 77,50, 187,50, 358,81, 721,00, 986,22
Le noeud de Heberden: 0,06, 0,41, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 77,50, 187,50, 358,81, 721,00, 986,22
Le sarcoid de Boeck: 0,07, 0,50, 37.50, 75.56, 325.27, 475,27, 527,00, 661,71, 742,00, 988,90
Le syndrome de réponse inflammatoire systémique: 0,13, 0,43, 7,00, 13,98, 132,41, 275,75, 512,33, 650,00, 753,07, 926,70,
Le syndrome du choc toxique: 0,18, 0,22, 55,00, 62,50, 132,41, 210,50, 475,17, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00,
Le syndrome post polio: 0,06, 0,12, 0,71, 39,01, 135,55, 253,79, 316,50, 523,11, 604,22, 625,79
Le trouble dépressif: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 15,50, 41,09, 465,69, 597,50, 722,70, 875,93
Leaky Gut Syndrome: 0,17, 0,22, 0,47, 0,61, 109,33, 117,88, 211,00, 360,00, 525,71, 683,47
Lecture Disorder: 0,18, 0,25, 5,61, 18,50, 41,50, 126,51, 325,81, 472,00, 538,10, 614,01
Lecture handicap: 0,18, 0,25, 5,61, 18,50, 41,50, 126,51, 325,81, 472,00, 538,10, 614,01
Leg Ulcer: 0,08, 0,35, 0,60, 31,80, 191,50, 228,50, 321,00, 523,69, 691,00, 797,50
Legg-Perthes Disease: 0,04, 0,32, 0,70, 0,87, 5,78, 32,50, 181,93, 621,69, 705,54, 815,70
Légionellose: 0,19, 0,23, 0,85, 2,50, 32,50, 192,28, 391,28, 562,50, 725,69, 975,23
Léiomyome: 0,85, 0,98, 1,80, 17,53, 213,23, 321,29, 423,69, 597,50, 862,50, 915,54
Léiomyosarcome, épithélioïde: 0,17, 0,18, 0,80, 7,50, 47,21, 132,580, 355,23, 486,90, 530,22, 841,69
Léiomyosarcome, mucoïde: 0,17, 0,18, 0,80, 7,50, 47,21, 132,580, 355,23, 486,90, 530,22, 841,69
Léiomyosarcome: 0,17, 0,18, 0,80, 7,50, 47,21, 132,580, 355,23, 486,90, 530,22, 841,69
Leishmania braziliensis 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 400,05, 405,10, 403,00,
Leishmania donovani parasites 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 398,00, 402,65, 400,00,
Leishmania mexicana 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 400,20, 403,80, 402,00,
Leishmania tropica 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 402,10, 407,40, 405,00,
Leishmaniose: 0,06, 0,12, 0,85, 7,51, 32,52, 43,06, 151,18, 225,53, 515,76, 659,02,
L’emphysème pulmonaire: 0,55, 0,41, 0,62, 1,97, 7,50, 15,93, 67,50, 209,31, 345,69, 502,51,
L’encéphalite, l’herpès simplex: 0,05, 0,97, 5,83, 7,50, 12,33, 113,23, 425,00, 571,00, 865,83, 937,41,
L’endométriose: 0,03, 0,25, 0,73, 12,85, 7,50, 35,51, 62,58, 125,35, 672,91, 924,37,
Lennox-Gastaut: 0,07, 0,18, 0,73, 0,87, 5,71, 7,25, 22,50, 97,50, 375,35, 500,00,
Lentiginosis, Perioral: 0,14, 0,55, 0,95, 35,71, 71,25, 82,50, 142,50, 393,50, 632,41, 719,34
Lentiginosis: 0,10, 0,57, 0,95, 7,50, 17,50, 37,50, 95,54, 225,69, 536,42, 689,93
Lentigo: 0,10, 0,57, 0,95, 7,50, 17,50, 37,50, 95,54, 225,69, 536,42, 689,93
Lentigos, Malignant: 0,06, 0,37, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 62,50, 95,56, 325,87, 473,00, 742,06
L’épilepsie: 0,07, 0,18, 0,73, 0,87, 5,71, 7,25, 22,50, 97,50, 375,35, 500,00
Lèpre: 0,17, 0,24, 0,79, 3,50, 5,82, 48,00, 97,50, 123,01, 468,43, 592,26
Leptoméningés: Kystes 0,16, 0,60, 0,90, 2,50, 3,00, 125.09, 225.33, 344,50, 490,56, 807.22
Leptospirose: 0,07, 0,24, 10,57, 37,29, 132,81, 313,75, 437,50, 520,50, 631,94, 771,00
Les anomalies oculaires: 0,10, 0,50, 0,70, 2,97, 15,87, 37,50, 77,50, 157,50, 326,50, 722.01
Les bactéries dentaires: 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 3,00, 73,30, 95,75, 175.00, 269.71, 355.08
Les blessures par coup de fouet: 0,12, 0,25, 0,73, 5,62, 2,50, 57,43 125,00, 376,29, 475,05, 727,00,
Les bouffées de chaleur: (bouffées de chaleur) 0,19, 0,27, 3,45, 69,50, 462,50, 499,11, 520,10, 672,53, 888,03, 937,39,
Les crises tonico-cloniques (mal gran) 0,05, 0,12, 0,22, 0,58, 1,38, 5,39, 15,25, 30,71, 50,11, 66,21
Les défauts cardiaques congénitales: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 5,25, 7,25, 52,51, 167,53, 326,16, 569,71, 719,34,
Les défauts congénitaux: 0,04, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 215.69, 532.50, 347,25, 742,50, 896.50, 975.98
Les défauts de développement, Neural (DCD) : 0,03, 0,24, 0,85, 2,50, 5,87, 85,00, 96,50, 175,87, 357,77, 452,59
Les dysfonctions sexuelles, psychologiques: 0,12, 0,58, 38,00, 53,77, 202,00, 390,61, 502,36, 581,26, 638,19, 708,92,
Les dystrophies musculaires: 0,13, 0,40, 0,60, 0,83, 5,87, 47,25, 142.50, 357.52, 702.51, 882.11
Les erreurs de réfraction: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 15,83, 29,75, 187,50, 345,95, 592,50, 820,11, 923,53,
Les hallucinations: 0,10, 0,57, 1,00, 7,50, 27,50, 37.50, 96.50, 342.06, 515.70, 691.27, 756.53, 990.50,
Les infections à EBV: 0,07, 0,52, 0,70, 0,93, 372,50, 375,00, 380,00, 382,85, 519,34, 791,28
Les infections à virus respiratoire syncytial: 0,04, 0,55, 0,57, 0,87, 7,50, 50,19, 140,00, 390,00, 624,37, 819,34,
Les infections de Plasmodium: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 1,00, 12,05, 177,71, 234,00, 591,00, 683,16, 849,34,
Les infections de virus à ARN: 0,07, 0,88, 9,71, 68,83, 102,85, 205,28, 312,50, 492,50, 675,95, 823,37,
Les infections des voies respiratoires: 0,10, 0,55, 0,73, 0,87, 67,20, 172,85, 230,00, 533,20, 675,95, 875,29
Les infections oculaires: 0,11, 0,35, 0,70, 0,95, 7,50, 8,00, 30,00, 90,00, 322,53, 534,25,
Les infections oculaires: 0,11, 0,35, 0,70, 0,95, 7,50, 8,00, 30,00, 90,00, 322.53, 534.25
Les infections streptococciques: 0,15, 0,70, 2,50, 5,25, 47,50, 70,00, 369,75, 385,40, 842,00, 932,00,
Les infestations d’acariens: 0,05, 6,24, 30.78, 129.97, 321.53, 565.68, 615.22, 705.68, 892.50, 952.17
Les infestations de poux: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,93, 7,50, 13,93, 85,54, 96,50, 327.81, 405.23
Les kystes hydatiques,: 0,12, 0,55, 5,85, 81,50, 127,55, 241,52, 471,50, 625,30, 853,00, 915,09
Les maladies de la vésicule biliaire: 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 5,37, 22,50, 42,50, 162.50, 292.50, 442.20, 524.37
Les maladies du nerf optique: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,29, 47,50, 275.52, 425.29, 571.00, 813.00
Les maladies du sang: 0,07, 0,25, 0,57, 0,87, 2,25, 72,50, 96,50, 226.32, 526.16, 682.02
Les maladies gynécologiques: 0,08, 0,35, 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 5,00, 55,47, 172,50, 397,50, 796,50
Les maladies inflammatoires de l’intestin: 0,04, 0,32, 0,70, 0,85, 5,61, 32,50, 60,00, 125,23, 225,68, 375,61,
Les maladies intestinales: 0,05, 0,52, 0,78, 7,50, 8,00, 55,68, 225,23, 533,63, 652,43, 781,00,
Les maladies rétiniennes: 0,07, 0,50, 1,00, 7,50, 17,50, 127,50, 335,29, 565,75, 725,95, 919,34,
Les parasites Ascaris megalocephala (mâle) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 13,93, 204,51, 337,30, 331,00, 403,85, 409,70, 408,00
Les parasites douves du foie de mouton: 0,15, 0,38, 0,93, 2,52, 31,20, 43,43, 68,50, 98,50, 149,28, 496,01
Les parasites Fasciola hepatica 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40 421,35, 427,30, 425,00
Les parasites Fasciola hepatica cercaires 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40 423,80, 430,60, 427,00
Les parasites Fasciola hepatica miracidiums 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 421,75, 424,70, 423,00,
Les parasites Fasciola hepatica rédies 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 420,60, 427,50, 425,00,
Les parasites Giardia lamblia (trophozoites) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 421.40, 426.30, 424.00,
Les parasites Giardia lamblia type 2: 0,04, 0,32, 0,65, 0,90, 5,87, 7,50, 37,50, 421,40, 426,30, 424,00,
Les parasites Plasmodium falciparum frottis 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 372,30, 373,80, 373,00,
Les parasites Plasmodium vivax frottis 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 438,15, 445,10, 442,00,
Les parasites Toxoplasma (souche humaine) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 388,00, 395,00, 422,00
Les parasites Trichinella spiralis (muscle) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 403,85, 405,57, 404,50,
Les parasites Trypanosoma brucei 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 423,20, 431,40, 429,00,
Les parasites Trypanosoma equiperdum 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 434,60, 451,25, 448,00, 442,00, 438,00,
Les parasites Trypanosoma lewisi (de frottis de sang) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 424,50, 426,00, 425,00,
Les plaies et blessures: 0,16, 0,25, 0,62, 7,00, 12,71, 35.00, 90.00, 410.25, 560.00, 714.82
Les syndromes myélodysplasiques: 0,19, 0,30, 0,80, 7,50, 27,50, 45.58, 96.50, 315.70, 419.34, 562.96
Les troubles cérébraux (général) 0,04, 0,25, 0,46, 0,32, 0,52, 0,75, 42,50, 87,50, 132,41, 376,29
Les troubles phobiques: 0,02, 0,23, 0,65, 16,95, 73,50, 120,53, 355.54, 607.59, 816.51, 979.93
Les troubles vasculaires du cerveau: 0,08, 0,25, 0,70, 0,85, 7,50, 17,50, 185,75, 350,00, 425,17, 510,50,
Les tumeurs de cellules gliales: 0,05, 0,49, 9,73, 88,00, 105.75, 237,25, 413.93, 651.20, 732.59, 973.52
Lesch-Nyhan: 0,07, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 2,50, 41,01, 119,34, 475,69, 527,00, 667,00
Leucodystrophie, cellules globoïdes: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 2,50, 5,50, 27,50, 37,50, 123,01, 327,23, 533,69
Leucodystrophie, métachromatique: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 35,54, 95,69, 376,29, 515,70, 689,93
Leucodystrophie, spongiformes: 0,02, 0,97, 5,69, 32,50, 175,03, 451,17, 517,50, 683,00, 712,42, 995,38,
Leucoencéphalite Van Bogaert: 0,05, 1,52, 5,69, 55,15, 375,03, 479,93, 527,00, 662,71, 789,00, 987,23
Leucoencéphalite, subaiguë sclérosante: 0,05, 1,52, 5,69, 55,15, 375,03, 479,93, 527,00, 662,71, 789,00, 987,23
Leucoencéphalopathie, Subcortical: 0,06, 0,26, 0,65, 5,71, 7,00, 42,50, 92,50, 478,50, 527,00, 667,00
Leucopénie: 0,02, 0,50, 0,85, 2,50, 7,50, 15,69, 35,54, 125,00, 225,69, 377,91
Leucopénie: 0,02, 0,50, 0,85, 2,50, 7,50, 15,69, 35,54, 125,00, 225,69, 377,91
Leukemia: 0,07, 0,12, 0,60, 0,80, 2,50, 22,50, 72,50, 421,39, 739,10, 905,31
Lewy Body: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 2,50, 40,00, 87,50, 150,00, 375,69, 519,34,
L’helminthiase: 0,06, 0,49, 0,73, 1,27, 12,33, 5,87, 112,71, 252,50, 492,50, 675,29
L’hémophilie A: 0,05, 0,46, 3,80, 18,89, 175,20, 212,97, 321,51, 471,21, 647,07, 815,56,
L’hémophilie B: 0,06, 0,23, 0,97, 7,50,, 175,20, 212,97, 321,51, 471,21, 647,07, 815,56,
Lhermitte-Duclos Disease: 0,06, 0,26, 0,68, 9,00, 10,89, 45,91, 125,29, 526,16, 652,43, 750,00
L’herpès labial: 0,11, 0,55, 1,23, 5,58, 27,50, 291,25, 293,05, 292,00, 345,50, 824,37
L’hypersensibilité, des voies respiratoires: 0,06, 0,55, 0,70, 9,87, 74,50, 130,00, 240,00, 490,00, 675,29, 879,50,
L’hypoglycémie: 0,15, 0,35, 0,62, 0,93, 7,50, 115,09, 252,50, 472,50, 693,510, 825,79
Libido sexuelle Boost: 0. 27 , 0,56, 1,76, 9,26 , 27,05 , 39,15 , 93,15 , 120 . 07 , 291,24 , 708,92,
Libman-Sacks maladie: 0,11, 0,49, 0,73, 2,25, 7,50, 30,00, 270,28, 333,91, 791,03, 905,07
Lichen plan: 0,05, 0,49, 0,62, 0,95, 10.47,32.71, 330,22, 402,80, 692,10, 775,09
Lichen Ruber Planus: 0,05, 0,49, 0,62, 0,95, 10.47,32.71, 330,22, 402,80, 692,10, 775,09
Lichen scléreux: 0,15, 0,18, 0,80, 5,50, 107,50, 372,50, 515,54, 631,85, 711,12, 907,50
Lindau Disease: 0,03, 0,46, 2,50, 7,50, 17,50, 96,50, 355,08, 517,50, 687,62, 712,42,
L’inflammation de la moelle épinière: 0,02, 0,46, 0,95, 2,50, 32,50, 50,00, 150,00, 350,00, 475,87, 527,00
L’inflammation de la vésicule biliaire: 0,08, 0,52, 0,62, 9,00, 13,39, 42,50, 210,50, 475,19, 527,00, 661,71,
L’inflammation du poumon: 0,05, 0,35, 0,75, 0,93, 5,71, 7,50, 345,83, 465,34, 593,50, 725,00,
L’inflammation pulmonaire: 0,05, 0,35, 0,75, 0,93, 5,71, 7,50, 345,83, 465,34, 593,50, 725,00,
L’inflammation, Brain: 0,03, 0,50, 0,83, 5,71, 79,30, 192,50, 467,50, 652,20, 802,51, 912,52,
Lingue-Facial-gingival dyskinésie: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,50, 32,50, 47,50, 162,12, 232,03, 397,50, 679,93
L’insuffisance pancréatique: 0,10, 0,50, 0,68, 5,95, 35,71, 87,50, 137,50, 357,50, 596,50, 742,06
L’insuffisance rénale, terminale: 0,13, 0,18, 0,65, 0,97, 7,50, 11,95, 40,00, 150,00, 524,94, 689,93, 752,05
L’intolérance au lactose: 0,13, 0,25, 0,70, 7,50, 12,33, 32,13, 232,50, 355,69, 430,00, 855,08,
Lipodystrophie, Intestinal: 0,87, 7,50, 2,50, 32,50, 97,50, 250,00, 479,50, 527,00, 789,00, 987,23
Lipodystrophie: 0,02, 0,12, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 40,00, 60,00, 150,00, 92,50, 426,90,
Lipomatose: 0,02, 0,50, 0,87, 172,50, 207,50, 315,23, 425,62, 691,22, 735,54, 962,07,
Lipome, pléomorphe: 0,02, 0,50, 0,87, 172,50, 207,50, 315,23, 425,62, 691,22, 735,54, 962,07,
Lipome: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 35,67, 97,50, 375,54, 515,70, 660,41
Lipomucopolysaccharidosis: 0,20, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 3,00, 7,50, 96,50, 326,16, 534,25, 652,43,
L’ischémie du nerf optique: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,29, 47,50, 275,52, 425,29, 571,00, 813,00
Lissencéphalie: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 10,72, 2,50, 124,00, 327,50, 421,20, 505,52, 632,01,
Listeria Infections: 0,08, 0,26, 0,78, 2,50, 7,50, 55,67, 87,50, 123,52, 543,32, 662,54,
Lithiase rénale: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 0,85, 5,78, 32,50, 60,00, 125,23, 95,67, 150,00,
Livedo Reticularis, systémique: 0,04, 0,35, 0,70, 60,00, 150,00, 322,53, 479,50, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00,
Loase: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 5,50, 32,50, 35,54, 71,50, 92,50, 125,67, 515,70,
Loase: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 5,50, 32,50, 35,54, 71,50, 92,50, 125,67, 515,70,
Lobar Holoprosencéphalie: 0,08, 0,24, 0,65, 0,90, 2,50, 27,50, 55,91, 119,34, 393,50, 536,42
Lobar Pneumonie: 0,05, 0,35, 0,75, 0,93, 5,71, 7,50, 345,83, 465,34, 593,50, 725,00,
L’obésité, et troubles de l’alimentation: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 58,25, 215.50, 442.01, 537.50, 617.50, 869.71, 975.34,
Lobstein maladie: 0,20, 0,12, 0,62, 112,50, 230,89, 412,50, 615,00, 752,50, 802,50, 925,52
Lombaire: 0,18, 0,62, 0,93, 12,76, 47,23, 187,50, 271,50, 571,34, 622,53, 864,00,
Lordose: 0,15, 0,23, 0,62, 0,93, 7,50, 12,69, 52,50, 72,50, 93,50, 96,50
L’ostéoporose post-traumatique: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 1,77, 12,33, 27,50, 135,52, 550,00, 725,29, 875,00 ,:
L’ostéoporose sénile: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 1,77, 12,33, 27,50, 135,52, 550,00, 725,29, 875,00 ,:
L’ostéoporose sénile: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 1,77, 12,33, 27,50, 135,52, 550,00, 725,29, 875,00,
L’ostéoporose, liée à l’âge: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 1,77, 12,33, 27,50, 135,52, 550,00, 725,29, 875,00 ,:
L’ostéoporose: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 1,77, 12,33, 27,50, 135,52, 550,00, 725,29, 875,00,
Lou Gehrig maladie: 0,02, 2,50, 60,00, 95,00, 225,33, 479,50, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 985,67
Loudness Recrutement: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 17,50, 86,53, 132,75, 342,51, 721,20, 823,10, 919,34
Louis-Bar Syndrome: 0,13, 0,65, 19,90, 42,50, 376,29, 452,59, 522,39, 687,62, 712,42, 995,38,
Lowe Syndrome: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,52, 28,10, 123,98, 407,91, 627,28, 736,22, 816,61
Ludwig Angine: 0,13, 0,52, 0,65, 9,00, 11,09, 45,00, 62,50, 168,30, 335,62, 443,16,
Lung humide: 0,75, 0,41, 0,82, 0,97, 7,50, 19,89, 37,53, 125,31, 375,93, 519,34,
Lupus érythémateux cutané: 0,11, 0,49, 0,73, 2,25, 7,50, 30,00, 270,28, 333,91, 791,03, 905,07
Lupus érythémateux disséminé, érythémateux subaigu: 0,11, 0,49, 0,73, 2,25, 7,50, 30,00, 270,28, 333,91, 791,03, 905,07
Lupus érythémateux disséminé, subaiguë: 0,11, 0,49, 0,73, 2,25, 7,50, 30,00, 270,28, 333,91, 791,03, 905,07
Lupus érythémateux systémique: 0,11, 0,49, 0,73, 2,25, 7,50, 30,00, 270,28, 333,91, 791,03, 905,07
Lutte contre les dépendances, l’ alcool, le général: 0. 23, 0. 29, 0. 44, 1 .50, 2. 3 0, 3,30, 83 3 5, 1 8 4 0,00 2 8 3 0,00 3 0 0 3 4
Lutte contre les dépendances, les médicaments, le général: 0. 28, 0. 35, 0. 47, 1. 88, 4. 34, 5. 2 0, 4 3 42 143 0,0 4 234 0,0 4, 3 4 3. 45
Lymphadénite: 0,12, 0,24, 0,93, 7,50, 25,54, 35,67, 87,50, 93,50, 215,70, 533,69,
Lymphadénopathie: 0,14, 0,35, 0,93, 11,95, 25,54, 35,67, 87,50, 93,50, 234,25, 527,81
Lymphangioendothelioma: 0,12, 0,35, 0,93, 7,50, 27,50, 35,67, 87,50, 93,50, 223,01, 515,70
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis: 0,12, 0,18, 0,93, 7,50, 30,00, 35,23, 87,50, 93,50, 219,34, 496,01
Lymphangiome caverneux: 0,12, 0,35, 0,93, 7,50, 27,50, 35,67, 87,50, 93,50, 223,01, 515,70
Lymphangiome: 0,12, 0,35, 0,93, 7,50, 27,50, 35,67, 87,50, 93,50, 223,01, 515,70
Lymphatisme: 0,14, 0,35, 0,93, 11,95, 25,54, 35,67, 87,50, 93,50, 234,25, 527,81
Lymphocyte nu: 0,07, 0,24, 35,19, 150,00, 375,00, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 969,67
Lymphocytique chronique L eukemia : 0,07, 0,12, 0,60, 0,80, 2,50, 22,50, 72,50, 434,39, 739,10, 905,31
Lymphoedème: 0,12, 0,35, 0,93, 7,50, 17,50, 35,00, 87,50, 93,50, 224,94, 497,61,
Lymphogranuloma inguinal: 0,02, 0,12, 0,95, 13,39, 22,50, 50,00, 60,00, 93,50, 234,11, 470,21
Lymphogranuloma, Malignant: 0,02, 0,12, 0,95, 13,39, 22,50, 50,00, 60,00, 93,50, 234,11, 434,87
Lymphogranulomatose vénérienne: 0,02, 0,12, 0,95, 13,39, 22,50, 50,00, 60,00, 93,50, 234,11, 470,21
Lymphome africain: 0,05, 0,57, 0,85, 52,50, 119,34, 375,03, 425,71, 434,50, 642,91, 985,90,
Lymphome B: 0,41, 0,93, 2,75, 17,50, 35,67, 87,50, 93,50, 236,42, 434,00, 519,34,
Lymphome de Burkitt: 0,05, 0,57, 0,85, 52,50, 119,34, 375,03, 425,71, 568,43, 642,91, 985,90,
Lymphome de Hodgkin: 0,02, 0,12, 0,95, 13,39, 22,50, 50,00, 60,00, 93,50, 234,11, 475,87
Lymphome non hodgkinien: 0,35, 0,93, 12,33, 25,23, 35,68, 87,50, 93,50, 233,63, 434,00, 519,34,
Lymphome: (Voir le cancer, le lymphome, multiples et des sélections spécifiques)
Lysosomale Troubles enzyme: 0,08, 0,41, 0,95, 2,75, 5,50, 15,65, 67,50, 192.93, 236.42, 585.70
Lysosomales Maladies de stockage: 0,08, 0,41, 0,95, 2,75, 5,50, 15,65, 67,50, 192.93, 236.42, 585.70


Machado-Joseph Disease: 0,14, 0,25, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 13,93, 85,68, 225,23, 475,68, 527,00
Macroglobulinémie de Waldenström: 0,08, 2,75, 20,00, 62,50, 322,06, 410,25, 567,70, 642,91, 805,00, 930,12
Macroglobulinémie: 0,08, 2,75, 20,00, 62,50, 322,06, 410,25, 567,70, 642,91, 805,00, 930,12
Macroglossie: 0,07, 0,23, 0,83, 2,75, 30,00, 30,00, 50,00, 134,25, 325,65, 425,68
Macropsie: 0,12, 0,65, 25,05, 87,50, 125,33, 222,53, 479,93, 527,00, 667,00, 987,23
Macular Degeneration: 0,15, 0,18, 0,80, 5,50, 33,20, 172,30, 471,20, 557,82, 603,44, 921,88,
Maculopathie, liée à l’âge: 0,15, 0,18, 0,80, 5,50, 33,20, 172,30, 471,20, 557,82, 603,44, 921,88,
Madura Pied: 0,18, 0,37, 0,71, 0,92, 36,51, 182,51, 392,11, 507,38, 672,13, 721,22
Maduromycosis: 0,18, 0,37, 0,71, 0,92, 36,51, 182,51, 392,11, 507,38, 672,13, 721,22
Maggot: 0,13, Infestations 0,49, 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 5,25, 113,98, 545,87, 735,00, 805,07
Mal de débarquement: 0,15, 0,23, 0,68, 0,83, 72,52, 137,57, 292,61, 537,30, 822,59, 921,05
Mal de dos: 0,14, 0,40, 7,50, 55,00, 96,50, 376,29, 425,09, 571,00, 833,00, 932,00,
Mal de gorge: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 5,25, 7,25, 52,03, 157,51, 290,20, 675,35, 821,37
Malabsorption du lactose: 0,13, 0,25, 0,70, 7,50, 12,33, 32,13, 232,50, 355,69, 430,00, 855,08,
Maladie / Calceneal Apophysite Sever: 0,04, 0,41, 0,73, 0,90, 65,17, 234,25, 300,00, 479,50, 527,00, 838,90
Maladie Anderson-Fabry: 0,07, 0,22, 0,73, 2,50, 5,25, 50,00, 275,36, 536,42, 655,20, 755,49
Maladie Bright: 0,15, 0,24, 0,68, 0,83, 32,50, 197,50, 332,50, 555,37, 696,50, 875,52,
Maladie cardiaque et BPCO complète
Maladie chronique obstructive Airway: 0,37, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 15,31, 87,50,
Maladie chronique: 0,04, 0,23, 0,73, 0,85, 5,87, 73,25, 132,50, 342,50, 596,50, 875,27
Maladie chronique: 0,04, 0,23, 0,73, 0,85, 5,87, 73,25, 132,50, 342,50, 596,50, 875,27
Maladie d’ Addison: 0,19, 0,75, 0,90, 7,50, 27,50, 222,70, 425,71, 563,19, 642,91, 978,05
Maladie d’Albers-Schoenberg: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 1,77, 12,33, 27,50, 135,52, 550,00, 725,29, 875,00,
Maladie d’Alexander: 0,14, 0,78, 2,50, 97,50, 357,77, 475,05, 527,00, 657,11, 749,00, 987,23
Maladie de Bechterew: 0,19, 0,18, 8,00, 55,75, 322,06, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 742,00, 988,90
Maladie de Berger: 0,15, 0,24, 0,68, 0,83, 32,50, 197,50, 332,50, 555,37, 696,50, 875,52,
Maladie de Béryllium: 0,14, 0,26, 5,62, 42,50, 65,11, 90,00, 517,50, 688,29, 712,23, 997,87,
Maladie de Besnier-Boeck: 0,07, 0,50, 37,50, 75,56, 325,27, 475,27, 527,00, 661,71, 742,00, 988,90
Maladie de Binswanger: 0,06, 0,26, 0,65, 5,71, 7,00, 42,50, 92,50, 478,50, 527,00, 667,00
Maladie de Bowen: 0,04, 0,12, 17,33, 57,50, 250,00, 451,17, 515,11, 689,41, 712,00, 995,38,
Maladie de Brill: 0,37, 0,75, 23,90, 45,00, 96,50, 202,59, 522,53, 655,20, 750,00, 923,70,
Maladie de Caroli: 0,06, 0,52, 10,53, 27,50, 55,17, 125,75, 210,50, 304,00, 571,00, 843,00,
Maladie de Caroli: 0,06, 0,52, 10,53, 27,50, 55,17, 125,75, 210,50, 304,00, 571,00, 843,00,
Maladie de Carrion: 0,07, 0,12, 1,63, 20,00, 40,00, 134,25, 357,77, 510,25, 752,63, 923,70,
Maladie de Chagas: 0,03, 0,22, 2,92, 40,00, 222,70, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00, 988,90
Maladie de Crohn: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 87,50, 480,00, 525,29, 825,00
Maladie de Crouzon: 0,09, 3,50, 12,68, 51,89, 110,30, 292,50, 452,50, 695,75, 825,29, 953,72,
Maladie de Dercum: 0,16, 0,97, 27,50, 110,25, 325,00, 476,50, 527,00, 665,34, 749,00, 985,67
Maladie de Gunther: 0,08, 0,41, 2,83, 15,25, 67,25, 221,01, 471,02, 597,52, 722,30, 822,57,
Maladie de Hirschsprung: 0,13, 0,52, 0,75, 5,52, 8,22, 47,50, 72,51, 126,33, 275,56, 475,22,
Maladie de Krabbe: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 2,50, 5,50, 27,50, 37,50, 123,01, 327,23, 533,69
Maladie de la thyroïde: 0,14, 13,93, 32,50, 97,50, 157,80, 332,41, 426,90, 571,00, 836,00, 932,00,
Maladie de Leigh: 0,46, 0,95, 7,50, 25,54, 15,69, 40,00, 60,00, 125,00, 300,00, 527,81
Maladie de l’oreille interne: 0,11, 0,24, 0,57, 281,83, 301,09, 392,41, 431,19, 672,53, 703,54, 821,69
Maladie de Ménière: 0,11, 0,35, 12,80, 88,50, 125,68, 240,00, 470,00, 592,50, 625,23, 723,01
Maladie de Milroy: 0,12, 0,35, 0,93, 7,50, 17,50, 35,00, 87,50, 93,50, 224,94, 497,61,
Maladie de Noël: 0,06, 0,23, 0,97, 7,50,, 175,20, 212,97, 321,51, 471,21, 647,07, 815,56,
Maladie de Pompe: 0,03, 0,37, 0,95, 2,50, 7,50, 72,50, 96,50, 375,37, 269,71, 377,91
Maladie de Refsum: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 20,00, 87,50, 342,06, 635,31, 834,45,
Maladie de Sandhoff: 0,17, 0,55, 0,95, 5,15, 13,98, 137,50, 362,50, 697,50, 775,00, 922,53,
Maladie de Schaumann: 0,07, 0,50, 37.50, 75.56, 325.27, 475,27, 527,00, 661,71, 742,00, 988,90
Maladie de sommeil africaine: 0,07, 0,23, 5,62, 7,00, 32,50, 47,50, 95,09, 175,11, 475,11, 527,00,
Maladie de von Recklinghausen: 0,17, 0,35, 0,83, 7,50, 115,29, 347,50, 487,50, 592,50, 675,91, 775,56
maladie de von Willebrand: 0,02, 0,25, 7,50, 67,50, 50,00, 95,00, 275,05, 475,09, 667,00, 985,67
Maladie de Wilson: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 7,50, 22,50, 42,50, 125,22, 275,56, 533,63, 652,43,
Maladie de Wolman: 0,10, 7,50, 8,00, 5,05, 13,93, 35,00, 90,00, 377,91, 564,28, 985,90
Maladie des Açores: 0,14, 0,25, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 13,93, 85,68, 225,23, 475,68, 527,00
Maladie des cellules de l’âme antérieure: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,51, 32,45, 47,51, 162,21, 215,70, 397,50, 475,87
Maladie du greffon contre l’hôte: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,85, 32,50, 42,50, 190,00, 325,37, 425,52,
Maladie du motoneurone familial: 0,19, 0,57, 1,12, 7,50, 27,50, 42,50, 96,50, 325,43, 415,70, 562,97
Maladie du motoneurone, inférieure: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,51, 32,45, 47,51, 162,21, 215,70, 397,50, 475,87
Maladie du motoneurone, supérieure: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,51, 32,45, 47,51, 162,21, 215,70, 397,50, 475,87
Maladie du motoneurone: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,51, 32,45, 47,51, 162,21, 215,70, 397,50, 475,87
Maladie embrassant: 0,08, 0,35, 0,60, 0,80, 212,03, 305,21, 451,27, 565,61, 690,00, 826,32
Maladie fibrokystique du sein: 0,04, 0,25, 0,97, 9,00, 73,89, 123,20, 257,51, 302,58, 592,49, 875,43
Maladie Mast-Cell: 0,07, 0,24, 0,78, 12,50, 57,50, 112,05, 241,21, 361,28, 596,50, 888,20
Maladie osseuse de Paget: 0,08, 0,49, 0,68, 9,72, 14,50, 17,50, 72,50, 215,70, 456,50, 517,50
Maladie périodique: 0,16, 0,57, 0,95, 5,25, 37,25, 132,50, 237,50, 522,53, 675,43, 819,34,
Maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique: 0,37, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 15,31, 87,50,
Maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique: 0,37, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 15,31, 87,50,
Maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique: 0,37, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 15,31, 87,50,
Maladie rhumatismale: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 68,50, 232,50, 551,10, 779,23, 839,43,
Maladies adéno-hypophysaires: 0,37, 0,97, 2,75, 15,03, 71,50, 196,50, 275,87, 419,34, 612,74, 858,57
Maladies animales: 0,05, 0,57, 0,87, 2,50, 5,81, 92,50, 424,37, 561,93, 709,83, 985,90
Maladies auto-immunes: 0,24, 5,09, 32,50, 75,85, 95,75, 175,00, 250,00, 456,00, 784,00, 927,00
Maladies bronchiques: 0,04, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 3,00, 75,85, 95,16, 175.03, 269.71, 350.00
Maladies cardio-vasculaires, ischémiques: 0,08, 0,35, 0,62, 0,97, 12,50, 117,50, 345,23, 567,50, 625,87, 775,58
Maladies cardio-vasculaires: 0,13, 5,69, 7,25, 32,50, 90,00, 175.00, 414.33, 561.93, 642.91, 978.85
Maladies complexes immuns: 0,02, 0,30, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 240.28, 346.00, 628.00, 833.70, 925.68
Maladies de cheveux: 0,17, 0,18, 0,87, 2,50, 27,50, 82,50, 85,52, 165,00, 692,50, 825,52,
Maladies de la colonne vertébrale: 0,18, 0,32, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 52,50, 425,16, 571,00, 841,00, 932,00,
Maladies de la glande salivaire: 0,41, 0,73, 0,87, 7,50, 230,00, 367,50, 525,75, 619,34, 896,01, 982,45,
Maladies de la mâchoire: 0.19, 0.18, 0.65, 9.00, 32.39, 119.50, 232.50, 721.67, 831.00, 925.62
Maladies de la moelle épinière: 0,18, 0,32, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 52,50, 425,16, 571,00, 841,00, 932,00,
Maladies de la peau et du tissu conjonctif: 0,19, 0,37, 7,25, 45,75, 96,50, 325,00, 519.34, 655.20, 750.00, 922.53
Maladies de la peau, bactérienne: 0,19, 0,37, 7,25, 45,75, 96,50, 325,00, 519,34, 655,20, 750,00, 922,53
Maladies de la peau, Fungal: 0,02, 0,75, 2,62, 5,95, 8,50, 125,69, 262,50, 592,50, 758,57, 823,44
Maladies de la peau, les maladies infectieuses: 0,19, 0,37, 7,25, 45,75, 96,50, 325,00, 519,34, 655,20, 750,00, 922,53
Maladies de la peau, Parasite: (voir « parasites » et sélectionner les espèces de parasites spécifiques)
Maladies de la peau: 0,19, 0,37, 7,25, 45,75, 96,50, 325,00, 519.34, 655.20, 750.00, 922.53
Maladies de la vessie: 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 0,97, 5,09, 7,25, 50,00, 97,50, 229,32, 532,41,
Maladies de la vessie: 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 0,97, 5,09, 7,25, 50,00, 97,50, 229.32, 532.41
Maladies de l’appareil lacrymal: 0.12, 0.55, 0.85, 5.50, 22.50, 35.69, 73.30, 92.50, 125.23, 527.81
Maladies de l’oesophage: 0,22, 0,65, 0,83, 7,50, 30,00, 57,50, 225,54, 410,50, 719,34, 865,36,
Maladies de l’oreille: 0,55, 0,90, 5,15, 55,34, 151,09, 387,50, 452,50, 621,81, 870,53, 921,02,
Maladies de Niemann-Pick: 0,05, 0,46, 0,95, 7,50, 32,50, 154,31, 267,50, 352,57, 411,12, 634,25
Maladies dentaires: 0,17, 0,37, 0,90, 2,75, 5,12, 52,50, 90,00, 234,25, 842,00, 937,41,
Maladies des amphibies: 0,07, 10,83, 5,81, 57,50, 125,05, 376,29, 419,34, 560,00, 642,91, 930,12
Maladies des arthropodes: 0,06, 0,85, 7,80, 25,00, 52,50, 275,09, 426,90, 571,00, 829,00, 937,41,
Maladies des glandes surrénales: 0,07, 5,50, 73,30, 134,25, 357,30, 454,37, 519,68, 689,41, 712,23, 993,41,
Maladies des oiseaux: 0,17, 0,83, 25,75, 87,50, 225,11, 450,00, 519,68, 687,62, 712,81, 992,00,
Maladies des reptiles: 0,16, 0,57, 0,65, 0,87, 2,50, 15,75, 232,50, 492,50, 826,07, 925,95,
Maladies des voies urinaires: 0,04, 0,52, 0,68, 0,83, 2,50, 27,50, 35,00, 67,50, 95,75, 375,16,
Maladies du bétail: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 72,50, 125,75, 375,19, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70,
Maladies du cerveau: 0,04, 0,20, 0,65, 85,75, 90,00, 375.11, 497.61, 689.93, 753.07, 983.22
Maladies du chat: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 17,50, 35,17, 97,50, 222,70, 314,33, 560,00, 707,26,
Maladies du foie: 0,11, 0,55, 0,97, 12,33, 17,50, 30,00, 160,10, 383,50, 421,00, 645,25,
Maladies du labyrinthe: 0,11, 0,24, 0,57, 281.83, 301.09, 392.41, 431.19, 672.53, 703.54, 821.69
Maladies du larynx: 0,03, 0,24, 0,62, 0,83, 183.39, 315.62, 432.39, 691.50, 822.54, 923.01
Maladies du nerf facial: 0.08, 0.32, 0.610, 2.27, 44.25, 115.71, 255.48, 485.00, 856.72, 697,50
Maladies du nez: 0,18, 0,32, 0,80, 5,50, 27,50, 45,56, 172,50, 392,50, 553,20, 675,29,
Maladies du pancréas: 0,08, 0,40, 0,83, 5,47, 105.00, 215.47, 417.50, 631.00, 801.91, 931.22
Maladies du rein, kystique: 0,07, 0,18, 0,62, 7,50, 12,11, 40,00, 150,00, 524,94, 689,93, 752,05
Maladies du sein: 0,08, 0,24, 13,93, 35,16, 92,50, 355.72, 412.33, 563.19, 709.83, 978.85
Maladies du système digestif: 0,73, 3,23, 55.93, 92.50, 115.90, 417.50, 545.31, 673.30, 825.00, 796,50
Maladies du système immunitaire: 0,02, 0,30, 0,85, 7,50, 12,50, 40.00, 162.90, 350.00, 433.63, 909.21
Maladies du système nerveux central: 0,03, 0,50, 47,50, 150,00, 214,35, 325,19, 451,17, 517,50, 687,62, 992,00,
Maladies du système nerveux périphérique: 0,07, 0,24, 8,60, 75,25, 117,22, 237.02, 451.90, 561.51, 698.10, 812.77
Maladies du système nerveux, 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,75, 3,00, 70,00, 95.09, 175.16, 275.00, 357,30
Maladies du système nerveux: 0,04, 0,25, 0,65, 0,93, 2,75, 7,50, 96,50, 326.16, 475.56, 527.00
Maladies du tissu conjonctif: 0,16, 0,49, 0,62, 0,85, 15,73, 105,25, 335,50, 432.50, 725.00, 933.91
Maladies du tractus biliaire: 0,17, 0,49, 2,50, 32,50, 72,50, 312,33, 400,00, 560,00, 709,83, 985,90
Maladies endocriniennes: 0,28, 0,62, 0,81, 2,10, 33,00, 47,50, 117.50, 396.50, 655.72, 825.54
Maladies foetales (général): 0,09, 0,37, 0,91, 128,50, 236,50, 302,27, 491,61, 651,02, 708,57, 879,21,
Maladies génital mâle: 0,08, 0,35, 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 5,00, 55,47, 329,88, 401,22, 721,50
Maladies lymphatiques: 0,14, 0,35, 0,93, 11,95, 25,54, 35,67, 87,50, 93.50, 234.25, 527.81
Maladies métaboliques: 0,13, 0,52, 2,61, 110.39, 211.11, 351.02, 405.85, 622.28, 753.08, 832.63
Maladies mitochondriales: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 2,50, 215.61, 355,68, 419.34, 651.10, 723.03, 868.43
Maladies musculaires: 0,13, 0,40, 5,78, 66.83, 132.50, 205.78, 472.50, 507.50, 782.20, 932.10
Maladies nasales: 0,18, 0,32, 0,80, 5,50, 27,50, 45,56, 172,50, 392,50, 553,20, 675,29,
Maladies nerveuses neuvième crâniennes: 0,07, 0,57, 0,95, 2,25, 125.25, 320.00, 437.50, 593.50, 615.70, 824.37
Maladies nerveuses périphériques: 0,07, 0,24, 8,60, 75,25, 117,22, 237.02, 451.90, 561.51, 698.10, 812.77
Maladies neuromusculaires: 0,04, 0,35, 6,79, 52,25, 115.78, 234.25, 342.12, 472.50, 551.22, 657.71
Maladies ORL: 0,17, 0,52, 0,68, 0,83, 2,50, 127.50, 235.37, 567.50, 792.20, 875.47
Maladies osseuses métaboliques:: 0,23, 0,60, 12,00, 55,00, 96,50, 375,11, 512,33, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10,
Maladies osseuses: 0,23, 0,60, 12,00, 55,00, 96,50, 375,11, 512,33, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10,
Maladies parodontales: 0,06, 0,32, 0,73, 0,87, 12,33, 15.00, 85.54, 150.00, 225.36, 575.83
Maladies pituitaires: 0,37, 0,97, 2,75, 15,03, 71,50, 196,50, 275.87, 419.34, 612.74, 858.57
Maladies pulmonaires interstitielles: 0,05, 0,24, 0,60, 0,97, 7,50, 35,62, 117,52, 402,06, 675,62, 823,01
Maladies pulmonaires: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,93, 7,50, 12,71, 85,00, 206,50, 324,94, 735,62,
Maladies pulmonaires: 0,16, 0,21, 0,42, 0,97, 7,54, 11,81, 67,58, 415,43, 671,98, 905,70,
Maladies rénales: 0,07, 0,18, 0,57, 7,50, 13,61, 122,50, 211,00, 305,85, 452,20, 591,43
Maladies sexuellement transmissibles, bactériennes: 0,04, 0,41, 17,50, 65,19, 222,53, 315,50, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70,
Maladies testiculaires: 0,12, 0,40, 0,90, 5,12, 20,00, 119.34, 175.00, 475.75, 527.00, 987.23
Maladies urologiques: 0,04, 0,52, 0,68, 0,83, 2,50, 27,50, 35,00, 67,50, 95,75, 375,16,
Maladies vasculaires intracrânien: 0,08, 0,25, 0,70, 0,85, 7,50, 17,50, 185,75, 350,00, 425,17, 510,50,
Maladies vasculaires périphériques: 0,07, 0,22, 0,73, 75,25, 117,22, 237.02, 451.90, 561.51, 698.10, 812.77
Maladies vasculaires, périphériques: 0,07, 0,22, 0,73, 75,25, 117,22, 237,02, 451,90, 561,51, 698,10, 812,77
Maladies vasculaires: 0,05, 0,24, 0,60, 62,50, 93,50, 224,37, 522,53, 653,69, 752,63, 923,70,
Maladies vénériennes, bactériennes: 0,04, 0,41, 17,50, 65,19, 222,53, 315,50, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70,
Maladies virales lentes: 0,19, 0,37, 0,75, 45,19, 65,00, 96,50, 225,75, 514,35, 652,43, 759,83,
Maladies: 0,04 cornéens, 0,24, 9,68, 42,85, 172,50, 203,00, 412,50, 592,50, 775,29, 819,34,
Maladies: Fungus 0.17, 0.22, 0.93, 2.75, 27.50, 132.50, 255.58, 475.85, 724.94, 825.87
Maladies: prion 0,09, 0,23, 1,95, 8,85, 44,11, 72,41, 125,21, 433,50, 541,50, 621,61,
Mâles Maladies urogénitales: 0,19, 0,22, 0,62, 0,83, 7,50, 32,50, 85,65, 143,50, 304,42, 581,28,
Malformations artérioveineuses: 0,10, 0,83, 12,33, 5,07, 12,71, 225,00, 519,34, 655,20, 752,63, 923,70,
Malformations: 0,04, 0,23, 0,73, 0,83, 215.69, 532.50, 347,25, 742,50, 896.50, 975.98
Malignant histiocytofibrome: 0,08, 0,41, 1,00, 5,78, 7,25, 15,87, 70,00, 92,50, 215,70, 519,34
Malignant Hyperpyrexie: 0,11, 0,55, 0,95, 5,25, 20,00, 37,50, 62,50, 93,50, 150,00, 478,50
Malignant Meningioma: 0,10, 0,41, 0,87, 5,50, 130,00, 255,61, 362,00, 492,68, 597,50, 654,37
Malte Fièvre: 0,05, 35,75, 60,00, 93,50, 225,15, 454,37, 517,50, 687,62, 712,00, 992,00,
Mandibulofaciale Dysostose: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 5,50, 22,50, 35,68, 70,00, 261,11, 385,65, 705,70
Manic-Depressive Psychosis: 0,04, 0,37, 0,87, 2,25, 2,50, 70,00, 95,27, 269,71, 175,27, 350,00
Mannosidose, alpha B, lysosomales: 0,75, 7,50, 57,50, 122,53, 269,71, 479,50, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 986,22
Marbre Bone Disease: 0,05, 0,46, 0,95, 7,50, 32,50, 50,00, 67,50, 125,91, 319,34, 855,82,
Marcus-Gunn élève: 0,02, 0,24, 1,57, 9,85, 201,75, 364,00, 423,01, 697,30, 875,93, 979,53,
Marie-Struempell maladie: 0,19, 0,18, 8,00, 55,75, 322,06, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 742,00, 988,90
Marionnettes pour enfants: 0,20, 7,50, 27,50, 95,33, 375,16, 419,34, 567,70, 642,06, 980,00
Marsh Fever: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 1,00, 12,05, 177,71, 234,00, 591,00, 683,16, 849,34,
Martin-Bell Syndrome: 0,23, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 5,50, 33,98, 145,43, 295,30, 375,43, 522,53
Mastalgie: 0,08, 0,24, 13,93, 35,16, 92,50, 355,72, 412,33, 563,19, 709,83, 978,85
Mastocytose: 0,07, 0,24, 0,78, 12,50, 57,50, 112,05, 241,21, 361,28, 596,50, 888,20
Mastoïdite: 0,07, 0,22, 0,70, 2,50, 39,00, 300,50, 411,51, 605,65, 747,00, 907,11,
Maux de tête, migraine: 0,15, 0,18, 2,32, 63,75, 72,30, 132,20, 220,30, 587,30, 722,52, 915,20
Maux de tête: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 7,50, 22,50, 42,50, 96,50, 275,52, 515,70, 650,00
McArdle Disease: 0,03, 0,37, 0,95, 2,50, 7,50, 72,50, 96,50, 375,37, 269,71, 377,91
McCune-Albright Syndrome: 0,20, 0,46, 0,60, 2,25, 12,85, 144,90, 323,72, 602,53, 918,28
MCLS: 0,04, 0,24, 0,95, 2,75, 5,87, 178,50, 326,50, 571,52, 705,87, 827,23
Méconium Aspiration: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 35,78, 112,50, 212,71, 331,79, 396,50, 597,50, 751,17,
Médiastinale Cyst: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 22,50, 130,00, 251,23, 493,50, 555,08, 754,37, 815,68,
Médulloblastome, desmoplastique: 0,14, 0,22, 0,72, 2,58, 193,11, 247,59, 385,21, 521,68, 657,30, 729,34
Médulloblastome: 0,14, 0,22, 0,72, 2,58, 193,11, 247,59, 385,21, 521,68, 657,30, 729,34
Medullomyoblastoma: 0,14, 0,22, 0,72, 2,58, 193,11, 247,59, 385,21, 521,68, 657,30, 729,34
Mégacôlon, congénitale: 0,13, 0,52, 0,75, 5,52, 8,22, 47,50, 72,51, 126,33, 275,56, 475,22,
Megaesophagus: 0,22, 0,65, 0,83, 7,50, 120,00, 357,50, 425,36, 651,00, 754,37, 819,68
Meibomius Kyste: 0,06, 0,32, 0,83, 12,33, 225,17, 452,59, 518,92, 683,00, 712,23, 993,41,
Meigs Syndrome: 0,07, 0,55, 0,85, 22,50, 47,50, 434,03, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70, 988,90
Meilleure maladie: 0,15, 0,18, 0,80, 5,50, 33,20, 172.30, 471.20, 557.82, 603.44, 921.88,
Mélancolie: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 15,50, 41,09, 465,69, 597,50, 722,70, 875,93
Mélanome malin: 0,07, 0,49, 0,70, 32,80, 102,25, 212,75, 321,20, 545,68, 795,61, 857,77
Mélanome rousseur: 0,06, 0,37, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 62,50, 95,56, 325,87, 473,00, 742,06
Mélanome, amélanotiques: 0,15, 0,18, 1,32, 2,51, 25,68, 212,75, 321,20, 545,68, 795,61, 857,77
Mélanome: 0,07, 0,49, 0,70, 32,80, 102,25, 212,75, 321,20, 545,68, 795,61, 857,77
Mélanose: 0,03, 0,12, 0,93, 7,50, 30,00, 147,50, 262,50, 315,61, 505,68, 756,50,
MELAS syndrome: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 2,50, 130.00, 355,68, 419,34, 651,10, 723,03, 868,43
Mélasma: 0,03, 0,12, 0,93, 7,50, 30,00, 147,50, 262,50, 315,61, 505,68, 756,50,
Méléna: 0,05, 0,52, 0,71, 0,93, 2,56, 33,18, 215,47, 402,53, 592,50, 7325,37
Mélioïdose: 0,03, 0,50, 0,90, 13,61, 37,50, 117,50, 255,61, 497,50, 715,70, 842,06
Melkerson-Rosenthal: 0,14, 0,22, 0,70, 6,21, 102,50, 247,50, 372,50, 505,61, 625,68, 956,16
Mélorhéostose: 0,04, 0,26, 0,75, 12,05, 177,50, 252,50, 385,00, 404,92, 625,61, 853,72
Membrane tympanique Perforation: 0,06, 0,18, 0,78, 7,50, 8,00, 55,75, 96,50, 657,11, 749,00, 987,23
Membrane tympanique rupture: 0,06, 0,18, 0,78, 7,50, 8,00, 55,75, 96,50, 657,11, 749,00, 987,23
Membre Cramp: 0,13, 0,40, 0,62, 3,83, 35,25, 132,25, 282,50, 327,50, 522,50, 748,00
Ménétrier Disease: 0,15, 0,23, 0,73, 0,85, 5,26, 127,25, 335,91, 487,50, 692,47, 752,01
Ménière maladie: 0,11, 0,35, 12,80, 88,50, 125,68, 240,00, 470,00, 592,50, 625,23, 723,01
Méningée Plague: 0,05, 0,26, 0,57, 2,50, 12,85, 35,34, 57,50, 96,50, 322,06, 475,87
Meningiomatosis: 0,10, 0,41, 0,87, 5,50, 130,00, 255,61, 362,00, 492,68, 597,50, 654,37
Meningiome bénigne: 0,10, 0,41, 0,87, 5,50, 130,00, 255,61, 362,00, 492,68, 597,50, 654,37
Méningiome: 0,10, 0,41, 0,87, 5,50, 130,00, 255,61, 362,00, 492,68, 597,50, 654,37
Méningiomes, multiple: 0,10, 0,41, 0,87, 5,50, 130.00, 255,61, 362,00, 492,68, 597,50, 654,37
Meningite bactérienne: 0,12, 0,23, 0,93, 2,50, 30,00, 155,68, 262,10, 315,61, 527,50, 725,37
Méningite bactérienne: 0,12, 0,23, 0,93, 2,50, 30,00, 155,68, 262,10, 315,61, 527,50, 725,37
Méningite, virale: 0,12, 0,25, 0,93, 2,75, 30,00, 155,68, 262,10, 315,61, 527,50, 725,37
Méningo-encéphalite, l’herpès: 0,05, 0,97, 5,83, 7,50, 12,33, 113,23, 425,00, 571,00, 865,83, 937,41,
Menkes Syndrome: 0,17, 0,42, 18,81, 89,10, 115,18, 220,05, 375,00, 532,51, 615,20, 713,87
Menstruation Disorders: 0,06, 0,53, 49,93, 172,50, 287.50, 313.98, 455.23, 607.50, 811.52, 903.54
Menstruation Nuisances: 0,06, 0,53, 49,93, 172,50, 287.50, 313.98, 455.23, 607.50, 811.52, 903.54
Menstruation, Retrograde: 0,06, 0,53, 49,93, 172,50, 287,50, 313,98, 455,23, 607,50, 811,52, 903,54
Metabolic Stress: 0,14, 0,68, 2,50, 62,42, 122,53, 300,00, 496,01, 655,20, 755,00, 805,12
Métabolisme des acides aminés: 0,17, 2,50, 20,00, 92,50, 310,25, 450,00, 517,50, 687,62, 712,23, 993,41,
Métastase (Assemblée générale) 0,10, 0,61, 7,67, 32,00, 225,03, 434,15, 527,00, 662,71, 712,00, 750,00
Métatarsienne Deformity: 0,92, 32,75, 150,01, 293,70, 329,05, 415,84, 423,47, 472,12, 512,14, 629,90
Metatarsus Primus varus: 0,07, 0,24, 0,65, 5,75, 72,25, 123,00, 502,50, 622,88, 713,23, 807,73
Méthémoglobinémie: 0,12, 0,35, 0,83, 2,50, 15,23, 55,68, 85,61, 92,50, 225,68, 451,17
Meulage des dents Trouble: 0,08, 0,32, 20,00, 85,03, 150,00, 225,00, 219,34, 453,72, 515,15, 683,00,
Microcéphalie: 0,08, 0,41, 0,80, 5,25, 42,50, 117,50, 272,50, 395,68, 725,00, 956,50
Microlissencéphalie: 0,08, 0,41, 0,80, 5,25, 42,50, 117,50, 272,50, 395,68, 725,00, 956,50
Microphtalmie: 0,14, 0,25, 0,90, 2,50, 57,50, 132,50, 365.61, 426.16, 675.68, 897,00,
Micropsie: 0,12, 0,65, 25,05, 87,50, 125,33, 222,53, 479,93, 527,00, 667,00, 987,23
Microvasculaire Angine: 0,07, 0,23, 0,85, 35,23, 63,02, 125,03, 235,68, 396,50, 575,61, 751,77
Miliaire: 0,12, 0,40, 0,90, 119,34, 175,15, 475,03, 527,00, 667,00, 753,23, 986,22
Milk-Alkali Syndrome: 0,11, 0,49, 14,73, 82,50, 217,50, 344,01, 671,52, 753,21, 871,02, 975,87
Miller Fisher Syndrome: 0,03, 0,12, 0,93, 7,50, 132,31, 247,52, 362,54, 596,52, 695,61, 819,34
Minimal dysfonction cérébrale: 0,04, 0,25, 0,46, 0,32, 0,52, 0,75, 42,50, 87,50, 132,41, 376,29
Minimum Changement maladie: 0,13, 0,24, 0,75, 0,90, 213,52, 335,58, 413,98, 635,00, 795,22, 826,32
Mitochondrial Myopathy: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 2,50, 130,00, 355,68, 419,34, 651,10, 723,03, 868,43
Mitrale Cliquez-Murmur: 0,04, 0,24, 49,71, 132,85, 235,51, 321,51, 405,62, 592,52, 654,32, 779,50,
MODY: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 421,00, 465,00, 895,00, 951,30
Moersch-Woltmann Syndrome: 0,14, 0,95, 5,75, 12,71, 45,00, 125,17, 250,00, 479,93, 749,00, 986,22
Môle hydatiforme: 0,08, 0,25, 0,75, 0,80, 2,50, 5,78, 95,87, 175,56, 524,94, 691,27
Molluscum contagiosum: 0,11, 0,35, 0,80, 35,25, 72,50, 142,37, 271,50, 592,50, 725,68, 836,42,
Mongolisme: (symptômes seulement) 0,24, 0,32, 0,41, 2,08, 26,01, 18,11, 41,50, 62,21, 131,20, 218,31,
Monkeypox: 0,12, 0,35, 0,93, 22,50, 77,50, 150,61, 260,00, 395,00, 597,50, 975,68,
Monochromatopsia: 0,20, 0,46, 0,75, 8,89, 12,71, 57,50, 301,20, 617,50, 747,50, 891,35,
Monoclonal gammapathies: 0,13, 0,40, 0,68, 0,80, 5,26, 72,50, 135,47, 296,50, 556,72, 879,93
Monoculaire Cécité, transitoire: 0,18, 0,78, 2,50, 85,00, 37.50, 110.25, 175.00, 352,93, 495,00
Mononucléose infectieuse: 0,08, 0,35, 0,60, 0,80, 212,03, 305,21, 451,27, 565,61, 690,00, 826,32
Monoplégie infirmité motrice cérébrale: 0,06, 0,32, 20,00, 85,75, 150,00, 225,00, 222,70, 454,50, 515,17, 687,62
Monoplégie: 0,11, 0,49, 0,78, 2,25, 77,50, 102,71, 262,50, 455,91, 837,50, 910,50
Monosomie: 0,06, 0,50, 0,90, 2,25, 7,50, 32,71, 155,61, 397,50, 624,94, 815,70
Montagne Maladie: 0,09, 10,57, 30,42, 88,31, 109,50, 257,68, 346,27, 344,20, 572,00, 792,33
MOR spécialisée Dr Rife vague porteuse Set en fréquence:
Morgellons (externe et endoparasites peau): 0,16, 0,30, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 356.72, 451.17, 483.52, 680.00,
Morgellons (parasites internes): 0,16, 0,30, 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 356.72, 451.17, 483.52,
Morgellons chronique (Ruptures et excroissances fibre): 0,30, 0,68, 0,90, 13,93, 93.50, 380.67, 412.12, 424.40, 483.52, 680.00,
Morgellons ectoparasite de la peau (symptômes: griffer, démangeaisons de la peau) 680,00 pendant 1 heure
Morsures et piqûres: 0,03, 0,55, 0,78, 7,25, 50,00, 85,16, 97,50, 210,50, 752,63, 925,71
Morvan maladie: 0,12, 5,12, 7,00, 32,50, 95,75, 175,00, 522,53, 682,02, 759,83, 900,00
Moschkowitz Disease: 0,05, 0,50, 1,90, 112,87, 312,50, 405,50, 652,50, 726,07, 802,06, 923,20
Mosquito-Borne Encephalitis: 0,15, 0,23, 0,60, 0,95, 7,50, 150,89, 455,34, 527,50, 896,50, 917,20
Moyamoya Disease: 0,04, 0,25, 0,65, 0,93, 2,50, 7,50, 96,50, 324,94, 475,87, 527,00
MS: 0,05, 0,32, 0,73, 3,95, 17,51, 125,21, 162,52, 275,87, 523,52, 671,22
Mucocutaneous des ganglions lymphatiques: 0,04, 0,24, 0,95, 2,75, 5,87, 178,50, 326,50, 571,52, 705,87, 827,23
Mucolipidose: 0,20, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 3,00, 7,50, 96,50, 326,16, 534,25, 652,43,
Mucolipidoses: 0,20, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 3,00, 7,50, 96,50, 326.16, 534.25, 652.43,
Mucopolysaccharidoses: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 5,58, 17,25, 22,50, 150.00, 413.02, 550.00, 719.34
Mucoviscidose: 0,10, 0,50, 0,68, 0,83, 190,89, 312,50, 452,50, 687,50, 795,69, 892,50,
Multikystique rénale dysplasique: 0,07, 0,37, 3,85, 67,50, 108,20, 402,71, 547,50, 667,50, 705,87, 895,58
Multiple Hamartome Syndrome: 0,06, 0,26, 0,68, 9,00, 10,89, 45,91, 125,29, 526,16, 652,43, 750,00
Multiple Système Atrophie: 0,04, 0,46, 0,62, 1,00, 2,75, 15,87, 65,00, 324,94, 219,34, 425,87
Multiples carboxylase carence, apparition tardive: 0,19, 0,35, 13,52, 90,00, 355,08, 475,16, 527,00, 667,00, 789,00, 986,22
Muscle dystonie: 0,08, 0,50, 0,83, 11,70, 58,87, 330,21, 417,32, 653,02, 822,01, 971,32
Muscle masséter Spasm: 0,06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19,
Muscle Spasm: 0,06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19,
Muscle spasticité: 0,13, 0,40, 0,62, 0,90, 5,58, 117,25, 442,52, 657,51, 722,59, 865,87
Mutism: 0,19, 0,37, 0,75, 0,85, 2,25, 58,58, 129,58, 448,87, 553,50, 695,91
Myelinoclastic Diffuse en plaques: 0,25, 0,78, 0,93, 10,89, 7,50, 95,90, 322,53, 415,70, 562,91, 742,06,
Myélite: 0,02, 0,46, 0,95, 2,50, 32,50, 50,00, 150,00, 350,00, 475,87, 527,00
Myéloencéphalite: 0,08, 0,46, 3,29, 7,50, 117,50, 327,50, 452,50, 662,02, 896,50, 981,00,
Myélome multiple: 0,06, 0,35, 0,62, 0,97, 12,50, 27,50, 142,50, 325,87, 623,01, 815,58
Myélome, Plasma-Cell: 0,06, 0,35, 0,62, 0,97, 12,50, 27,50, 142,50, 325,87, 623,01, 815,58
Myélopathie, inflammatoire: 0,02, 0,46, 0,95, 2,50, 32,50, 50,00, 150,00, 350,00, 475,87, 527,00
Myélopathie, post-traumatique: 0,18, 0,32, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 52,50, 425,16, 571,00, 841,00, 932,00,
Myélopathie: 0,18, 0,32, 0,95, 7,50, 25,75, 52,50, 425,16, 571,00, 841,00, 932,00,
Myiasis: 0,13, 0,49, 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 5,25, 113,98, 545,87, 735,00, 805,07
Myocardial Infarction: 0,19, 0,37, 0,78, 0,90, 7,50, 121,72, 340,00, 457,50, 592,50, 775,58
Myocardite: 0,08, 0,32, 1,73, 32,90, 67,50, 125,23, 322,50, 539,00, 832,59, 915,58
Myoclonie Cherry Red Spot: 0,20, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 3,00, 7,50, 96,50, 326,16, 534,25, 652,43,
Myoclonie, Nocturnal: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 45,00, 77,25, 114,69, 320,00, 637,08, 805,87, 973,50
Myoclonie: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 45,00, 77,25, 114,69, 320,00, 637,08, 805,87, 973,50
Myoclonies, action: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 45,00, 77,25, 114,69, 320,00, 637,08, 805,87, 973,50
Myopathies, structurels: 0,18, 0,54, 2,63, 6,82, 29,83, 58,71, 453.28, 589.48, 701.20, 812.00,
Myosis, innervées Defect: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,33, 32,50, 142,50, 320,00, 425,87, 525,56
Myosite: 0,07, 0,33, 0,75, 0,83, 3,70, 8,51, 98,50, 314,95, 405,07, 517,02
Myxome: 0,05, 0,31, 1,59, 5,03, 7,29, 125,44, 462,52, 625,91, 732,50, 815,03,


Naevomatose, baso-cellulaire: 0,10, 0,57, 0,80, 7,50, 15,00, 52,50, 95,11, 655,20, 750,00, 923,70,
Naevus Flammeus: 0,23, 0,41, 9,21, 24,82, 141,63, 277,31, 382,11, 625,71, 856,00, 901,28,
Naevus: 0,03, 0,32, 0,73, 0,91, 7,52, 25,67, 162,58, 392,11, 612,34, 815,29
Nagana: 0,07, 0,23, 5,62, 7,00, 32,50, 47,50, 95,09, 175,11, 475,11, 527,00
Nail-Patella Syndrome: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 45,00, 78,25, 114,69, 323,00, 637,08, 845,87, 973,50
Narcolepsie: 0,14, 0,57, 0,73, 7,50, 2,50, 50,00, 187,50, 455,30, 672,23, 775,87,
Narcolepsie-cataplexie Syndrome: 0,14, 0,57, 0,73, 7,50, 2,50, 50,00, 187,50, 455,30, 672,23, 775,87,
Nasal catarrhe: 0,02, 0,52, 0,75, 0,83, 112,50, 217,50, 345,75, 497,50, 775,28, 825,00,
Nausées: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 4,83, 67,51, 220,53, 325,87, 451,23, 704,94, 815,08
Neck Cancer: 0,10, 0,52, 7,50, 30,00, 225,03, 434,15, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 986,22
Neck Pain: 0,08, 0,49, 0,73, 0,80, 7,50, 142,53, 285,02, 412,03, 528,23, 775,56
Neck Tumeurs: 0,10, 0,52, 7,50, 30,00, 225,03, 434,15, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 986.22
Neckache: 0,08, 0,49, 0,73, 0,80, 7,50, 142,53, 285,02, 412,03, 528,23, 775,56
Nécrobacillose: 0,19, 0,18, 0,75, 9,00, 11,09, 22,50, 47,50, 115,70, 377,91, 470,12
Nécrosante Artérite: 0,08, 0,32, 0,73, 3,87, 19,12, 159,32, 285,00, 654,03, 724,34, 933,91
Nécrose aseptique des os: 0,13, 0,22, 0,93, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 72,50, 127,00, 356,50, 624,37
Nécrose avasculaire de l’os: 0,13, 0,22, 0,93, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 72,50, 127,00, 356,50, 624,37
Nécrose, aseptiques, d’os: 0,13, 0,22, 0,93, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 72,50, 127,00, 356,50, 624,37
Nécrose, avasculaire, d’os: 0,13, 0,22, 0,93, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 72,50, 127,00, 356,50, 624,37
Nelson Syndrome: 0,03, 0,24, 2,78, 78,85, 233,56, 475,87, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70, 990,62
Nematomorpha Infections: (0,06, 0,49, 0,73, 1,27, 12,33, 5,87, 112,71, 252,50, 492,50, 675.29
Néoplasmes (Toutes les annonces individuelles pour néoplasmes sont répertoriés sous le cancer)
Néoplasmes gynécologiques: 0,03, 0,46, 27,50, 17,50, 40.00, 85.16, 95.00, 150.00, 210.50, 434.17
Néoplasmes par voie orale: 0,57, 15,75, 52,50, 62,50, 95,00, 250,00, 434,00, 524,37, 682,02, 753.07.
Néphrite héréditaire: 0,03, 0,37, 0,78, 0,90, 7,50, 10,72, 40,00, 157,50, 392,50, 575,56
Néphrite, Familial: 0,03, 0,37, 0,78, 0,90, 7,50, 10,72, 40,00, 157,50, 392,50, 575,56
Néphroblastome: 0,02, 0,49, 0,78, 7,50, 2,50, 20,00, 62,50, 322,06, 425,71, 568,43,
Néphrose: 0,13, 0,24, 0,75, 0,90, 213,52, 335,58, 413,98, 635,00, 795,22, 826,32
Nerve Syndromes de compression: 0,02, 0,24, 0,85, 2,50, 5,25, 72,50, 196,50, 375,91, 456,72, 880,00
Netherton Syndrome: 0,03, 0,18, 0,65, 0,80, 33,52, 72,50, 270,96, 321,80, 505,67, 715,28
Neurentérique Cyst: 0,03, 0,24, 0,85, 2,50, 5,87, 85,00, 96,50, 175,87, 357,77, 452,59
Neurilemmome: 0,03, 0,35, 0,70, 2,78, 7,25, 12,50, 42,02, 175,87, 434,00, 658,81
Neurilemmosarcoma: 0,03, 0,35, 0,70, 2,78, 7,25, 12,50, 42,02, 175,87, 434,00, 658,81
Neurinoma: 0,03, 0,35, 0,70, 2,78, 7,25, 12,50, 42,02, 175,87, 434,00, 658,81
Neurinome de l’acoustique: 0,05, 0,35, 0,62, 0,97, 2,50, 7,50, 122,50, 307,50, 425,52, 624,37
Neuroblastome: 0,04, 0,18, 0,78, 2,50, 7,50, 55,91, 87,50, 96,50, 325,87, 523,01
Neurocysticercose: 0,13, 0,52, 0,73, 13,61, 125,29, 255,56, 372,58, 551,23, 673,29, 713,72
Neurodynia: 0,08, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 8,00, 77,50, 196,50, 315,70, 524,94, 660,41,
Neurofibromatose: 0,17, 0,35, 0,83, 7,50, 115,29, 347,50, 487,50, 592,50, 675,91, 775,56
Neurofibromatoses: 0,17, 0,35, 0,83, 7,50, 115,29, 347,50, 487,50, 592,50, 675,91, 775,56
Neurohepatic Degeneration: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 7,50, 22,50, 42,50, 125,22, 275,56, 533,63, 652,43,
Neurohypophysaires Maladies: 0,37, 0,97, 2,75, 15,03, 71,50, 196,50, 275.87, 419.34, 612.74, 858.57
Neuroleptique Malignant Induced neuroleptiques Syndrome: 0,08, 0,41, 0,80, 5,75, 5,50, 122,50, 287,50, 319,34, 472,29, 678,51
Neuromyélite optique: 0,05, 0,57, 0,60, 2,25, 5,29, 37,50, 375,56, 475,29, 527,00, 831,90,
Neuronal Ceroid-lipofuscinoses: 0,19, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,78, 47,50, 269,71, 450,00, 515,56, 686,21
Neuronopathique la maladie de Gaucher: 0,05, 0,24, 0,70, 0,95, 2,50, 7,50, 32,50, 125,37, 319,34, 519,34
Neuropapillitis: 0,07, 0,46, 0,62, 0,97, 2,75, 132,28, 265,00, 533,63, 657,77, 834,25,
Neuropathie diabétique Autonomic: 0,16, 0,41, 0,77, 8,93, 32,25, 43,01, 112,52, 421,35, 422,30, 802,59,
Neuropathie faciale: 0,08, 0,32, 0,610, 2,27, 44,25, 115,71, 255,48, 485,00, 697,50, 856,72
Neuropathie inflammatoire aiguë: 0,04, 0,32, 0,62, 5,97, 35,25, 112,73, 296,00, 392,97, 701,66, 933,50
Neuropathie optique ischémique: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,29, 47,50, 275,52, 425,29, 571,00, 813,00
Neuropathie optique ischémique: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,29, 47,50, 275,52, 425,29, 571,00, 813,00
Neuropathie optique: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,29, 47,50, 275,52, 425,29, 571,00, 813,00
Neuropathie, héréditaire et autonome, type III: 0,14, 0,25, 0,85, 5,25, 7,25, 325,00, 587,50, 745,31, 815,90, 927,00,
Neuropathie, moteur et sensoriel Héréditaire, type IV: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 20,00, 87,50, 342,06, 635,31, 834,45,
Neuropathies canalaires: 0,02, 0,24, 0,85, 2,50, 5,25, 72,50, 196,50, 375.91, 456.72, 880.00
Neuropathies crâniennes, multiple: 0,06, 0,26, 0,95, 5,15, 27,25, 42,50, 95,95, 427,50, 607,00, 862,02,
Neuropathies crâniennes: 0,06, 0,26, 0,95, 5,15, 27,25, 42,50, 95,95, 427,50, 607,00, 862,02,
Neuropathies diabétiques: 0,16, 0,41, 0,77, 8,93, 32,25, 43,01, 112,52, 421,35, 422,30, 802,59,
Neuropathies périphériques: 0,07, 0,24, 8,60, 75,25, 117,22, 237.02, 451.90, 561.51, 698.10, 812.77
Neuropathies, cranienne: 0,06, 0,26, 0,95, 5,15, 27,25, 42,50, 95,95, 427,50, 607,00, 862,02,
Neuropathies, moteur et sensoriel Héréditaire: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 20,00, 87,50, 342,06, 635,31, 834,45,
Neuroretinoangiomatosis: 0,40, 0,95, 72,50, 124,37, 97,50, 269,71, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 729,06,
Neurovasculaire Syndrome, Prise thoracique: 0,02, 0,40, 7,25, 20,00, 55,00, 92,50, 222,70, 475,11, 527,00, 987,23
Neutropénie: 0,06, 0,46, 0,62, 0,97, 2,50, 22,68, 167,51, 436,42, 558,57, 726,16
Névoïde Carcinome baso-cellulaire: 0,10, 0,57, 0,80, 7,50, 15,00, 52,50, 95,11, 655,20, 750,00, 923,70,
Névralgie du trijumeau: 0,02, 0,37, 22,50, 52,50, 90,00, 275,00, 275,16, 310,25, 425,11, 838,00,
Névralgie faciale: 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 5,17, 55,83, 115,71, 255,48, 485,00, 697,50, 856,72
Névralgie sciatique: 0,19, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 14,63, 42,50, 67,50, 196,50, 452,93, 777,50,
Névralgie, amyotrophique: 0,15, 0,57, 15,16, 52,50, 119,34, 357,30, 424,37, 561,93, 642,91, 930,12
Névralgie, diabétique: 0,16, 0,41, 0,77, 8,93, 32,25, 43,01, 112,52, 421,35, 422,30, 802,59,
Névralgie, géniculé: 0,12, 0,45, 0,90, 5,91, 137,50, 372,50, 416,60, 420,20, 418,00, 824,37
Névralgie, sciatique: 0,19, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 14,63, 42,50, 67,50, 196,50, 452,93, 777,50,
Névralgie: 0,08, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 8,00, 77,50, 196,50, 315,70, 524,94, 660,41,
Névrite du plexus brachial: 0,15, 0,57, 15,16, 52,50, 119,34, 357,30, 424,37, 561,93, 642,91, 930,12
Névrite optique: 0,07, 0,46, 0,62, 0,97, 2,75, 132,28, 265,00, 533,63, 657,77, 834,25,
Névrite, du plexus brachial: 0,15, 0,57, 15,16, 52,50, 119,34, 357,30, 424,37, 561,93, 642,91, 930,12
Névrite, vestibulaires: 0,03, 0,18, 0,65, 0,93, 10,89, 5,50, 93,50, 210,50, 424,37, 978,05
Névrite, vestibulaires: 0,03, 0,18, 0,65, 0,93, 10,89, 5,50, 93,50, 210,50, 424,37, 978,05
Névrome de Morton: 0,92, 32,75, 150,01, 293,70, 329,05, 415,84, 423,47, 472,12, 512,14, 629,90
Névrose dépressive: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 15,50, 41,09, 465,69, 597,50, 722,70, 875,93
Névrose hypocondriaque: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 7,50, 8,00, 127,50, 235,58, 525,79, 725,00, 825,79
Névrose obsessionnelle-Compulsve: 0,19, 0,75, 1,42, 5,25, 25,51, 42,57, 162,21, 492,83, 671,51, 808,53
Névroses phobiques: 0,02, 0,23, 0,65, 16,95, 73,50, 120,53, 355,54, 607,59, 816,51, 979,93
Névroses, anxiété: 0,08, 0,62, 0,87, 5,81, 225,00. 423,07, 572,00, 727,33, 841,12, 903,91
Névroses, Guerre: 0,11, 0,24, 0,70, 0,97, 112,75, 217,50, 435,27, 657,50, 895,00, 925,27,
Névroses, post-traumatique: 0,14, 0,68, 2,50, 60,00, 122,53, 300,00, 496,01, 655,20, 750,00, 912,33
NIDDM: 0,15, 0,89, 1,70, 6,97, 12,89, 62,30, 421,00, 465,00, 895,00, 951,30
Night Terror: 0,13, 0,40, 0,62, 42,50, 57,50, 92,50, 175,00, 475,17, 527,00, 667,00,
Nipah virus de l’encéphalite: 0,07, 0,33, 1,06, 5,20, 27,53, 102,37, 145,47, 203,00, 486,10, 535,91
Nocardia Infections: 0,16, 0,32, 0,95, 7,50, 32,50, 47,50, 95,29, 376.29, 675.29, 727.00
Nodule de la thyroïde: 0,14, 0,12, 0,65, 2,50, 32,50, 97,50, 225,11, 422,53, 707,26, 985,90
Noeud lymphatique hyperplasie, Giant: 0,04, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 5,75, 7,50, 37,50, 96,50, 225,91, 425,37
Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma: 0,06, 0,18, 0,97, 5,83, 22,00, 47,28, 87,22, 97,50, 355,72, 434,50, 515,00
Nonverbal trouble d’apprentissage: 0,14, 0,57, 0,73, 7,50, 14,50, 327,03, 555,91, 665,02, 756,72, 875,29
Normokaliémiques périodique Paralysie: 0,05, 0,12, 0,87, 3,21, 27,50, 62,71, 145,47, 262,50, 392,50, 591,00
Nosebleed: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 6,95, 27,50, 85,54, 122,71, 453,02, 743,54, 836,42,
NSMH Type I: 0,19, 1,22, 4,33, 17,25, 63,21, 119,42, 287,21, 403,03, 435,00, 711,17
NSMH Type III: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 20,00, 87,50, 342,06, 635,31, 834,45,
NSMH Type IV: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 20,00, 87,50, 342,06, 635,31, 834,45,
NSMH Type VII: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 20,00, 87,50, 342,06, 635,31, 834,45,
NSMH: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 20,00, 87,50, 342,06, 635,31, 834,45,
Nycturie: 0,05, 0,37, 0,85, 2,50, 7,50, 122,53, 441,15, 611,21, 715,22, 852,93
Nycturie: 0,05, 0,37, 0,85, 2,50, 7,50, 122,53, 441,15, 611,21, 715,22, 852,93
Nystagmus Pendular: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,50, 82,00, 193,93, 237,50, 487,50, 706,21, 946,50
Nystagmus, anatomopathologique: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,50, 82,00, 193,93, 237,50, 487,50, 706,21, 946,50


Occipitale Encéphalocèle: 0,13, 0,57, 0,78, 0,97, 2,50, 87,50, 323,98, 665,70, 822,70, 906,07
Occipitale Région Trauma: 0,13, 0,23, 1,60, 8,53, 17,50, 72,53, 155,29, 396,50, 437,48, 828,57,
Occlusion artérielle rénale: 0,07, 0,55, 0,85, 7,58, 132,60, 347,50, 472,50, 597,50, 775,95, 925,31,
Occlusion intestinale: 0,05, 0,52, 0,78, 7,50, 8,00, 30,00, 62,50, 125,65, 210,50, 575,68,
Occlusion veineuse rétinienne: 0,07, 0,50, 1,00, 7,50, 17,50, 127,50, 335,29, 565,75, 725,95, 919,34,
Ochoa Syndrome: 0,19, 0,37, 0,91, 3,20, 52,57, 45,20, 177,32, 281,19, 398,62, 408,20
Ocular Larva migrans: 0,07, 0,37, 0,70, 0,85, 5,69, 7,25, 30,00, 55,54, 93,50, 322,06,
Ocular Rétractation Synd .: 0,04, 9,46, 44,30, 194,71, 207,50, 330,00, 537,50, 605,83, 754,03, 825,31
Ocular torticolis: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,50, 32,50, 47,50, 162,12, 232,03, 397,50, 679,93
Oculoauriculovertebral Syndrome: 0,04, 0,25, 0,57, 0,87, 2,25, 2,50, 96,50, 226,32, 515,70, 682,02
Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,52, 28,10, 123,98, 407,91, 627,28, 736,22, 816,61
Oculomoteur maladies nerveuses: 0,13, 0,40, 0,73, 0,83, 5,75, 7,25, 142,50, 557,50, 792,50, 891,00
Oculomoteur Paralysie: 0,35, 0,75, 1,75, 15,29, 113,25, 245,91, 372,50, 452,00, 525,52, 779,50,
Oculopharyngée vertébrale MA: 0,19, 1,22, 3,72, 17,25, 63,21, 119,42, 293,24, 403,03, 435,00, 711,17
Oculosympathique Syndrome: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,33, 32,50, 142,50, 320,00, 425,87, 525,56
Odontogéniques Tumeurs: 0,13 0,52, 0,62, 13,52, 5,87, 52,50, 72,50, 153.67, 375.29, 453.72
Œdème cornéen: 0,03, 0,24, 6,68, 30,85, 95,69, 292,50, 412,50, 692,50, 773,02, 925,95,
Œdème de Quincke: 0,12, 0,52, 0,80, 5,07, 15,00, 90,00, 375,05, 410,25, 564,28, 824,96,
Œdème de Reinke: 0,08, 0,16, 15,50, 85,00, 92,00, 357,30, 541,00, 657,11, 833,20, 987,23
Œdème pulmonaire: 0,75, 0,41, 0,82, 0,97, 7,50, 19,89, 37,53, 125,31, 375,93, 519,34,
Œdème: 0,07, 0,23, 8,97, 77,50, 132,50, 232,50, 431,87, 602,53, 775,30, 852,72
Oesophagien Achalasie: 0,22, 0,65, 0,83, 7,50, 120,00, 357,50, 425,36, 651,00, 754,37, 819,68
Oesophagien atrésie: 0,22, 0,75, 0,85, 10,89, 32,50, 62,03, 225,54, 410,50, 719,34, 865,36,
Oesophagien: 0,23, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 5,50, 13,93, 45,37, 95,47, 376,29, 422,53
Oesophagite: 0,11, 0,57, 1,09, 7,50, 30,00, 37.50, 225,54, 410,50, 719,34, 865,36,
Œsopharyngé Diverticule: 0,23, 7,50, 22,50, 35,05, 95,00, 375,33, 424,37, 563,19, 714,82, 978,05
Olfaction Troubles: 0,11, 0,49, 0,57, 13,39, 5,25, 20,00, 60,00, 35,52, 93,50, 315,70,
Oligoastrocytome, Mixte: 0,02, 0,57, 9,00, 12,85, 45,00, 92,50, 175,75, 450,00, 515,16, 689,41
Oligurie: 0,17, 0,35, 0,83, 7,50, 15,91, 47,50, 87,50, 392,50, 475,52, 575,29,
Olivopontocérébelleuse Atrophie idiopathique: 0,08, 0,41, 0,80, 57,19, 105,50, 212,50, 385,00, 426,16, 675,52, 875,29
Olivopontocérébelleuse Atrophies: 0,08, 0,41, 0,80, 57,19, 105,50, 212,50, 385,00, 426,16, 675,52, 875,29
Omenn Syndrome: 0,07, 0,24, 35,19, 150,00, 375,00, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 969,67
Omphalocèle: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 13,39, 5,58, 150,00, 475,85, 736,42, 819,34, 915,70)
Omphalocèle: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 13,39, 5,58, 150,00, 475,85, 736,42, 819,34, 915,70)
Omphalocèle-Beckwith: 0,11, 0,55, 47,50, 92,50, 375,75, 475,16, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70, 987,23
Onchocercose: 0,15, 0,25, 0,85, 7,50, 8,00, 125,91, 465,52, 622,06, 875,29, 927,00
Ondine Malédiction: 0,07, 0,37, 12,71, 47,50, 97,50, 225,75, 377,91, 519,34, 691,27, 753,07
Ondine Syndrome: 0,07, 0,37, 12,71, 47,50, 97,50, 225,75, 377,91, 519,34, 691,27, 753,07
Onychomycose: 0,07, 0,40, 0,90, 12,85, 20,14, 67,11, 135,52, 325,00, 475,52, 612,53
Opacités du cristallin: 0,03, 0,41, 15,19, 87,50, 122,06, 312,33, 532,41, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10,
Ophtalmie: 0,07, 0,46, 0,60, 0,95, 10,53, 32,50, 387,50, 595,54, 732,41, 925,35,
Ophtalmoplégie internucléaire: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,50, 32,50, 47,50, 162,12, 232,03, 397,50, 679,93
Ophtalmoplégie supranucléaire progressive: 0,18, 0,22, 3,52, 17,81, 57,63, 291,11, 522,80, 608,11, 771,42, 795,02
Ophtalmoplégie, ataxie et aréflexie syndrome: 0,03, 0,12, 0,93, 7,50, 132,31, 247,52, 362,54, 596,52, 695,61, 819,34
Ophtalmoplégie: 0,35, 0,75, 1,75, 15,29, 113,25, 245,91, 372,50, 452,00, 525,52, 779,50,
Oppenheim Disease: 0,04, 0,35, 6,79, 52,25, 115,78, 234,25, 342,12, 472,50, 551,22, 657,71
Opsoclonus: 0.17, 0.32, 0.95, 5.50, 32.50, 47.50, 162,12, 397,50, 232.03, 679.93
Oreille moyenne Cholestéatome: 0,12, 0,23, 0,97, 5,25, 32,50, 475,19, 527,00, 661,71, 742,00, 988,90
Oreillons: 0,13, 0,30, 0,83, 2,50, 7,50, 22,50, 142,02, 251,02, 325,58, 471,87
Orgelet: 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 5,87, 25,00, 42,50, 62,50, 92,50, 90,00, 515,70
Orgelet: 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 5,87, 25,00, 42,50, 62,50, 92,50, 90,00, 515,70
Ornithose: 0,04, 0,23, 1,97, 25,71, 132,50, 332,50, 415,02, 675,23, 858,59, 915,38
Orofacial dyskinésie: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,50, 32,50, 47,50, 162,12, 232,03, 397,50, 679,93
Orofaciale idiopathique dyskinésie: 0,06, 0,41, 0,70, 0,83, 2,50, 32,50, 305,05, 431,20, 632,59, 723,01
Oroya Fever: 0,07, 0,12, 1,63, 20,00, 40,00, 134,25, 357,77, 510,25, 752,63, 923,70,
Osler-maladie Rendu: 0,10, 0,22, 32,50, 55,75, 150,00, 175,00, 475,75, 667,00, 884,33, 985,67
Osler-Vaquez maladie: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 13,02, 55,37, 121,20, 271,01, 694,00, 715,70, 824,37,
Ostéite déformante: 0,30, 0,83, 7,50, 8,00, 22,50, 40,00, 225,37, 475,52, 527,00, 667,00
Ostéite disseminata: 0,13, 0,57, 0,78, 0,90, 2,25, 144,90, 323,72, 602,53, 918,28
Ostéoarthrose déformante: 0,06, 0,41, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 77,50, 187,50, 358,81, 721,00, 986,22
Ostéoarthrose: 0,06, 0,41, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 77,50, 187,50, 358,81, 721,00, 986,22
Ostéochondrite: 0,14, 0,30, 0,83, 7,50, 128,00, 202,43, 340,00, 450,00, 575,37, 719,34
Ostéodystrophie rénale: 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 0,97, 5,87, 57,05, 152,03, 592,50, 602,59, 953,72,
Ostéogenèse Imparfaite: 0,20, 0,12, 0,62, 112,50, 230,89, 412,50, 615,00, 752,50, 802,50, 925,52
Ostéomalacie: 0,10, 0,22, 0,68, 7,25, 39,25, 125,37, 220,91, 405,37, 593,50, 875,52,
Ostéomyélite: 0,16, 0,23, 7,73, 72,25, 105,29, 207,00, 332,50, 547,50, 750,00, 875,00
Ostéonécrose: 0,13, 0,22, 0,93, 5,50, 17,50, 32,50, 72,50, 127,00, 356,50, 624,37
Ostéo-onychodysplasie: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 45,00, 78,25, 114,69, 323,00, 637,08, 845,87, 973,50
Ostéopénie: 0,23, 0,60, 12,00, 55,00, 96,50, 375,11, 512,33, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10,
Ostéopétrose: 0,05, 0,46, 0,95, 7,50, 32,50, 50,00, 67,50, 125,91, 319,34, 855,82,
Ostéophytes (éperons osseux): 0,10, 0,32, 52,50, 112,33, 175,17, 475,00, 527,00, 662,71, 742,00, 986,22
Ostéophytose, Spinal: 0,10, 0,32, 52,50, 112,33, 175,17, 475,00, 527,00, 662,71, 742,00, 986,22
Ostéosclérose fragilis: 0,05, 0,46, 0,95, 7,50, 32,50, 50,00, 67,50, 125,91, 319,34, 855,82,
Osterreicher Syndrome: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 45,00, 78,25, 114,69, 323,00, 637,08, 845,87, 973,50
Otite Interna: 0,03, 0,18, 0,65, 0,93, 10,89, 5,50, 93,50, 210,50, 424,37, 978,05:
Otite: 0,10, 0,52, 0,78, 0,80, 2,25, 5,26, 167,50, 352,52, 845,47, 922,53
Otologiques maladies: 0.55, 0.90, 5.15, 55.34, 151.09, 387.50, 452.50, 621.81, 870.53, 921.02
Otospongiose: 0,08, 0,25, 0,90, 2,25, 5,75, 30,00, 157,50, 305,47, 553,50, 850,32
Otospongiose: 0,08, 0,25, 0,90, 2,25, 5,75, 30,00, 157,50, 305,47, 553,50, 850,32
Ouest Syndrome: 06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19 ,,
Owren Disease: 0,04, 0,32, 0,62, 0,97, 5,00, 22,50, 60,00, 90,00, 325,36, 863,65,
Oxalurie: 0,03, 0,32, 0,62, 0,80, 7,50, 2,50, 32,50, 90,00, 322,06, 524,94
Oxycéphalie: 0,03, 0,32, 0,73, 0,95, 10,30, 21,80, 85,29, 234,51, 482,50, 717,52


Pachygyrie: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 10,72, 2,50, 124,00, 327,50, 421,20, 505,52, 632,01,
Pallister-Killian Syndrome: 0,08, 0,25, 0,90, 2,25, 5,29, 30,00, 57,50, 45,37, 96,50, 233,63
Palmoplantar Pustulosis: 0,05, 0,55, 1,78, 5,97, 85,15, 117,15, 453,20, 692,23, 824,37, 951,00
Paludisme: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 1,00, 12,05, 177,71, 234,00, 591,00, 683,16, 849,34,
Panaris: 0,02, 0,32, 0,62, 0,97, 112,85, 213,93, 325,28, 516,07, 616,52, 773,50
Pancréas douve parasites: 0,17, 0,32, 0,85, 2,75, 17,50, 47,30, 75,50, 97,50, 151,07, 451,04
Pancréatite: 0,03, 0,52, 0,68, 2,75, 7,50, 55,91, 324,37, 519,34, 653,69, 756,53
Panencéphalite sclérosante subaiguë: 0,05, 1,52, 5,69, 55,15, 375,03, 479,93, 527,00, 662,71, 789,00, 987,23
Panencéphalite subaiguë sclérosante: 0,05, 1,52, 5,69, 55,15, 375,03, 479,93, 527,00, 662,71, 789,00, 987,23
Panhypopituitarisme: 0,15, 0,26, 0,80, 5,50, 20,00, 32,50, 45,68, 57,50, 93,50, 92,50, 356,72,
Panniculite, subaiguë nodulaire: 0,08, 0,49, 0,65, 7,50, 12,85, 17,50, 72,50, 226,07, 475,47, 527,00
Panniculite: 0,08, 0,49, 0,65, 7,50, 12,85, 17,50, 72,50, 226,07, 475,47, 527,00
Pantothénate-kinase neurodégénérescence: 0,16, 0,35, 0,95, 5,87, 27,50, 52,50, 225,37, 451,17, 517,50, 687,62
Papille optique Oedème: 0,05, 0,40, 0,85, 2,50, 13,98, 12,71, 95,47, 233,91, 426,90, 571,00,
Papilledema: 0,05, 0,40, 0,85, 2,50, 13,98, 12,71, 95,47, 233,91, 426,90, 571,00,
Papillite, optique: 0,05, 0,40, 0,85, 2,50, 13,98, 12,71, 95,47, 233,91, 426,90, 571,00,
Papillomatose:. 0,04, 0,32, 0,57, 0,85, 30,25, 173,21, 301,80, 402,85, 410,70, 475,47
Papillomavirus Infections: 0,05, 0,32, 0,60, 0,85, 12,33, 57,26, 152,00, 93,50, 315,70, 425,37
Papillome, Shope: 0,07, 0,35, 25,40, 50,00, 60,00, 150,00, 475,11, 527,00, 667,00, 987,23
Papillome, spinocellulaire: 0,04, 0,32, 0,57, 0,85, 30,25, 173,21, 301,80, 402,85, 410,70, 475,47.
Papillome:. 0,04, 0,32, 0,57, 0,85, 30,25, 173,21, 301,80, 402,85, 410,70, 475,47
Pappataci Fever: 0,03, 0,25, 2,78, 35,93, 115,71, 237,50, 495,00, 734,25, 852,59, 915,35,
Paragangliome, Gangliocytic: 0,04, 0,30, 0,65, 0,90, 2,50, 57,22, 113,93, 293,50, 358,57, 479,50,
Paragangliome: 0,04, 0,30, 0,65, 0,90, 2,50, 57,22, 113,93, 293,50, 358,57, 479,50,
Paragonimus westermanii adulte Parasites 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 437,80, 454,20, 452,00, 447,00
Parahemophilia: 0,04, 0,32, 0,62, 0,97, 5,00, 22,50, 60,00, 90,00, 325,36, 863,65,
Paraimmunoglobulinemias: 0,13, 0,40, 0,68, 0,80, 5,26, 72,50, 135,47, 296,50, 556,72, 879,93
Parainfluenza Virus Infections: 0,07, 0,33, 1,06, 5,20, 27,53, 102,37, 145,47, 203.00, 486.10, 535.91
Parainfluenza: 0,07, 0,33, 1,06, 5,20, 27,53, 102,37, 145,47, 203,00, 486,10, 535,91
Parakératose Variegata: 0,08, 0,37, 0,78, 0,90, 7,52, 10,32, 140,00, 232,50, 725,47, 925,37
Paralysie agitante: 0,08, 0,35, 0,65, 0,83, 9,50, 115,71, 354,95. 355,35, 368,00, 398,40
Paralysie de Bell: 0,12, 17,85, 27,50, 47,50, 150,00, 225,00, 452,59, 683,00, 712,00, 993,41,
Paralysie des cordes vocales: 0,08, 0,12, 15,33, 85,00, 90,00, 357,30, 527,00, 657,11, 833,20, 987,23
Paralysie faciale: 0,08, 0,32, 0,610, 2,27, 44,25, 115,71, 255,48, 485,00, 697,50, 856,72
Paralysie faciale: 0,08, 0,32, 0,610, 2,27, 44,25, 115,71, 255,48, 485,00, 697,50, 856,72
Paralysie périodique, Familial: 0,05, 0,12, 0,87, 3,21, 27,50, 62,71, 145,47, 262,50, 392,50, 591,00
Paralysie supranucléaire progressive: 0,18, 0,22, 3,52, 17,81, 57,63, 291,11, 522,80, 608,11, 771,42, 795,02
Paralysie, bulbaire: 0,07, 0,22, 0,62, 2,50, 5,50, 40,00, 475,03, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00
Paralysie: 0,02, 0,22, 0,97, 7,50, 22,50, 85,37, 155,47, 285,00, 416,50, 605,41
Paralysies, périodique familiale: 0,05, 0,12, 0,87, 3,21, 27,50, 62,71, 145,47, 262,50, 392,50, 591,00
Paramyxoviridae Infections: 0,07, 0,33, 1,06, 5,20, 27,53, 102,37, 145,47, 203,00, 486,10, 535,91
Paranéoplasique Autonomic Dysfcn .: 0,14, 0,49, 0,60, 0,83, 2,25, 17,75, 81,08, 95,47, 319,34, 533,63
Paranéoplasique encéphalomyélite: 0,14, 0,49, 0,60, 0,83, 2,25, 17,75, 81,08, 95,47, 319,34, 533,63
Paraosmia: 0,11, 0,49, 0,57, 13,39, 5,25, 20,00, 60,00, 35,52, 93,50, 315,70,
Paraphilies: 0,06, 0,24, 0,78, 0,83, 2,50, 10,89, 22,50, 124,37, 375,00, 515,70
Paraplégie: 0,02, 0,22, 0,97, 7,50, 22,50, 85,37, 155,47, 285,00, 416,50, 605,41
Paraprotéinémies: 0,13, 0,40, 0,68, 0,80, 5,26, 72,50, 135,47, 296.50, 556.72, 879.93,
Parapsoriasis en plaques: 0,08, 0,37, 0,78, 0,90, 7,52, 10,32, 140,00, 232,50, 725,47, 925,37
Parapsoriasis: 0,08, 0,37, 0,78, 0,90, 7,52, 10,32, 140,00, 232,50, 725,47, 925,37
Parasites Anaplasma marginale: (2e rang) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 383,00 400,00 415,30, 424,00
Parasites Ancylostoma caninum 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 13,93, 123,53, 383,10, 402,90, 400,00, 393,00, 386,00
Parasites ankylostome: 0,16, 0,30, 0,57, 0,95, 2,50, 5,50, 20,00, 150,00, 319,34, 478,50
Parasites Balantidium coli kystes 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 13,93, 204,51, 337,30, 331,00, 458,80, 462,90, 460,00
Parasites bêches lymphatiques: 0,18, 0,37, 0,80, 5,25, 13,98, 45,43, 72,50, 92,50, 351,00, 519,34
Parasites Capillaria hepatica (secte du foie.): 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 13,93, 204,51, 337,30, 331,00, 424,25, 430,65, 428,00
Parasites Dirofilaria immitis chien heartworm: 2,50, 13,93, 204,51, 337,30, 388,95, 390,70, 389,00, 408,15, 411,15, 409,00
Parasites douve du foie: 0,18, 0,40, 0,80, 5,50, 27,50, 45,37, 72,50, 92,50, 132,00, 478,50
Parasites douve intestinale: 0,07, 0,32, 0,97, 2,38, 15,33, 46,37, 73,20, 87,52, 153,00, 415,70
Parasites Endolimax trophozoïtes et kystes ndnd 1.42, 4.32, 5.50, 13.93, 122.50, 322.60, 394.25, 397.10, 396.00, 432.00
Parasites Entamoeba coli trophozoites 1,42, 4,32, 5,50, 13,93, 122,50, 322,60, 394,25, 397,10, 396,00, 432,00
Parasites Entamoeba histolytica trophozoïte 1,42, 4,32, 5,50, 13,93, 122,50, 322,60, 394,25, 381,10, 387,00, 385,00
Parasites Eurytrema pancreaticum 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40 420,35, 422,30, 421,00
Parasites Fasciolopsis cercaires 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 429,50, 436,25, 434,00,
Parasites Fasciolopsis miracidiums 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 427,35, 435,20, 434,00,
Parasites Fasciolopsis rédies 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 427,30, 433,00, 432,00,
Parasites filariose : 0. 23 0. 5 0, 2 8 0, 5. 23 , 1 1 0,9 1 , 9 1 . 11 , 401 0,4 3 , 434,00 , 4 43 . 21 , 4 54 0,25,
Parasites gale folliculaire: 0,52, 0,68, 0,97, 2,50, 27,50, 35,91, 95,43, 375,37, 533,63, 653,69
Parasites Gastrothylax elongatus 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 451,90, 457,10, 455,00,
Parasites giardia: 0,05, 0,12, 0,90, 5,50, 27,50, 15,41, 45,00, 421,40, 426,30, 424,00,
Parasites Gyrodactylus 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 378,75, 381,80, 380,00,
Parasites gyrodactylus: 0,16, 0,30, 0,57, 0,85, 12,33, 2,75, 20,00, 150,00, 326,07, 479,50
Parasites Haemonchus contortus 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 386,80, 395,50, 393,00
Parasites Haemonchus contortus 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 386,80, 395,50, 393,00,
Parasites helminthsporium (oeufs de ver): 0,04, 0,32, 0,65, 0,90, 5,75, 7,50, 37,50, 150.00, 375.41, 496,01
Parasites Hypodereum conoideum 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 424,45, 429,55, 427,00
Parasites Iodamoeba butschlii 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 398,15, 404,75 437,85, 448,50, 445,00, 402,00
Parasites kystes Chilomastix (de rat): 2,50, 13,93, 204,51, 337,30, 388,95, 390,70, 389,00, 426,00, 425,20, 427,30
Parasites Leucocytozoon 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 397,45, 402,55, 400,00,
Parasites Loa loa 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 388,00 360,55, 361,00,
Parasites Macracanthorhynchus 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 438,85, 442,80, 440,00,
Parasites Metagonimus yokogawai 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 437,35, 442,10, 440,00,
Parasites Myxosoma 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 409,60, 416,95, 414,00,
Parasites Naegleria fowleri 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 356,90, 364,35, 362,00,
Parasites Onchocerca volvulus (tumeur) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 436,30, 442,10, 440,00
Parasites Passalurus ambiguus 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 428,80, 444,15, 441,00, 437,00,
Parasites pinworm: 0,07, 0,52, 0,75, 0,97, 2,50, 12,33, 22,50, 65,43, 322,06, 475,43
Parasites plathelminthes: 0,03, 0,24, 0,70, 1,29, 12,33, 27,50, 35,41, 142,00, 357,77, 475,91
Parasites Prosthogonimus macrorchis (Å“ufs) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 396,85, 404,75, 401,00,
Parasites sang des douves: 0,14, 0,32, 0,87, 2,58, 17,50, 44,43, 72,50, 92,50, 151,00, 453,72
Parasites Sarcocystis 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 450,55, 454,95, 452,00,
Parasites Schistosoma haematobium (les douves du sang): 0,18, 0,24, 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 27,50, 55,44, 181,21, 325.83, 625.43,
Parasites Schistosoma haematobium 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 388,00 387,00, 473,00,
Parasites Schistosoma haematobium: 0,17, 0,55, 0,95, 5,25, 25,00, 37,50, 162,50, 397,50, 536,42, 702,53
Parasites Schistosoma mansoni 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 388,00 387,00, 353,00,
Parasites spores terminales Sous Bac. frottis 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 388,00 385,15, 385,95
Parasites Stephanurus dentalus (OVA) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 457,35, 463,10, 461,00,
Parasites stigeoclonium 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 404,25, 415,25, 412,00, 407,00,
Parasites Streptococcus pneumoniae: 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 366,85, 370,20, 368,00,
Parasites Streptococcus pyogenes (dent) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 360,50, 375,30, 373,00,
Parasites Strongyloides (en larve filariformes) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 398,40, 402,00, 400,00,
Parasites ténias echinococcinum: (chiens et chats) 0,10, 0,25, 0,68, 5,87, 2,50, 7,50, 96,50, 215,70, 475,00, 527,00
Parasites ténias: 0,10, 0,25, 0,68, 5,75, 2,75, 7,50, 96,50, 226.07, 475.44, 527.00
Parasites Trichomonas vaginalis 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 378,00, 383,60, 381,00,
Parasites Troglodytella abrassari 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 93,50, 416,90, 422,20, 385,20, 383,00, 419,00
Parasites turbatrix: 0,02, 0,23, 0,73, 2,50, 5,25, 7,00, 32,50, 95,91, 175,41, 475,43,
Parasites turbatrix: 0,24, 0,70, 0,97, 2,50, 27,50, 45,83, 67,50, 97,50, 325,36, 451,17
Parasites Urocleidus 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 442,35, 450,00, 447,00,
Parasites urocleidus: 0,08, 0,40, 0,73, 0,90, 5,17, 2,50, 12,71, 97,50, 250,00, 422,53,
Parasites urocleidus: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,85, 5,25, 7,25, 45,00, 87,50, 95,36, 150,00
Parasites Veillonella dispar 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 401,75, 405,20, 403,00,
Parasympathiques Maladies du système nerveux: 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,75, 3,00, 70,00, 95.09, 175.16, 275.00, 357,30
Parathyroïde Maladies: 0,19, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 13,39, 102,75, 342,50, 467,50, 696,50, 825,43,
Pariétal Région Trauma: 0,13, 0,23, 1,60, 8,53, 17,50, 72,53, 155,29, 396,50, 437,48, 828,57,
Parinaud Syndrome: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,50, 32,50, 47,50, 162,12, 232,03, 397,50, 679,93
Parkinsonisme, expérimental: 0,57, 0,78, 0,90, 5,25, 7,00, 115,71, 255,83, 485,43, 692,50, 825,00
Parkinsonisme, juvénile: 0,57, 0,78, 0,90, 5,25, 7,00, 115,71, 255,83, 485,43, 692,50, 825,00
Parkinsonisme: 0,57, 0,78, 0,90, 5,25, 7,00, 115,71, 255,83, 485,43, 692,50, 825,00
Parodontose: 0,06, 0,32, 0,73, 0,87, 12,33, 15,00, 85,54, 150,00, 225,36, 575,83
Parotidite, épidémie: 0,13, 0,30, 0,83, 2,50, 7,50, 22,50, 142,02, 251,02, 325,58, 471,87
Paroxystique douleur nerveuse: 0,08, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 8,00, 77,50, 196,50, 315,70, 524,94, 660,41,
Paroxystique froid hémoglobinurie: 0,19, 0,23, 3,95, 62,50, 162,50, 219,11, 320,10, 472,53, 888,03, 937,39,
Paroxystique sommeil: 0,14, 0,57, 0,73, 7,50, 2,50, 50,00, 187,50, 455,30, 672,23, 775,87,
Peau – collagène construction : 0,19, 0,37, 7,25, 45,75, 120,50, 424,00, 467,00, 493,10, 750,00, 922,53
Peau – Scar guérison des tissus: 0,19, 0,37, 7,25, 45,75, 120,50, 401,00, 409,31, 552,20, 750,00, 922,53
Peau Mole: 0,19, 0,37, 7,25, 45,75, 120,50, 401,00, 409,31, 552,20, 750,00, 922,53
Pédiculose: 0,03, 0,41, 0,62, 0,93, 7,50, 13,93, 85,54, 96,50, 327,81, 405,23
Pellagre: 0,19, 0,23, 0,95, 82,50, 192,71, 227,50, 452,02, 592,50, 731,31, 815,72,
Pemphigoïde bulleuse: 0,17, 0,18, 0,83, 2,50, 27,50, 73,98, 135,43, 367,02, 497,50, 625,83,
Pemphigus chronique familiale: 0,19, 0,57, 1,12, 7,50, 27,50, 42,50, 96,50, 325,43, 415,70, 562,91
Pemphigus vulgaire: 0,03, 0,12, 0,95, 2,75, 12,71, 50,00, 90,00, 325,44, 433,63, 560,00
Pemphigus, bénin familial: 0,19, 0,57, 1,12, 7,50, 27,50, 42,50, 96,50, 325,43, 415,70, 562,91
Pemphigus: 0,03, 0,12, 0,95, 2,75, 12,71, 50,00, 90,00, 325,44, 433,63, 560,00
Pénienne induration: 0,04, 0,57, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 295,54, 487,50, 605,72, 723,82, 935,42,
Péniens Maladies: 0,04, 0,52, 83,62, 105,95, 179,50, 295,54, 487,50, 605,72, 723,82, 935,42,
Périadénite Muqueuse nécrotique recurrens: 0,05, 0,41, 0,80, 5,17, 42,50, 119,34, 357,30, 527,00, 662,71, 789,00
Perianeurysmal fibrose, inflammatoire: 0,07, 0,46, 0,65, 112,95, 295,87, 347,50, 427,50, 695,28, 750,00, 875,95,
Périaortite, chronique: 0,07, 0,46, 0,65, 112,95, 295,87, 347,50, 427,50, 695,28, 750,00, 875,95,
Périartérite noueuse: 0,08, 0,32, 0,73, 3,87, 19,12, 159,32, 285,00, 654,03, 724,34, 933,91
Périartérite noueuse: 0,08, 0,32, 0,73, 3,87, 19,12, 159,32, 285,00, 654,03, 724,34, 933,91
Péricardique Cyst: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 22,50, 130,00, 251,23, 493,50, 555,08, 754,37, 815,68,
Péricardite: 0,08, 0,35, 0,75, 12,93, 50,59, 197,50, 482,21, 762,20, 891,51, 923,79
Perineurial Kystes: 0,08, 0,32, 0,65, 37,50, 67,50, 96,50, 379,93, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00,
Périodique Alternance nystagmus: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,50, 82,00, 193,93, 237,50, 487,50, 706,21, 946,50
Peripheral Autonomic Maladies du système nerveux: 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,75, 3,00, 70,00, 95.09, 175.16, 275.00, 357,30
Périphlébite: 0,05, 0,37, 0,87, 2,25, 33,50, 75,85, 105,83, 275,54, 475,35, 857,77
Perthes Disease: 0,04, 0,32, 0,70, 0,87, 5,78, 32,50, 181,93, 621,69, 705,54, 815,70
Pes Cavus: 0,92, 32,75, 150,01, 293,70, 329,05, 415,84, 423,47, 472,12, 512,14, 629,90
Peste bubonique: 0,05, 0,26, 0,57, 2,50, 12,85, 35,34, 57,50, 96,50, 322,06, 475,87
Peste pneumonique: 0,05, 0,26, 0,57, 2,50, 12,85, 35,34, 57,50, 96,50, 322,06, 475,87
Peste pulmonaire: 0,05, 0,26, 0,57, 2,50, 12,85, 35,34, 57,50, 96,50, 322,06, 475,87
Peste: 0,05, 0,26, 0,57, 2,50, 12,85, 35,34, 57,50, 96,50, 322,06, 475,87
Pétéchies: 0,13, 0,23, 0,65, 18,20, 57,50, 108,02, 305,31, 606,30, 719,94, 822,53,
Petite maladie: 0,06, 0,32, 20,00, 85,75, 150,00, 225,00, 222,70, 454,50, 515,17, 687,62
Peudoxanthome elastique: 0,16, 0,35, 0,95, 5,50, 27,50, 47,50, 350,00, 425,31, 571,00, 859,00
Peutz-Jeghers: 0,14, 0,55, 0,95, 35,71, 71,25, 82,50, 142,50, 393,50, 632,41, 719,34
Pfeiffer Syndrome: 0,14, 1,22, 2,62, 12,72, 125,78, 158,33, 351,30, 532,41, 613,32, 709,80,
Phacomatose, Bourneville: 0,08, 0,35, 5,50, 35,16, 72,50, 93,50, 525,71, 650,00, 759,83, 924,37
Phacomatose, Sturge-Weber: 0,40, 0,95, 72,50, 124,37, 97,50, 269,71, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 729,06,
Phantom Limb: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 17,50, 93,98, 137,50, 396,50, 575,83, 824,37, 963,19,
Pharyngée Diverticule: 0,23, 7,50, 22,50, 35,05, 95,00, 375,33, 424,37, 563,19, 714,82, 978,05
Pharyngiens Maladies: 0,04, 0,50, 0,95, 2,75, 82,85, 122.01, 237.50, 422.53, 635.35, 873.53
Pharyngite: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 5,25, 7,25, 52,03, 157,51, 290,20, 675,35, 821,37
Pharyngo Diverticule: 0,23, 7,50, 22,50, 35,05, 95,00, 375,33, 424,37, 563,19, 714,82, 978,05
Phénylalanine hydroxylase Deficiency Disease: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 5,85, 72,50, 135,00, 367,50, 550,30, 725,34, 920,32
Phenylketonurias: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 5,85, 72,50, 135.00, 367.50, 550.30, 725.34, 920.32,
Phéochromocytome, Extra-surrénale: 0,06, 0,49, 0,73, 3,21, 30,89, 115,83, 322,50, 452,50, 697,50, 875,35
Phéochromocytome: 0,06, 0,49, 0,73, 3,21, 30,89, 115,83, 322,50, 452,50, 697,50, 875,35
Phimosis: 0,08, 0,24, 0,57, 0,97, 2,50, 103,00, 222,50, 345,00, 497,50, 725,35
Phlébite: 0,05, 0,37, 0,87, 2,25, 33,50, 75,85, 105,83, 275,54, 475,35, 857,77
Phlébotome Fever: 0,03, 0,25, 2,78, 35,93, 115,71, 237,50, 495,00, 734,25, 852,59, 915,35,
Phlebotomus Fever: 0,03, 0,25, 2,78, 35,93, 115,71, 237,50, 495,00, 734,25, 852,59, 915,35,
Phlegmasia Alba Dolens: 0,24, 0,78, 13,98, 96,50, 375,16, 475,11, 527,00, 663,71, 752,70, 985,67
Phlegmon: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 5,12, 7,25, 13,93, 147,50, 250,00, 425,75, 625,00,
Phobias: 0,02, 0,23, 0,65, 16,95, 73,50, 120,53, 355.54, 607.59, 816.51, 979.93
Phobie scolaire: 0,02, 0,23, 0,65, 16,95, 73,50, 120,53, 355,54, 607,59, 816,51, 979,93
Phobie Sociale: 0,02, 0,23, 0,65, 16,95, 73,50, 120,53, 355,54, 607,59, 816,51, 979,93
Phobique Neuroses: 0,02, 0,23, 0,65, 16,95, 73,50, 120,53, 355,54, 607,59, 816,51, 979,93
Phories: 0.17, 0.57, 37.50, 87.50, 90.00, 452.59, 519.68, 684.81, 712.23, 997.87,
Photodermatitis: 0,13, 0,24, 1,70, 34,87, 62,25, 102,75, 232,50, 425,54, 725,35, 869,71
Photophobie: 0,50, 0,57, 0,87, 12,33, 42,50, 152,50, 287,50, 392,31, 810,50, 901,04,
Photosensibilité Troubles: 0,13, 0,24, 1,70, 34,87, 62,25, 102,75, 232,50, 425.54, 725.35, 869.71
Phycomycose: 0,14, 0,49, 0,73, 0,95, 97,50, 175,33, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70,
Physiological Stress: 0,14, 0,68, 2,50, 62,42, 122,53, 300,00, 496,01, 655,20, 755,00, 805,12
Phytanique Acid Storage Disease: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 20,00, 87,50, 342,06, 635,31, 834,45,
Pian: 0,57, 5,00, 32,50, 50,00, 90,00, 319,34, 522,53, 689,93, 752,63, 910,25
Pian: 0,57, 5,00, 32,50, 50,00, 90,00, 319,34, 522,53, 689,93, 752,63, 910,25
Pica Syndrome: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 58,25, 215,50, 442,01, 537,50, 617,50, 869,71, 975,34,
Pick maladie: 0,06, 0,26, 0,65, 5,15, 7,00, 42,50, 92,50, 475,95, 527,00, 661,71,
Pied d’Athlet: 0,02, 0,75, 2,62, 5,95, 8,50, 125,69, 262,50, 592,50, 758,57, 823,44
Pied Deformities: 0,92, 32,75, 150,01, 293,70, 329,05, 415,84, 423,47, 472,12, 512,14, 629,90,
Pied des tranchées: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 72,50, 125,75, 375,19, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70,
Piégeages nerveuses: 0,02, 0,24, 0,85, 2,50, 5,25, 72,50, 196,50, 375.91, 456.72, 880.00
Pigmentaire rétinien épithélial Détachement: 0,08, 0,46, 1,00, 7,50, 217,50, 327,50, 452,50, 665,75, 796,50, 834,25,
Pilonidal Kyste: 0,13, 0,57, 6,75, 71,25, 101,15, 347,50, 579,50, 690,00, 775,87, 816,90
Pin Worms : 0,07, 0,52, 0,75, 3,97, 8,50, 13,61, 22,50, 265,83, 425,34, 879,50,
Piqûres: 0,03, 0,55, 0,78, 7,25, 50,00, 85.16, 97.50, 210.50, 752.63, 925.71
Piriformin Syndrome: 0,02, 0,24, 0,85, 2,50, 5,25, 72,50, 196,50, 375,91, 456,72, 880,00
Piroplasmose: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 0,90, 7,50, 45,75, 71,50, 95,00, 219,34, 379,93
Pityriasis versicolor: 0,05, 0,41, 0,60, 0,85, 350,00, 479,50, 527,00, 663,71, 752,70, 987,23
Pityriasis: 0,20, 0,32, 2,88, 5,25, 132,50, 237,50, 496,50, 626,07, 875,34, 927,00
Plagiocéphalie, Nonsynostotic: 0,08, 0,24, 0,67, 5,17, 17,25, 57,00, 152,50, 362,50, 593,21, 873,30
Plasma cellulaire Dyscrasias: 0,13, 0,40, 0,68, 0,80, 5,26, 72,50, 135,47, 296,50, 556,72, 879,93
Plasmodium cynomolgi parasites de 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 9,20, 25,30, 13,93, 93,50, 417,30, 424,50, 422,00,
Platelet pool de stockage Carence: 0,11, 0,49, 0,78, 12,50, 63,00, 102,50, 402,50, 651,20, 821,52, 924,37
Plegia: 0,02, 0,22, 0,97, 7,50, 22,50, 85,37, 155,47, 285,00, 416,50, 605,41
Pleurales Maladies: 0,13, 0,35, 5,85, 17,50, 87,50, 137,50, 457,50, 695.87, 850.00, 919.34
Pleurésie: 0,08, 0,41, 1,47, 5,25, 47,53, 121,21, 357,50, 497,50, 612,50, 821,02,
Plexus brachial Neurop. : 0,15, 0,57, 15,16, 52,50, 119,34, 357,30, 424,37, 561,93, 642,91, 930,12
Pluriglandulaire Type I autoimmune Syndrome: 0,05, 0,26, 0,57, 2,50, 13,39, 85,34, 157,50, 525,83, 757,77, 975,34,
Pluriglandulaire type II Syndrome autoimmune: 0,05, 0,26, 0,57, 2,50, 13,39, 85,34, 157,50, 525,83, 757,77, 975,34,
Pneumocoque Infections: 0,05, 0,35, 2,75, 30,93, 75,81, 187,50, 405,32, 715,00, 803,51, 905,32,
Pneumocystis carnii parasites (poumon) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 405,75, 409,15, 407,00,
Pneumonie, Lobar: 0,05, 0,35, 0,75, 0,93, 5,71, 7,50, 345,83, 465,34, 593,50, 725,00,
Pneumonie: 0,05, 0,35, 0,75, 0,93, 5,71, 7,50, 345,83, 465,34, 593,50, 725,00,
Pneumopathie interstitielle: 0,05, 0,24, 0,60, 0,97, 7,50, 35,62, 117,52, 402,06, 675,62, 823,01
Pneumopathie: 0,05, 0,35, 0,75, 0,93, 5,71, 7,50, 345,83, 465,34, 593,50, 725,00,
Pneumothorax: 0.24, 0.70, 7.50, 12.33, 5.50, 42.50, 172.50, 493.02, 622,53, 819,34,
POEMS Syndrome: 0,04, 0,22, 0,62, 13,52, 5,50, 40,00, 175,83, 432,41, 565,36, 709,83
Poïkilodermie de Civatte: 0,11, 0,49, 0,78, 12,50, 43,00, 122,50, 272,50, 545,34, 612,50, 829,34,
Polio: 0,02, 0,12, 0,75, 37,93, 105,17, 213,71, 465,00, 597,50, 724,37, 825,34
Poliodystrophia Cerebri: 0,25, 0,78, 0,93, 10,89, 7,50, 95,90, 322,53, 415,70, 562,91, 742,06,
Poliomyélite, Nonpoliovirus: 0,02, 0,12, 0,75, 37,93, 105,17, 213,71, 465,00, 597,50, 724,37, 825,34
Poliomyélite, Preparalytic: 0,02, 0,12, 0,75, 37,93, 105,17, 213,71, 465,00, 597,50, 724,37, 825,34
Poliomyélite: 0,02, 0,12, 0,75, 37,93, 105,17, 213,71, 465,00, 597,50, 724,37, 825,34
Poliomyélite: 0,06, 0,12, 0,71, 39,01, 135,55, 253,79, 316,50, 523,11, 604,22, 625,79
Pologne Syndrome: 0,19, 0,26, 0,60, 11,09, 37.50, 250.00, 425,34, 571,00, 868,00, 938,00,
Polyarthrite rhumatoïde: 0,19, 1,00, 2,80, 17,50, 398,40, 225,00, 510,25, 682,02, 759,83, 932,41
Polyarthrite: 0,05, 0,75, 0,90, 9,00, 11,09, 55,33, 398,40, 425,71, 642,91, 980,00
Polychondrite chronique atrophique: 0,04, 0,12, 0,95, 19,30, 121,44, 201,33, 485,83, 653,02, 807,50, 973,34
Polychondrite récidivante: 0,04, 0,12, 0,95, 19,30, 121,44, 201,33, 485,83, 653,02, 807,50, 973,34
Polyendocrinopathies autoimmunes: 0,05, 0,26, 0,57, 2,50, 13,39, 85,34, 157,50, 525,83, 757,77, 975,34,
Polyglobulie de Vaquez: 0,14, 0,22, 0,73, 13,02, 55,37, 121,20, 271,01, 694,00, 715,70, 824,37,
Polyhydramnios: 0,18, 0,55, 1,00, 5,25, 27,50, 42,50, 72,50, 195,87, 420,02, 719,34
Polykystiques Maladies du rein: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 7,50, 12,71, 37.50, 125.00, 175.34, 434.25, 567.70
Polyménorrhée: 0,06, 0,53, 49,93, 172,50, 287,50, 313,98, 455,23, 607,50, 811,52, 903,54
Polymyoclonus: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 45,00, 77,25, 114,69, 320,00, 637,08, 805,87, 973,50
Polymyosite: 0,07, 0,93, 2,95, 17,50, 78,89, 182,39, 332,50, 537,50, 732,01, 896,52,
Polymyosite-dermatomyosite: 0,02, 0,75, 2,42, 5,35, 8,52, 125,69, 262,50, 561,50, 728,57, 802,44
Polyneuropathie, acquise: 0,13, 0,83, 3,73, 17,85, 105,34, 217,25, 445,00, 587,50, 795,34, 953,00,
Polyneuropathies: 0,13, 0,83, 3,73, 17,85, 105,34, 217,25, 445,00, 587,50, 795.34, 953.00,
Polyomavirus Infections: 0,13, 0,52, 6,75, 71,25, 105,15, 347,50, 572,50, 690,00, 775,87, 826,90
Polyopsia: 0,26, 0,65, 10,53, 5,15, 42,50, 65,31, 95,90, 225,83, 455,82, 805,31,
Polypes intestinaux: 0,05, 0,52, 0,78, 10,47, 5,58, 32,50, 65,68, 149,21, 275,67, 375,68,
Polypose syndrome familial: 0,04, 0,25, 0,50, 2,50, 322,06, 422,53, 561,93, 709,83, 842,50, 985,90
Polyposis adénomateuse Coli: 0,04, 0,25, 0,50, 2,50, 322,06, 422,53, 561,93, 709,83, 842,50, 985,90
Polyposis coli, Familial: 0,04, 0,25, 0,50, 2,50, 322,06, 422,53, 561,93, 709,83, 842,50, 985,90
Polyradiculonévrite, aiguë inflammatoire: 0,04, 0,32, 0,62, 5,97, 35,25, 112,73, 296,00, 392,97, 701,66, 933,50,
Polyradiculonévrite: 0,11, 0,49, 0,78, 12,50, 43,00, 122,50, 262,50, 555,34, 692,50, 819,34,
Polyradiculopathie, abdominale: 0,11, 0,49, 0,78, 12,50, 43,00, 122,50, 262,50, 555,34, 692,50, 819,34,
Polyradiculopathie: 0,11, 0,49, 0,78, 12,50, 43,00, 122,50, 262,50, 555,34, 692,50, 819,34,
Pool de stockage Carence: 0,11, 0,49, 0,78, 12,50, 63,00, 102,50, 402,50, 651,20, 821,52, 924,37
Poplité Cyst: 0,17, 0,35, 8,85, 57,50, 117,50, 237,52, 357,50, 691,02, 810,50, 915,70,
Porphyrie érythropoïétique congénitale: 0,08, 0,41, 2,83, 15,25, 67,25, 221,01, 471,02, 597,52, 722,30, 822,57,
Porphyrie érythropoïétique: 0,08, 0,41, 2,83, 15,25, 67,25, 221,01, 471,02, 597,52, 722,30, 822,57,
Porphyries: 0,15, 0,25, 3,97, 27,50, 110,53, 215.87,467.50, 715,34, 802,41, 952,20
Port Wine Stain: 0,23, 0,41, 9,21, 24,82, 141,63, 277,31, 382,11, 625,71, 856,00, 901,28,
Postcommissurotomy Syndrome: 0,03, 0,33, 1,22, 11,09, 62,08, 201,51, 372,48, 417,52, 625,30, 731,21
Presbytère-Syndrome de Turner: 0,15, 0,57, 15,16, 52,50, 119,34, 357,30, 424,37, 561,93, 642,91, 930,12
Pression artérielle, faible: 0,02, 0,24, 0,85, 37.50, 101.32, 221,10, 419,34, 562,91, 709,83, 976,90
Pression artérielle, Max: 0,03, 0,40, 0,78, 1,00, 2,50, 33,39, 75,79, 185,58, 425,79, 719,34
Pressure Ulcer: 0,18, 0,62, 0,93, 12,76, 47,23, 187,50, 271,50, 571,34, 622,53, 864,00,
Procédures de chirurgie thoracique: 0,02, 0,40, 7,25, 20,00, 55,00, 92,50, 222.70, 475.11, 527.00, 987.23
Procédures Maxillofacial: 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 13,93, 205.51, 337.30, 331.00, 435.85, 408.00, 409,70
Proctosigmoïdite: 0,49, 27,00, 17,00, 38,000, 87,00, 96,20, 150,00, 434,00, 592,00, 850,00
Progeria, Adulte: 0,02, 0,25, 0,97, 9,00, 13,39, 15,00, 67,50, 52,50, 92,20, 569,71,
Progeria: 0,04, 0,12, 0,95, 12,85, 32,50, 50,00, 235,31, 603,50, 747,50, 823,30,
Prognathisme: 0,08, 0,24, 0,92, 1,80, 2,25, 127,50, 255,31, 693,20, 893,50, 926,07,
Progressive Atrophie musculaire: 0,19, 1,22, 3,72, 17,25, 63,21, 119,42, 293,24, 403,03, 435,00, 711,17
Progressive intracrânienne occlusive Arteropathy: 0,04, 0,25, 0,65, 0,93, 2,50, 7,50, 96,50, 324,94, 475,87, 527,00
Prolactine hypersécrétion Syndrome: 0,03, 0,52, 0,68, 0,90, 7,50, 88,50, 151,79, 285,00, 325,79, 819,34
Prolapsus disque: 0,04, 0,41, 0,62, 7,50, 2,75, 40,00, 275,65, 475,68, 527,00, 667,00
Prolapsus rectal: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,85, 51,31, 327,25, 495,00, 681,50, 791,95, 953,00,
Prolapsus utérin: 0,10, 0,42, 0,93, 5,25, 35,00, 83,00, 178,00, 519,34, 689,93, 931,00
Prolapsus valvulaire mitral: 0,04, 0,24, 49,71, 132,85, 235,51, 321,51, 405,62, 592,52, 654,32, 779,50,
Prosopagnosie: 0,24, 0,73, 0,87, 7,50, 30,00, 67,50, 95,90, 92,50, 524,37, 650,00
Prostate – Agrandissement: 0,83, 1,87, 5,63, 152,30, 328,92, 424,21, 482,13, 502,93, 553,70, 591,42,
Prostate – Infection / douleur: 0,83, 1,87, 5,63, 152,30, 328,92, 424,21, 482,13, 502,93, 553,70, 591,42,
Prostatiques Maladies: 0,13, 0,57, 0,83, 2,25, 5,71, 32,50, 97,50, 332,41, 372,00, 520,00,
Protéinurie: 0,05, 0,41, 0,87, 57,50, 78,00, 132,30, 351,50, 652,31, 825,87, 915,83
Prothèse Implantation: 0,10, 0,52, 0,87, 3,20, 15,89, 32,75, 132,00, 437,50, 525,83, 725,31
Prothèses dentaires: 0,17, 0,72, 1,65, 16,85, 55,25, 127,50, 455,87, 565,00, 752,00, 975,31
Protozooses: 0,02, 0,23, 0,85, 5,71, 55,83, 172,50, 317,50, 663,50, 725,31, 853,02
Pruneau Syndrome du ventre: 0,08, 0,52, 30,65, 24,50, 117,30, 335,00, 536,42, 611,00, 804,28, 941,02,
Prurit vulve: 0,16, 0,35, 0,95, 5,50, 27,50, 47,50, 357,30, 478,50, 527,00, 717,00
Prurit: 0,06, 0,49, 9,65, 57,50, 219,51, 370,40, 472,50, 625,31, 725,87, 871,00,
Pseudoaphakia: 0,03, 0,41, 15,19, 87,50, 122,06, 312,33, 532,41, 655,20, 750,00, 927,10,
Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome: 0,15, 0,23, 0,73, 0,85, 5,36, 147,25, 335,48, 487,50, 695,83, 875,36
Pseudofolliculitis Barbae: 0,17, 0,18, 0,87, 2,50, 27,50, 82,50, 85,52, 165,00, 692,50, 825,52,
Pseudo-Hurler Polydystrophy: 0,20, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 3,00, 7,50, 96,50, 326,16, 534,25, 652,43
Pseudo-maladie de Gaucher: 0,06, 0,25, 0,87, 12,33, 5,31, 125,83, 287,50, 442,50, 696,50, 825,31
Pseudomelia: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 17,50, 93,98, 137,50, 396,50, 575,83, 824,37, 963,19,
Pseudomonas Infections: 0,06, 0,23, 8,85, 45,25, 115,30, 215,31, 437,50, 662,50, 825,34, 917.03
Pseudomyxome péritonéal: 0,08, 0,52, 0,65, 2,50, 10,53, 35,83, 224,37, 675,87, 727,00, 867,00,
Pseudopelade: 0,06, 5,07, 95,00, 127,63, 275,05, 455,82, 515,16, 684,81, 712,23, 993,41,
Pseudopolyarthrite rhizomélique: 0,17, 0,55, 0,95, 5,71, 13,93, 137,50, 262,50, 497,50, 626,07, 822,53,
Pseudopolyarthritis, rhizomélique: 0,17, 0,55, 0,95, 5,71, 13,93, 137,50, 262,50, 497,50, 626,07, 822,53,
Pseudosclerosis cérébrale: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 7,50, 22,50, 42,50, 125,22, 275,56, 533,63, 652,43,
Pseudosclerosis: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 7,50, 22,50, 42,50, 125,22, 275,56, 533,63, 652,43,
Pseudotumeur cérébrale: 0,06, 0,49, 0,68, 7,50, 102,50, 231,70, 472,50, 625,69, 705,70, 857,20
Psittacose: 0,04, 0,23, 1,97, 25,71, 132,50, 332,50, 415,02, 675,23, 858,59, 915,38
Psoriasis pustuleux palmo plantaire: 0,05, 0,55, 1,78, 5,97, 85,15, 117,15, 453,20, 692,23, 824,37, 951,00
Psoriasis: 0,05, 0,55, 1,78, 5,97, 85,15, 117,15, 453,20, 692,23, 824,37, 951,00
Psudogout: 0,07, 0,24, 30,65, 78,52, 197,25, 267,00, 512,35, 602,21, 733,63, 925,00,
Psychose affective: Bipolaire: 0,16, 0,80, 7,50, 30,00, 67,50, 125,00, 352,93, 563,19, 642,91, 930,12
Psychoses, bref Réactif: 0,57, 0,68, 0,87, 2,50, 5,71, 32,50, 92,50, 322,53, 519,34, 653,69
Psychoses, Manic-Depressive: 0,04, 0,37, 0,87, 2,25, 2,50, 70,00, 95,27, 269,71, 175,27, 350,00
Psychoses: 0,57, 0,68, 0,87, 2,50, 5,71, 32,50, 92,50, 322.53, 519.34, 653.69
PTA Deficiency: 0,10, 0,26, 0,68, 7,50, 11,09, 45,00, 325,43, 515,70, 682,45, 755,49
PTEN Hamartome Syndrome de tumeur: 0,06, 0,26, 0,68, 9,00, 10,89, 45,91, 125,29, 526,16, 652,43, 750,00
Ptérygion: 0,08, 2,18, 17,93, 71,50, 121,80, 217,50, 431,69, 615,85, 791,52, 923,31,
Ptosis, des paupières: 0,07, 0,25, 22,50, 42,50, 125,00, 377,91, 524,37, 650,00, 759,83, 926,70,
PTSD: 0,14, 0,68, 2,50, 60,00, 122,53, 300,00, 496,01, 655,20, 750,00, 912,33
Puerpérale Infection: 0,14, 0,89, 1,92, 5,85, 52,20, 135,50, 434,50, 525,31, 734,25, 878,50,
Pulmonaire alvéolaire Protéinose: 0,05, 0,41, 0,92, 1,97, 207,50, 315,93, 587,50, 625,31, 776,29, 826,07
Pulmonaire Cancer: 0,23, 0,41, 0,72, 0,87, 5,50, 13,01, 81,53, 410,41, 527,21, 915,91
Pulmonaire néoplasmes: (voir Cancer: poumon) (2 types énumérés)
Pulsatile Acouphènes: 0,07, 0,24, 0,57, 87,50, 175,16, 322,06, 476,50, 667,00, 742,00, 985,67
Pulseless Disease: 0,10, 0,35, 52,50, 70,00, 97,50, 225,15, 450,00, 689,41, 712,00, 993,41,
Purpura allergique: 0,13, 0,23, 0,65, 18,20, 57,50, 108,02, 305,31, 606,30, 719,94, 822,53,
Purpura anaphylactoïde: 0,13, 0,23, 0,65, 18,20, 57,50, 108,02, 305,31, 606,30, 719,94, 822,53,
Purpura hémorragique: 0,13, 0,23, 0,65, 18,20, 57,50, 108,02, 305,31, 606,30, 719,94, 822,53,
Purpura Henoch-Schoenlein: 0,06, 0,50, 0,60, 3,87, 212,50, 323,00, 502,10, 690,09, 722,92, 951,00
Purpura rhumatoïde: 0,06, 0,50, 0,60, 3,87, 212,50, 323,00, 502,10, 690,09, 722,92, 951,00
Purpura thrombopénique thrombotique: 0,05, 0,50, 1,90, 112,87, 312,50, 405,50, 652,50, 726,07, 802,06, 923,20
Purpura thrombopénique thrombotique: 0,05, 0,50, 1,90, 112,87, 312,50, 405,50, 652,50, 726,07, 802,06, 923,20
Purpura thrombopénique: 0,04, 0,50, 0,60, 9,07, 73,50, 283,50, 502,50, 635,00, 805,31, 975,90
Purpura thrombopénique: 0,04, 0,50, 0,60, 9,07, 73,50, 283,50, 502,50, 635,00, 805,31, 975,90
Purpura, non thrombopénique: 0,06, 0,50, 0,60, 3,87, 212,50, 323,00, 502,10, 690,09, 722,92, 951,00
Purpura: 0,13, 0,23, 0,65, 18,20, 57,50, 108,02, 305,31, 606,30, 719,94, 822,53,
Pustulose palmoplantaire: 0,05, 0,55, 1,78, 5,97, 85,15, 117,15, 453,20, 692,23, 824,37, 951,00
Pustulosis Palmaris et Plantaris: 0,05, 0,55, 1,78, 5,97, 85,15, 117,15, 453,20, 692,23, 824,37, 951,00
Pyélonéphrite, aiguë nécrosante: 0,05, 0,35, 0,75, 0,93, 5,25, 7,50, 442,50, 793,50, 875,69, 951,17,
Pyélonéphrite: 0,05, 0,35, 0,75, 0,93, 5,25, 7,50, 442,50, 793,50, 875,69, 951,17,
Pyoderma gangrenosum: 0,03, 0,32, 0,73, 0,95, 14,00, 75,31, 185,00, 310,50, 625,31, 971,00
Pyorrhea alveolaris: 0,06, 0,32, 0,73, 0,87, 12,33, 15,00, 85,54, 150,00, 225,36, 575,83
Pyothorax: 0,11, 0,55, 0,80, 5,15, 151,34, 252,50, 562,50, 696,50, 797,50, 822,53,
Pyrexie: 0,12, 0,23, 0,83, 5,50, 13,93, 12,71, 92,50, 376,29, 519,34, 652,43


Quadrantanopsia: 0,13, 0,58, 0,73, 2,58, 5,78, 145,91, 372,52, 428,01, 511,19, 605,59
Quadriparésie: 0,15, 0,46, 0,95, 5,85, 62,50, 107,50, 217,50, 496,50, 855,72, 915,31,
Quadriplégie spastique: 0,15, 0,46, 0,95, 5,85, 62,50, 107,50, 217,50, 496,50, 855,72, 915,31,
Quadriplégie: 0,15, 0,46, 0,95, 5,85, 62,50, 107,50, 217,50, 496,50, 855,72, 915,31,
Quadriplégique Infantile infirmité motrice cérébrale: 0,06, 0,32, 20,00, 85,75, 150,00, 225,00, 222,70, 454,50, 515,17, 687,62


Rachischisis: 0,32, 0,80, 7,50, 25,16, 52,50, 255,93, 522,53, 691,27, 753,07, 912,33
Rachitisme rénale: 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 0,97, 5,87, 57.05, 152.03, 592.50, 602.59, 953.72
Rachitisme, rénale: 0,04, 0,55, 0,78, 0,97, 5,87, 57,05, 152,03, 592,50, 602,59, 953,72
Rachitisme: 0,07, 0,46, 1,56, 5,95, 17,50, 127,50, 250,00, 465,75, 696,50, 819,34
Rachitisme: 0,07, 0,46, 1,56, 5,95, 17,50, 127.50, 250.00, 465.75, 696.50, 819.34,
Radiation Detox: 0,25, 0,50, 2,75, 65,35, 105,31, 328,21, 357,00, 405,15, 424,65, 575,20
Rage: 0,07, 0,18, 1,65, 7,93, 102,53, 165,50, 415,00, 693,50, 875,31, 915,93,
Raillietiniasis: 0,24, 0,70, 40,00, 72,50, 97,50, 336,42, 475,19, 527,00, 662,71, 752,70
Rampantes Eruption: 0,07, 0,37, 0,70, 0,85, 5,69, 7,25, 30,00, 55,54, 93,50, 322.06,
Ramsay Hunt Écouteur: 0,12, 0,45, 0,90, 5,91, 137,50, 372,50, 416,60, 420,20, 418,00, 824,37
Ramsay Hunt Paralysie: 0,57, 0,78, 0,90, 5,25, 7,00, 115,71, 255,83, 485,43, 692,50, 825,00
Ranula: 0,18, 0,55, 1,00, 7,50, 30,00, 42,50, 72,50, 95,75, 90,00, 519,34,
Rasmussen Syndrome: 0,03, 0,50, 0,83, 5,71, 79,30, 192,50, 467,50, 652,20, 802,51, 912,52,
Rat-Bite Fever: 0,17, 0,55, 0,95, 35,12, 85,31, 137,50, 562,50, 697,50, 722,53, 920,00
Rathke Pouch tumeur: 0,15, 1,35, 16,75, 81,93, 118,85, 282,50, 315,95, 523,50, 775,29, 954,50,
Raynaud Maladie: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 11,09, 131,50, 237,50, 415,70, 725,00, 825,95,
Réaction anaphylactique: 0,14, 0,75, 2,50, 65,00, 87,30, 236,42, 400,00, 561,93, 714,82, 978,05
Réaction élève Absents: 0,02, 0,24, 1,57, 9,85, 201,75, 364,00, 423,01, 697,30, 875,93, 979,53,
Réaction indésirable des médicaments: 0,20, 0,14, 0,33, 0,42, 0,44, 0,55, 0,52, 0,76, 0,78, 1,86,
Reaven Syndrome X: 0,11, 0,49, 0,57, 7,50, 12,33, 190,81, 431,33, 501,20, 653,80, 825,61
Reconnaissance faciale Agnosie: .24, 0,73, 0,87, 7,50, 30,00, 67,50, 95,90, 92,50, 524,37, 650,00
Reconstruction esthétique (Post) 0,06, 0,23, 0,73, 0.87,105.72, 237,25, 432,50, 526,07, 669,71, 819,34
Recrutement, Loudness: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 17,50, 86,53, 132,75, 342,51, 721,20, 823,10, 919,34
Rectales Maladies: 0,19, 0,52, 0,57, 0,80, 2,25, 17,50, 30,00, 573,20, 665,31, 822,30,
Rectales Tumeurs: 0,46, 27,50, 17,50, 37.50, 85.00, 95.75, 150.00, 434.00, 571.00, 840.00,
Rectocolite, Hémorragique: 0,49, 27,00, 17,00, 38,000, 87,00, 96,20, 150,00, 434,00, 592,00, 850,00
Rectocolite, rectocolite: 0,49, 27,00, 17,00, 38,000, 87,00, 96,20, 150,00, 434,00, 592,00, 850,00
Rectocolite: 0,49, 27,00, 17,00, 38,000, 87,00, 96,20, 150,00, 434,00, 592,00, 850,00
Rectocolite: 0,49, 27,00, 17,00, 38,000, 87,00, 96,20, 150,00, 434,00, 592,00, 850,00
Rectosigmoiditis: 0,49, 27,00, 17,00, 38,000, 87,00, 96,20, 150,00, 434,00, 592,00, 850,00
Réduire circulatoires: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 115,50, 210,50, 475,19, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 985,67
Réduire Lung: 0,05, 0,73, 0,95, 5,00, 17,50, 37,50, 322,06, 563,19, 714,82, 930,12
Refetoff Syndrome: 0,19, 15,00, 33,00, 97,50, 157,80, 332,41, 426,90, 571,00, 836,00, 932,00,
Reflux gastro-oesophagien: 0,23, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 5,50, 13,93, 45,37, 95,47, 376,29, 422,53
Région temporelle Trauma: 0,13, 0,23, 1,60, 8,53, 17,50, 72,53, 155,29, 396,50, 437,48, 828,57,
Régurgitation, Gastric: 0,23, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 5,50, 13,93, 45,37, 95,47, 376,29, 422,53
Rein tubulaire Nécrose: 0,13, 0,18, 0,65, 0,97, 7,50, 11,95, 40,00, 150,00, 524,94, 689,93, 752,05
Renflée: 0,13, 0,35, 0,85, 5,43, 17,50, 42,50, 236.42, 478.50, 527.00, 667.00
Réponse inflammatoire: 0,13, 0,43, 7,00, 13,98, 132,41, 275,75, 512,33, 650,00, 753,07, 926,70,
Repos Tremor: 0,40, 0,60, 0,85, 5,09, 7,25, 92,50, 175,00, 476,50, 527,00, 663,71,
Résiduelle du cancer: 0,61, 15.90, 52.81, 62.71, 97.53, 248.00, 434.50, 524,37, 601,27, 781,09
Résiduelle tumeur: 0,61, 15.90, 52.81, 62.71, 97.53, 248.00, 434.50, 524,37, 601,27, 781,09
Rétention urinaire: 0,49, 0,73, 0,80, 7,50, 2,50, 20,00, 50,00, 125,71, 377,91, 519,34,
Reticulohistiocytoma: 0,14, 0,41, 0,97, 7,50, 10,72, 20,00, 57,50, 175,87, 415,70, 568,43
Reticulolymphosarcoma: (Voir Cancer, Lymphome)
Rétinite pigmentaire: 0,07, 0,50, 1,00, 7,50, 17,50, 127,50, 335,29, 525,15, 705,22, 813,67,
Rétinoblastome: 0,55, 0,68, 0,87, 7,50, 13,61, 40,00, 90,00, 375,95, 575,31, 827,00,
Rétinopathie diabétique: 0,15, 0,24, 0,68, 0,97, 32,25, 43,01, 112,52, 212,50, 465,35, 422,30,
Rétinoschisis, dégénératif: 0,04, 0,12, 0,95, 13,39, 13,93, 50,00, 165,80, 493,20, 722,70, 905,31,
Rétinoschisis, juvénile, X-Linked: 0,04, 0,12, 0,95, 13,39, 13,93, 50,00, 165,80, 493,20, 722,70, 905,31,
Rétinoschisis: 0,04, 0,12, 0,95, 13,39, 13,93, 50,00, 165,80, 493,20, 722,70, 905,31,
Rétrécissement mitral: 0,04, 0,24, 62,23, 135,00, 235,51, 340,04, 405,62, 592,52, 654,32, 779,50,
Rétrécissement urétral: 0,14, 0,32, 0,95, 5,25, 12,71, 45,00, 150,00, 97,50, 475,09, 985,67
Rétrobulbaire: 0,07, 0,46, 0,62, 0,97, 2,75, 132,28, 265,00, 533,63, 657,77, 834,25,
Rétropéritonéale Fibrosis: 0,07, 0,46, 0,65, 112,95, 295,87, 347,50, 427,50, 695,28, 750,00, 875,95,
Rétropharyngé Abcès: 0,12, 0,25, 0,62, 2,50, 3,00, 315,75, 425,28, 697,50, 869,71, 925,28
Rhabdoïde tumeur: 0,07, 0,46, 0,65, 0,95, 51,25, 147,50, 277,50, 395,75, 633,91, 845,28,
Rhabdomyolyse: 0,07, 0,18, 0,73, 34,21, 205,69, 317,25, 412,50, 692,50, 776,95, 838,25,
Rhabdomyosarcome: 0,12, 0,27, 9,33, 34,21, 205,69, 317,25, 412,50, 692,50, 776,95, 838,25,
Rheumatism, articulaire, aiguë: 0,13, 0,25, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 72,50, 232,50, 551,10, 779,23, 839,43,
Rheumatism, péri-articulaires: 0,17, 0,55, 0,95, 5,71, 13,93, 137,50, 262,50, 497,50, 626,07, 822,53,
Rhinite: 0,02, 0,52, 0,75, 0,83, 112,50, 217,50, 345,75, 497,50, 775,28, 825,00,
Rhino-laryngologiques Disease: 0,17, 0,52, 0,68, 0,83, 2,50, 127,50, 235,37, 567,50, 792,20, 875,47
Rhinosclérome: 0,08, 0,24, 0,63, 7,82, 32,25, 67,50, 155,29, 391,02, 415,70, 726,07
Rhumatisme: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 68,50, 232,50, 551,10, 779,23, 839,43,
Rhumatismes, musculaire: 0,04, 0,49, 0,78, 7,50, 118,00, 215,43, 362,51, 422,06, 608,41, 751,20
Rhumatoïde ankylosante: 0,19, 0,18, 8,00, 55,75, 322,06, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 742,00, 988,90
Rhume: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 7,50, 120,00, 315,50, 472,50, 725,75, 850,00, 975,98
Rickettsia Infections: 0,13, 0,18, 0,83, 5,25, 127,50, 212,50, 335,28, 560,00, 695,95, 997,50,
Rift Valley Fever: 0,04, 0,12, 0,95, 14,030, 118,52, 251,29, 365,28, 590,00, 722,70, 977,50,
Robinow Syndrome: 0,13, 0,91, 14,93, 87,50, 117,60, 315,75, 435,28, 571,50, 796,50, 825,00
Rochalimaea Infections: 0,07, 0,12, 1,63, 20,00, 40,00, 134,25, 357,77, 510,25, 752,63, 923,70,
Rocky fièvre pourprée des montagnes: 0,07, 0,52, 7,57, 33,80, 282,75, 405,75, 523,88, 667,50, 825,28, 915,70
Rod-Cone Dystrophie: 0,07, 0,50, 1,00, 7,50, 17,50, 127,50, 335,29, 525,15, 705,22, 813,67,
Romberg maladie: 0,09, 0,32, 0,95, 3,11, 25,00, 45,00, 95,00, 100,50, 215,79, 414,00, 536,50,
Rosacée: 0,02, 0,52, 0,73, 0,83, 2,50, 217,50, 545,28, 697,50, 775,75, 875,28,
Rosai-Dorfman Disease: 0,14, 0,41, 0,97, 7,50, 10,72, 20,00, 57,50, 175,87, 415,70, 568,43
Rosenthal Syndrome: 0,10, 0,26, 0,68, 7,50, 11,09, 45,00, 325,43, 515,70, 682,45, 755,49
Roséole infantile: 0,07, 0,50, 0,95, 7,50, 10,53, 132,50, 242,50, 392,01, 629,26, 915,48
Ross rivière Infections à virus: 0,12, 0,78, 12,71, 55,00, 90,00, 175,05, 425,00, 571,00, 822,00, 932,00,
Rotary nystagmus: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,50, 82,00, 193,93, 237,50, 487,50, 706,21, 946,50
Rougeole: 0,06, 0,26, 0,75, 2,25, 7,50, 52,50, 369,50, 373,01, 371,05, 687,62
Roussy-Lévy Syndrome: 0,19, 1,22, 4,33, 17,25, 63,21, 119,42, 287,21, 403,03, 435,00, 711,17
Royer Syndrome: 0,18, 0,41, 5,67, 10,09, 22,12, 98,18, 122,31, 224,07, 355,90, 451,11
RSH Syndrome: 0,08, 0,35, 5,50, 35,19, 72,50, 93,50, 342,06, 524,37, 655,20, 754,19
Rubeola: 0,06, 0,26, 0,75, 2,25, 7,50, 52,50, 369,50, 373,01, 371,05, 687,62
Rubéole: 0,07, 0,24, 0,60, 7,22, 132,25, 427,50, 555,95, 690,00, 875,00, 936,42,
Rubéole: 0,07, 0,24, 0,60, 7,22, 132,25, 427,50, 555,95, 690,00, 875,00, 936,42,
Rubinstein-Taybi: 0,07, 0,15, 3,50, 67,11, 81,50, 109,50, 112,02, 384,07, 471,00, 551,00
Runt Disease: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,85, 32,50, 42,50, 190,00, 325,37, 425,52,
Russell Syndrome d’argent: 0,41, 0,73, 7,87, 27,50, 227,50, 367,50, 525,28, 615,70, 745,01, 933,27


Sacculaire Aneurysm: 0,08, 0,24, 0,57, 7,50, 10,72, 36,21, 142,50, 321,00, 415,70, 775,68
Sacroiliac dysfonctionnement de l’articulation: 0,11, 0,24, 0,57, 38,83, 222,72, 317,50, 431,20, 572,50, 695,67, 905,62
Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome: 0,14, 1,22, 2,62, 12,72, 125,78, 158,33, 351,30, 532,41, 613,32, 709,80,
Saint Anthonys feu: 0,07, 0,52, 0,68, 0,90, 2,75, 5,00, 15,36, 0,04, 325,54, 533,63
Saisies, convulsifs: 0,46, 0,95, 67,50, 150,00, 275.19, 519.34, 682.45, 711.21, 859.83, 922.53
Saisies, Focal: 0.46, 0.95, 67.50, 150.00, 275.19, 519.34, 682.45, 711.21, 859.83, 922.53
Saisies, Généralisée: 0,46, 0,95, 67,50, 150,00, 275,19, 519,34, 682,45, 711,21, 859,83, 922,53
Saisies, Moteur: 0,46, 0,95, 67,50, 150,00, 275,19, 519,34, 682,45, 711,21, 859,83, 922,53
Saisies, sensorielles: 0,46, 0,95, 67,50, 150,00, 275.19, 519.34, 682.45, 711.21, 859.83, 922.53
Salaam Convulsions: 06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19 ,,
Salmonella paratyphi: 0,18, 0,57, 1,85, 7,50, 329,00, 365,05, 370,10, 368,00, 385,00, 724,37
Salmonella typhimurium intoxication alimentaire: 0,18, 0,57, 1,85, 7,50, 329,00, 382,30, 386,55. 355,00, 386,00, 390,00
Salmonellose: 0,18, 0,57, 1,85, 7,50, 329,00, 382,30, 386,55. 355,00, 386,00, 390,00
Salpingite: 0,17, 0,55, 0,95, 75,00, 125,28, 237,50, 362,50, 597,50, 775,95, 915,70,
Santavuori-Haltia Disease: 0,19, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,78, 47,50, 269,71, 450,00, 515,56, 686,21
Sao Paulo Typhus: 0,07, 0,52, 7,57, 33,80, 282,75, 405,75, 523,88, 667,50, 825,28, 915,70
SAPHO syndrome: 0,15, 5,58, 22,00, 30,00, 47,50, 360,59, 365,00, 388,90, 434,00, 456,11
Sarcoïdose pulmonaire: 0,08, 0,35, 37,50, 115,70, 322,06, 325,27, 175,00, 475,19, 527,00, 834,50
Sarcoïdose pulmonaire: 0,08, 0,35, 37,50, 115,70, 322,06, 325,27, 175,00, 475,19, 527,00, 834,50
Sarcoïdose: 0,07, 0,50, 37,50, 75,56, 325,27, 475,27, 527,00, 661,71, 742,00, 988,90
Sarcoma Cerebel Arachnoidal, 0,14, 0,22, 0,72, 2,58, 193,11, 247,59, 385,21, 521,68, 657,30, 729,34
Sarcome d’ Ewing est: 0,03, 0,25, 0,78, 0,93, 7,50, 95,75, 300,00, 454,37, 615,19, 784,81,
Sarcome des tissus mous: 0,04, 0,37, 0,87, 2,25, 2,50, 70,00, 95,27, 269,71, 175,27, 350,00
Sarcome, Cell broche: 0,04, 0,37, 0,87, 2,25, 2,50, 70,00, 95,27, 269,71, 175,27, 350,00
Sarcome, cérébelleuse, CA : 0,14, 0,22, 0,72, 2,58, 193,11, 247,59, 385,21, 521,68, 657,30, 729,34
Sarcome, épithélioïde: 0,04, 0,37, 0,87, 2,25, 2,50, 70,00, 95,27, 269,71, 175,27, 350,00
Sarcome, Germinoblastic: (voir le cancer: Lymphome)
Sarcome, ostéogénique: (voir 0,04, 0,24, 0,73, 7,90, 67,22, 127,50, 317,50, 665,52, 831,33, 913,50,)
Sarcome: 0,04, 0,37, 0,87, 2,25, 2,50, 70,00, 95,27, 269,71, 175,27, 350,00
Scabies: 0.24, 0.70, 7.50, 10.89, 5.50, 142,50, 372,50, 490,00, 825,27, 919,34
Scalène Anticus Syndrome: 0,02, 0,40, 7,25, 20,00, 55,00, 92,50, 222,70, 475,11, 527,00, 987,23
Scarlatine: 0,11, 0,23, 0,85, 5,15, 15,00, 115,27, 240,00, 462,50, 750,00, 957,30,
Scheie syndrome: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 5,58, 17,25, 22,50, 150,00, 413,02, 550,00, 719,34
Scheuermann Disease: 0,05, 0,46, 0,90, 2,50, 27,50, 132,50, 342,50, 485,19, 550,00, 825,71,
Schilder Disease: 0,25, 0,78, 0,93, 10,89, 7,50, 95,90, 322,53, 415,70, 562,91, 742,06,
Schilder-Addison Complex: 0,19, 0,75, 0,90, 5,16, 30,00, 229,32, 434,25, 564,28, 714,82, 978,05
Schistosomes mansoni: 0,37, 0,95, 2,75, 3,00, 72,50, 96,50, 375,43, 175,44, 375,91, 598,22
Schistosomiase: 0,13, 0,23, 0,73, 0,85, 5,25, 137,25, 545,75, 687,50, 895,27, 976,29,
Schizencephaly: 0,19, 0,50, 0,57, 0,95, 52,30, 112,50, 342,50, 567,50, 796,50, 825,27,
Schizophrenia: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,85, 132,50, 337,50, 524,37, 758,57, 955,72,
Schoenlein-Henoch purpura: 0,06, 0,50, 0,60, 3,87, 212,50, 323,00, 502,10, 690,09, 722,92, 951,00
Schwannomatose, Plexiform: 0,03, 0,35, 0,70, 2,78, 7,25, 12,50, 42,02, 175,87, 434,00, 658,81
Schwannome, acoustique: 0,05, 0,35, 0,62, 0,97, 2,50, 7,50, 122,50, 307,50, 425,52, 624,37
Schwannome, vestibulaires: 0,05, 0,35, 0,62, 0,97, 2,50, 7,50, 122,50, 307,50, 425,52, 624,37
Schwannome: 0,03, 0,35, 0,70, 2,78, 7,25, 12,50, 42,02, 175,87, 434,00, 658,81
Sciatique: 0,19, 0,50, 0,70, 0,97, 14,63, 42,50, 67,50, 196,50, 452,93, 777,50,
SCID: 0,07, 0,24, 35,19, 150,00, 375,00, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 969,67
Sclérite: 0,08, 0,35, 5,19, 55,00, 72,50, 92,50, 322,06, 475,27, 827,00, 967,00,
Scleroma, nasale: 0,08, 0,24, 0,63, 7,82, 32,25, 67,50, 155,29, 391,02, 415,70, 726,07
Sclérose Diffuse Globoid Corps: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 2,50, 5,50, 27,50, 37.50, 123.01, 327,23, 533,69
Sclérose disséminée: 0,05, 0,32, 0,73, 3,95, 17,51, 125,21, 162,52, 275,87, 523,52, 671,22,
Sclérose en plaques, la colonne vertébrale Héréditaire: 0,16, 0,49, 0,73, 0,95, 5,26, 7,25, 12,71, 92,50, 275,00, 425,43,
Sclérose latérale amyotrophique: 0,02, 2,50, 60,00, 95,00, 225,33, 479,50, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 985,67
Sclérose latérale: 0,19, 0,57, 1,12, 7,50, 27,50, 42,50, 96,50, 325,43, 415,70, 562,91
Sclérose systémique: 0,02, 0,32, 0,62, 0,95, 124,37, 325,19, 175,00, 479,50, 527,00, 667,00,
Scoliose: 0,05, 0,24, 0,60, 5,25, 62,50, 90,00, 219,34, 422,53, 561,93, 987,23
Scotome, Arcuate: 0,07, 0,73, 2,50, 5,81, 50,00, 175,27, 434,25, 566,41, 847,96, 930,12
Scotome, Bjerrum: 0,07, 0,73, 2,50, 5,81, 50,00, 175,27, 434,25, 566,41, 847,96, 930,12
Scotome, Central: 0,07, 0,73, 2,50, 5,81, 50,00, 175,27, 434,25, 566,41, 847,96, 930,12
Scotome, Centrocecal: 0,07, 0,73, 2,50, 5,81, 50,00, 175,27, 434,25, 566,41, 847,96, 930,12
Scotome: 0,07, 0,73, 2,50, 5,81, 50,00, 175,27, 434,25, 566,41, 847,96, 930,12
Scrub typhus: 0,02, 0,32, 0,62, 0,97, 12,69, 112,50, 265,75, 425,71, 745,19, 935,70,
Seasonal Affective Disorder: 0,13, 0,22, 55,00, 73,30, 92,50, 132,41, 233,91, 475,27, 527,00, 667,00,
Sécrétion d’hypophyse antérieure: 0,15, 0,26, 0,80, 5,50, 20,00, 32,50, 45,68, 57,50, 93,50, 92,50, 356,72,
Sécrétion inapproprié LH: 0,13, 0,35, 0,70, 0,85, 5,79, 77,25, 130,00, 296,50, 625,58, 915,70
Sécrétion inapproprié TSH: 0,13, 0,35, 0,70, 0,85, 5,79, 77,25, 130,00, 296,50, 625,58, 915,70
See-Saw nystagmus: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,50, 82,00, 193,93, 237,50, 487,50, 706,21, 946,50
Sella vide primaire: 0,12, 9,55, 55,85, 102,50, 192,50, 247,50, 472,50, 525,37, 650,00, 974,50
Sella vide secondaire: 0,12, 9,55, 55,85, 102,50, 192,50, 247,50, 472,50, 525,37, 650,00, 974,50
Semilobar Holoprosencéphalie: 0,08, 0,24, 0,65, 0,90, 2,50, 27,50, 55,91, 119,34, 393,50, 536,42
Senile Dementia paranoïde: 0,06, 0,26, 0,65, 5,15, 7,00, 42,50, 92,50, 475,95, 527,00, 661,71,
Sensibilité chimique multiple: 0,08, 0,37, 0,78, 8,85, 45,50, 113,52, 241,01, 392,50, 675,87, 812,02
Sensibilité: 0,50, 0,57, 0,87, 12,33, 42,50, 152,50, 287,50, 392,31, 810,50, 901,04,
Sensorielle Agnosie: 0,12, 5,62, 67,50, 93,50, 222,70, 425,00, 522,53, 689,93, 752,63, 923,70
Sepsis Syndrome: 0,13, 0,43, 7,00, 13,98, 132,41, 275,75, 512,33, 650,00, 753,07, 926,70,
Sepsis: 0,07, 0,22, 32,50, 93,50, 175,75, 479,93, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00, 986,22
Sexuel (Homme) dysfonction érectile : 0,12, 0,56, 1,76, 8,32, 40,31, 43,89 , 291,24, 581,26, 638,19, 708,92,
Sheehan Syndrome: 0,15, 0,26, 0,80, 5,50, 20,00, 32,50, 45,68, 57,50, 93,50, 92,50, 356,72,
Shigella dépression flexneri: usage unique fréquence spécifique mode : 394,00
Shigella dysenteriae problèmes intestinaux: usage unique fréquence spécifique mode : 390,09
Shigella sonnei envahit les tumeurs: seule l’utilisation de fréquence spécifique mode : 318,00
Shingles: 0,12, 0,45, 0,90, 5,91, 137.50, 372.50, 416.60, 420.20, 418.00, 824.37
Shy-Drager Syndrome: 0,07, 8,00, 13,98, 42,50, 97,50, 325,17, 515,70, 650,00, 750,00, 927,10,
Sialidosis: 0,20, 0,25, 0,65, 2,50, 3,00, 7,50, 96,50, 326,16, 534,25, 652,43,
Sialorrhée: 0,24, 0,90, 9,00, 13,52, 85,00, 92,50, 250,00, 376,29, 425,75, 845,10
SIBO ou SBBOS: 0,23, 0,85, 7,50, 32,50, 22,50, 151,68, 312,50, 432,50, 705,67, 869,34
Sick Building Syndrome: 0,02, 0,77, 2,50, 3,00, 92,50, 357,30, 425,17, 571,00, 845,00, 937,41,
SIDA / VIH: 0,18, 0,24, 22,00, 30,00, 47,50, 162,82, 365,00, 388,90, 434,00, 456,11
SIDA: 0,15, 5,58, 22,00, 30,00, 47,50, 360,59, 365,00, 388,90, 434,00, 456,11
Silicose: 0,09, 07,25, 45,75, 72,50, 150,00, 325,19, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 761,20,
Silk Road maladie: 0,11, 0,55, 0,85, 16,20, 47,50, 376,29, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00
Simmonds Disease: 0,15, 0,26, 0,80, 5,50, 20,00, 32,50, 45,68, 57,50, 93,50, 92,50, 356,72,
Sinus dermique: 0,18, 7,50, 25,17, 52,50, 112,33, 175,00, 524,37, 682,45, 753,07, 927,10,
Sinus pilonidal: 0,13, 0,57, 6,75, 71,25, 101,15, 347,50, 579,50, 690,00, 775,87, 816,90
Sinusites: 0,11, 0,40, 0,83, 5,50, 25,00, 125,17, 225,75, 475,19, 527,00, 662,71,
Sirop d’érable Urine maladie: 0,03, 0,50, 0,87, 10,47, 37,11, 87,50, 135,23, 225,68, 397,50, 597,50
Situs inversus: 0,05, 0,12, 0,87, 5,00, 27,50, 62,50, 193,00, 322,53, 475,17, 527,00,
Skew Déviation: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,50, 32,50, 47,50, 162,12, 232,03, 397,50, 679,93
Smith-Lemli-Opitz: 0,08, 0,35, 5,50, 35,19, 72,50, 93,50, 342,06, 524,37, 655,20, 754,19
Smith-Magenis Syndrome: 0,95, 2,25, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 322,06, 375,17, 497,61, 653,69, 750,00
Sneddon Syndrome: 0,04, 0,35, 0,70, 60,00, 150,00, 322,53, 479,50, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00,
Sneddon-Champion Syn. : 0,04, 0,35, 0,70, 60,00, 150,00, 322,53, 479,50, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00,
Sodoku: 0,17, 0,55, 0,95, 35,12, 85,31, 137,50, 562,50, 697,50, 722,53, 920,00
Somatotropine hypersécrétion: 0,08, 0,42, 0,77, 7,91, 31,21, 122,74, 255,61, 371,33, 742,80, 955,20
Souffrant, physique: 0,16, 0,35, 0,95, 5,26, 27,50, 52,50, 225,47, 522,53, 682,02, 750,00
Sous-corticale artériosclérotique Encéphalopathie: 0,06, 0,26, 0,65, 5,71, 7,00, 42,50, 92,50, 478,50, 527,00, 667,00
Spasm: 0,06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19,
Spasmes infantiles,: 0,06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19 ,,
Spasmus Nutans: 06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19 ,,
Spasticité fermoir-couteau: 0,13, 0,40, 0,62, 0,90, 5,58, 117,25, 442,52, 657,51, 722,59, 865,87
Spastique Spinal Monoplégie: 0,50, 0,68, 87,50, 95,03, 234,51, 452,59, 518,92, 684,81, 712,23, 997,87,
Spermatique Torsion du cordon: 0,07, 0,46, 0,83, 2,50, 150,00, 225,75, 475,16, 667,00, 742,00, 985,67
Sphaerophorus Infections: 0,19, 0,18, 0,75, 9,00, 11,09, 22,50, 47,50, 115,70, 377,91, 470.12
Sphénopalatine névralgie: 0,60, 0,87, 2,25, 5,17, 55,83, 115,71, 255,48, 485,00, 697,50, 856,72
Sphérocytose héréditaire: 0,19, 0,30, 0,87, 137,94, 322,53, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00, 988,90
Spielmeyer-Vogt Disease: 0,19, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,78, 47,50, 269,71, 450,00, 515,56, 686,21
Spina bifida occulta: 0,18, 7,50, 25,17, 52,50, 112,33, 175,00, 524,37, 682,45, 753,07, 927,10,
Spina bifida: 0,32, 0,80, 7,50, 25,16, 52,50, 255,93, 522,53, 691,27, 753,07, 912,33
Spinal bifida, Fermé: 0,18, 7,50, 25,17, 52,50, 112,33, 175,00, 524,37, 682,45, 753,07, 927,10,
Spinal dysraphisme: 0,32, 0,80, 7,50, 25,16, 52,50, 255,93, 522,53, 691,27, 753,07, 912,33
Spinal Ostéophytose: 0,10, 0,32, 52,50, 112,33, 175,17, 475,00, 527,00, 662,71, 742,00, 986,22
Spinale Amyotrophie: 0,19, 1,22, 3,72, 17,25, 63,21, 119,42, 293,24, 403,03, 435,00, 711,17
Splénique rupture: 0,03, 0,57, 50,00, 205,83, 358,57, 475,16, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00, 985,67
Spléniques Maladies: 0,04, 0,35, 7,25, 2,50, 60,00, 125,00, 300,00, 475,17, 527,00, 752,70,
Spondylarthrite Ankylopoietica: 0,19, 0,18, 8,00, 55,75, 322,06, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 742,00, 988,90
Spondylarthrite ankylosante: 0,19, 0,18, 8,00, 55,75, 322,06, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 742,00, 988,90
Spondylarthrite ankylosante: 0,19, 0,18, 8,00, 55,75, 322,06, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 742,00, 988,90
Spondylolisthésis: 0,46, 0,68, 32,71, 96,50, 319,34, 428,17, 512,33, 682,45, 753,07, 922,53
Spongieuse Disease : 0,02, 0,97, 5,69, 32,50, 175,03, 451,17, 517,50, 683,00, 712,42, 995,38,
Sprue, cœliaque: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 2,50, 20,00, 47,50, 72,50, 125,17, 379,93, 475,19,
SRAS (préventif) : 0,06, 0,52, 15,17, 42,50, 125,71, 376,29, 514,35, 682,45, 759,83, 918,50,
SSPE: 0,05, 1,52, 5,69, 55,15, 375,03, 479,93, 527,00, 662,71, 789,00, 987,23
St. Anthonys feu: 0,07, 0,52, 0,68, 0,90, 2,75, 5,00, 15,36, 0,04, 325,54, 533,63
Staphylococciques Infections: 0,05, 0,41, 0,80, 5,25, 87,50, 42,50, 376,27, 378,00, 380,85, 381,00,
Stargardt Disease: 0,15, 0,18, 0,80, 5,50, 33,20, 172,30, 471,20, 557,82, 603,44, 921,88,
Stase Gastrique: 0,17, 0,52, 0,75, 0,95, 2,25, 17,50, 135,37, 385,91, 591,00, 722,53,
Statut dysraphicus: 0,32, 0,80, 7,50, 25,16, 52,50, 255,93, 522,53, 691,27, 753,07, 912,33
Statut lymphaticus: 0,14, 0,35, 0,93, 11,95, 25,54, 35,67, 87,50, 93,50, 234,25, 527,81
Statut marmoratus: 0,17, 0,32, 0,95, 5,50, 32,50, 47,50, 162,12, 232,03, 397,50, 679,93
Statut migrainosus: 0,15, 0,18, 2,32, 63,75, 72,30, 132,20, 220,30, 587,30, 722,52, 915,20
STD complète, l’herpès, la blennorragie, la syphilis, la chlamydia, le VPH, les symptômes du VIH.
Steele-Richardson-Olszewski: 0,18, 0,22, 3,52, 17,81, 57,63, 291,11, 522,80, 608,11, 771,42, 795,02
Steely Syndrome des cheveux: 0,17, 0,42, 18,81, 89,10, 115,18, 220,05, 375,00, 532,51, 615,20, 713,87
Stein-Leventhal syndrome: 0,04, 0,50, 0,97, 2,75, 12,85, 20,00, 37.50, 122.53, 325,87, 840,02
Sténocardie: 0,10, 0,68, 0,83, 42,20, 92,50, 225,00, 534,20, 779,00, 882,10, 911,09
Sténose carotidienne: 0,02, 0,24, 2,75, 17,50, 35,19, 97,50, 269,71, 314,37, 563,19, 875,96
Sténose de la valve aortique: 0,03, 0,25, 0,90, 13,52, 150,00, 275,33, 510,25, 655,20, 759,83, 926,70,
Sténose mitrale: 0,04, 0,24, 62,23, 135,00, 235,51, 340,04, 405,62, 592,52, 654,32, 779,50,
Sténose sous-valvulaire idiopathique hypertrophique: 0,13, 0,26, 20,00, 125,00, 376,29, 404,37, 515,16, 687,62, 712,81, 992,00,
Sténose spinale: 0,14, 0,32, 0,97, 7,50, 125,71, 175,75, 512,33, 682,02, 759,83, 927,10,
Stérilité: 0,17, 0,12, 0,30, 0,89, 6,91, 79,71, 132,81, 206,11, 434,58, 513,79
Stérilité: 0,17, 0,12, 0,30, 0,89, 6,91, 79,71, 132,81, 206,11, 434,58, 513,79
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: 0,19, 7,50, 8,00, 55,75, 225,00, 477,50, 527,00, 662,71, 742,00, 985,67
Stickler Syndrome: 0,46, 2,50, 30,00, 57,50, 95,17, 325,71, 524,37, 691,27, 753,07, 927,10,
Stomatite, aphteux: 0,05, 0,41, 0,80, 5,17, 42,50, 119,34, 357,30, 527,00, 662,71, 789,00,
Stomatognathiques Maladies: 0,17, 0,37, 0,90, 2,75, 5,12, 52,50, 90,00, 234,25, 842,00, 937,41,
Stomie: 0,05, 0,40, 0,73, 0,90, 5,91, 27,00, 210,71, 341,50, 546,50, 875,47,
Strabisme, Convergent: 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 5,25, 25,51, 42,50, 162,52, 492,57, 675,51, 828,53
Strabisme, Divergent: 0,15, 0,23, 12,75, 38,85, 105,25, 217,25, 435,36, 617,52, 791,48, 877,91
Strabisme, interne: 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 5,25, 25,51, 42,50, 162,52, 492,57, 675,51, 828,53
Strabisme, Noncomitant: 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 5,25, 25,51, 42,50, 162,52, 492,57, 675,51, 828,53
Strabisme: 0,17, 0,57, 37.50, 87.50, 90.00, 452,59, 519,68, 684,81, 712,23, 997,87,
Streeter Syndrome: 0,07, 0,18, 5,62, 37.50, 100.00, 275.16, 525,71, 655,20, 750,00, 926,70,
Streptococcus pneumoniae: 0,05, 0,35, 2,75, 30,93, 75,81, 187,50, 405,32, 715,00, 803,51, 905,32,
Streptococcus sp Parasites. groupe G (dent) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 368,15, 368,85, 368,00,
Stress (General): 0,14, 0,68, 2,50, 62,42, 122,53, 300,00, 496,01, 655,20, 755,00, 805,12
Striatonigrale Degeneration, AD : 0,14, 0,25, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 13,93, 85,68, 225,23, 475,68, 527,00
Stridor: 0,03, 0,46, 0,83, 37,50, 62,50, 150,00, 225,75, 519,34, 652,43, 927,10,
Stromales dystrophies, cornéen: 0,04, 0,24, 11,45, 48,15, 132,79, 209,27, 332,30, 592,50, 775,29, 819,34,
Strongyloïdose: 0,06, 0,25, 0,95, 65,17, 92,50, 210,50, 525,71, 650,00, 759,83, 912,33
Sturge-Weber Syndrome: 0,40, 0,95, 72,50, 124,37, 97,50, 269,71, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 729,06,
Sudek Atrophie: 0,09, 0,52, 0,65, 0,93, 5,71, 87,50, 255,31, 525,29, 675,31, 878,50
Superficiel Punctate kératite de Thygeson: 0,10, 0,22, 32,50, 52,50, 150,00, 175,11, 479,93, 667,00, 789,00, 987,23
Supraglottite: 0,07, 0,46, 0,60, 0,95, 11,09, 32,50, 127,50, 395,83, 619,34, 725,54,
Supranucléaire progressive Ophthalmoplegia: 0,18, 0,22, 3,52, 17,81, 57,63, 291,11, 522,80, 608,11, 771,42, 795,02
Suture techniques: 0,16, 0,35, 2,50, 15,75, 47,50, 275.00, 512.33, 655.20, 750.00, 925.71
Sympathetic Maladies du système nerveux: 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,75, 3,00, 70,00, 95.09, 175.16, 275.00, 357,30
Symptomatique Spasmes Infantile: 06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19
Syndrome :: glycoprotéine 0,18, 0,60, 20,00, 93,50, 175,16, 434,00, 519,34, 682,45, 759,83, 900,00
Syndrome antiphospholipidique: 0,05, 0,73, 1,55, 13,39, 22,50, 247,00, 391,00, 571,00, 827,00, 937,41,
Syndrome bulbaire latéral: 0,03, 0,50, 0,87, 13,52, 7,50, 27,50, 35,00, 125,69, 297,50, 437,50
Syndrome central de la douleur: 0,02, 0,22, 25,00, 55,75, 125,00, 229,32, 450,00, 515,16, 712,81, 993,41,
Syndrome central du cordon: 0,10, 0,50, 87,50, 95,00, 225,17, 450,00, 522,39, 688,29, 712,23, 993,41,
Syndrome d’Adie: 0,17, 0,46, 10,85, 55,16, 96,50, 350,00, 567,00, 692,33, 810,20, 982,11
Syndrome d’Aicardi: 0,78, 8,00, 92,50, 125,00, 355,08, 452,59, 515,16, 687,62, 712,81, 997,87,
Syndrome d’Alagille: 0,08, 0,80, 0,95, 22,50, 57,50, 175,00, 419,34, 563,19, 813,96, 983,17
Syndrome d’Albright: 0,20, 0,46, 0,60, 2,25, 12,85, 144.90, 323.72, 602.53, 918.28
Syndrome d’Aldrich: 0,20, 0,77, 2,53, 3,40, 5,59, 95,87, 175,91, 343,92, 425,87, 571,40
Syndrome d’Alpers: 0,25, 0,78, 0,93, 10,89, 7,50, 95,90, 322,53, 415,70, 562,91, 742,06,
Syndrome d’Alport: 0,03, 0,37, 0,78, 0,90, 7,50, 10,72, 40,00, 157,50, 392,50, 575,56
Syndrome d’Alstrom: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,50, 82,00, 193,93, 237,50, 487,50, 706,21, 946,50
Syndrome d’Angelman: 0,20, 7,50, 27,50, 95,33, 375,16, 419,34, 567,70, 642,06, 980,00
Syndrome d’aortite: 0,10, 0,35, 52,50, 70,00, 97,50, 225,15, 450,00, 689,41, 712,00, 993,41,
Syndrome d’Apert: 0,14, 1,22, 2,62, 12,72, 125,78, 158,33, 351,30, 532,41, 613,32, 709,80,
Syndrome d’Asperger: 0,04, 0,40, 2,50, 10,53, 47,50, 210,25, 518,92, 688,29, 712,23, 916,00
Syndrome d’Ayerza: 0,14, 0,40, 0,78, 1,00, 2,50, 12,33, 15,58, 52,50, 225,79, 424,94
Syndrome de bande amniotique: 0,07, 0,18, 5,62, 37,50, 100,00, 275,16, 525,71, 655,20, 750,00, 926,70,
Syndrome de Bannayan-Zonana: 0,24, 0,70, 7,50, 12,33, 37,50, 72,50, 124,37, 325,16, 496,01, 888,60
Syndrome de Bardet-Biedel: 0,10, 0,50, 0,68, 0,87, 35,25, 164,27, 204,19, 325,69, 521,29, 662,52
Syndrome de Barrett: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 9,97, 167,50, 325,50, 422,50, 650,00, 875,95, 919,34,
Syndrome de Barth: 0,05, 0,18, 17,50, 45,00, 70,00, 125,75, 377,91, 475,16, 527,00, 753,23
Syndrome de Beals: 0,07, 0,29, 38,22, 49,00, 53,89, 67,95, 115,07, 502,26, 632,83, 726,77
Syndrome de Behcet: 0,11, 0,55, 0,85, 16,20, 47,50, 376,29, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00
Syndrome de Bernard: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,33, 32,50, 142,50, 320,00, 425,87, 525,56
Syndrome de Bernard-Soulier: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,33, 32,50, 142,50, 320,00, 425,87, 525,56
Syndrome de Birt-Hogg-Dube: 0,18, 0,23, 0,97, 7,50, 32,50, 175,00, 453,72, 515,11, 684,81, 712,42,
Syndrome de brûlure de la bouche: 0,04, 0,41, 30,00, 67,50, 55,15, 125,00, 350,00, 412,33, 563,19, 714,82
Syndrome de Chiari: 0,05, 0,24, 72,50, 122,53, 342,06, 512,33, 682,45, 753,07, 926,70,
Syndrome de Clouston: 0,13, 0,52, 0,83, 8,50, 12,53, 145,83, 262,50, 397,50, 633,91, 825,17
Syndrome de Cushing: 0,25, 0,78, 0,93, 10,53, 7,50, 95,95, 322,53, 419,34, 564,28, 642,06,
Syndrome de détresse respiratoire, du nouveau-né: 0,07, 0,55, 0,65, 0,87, 7,50, 16,02, 42,01, 190,00, 675,29, 826,90
Syndrome de DiGeorge: 0,04, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 30,00, 67,52, 192,20, 475,31, 675,69, 819,34
Syndrome de fatigue chronique: 0,05, 0,23, 0,95, 12,33, 22,50, 45,91, 72,50, 92,50, 347,51, 821,00,
Syndrome de fatigue chronique: 0,05, 0,23, 0,95, 12,33, 22,50, 45,91, 72,50, 92,50, 347,51, 821,00,
Syndrome de Gasser: 0,05, 0,18, 4,82, 65,00, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
Syndrome de Goldenhar: 0,04, 0,25, 0,57, 0,87, 2,25, 2,50, 96,50, 226,32, 515,70, 682,02
Syndrome de Gorlin: 0,10, 0,57, 0,80, 7,50, 15,00, 52,50, 95,11, 655,20, 750,00, 923,70,
Syndrome de Guillain-Barré: 0,04, 0,32, 0,62, 5,97, 35,25, 112,73, 296,00, 392,97, 701,66, 933,50,
Syndrome de Horn pelviennes: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 45,00, 78,25, 114,69, 323,00, 637,08, 845,87, 973,50
Syndrome de Horner: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,33, 32,50, 142,50, 320,00, 425,87, 525,56
Syndrome de Hughe: 0,05, 0,73, 1,55, 13,39, 22,50, 247,00, 391,00, 571,00, 827,00, 937,41,
Syndrome de Hurler: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 5,58, 17,25, 22,50, 150,00, 413,02, 550,00, 719,34
Syndrome de Job: 0,13, 0,23, 0,70, 33,47, 288,75, 351,00, 432,50, 601,23, 719,01, 851,91
Syndrome de Kanner: 0,03, 0,25, 0,65, 0,93, 13,52, 7,50, 95,00, 322,53, 454,37, 517,50,
Syndrome de Kartagener: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 7,50, 18,00, 27,50, 135.67,225.62, 635,23, 917,02
Syndrome de Klinefelter: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 2,50, 5,50, 27,50, 37.50, 150.00, 125.69, 515,70
Syndrome de la Tourette: 0,16, 0,23, 12,85, 55,75, 125,00, 210,50, 479,93, 593,20, 761,85, 987,23
Syndrome de l’X fragile: 0,23, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 5,50, 33,98, 145,43, 295,30, 375,43, 522,53
Syndrome de Maffucci: 0,15, 0,18, 0,87, 15,83, 23,21, 212,53, 247,58, 465,34, 695,02, 792,51
Syndrome de Marfan: 0,15, 0,23, 0,65, 0,93, 36,29, 211,09, 475,68, 527,00, 665,34, 749,00
Syndrome de Meige: 0,06, 0,41, 0,70, 0,83, 2,50, 32,50, 305,05, 431,20, 632,59, 723,01
Syndrome de Ménière: 0,11, 0,35, 12,80, 88,50, 125,68, 240,00, 470,00, 592,50, 625,23, 723,01
Syndrome de Moebius: 0,02, 0,22, 0,97, 7,50, 22,50, 85,37, 155,47, 285,00, 416,50, 605,41
Syndrome de Nevus de Cellule Basique: 0,10, 0,57, 0,80, 7,50, 15,00, 52,50, 95,11, 655,20, 750,00, 923,70,
Syndrome de Noonan: 0,04, 0,18, 0,78, 2,50, 7,50, 55,29, 87,50, 95,52, 225,29, 519,34,
Syndrome de Pearson: 0,08, 0,40, 0,83, 5,47, 105,00, 215,47, 417,50, 631,00, 801,91, 931,22
Syndrome de Protée: 0,06, 0,25, 0,87, 12,30, 55,71, 85,00, 187,50, 442,50, 696,50, 875,31
Syndrome de Rett: 0,13, 0,23, 0,62, 9,97, 167,50, 325,50, 422,50, 650,00, 875,95, 919,34,
Syndrome de Reye: 0,04, 0,12, 0,95, 13,02, 172,50, 259,00, 365,08, 591,00, 710,50, 835,28,
Syndrome de Riley-Day: 0,14, 0,25, 0,85, 5,25, 7,25, 325,00, 587,50, 745,31, 815,90, 927,00,
Syndrome de Romano-Ward: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 7,50, 8,00, 27,50, 35,54, 125,69, 95,69, 95,00
Syndrome de Samter: 0,18, 0,57, 1,00, 5,25, 27,50, 72,50, 172,50, 395,75, 575,28, 760,00,
Syndrome de Sanfilippo: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 5,58, 17,25, 22,50, 150,00, 413,02, 550,00, 719,34
Syndrome de Schmidt: 0,05, 0,26, 0,57, 2,50, 13,39, 85,34, 157,50, 525,83, 757,77, 975,34,
Syndrome de Schnitzler: 0,13, 0,23, 0,75, 0,85, 5,69, 117,25, 345,75, 587,50, 695,27, 875,98,
Syndrome de Sézary: 0,18, 0,30, 2,33, 17,50, 45,75, 375,17, 475,00, 527,00, 662,71, 723,01,
Syndrome de Sjögren: 0,13, 0,40, 57,50, 92,50, 175,19, 479,93, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 988,90
Syndrome de sortie thoracique: 0,02, 0,40, 7,25, 20,00, 55,00, 92,50, 222,70, 475,11, 527,00, 987,23
Syndrome de Sweet: 0,19, 0,37, 7,25, 45,75, 96,50, 325,00, 519,34, 655,20, 750,00, 922,53
Syndrome de Tietze: 0,05, 0,24, 15,75, 45,00, 93,50, 376,29, 512,33, 689,93, 759,83, 925,71
Syndrome de Treacher Collins: 0,12, 0,55, 0,85, 5,50, 22,50, 35,68, 70,00, 261,11, 385,65, 705,70
Syndrome de Turner, Homme: 0,04, 0,18, 0,78, 2,50, 7,50, 55,29, 87,50, 95,52, 225,29, 519,34,
Syndrome de Turner: 0,07, 0,57, 0,73, 2,50, 50,00, 150,00, 475,00, 527,00, 663,71, 776,50
Syndrome de Waardenburg: 0,04, 0,52, 5,09, 35,00, 175,33, 432,41, 561,93, 714,82, 823,00, 987,23
Syndrome de Williams: 0,14, 0,41, 8,00, 30,00, 57,50, 125,00, 357,77, 689,93, 750,00, 934,25
Syndrome de Wolfram: 0,20, 0,46, 2,50, 7,50, 37.50, 96.50, 222,70, 527,00, 749,00, 985,67
Syndrome de Zellweger: 0,16, 0,57, 0,78, 0,93, 2,75, 7,50, 22,50, 40,00, 125,00, 225,71, 434,25, 566,41, 709,83, 985,90
Syndrome des jambes sans repos: 0,16, 0,57, 7,78, 23,97, 125,95, 327,50, 422,50, 590,00, 715,70, 836,42,
Syndrome des ovaires polykystiques: 0,04, 0,50, 0,97, 2,75, 12,85, 20,00, 37.50, 122.53, 325,87, 840,02
Syndrome d’Isaac: 0,10, 0,26, 0,68, 9,70, 13,52, 45,00, 352,93, 496,01, 682,45, 755,49,
Syndrome douloureux régional complexe, de type I: 0,11, 4,14, 33,15, 72,33, 121,50, 280,10, 525,00, 617,00, 712,00, 988,90
Syndrome du canal carpien: 0,03, 0,65, 12,33, 30,00, 182,23, 225,17, 534,50, 667,00, 742,00, 986,22
Syndrome du QT long: 0,03, 0,50, 0,85, 7,50, 8,00, 27,50, 35,54, 125,69, 95,69, 95,00
Syndrome du rotor: 0,13, 0,52, 0,62, 9,00, 13,61, 155,87, 362,52, 453,02, 775,91, 925,58
Syndrome épaule-main: 0,09, 0,52, 0,65, 0,93, 5,71, 87,50, 255,31, 525,29, 675,31, 878,50
Syndrome Equina Cauda: 0,11, 0,49, 0,78, 12,50, 43,00, 122,50, 262,50, 555,34, 692,50, 819,34,
Syndrome Evans: 0,12, 0,55, 0,95, 5,17, 22,50, 142,50, 362,50, 562,50, 775,36, 924,37
Syndrome Exfoliation: 0,15, 0,23, 0,73, 0,85, 5,36, 147,25, 335,48, 487,50, 695,83, 875,36
Syndrome immunologique acquis: 0,15, 5,58, 22,00, 30,00, 47,50, 360,59, 365,00, 388,90, 434,00, 456,11
Syndrome malin des neuroleptiques: 0,08, 0,41, 0,80, 5,75, 5,50, 122,50, 287,50, 319,34, 472,29, 678,51
Syndrome médullaire latéral: 0,03, 0,50, 0,87, 13,52, 7,50, 27,50, 35,00, 125,69, 297,50, 437,50
Syndrome métabolique X: 0,11, 0,49, 0,57, 7,50, 12,33, 190,81, 431,33, 501,20, 653,80, 825,61
Syndrome néphrotique: 0,13, 0,24, 0,78, 0,93, 2,25, 112,33, 217,50, 335,56, 595,87, 813,50
Syndrome neuroleptique bénin, neuroleptiques Induced: 0,08, 0,41, 0,80, 5,75, 5,50, 122,50, 287,50, 319,34, 472,29, 678,51
Syndrome Noeud lymphatique, Mucoc .: 0,04, 0,24, 0,95, 2,75, 5,87, 178,50, 326,50, 571,52, 705,87, 827,23
Syndrome parkinsonien: 0,57, 0,78, 0,90, 5,25, 7,00, 115,71, 255,83, 485,43, 692,50, 825,00
Syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère: 0,06, 0,52, 15,17, 42,50, 125,71, 376,29, 514,35, 682,45, 759,83, 918,50,
Syndrome respiratoire, aigu sévère: 0,06, 0,52, 15,17, 42,50, 125,71, 376,29, 514,35, 682,45, 759,83, 918,50,
Syndrome sérotoninergique: 0,07, 0,78, 1,30, 21,90, 65,19, 322,06, 479,93, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00,
Syndrome Sharp: 0,08, 0,26, 57,71, 141,45, 201,31, 331,51, 425,88, 583,12, 674,92, 739,61,
Syndrome Sicca: 0,13, 0,40, 57,50, 92,50, 175,19, 479,93, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 988,90
Syndrome Stiff-personne: 0,14, 0,95, 5,75, 12,71, 45,00, 125,17, 250,00, 479,93, 749,00, 986,22
Syndrome TMJ: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 5,12, 15,03, 47,50, 275,75, 458,50, 712,23, 992,00,
Syndrome X, angine de poitrine: 0,07, 0,23, 0,85, 35,23, 63,02, 125,03, 235,68, 396,50, 575,61, 751,77
Syndrome X, cardiaque: 0,07, 0,23, 0,85, 35,23, 63,02, 125,03, 235,68, 396,50, 575,61, 751,77
Syndrome-Certonciny Forestier: 0,17, 0,55, 0,95, 5,71, 13,93, 137,50, 262,50, 497,50, 626,07, 822,53,
Syndrome-Man Stiff: 0,14, 0,95, 5,75, 12,71, 45,00, 125,17, 250,00, 479,93, 749,00, 986,22
Syndromes Dysmyelopoietic: 0,19, 0,30, 0,80, 7,50, 27,50, 45.58, 96.50, 315.70, 419.34, 562.96
Syndromes paranéoplasiques: 0,14, 0,49, 0,60, 0,83, 2,25, 17,75, 95,47, 81.08, 319.34, 533.63
Syndromes parkinsoniens: 0,57, 0,78, 0,90, 5,25, 7,00, 115.71, 255.83, 485.43, 692.50, 825.00
Syndromes stress thermique: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 0,85, 7,50, 20,00, 57,50, 150,00, 225,52, 322,06
Synesthesia: 0,40, 0,95, 72,50, 112,33, 97,50, 275,15, 477,50, 667,00, 742,00, 987,23
Synovite: 0,05, 0,52, 0,62, 10,89, 32,57, 479,50, 527,00, 662,71, 752,70, 985,67
Syphilis congénitale: 0,02, 0,18, 25,00, 125,15, 269,71, 475,03, 527,00, 667,00, 761,85, 986,22
Syphilis: 0,02, 5,25, 25,15, 125,75, 275,03, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00, 987,23
Syringomyelia: 0,12, 5,12, 7,00, 32,50, 95,75, 175,00, 522,53, 682,02, 759,83, 900,00
Système nerveux autonome: 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,75, 3,00, 70,00, 95,09, 175,16, 275,00, 357,30
Système nerveux central cysticercose: 0,13, 0,52, 0,73, 13,61, 125,29, 255,56, 372,58, 551,23, 673,29, 713,72
Système nerveux central Infections: 0,03, 0,50, 47,50, 150,00, 214,35, 325,19, 451,17, 517,50, 687,62, 862,00,
Système nerveux central Troubles intracrâniens: 0,04, 0,20, 0,65, 85,75, 90,00, 375.11, 497.61, 689.93, 753.07, 983.22


Tache de rousseur, Mélanome: 0,06, 0,37, 0,87, 7,50, 8,00, 62,50, 95,56, 325,87, 473,00, 742,06
Taches de: 0,03, 0,12, 0,93, 7,50, 30,00, 147,50, 262.50, 315.61, 505.68, 756.50,
Tachyarythmie: 0,02, 0,52, 1,20, 2,25, 17,50, 72,50, 219,34, 688,29, 712,00, 995,38,
Tachycardie: 0,02, 0,52, 1,20, 2,25, 17,50, 72,50, 219,34, 688,29, 712,00, 995,38,
Taenia Infections: 0,12, 0,65, 2,50, 10,53, 92,50, 355,72, 479,93, 527,00, 761,85, 987,23
Taenia parasites: (utilisation de parasites, ténias)
Taeniasis: 0,12, 0,65, 2,50, 10,53, 92,50, 355,72, 479,93, 527,00, 761,85, 987,23
Takatsuki Syndrome de: 0,04, 0,22, 0,62, 13,52, 5,50, 40,00, 175,83, 432,41, 565,36, 709,83
Takayasu: 0,10, 0,35, 52,50, 70,00, 97,50, 225,15, 450,00, 689,41, 712,00, 993,41,
Talipes Cavus: 0,92, 32,75, 150,01, 293,70, 329,05, 415,84, 423,47, 472,12, 512,14, 629,90
Tamponnade cardiaque: 0,03, 0,18, 5,50, 20,00, 93,50, 175,75, 394,50, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00
Tamponnade péricardique: 0,03, 0,18, 5,50, 20,00, 93,50, 175,75, 394,50, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00
Tanger Disease: 0,14, 0,41, 8,00, 17,50, 87,50, 95,75, 225,00, 476,50, 527,00, 662,71,
Tanger maladie Neuropathie: 0,14, 0,41, 8,00, 17,50, 87,50, 95,75, 225,00, 476,50, 527,00, 662,71,
Tapéto-rétinienne Degeneration: 0,07, 0,50, 1,00, 7,50, 17,50, 127,50, 335,29, 525,15, 705,22, 813,67,
Tapeworm Infection: 0,10, 0,25, 0,68, 5,75, 2,75, 7,50, 96,50, 226,07, 475,44, 527,00
Tarlov Kystes: 0,08, 0,32, 0,65, 37,50, 67,50, 96,50, 379,93, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00,
Tay-Sachs Maladie, B Variante: .20, 0,12, 27,50, 47,50, 96,50, 275,03, 534,25, 691,27, 753,07, 927,10,
Tay-Sachs maladie: 0,20, 0,12, 27,50, 47,50, 96,50, 275,03, 534,25, 691,27, 753,07, 927,10,
T-Cell Lymphoma, cutanée: 0,35, 0,93, 12,33, 25,23, 35,68, 87,50, 93,50, 233,63, 434,00, 519,34,
Tear ménisque (genou): 0,1 9 , 0. 68 , 1 0 . 02 , 31 . 23 , 1 27 . 76 , 3 09 . 6 0, 4 36 . 09 , 4 6 3 0,9 7 , 50 2,9 3 , 651 . 82
Teigne: 0,05, 0,41, 22,50, 57,50, 325,16, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00, 986,22
Télangiectasie, hémorragique héréditaire: 0,10, 0,22, 32,50, 55,75, 150,00, 175,00, 475,75, 667,00, 884,33, 985,67
Télangiectasie: 0,16, 2,10, 55,03, 150,00, 229,32, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 987,23
Temporo Syndrome de l’articulation: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 5,12, 15,03, 47,50, 275,75, 458,50, 712,23, 992,00,
Temporo Troubles de l’articulation: 0,16, 0,35, 47,50, 269,71, 453,72, 515,15, 684,81, 723,00, 841,20, 997,87,
Tendinite de De Quervain: 0,11, 0,40, 12,71, 42,50, 95,00, 210,50, 425,75, 571,00, 837,00, 932,00,
Tendinites: 0,30, 12,71, 50,00, 150,00, 358,57, 479,50, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 986,22
Tendinopathie: 0,30, 12,71, 50,00, 150,00, 358,57, 479,50, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 986,22
Tendinosis: 0,30, 12,71, 50,00, 150,00, 358,57, 479,50, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 986,22
Tennis Elbow: 0,08, 7,25, 50,00, 62,50, 93,50, 322,53, 475,03, 527,00, 667,00, 987,23
Ténosynovite: 0,11, 0,40, 12,71, 42,50, 95,00, 210,50, 425,75, 571,00, 837,00, 932,00,
Tératoïde tumeur: 0,12, 0,90, 5,25, 27,50, 57,50, 222,53, 425,11, 571,00, 838,00, 937,41,
Tératome kystique: 0,12, 0,90, 5,25, 27,50, 57,50, 222,53, 425,11, 571,00, 838,00, 937,41,
Tératome, Mature: 0,12, 0,90, 5,25, 27,50, 57,50, 222,53, 425,11, 571,00, 838,00, 937,41,
Tératome: 0,12, 0,90, 5,25, 27,50, 57,50, 222,53, 425,11, 571,00, 838,00, 937,41,
Testiculaire Féminisation: 0,06, 7,50, 67,50, 95,00, 376,29, 475,05, 527,00, 665,34, 761,85, 987,23
Tétanos: 0,08, 0,32, 0,65, 7,50, 37,50, 67,50, 96,50, 527,00, 663,71, 986,22
Tête et du cou: 0,10, 0,52, 7,50, 30,00, 225,03, 434,15, 527,00, 662,71, 749,00, 986,22
Tethered syndrome du cordon: 0,03, 0,24, 0,85, 2,50, 5,87, 85,00, 96,50, 175,87, 357,77, 452,59
Tétrahydrobioptérine Déficit: 0,12, 2,50, 15,75, 52,50, 96,50, 225,16, 524,37, 650,00, 753,07, 927,10,
Tétraplégie: 0,15, 0,46, 0,95, 5,85, 62,50, 107,50, 217,50, 496,50, 855,72, 915,31,
Thalamiques maladies: 0,02, 0,22, 25,00, 55,75, 125,00, 229,32, 450,00, 515,16, 712,81, 993,41,
Thalassémie: 0,05, 0,29, 0,65, 6,21, 7,87, 45,00, 56,52, 135,21, 302,16, 409,22
Thesaurismosis: 0,13, 0,52, 2,61, 110,39, 211,11, 351,02, 405,85, 622,28, 753,08, 832,63
Thiamine sensible au sirop d’érable Urine maladie: 0,03, 0,50, 0,87, 10,47, 37,11, 87,50, 135,23, 225,68, 397,50, 597,50
Thoracic outlet syndrome de compression du nerf: 0,02, 0,40, 7,25, 20,00, 55,00, 92,50, 222,70, 475,11, 527,00, 987,23
Thorax en entonnoir: 0,13, 0,23, 0,73, 0,80, 5,25, 7,25, 35,37, 95,91, 215,50, 510,00
Thrombasthénie de Glanzmann: 0,10, 0,52, 0,78, 5,25, 22,50, 47,50, 100,00, 342,06, 475,16, 527,00,
Thrombasthénie: 0,10, 0,52, 0,78, 5,25, 22,50, 47,50, 100,00, 342,06, 475,16, 527,00,
Thromboangéite oblitérante: 0,10, 0,58, 0,78, 5,25, 21,80, 49,50, 158,00, 342,06, 475,16, 533,00, 762,11
Thrombocytopénie: 0,13, 0,40, 7,25, 42,50, 92,50, 322,53, 479,50, 527,00, 667,00, 987,23
Thromboembolie pulmonaire: 0,35, 0,41, 0,92, 0,97, 7,50, 13,42, 71,50, 205,41, 476,29, 515,70,
Thromboembolie pulmonaire: 0,35, 0,41, 0,92, 0,97, 7,50, 13,42, 71,50, 205,41, 476,29, 515,70,
Thrombopénie: 0,13, 0,40, 7,25, 42,50, 92,50, 322,53, 479,50, 527,00, 667,00, 987,23
Thrombophlébite: 0,24, 0,78, 13,98, 96,50, 375,16, 475,11, 527,00, 663,71, 752,70, 985,67
Thrombose veineuse profonde: 0,14, 0,49, 0,73, 0,95, 7,50, 2,50, 20,00, 112,33, 376,29, 534,25,
Thrombose, veineuse rétinienne: 0,07, 0,50, 1,00, 7,50, 17,50, 127,50, 335,29, 565,75, 725,95, 919,34,
Thrombosis: 0,14, 0,49, 0,73, 0,95, 7,50, 2,50, 20,00, 112,33, 376,29, 534,25,
Thrombus: 0,14, 0,49, 0,73, 0,95, 7,50, 2,50, 20,00, 112,33, 376,29, 534,25,
Thymique Cyst: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 22,50, 130,00, 251,23, 493,50, 555,08, 754,37, 815,68,
Thymome: 0,17, 0,52, 42,50, 72,50, 97,50, 379,93, 512,33, 682,02, 759,83, 927,10,
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: 0,13, 0,35, 0,70, 0,85, 5,79, 77,25, 130,00, 296,50, 625,58, 915,70
Thyroïdite (auto-immune) 0,14, 0,25, 0,60, 2,50, 32,50, 112,33, 319,34, 525,71, 753,07, 900,00
Thyroïdite lymphocytique: 0,14, 0,25, 0,60, 2,50, 32,50, 112,33, 319,34, 525,71, 753,07, 900,00
Thyroïdite lymphomateuse: 0,14, 0,25, 0,60, 2,50, 32,50, 112,33, 319,34, 525,71, 753,07, 900,00
Thyroïdite subaiguë:: 0,14, 0,25, 0,60, 2,50, 32,50, 112,33, 319,34, 525,71, 753,07, 900,00
Thyroïdite: 0,14, 0,25, 0,60, 2,50, 32,50, 112,33, 319,34, 525,71, 753,07, 900,00
Thyroïdite: 0,14, 0,25, 0,60, 2,50, 32,50, 112,33, 319,34, 525,71, 753,07, 900,00
Tick ​​Paralysie: 0,08, 0,52, 0,68, 0,97, 2,50, 324,37, 522,53, 655,20, 750,00, 926,70,
Tick-Borne Diseases: 0,08, 0,52, 0,68, 0,97, 2,50, 324.37, 522.53, 655.20, 750.00, 926.70,
Tinea pedis: 0,02, 0,75, 2,62, 5,95, 8,50, 125,69, 262,50, 592,50, 758,57, 823,44
Tinea Unguium: 0,07, 0,40, 0,90, 12,85, 20,14, 67,11, 135,52, 325,00, 475,52, 612,53
Tinea Versicolor: 0,05, 0,41, 0,60, 0,85, 350,00, 479,50, 527,00, 663,71, 752,70, 987,23
Tinea: 0,05, 0,41, 22,50, 57,50, 325,16, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00, 986,22
Tinnitus: 0,07, 0,24, 0,57, 87,50, 175,16, 322,06, 476,50, 667,00, 742,00, 985,67
Tissu conjonctif mixte: 0,08, 0,26, 57,71, 141,45, 201,31, 331,51, 425,88, 583,12, 674,92, 739,61,
T-lymphotrope Virus Type III: 0,15, 5,58, 22,00, 30,00, 47,50, 162,82, 365,00, 388,90, 434,00, 456,11
Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome: 0,35, 0,75, 1,75, 15,29, 113,25, 245,91, 372,50, 452,00, 525,52, 779,50,
Torsion testiculaire: 0,07, 0,46, 0,83, 2,50, 150,00, 225,75, 475,16, 667,00, 742,00, 985,67
Torticolis spasmodique: 0,18, 0,30, 5,50, 22,50, 40,00, 96,50, 332,41, 475,11, 667,00, 752,70,
Torticolis: 0,18, 0,30, 5,50, 22,50, 40,00, 96,50, 332,41, 475,11, 667,00, 752,70,
Torticolis: 0,18, 0,30, 5,50, 22,50, 40,00, 96,50, 332,41, 475,11, 667,00, 752,70,
Torulosis: 0,97, 1,12, 17,75, 51,20, 131,02, 217,50, 517,50, 653,00, 772,29, 956,03,
Tout complète du diabète, type 1 et 2, + Onset
Toux: 0,07, 0,24, 0,91, 7,50, 12,08, 145,50, 442,00, 574,50, 797,50, 983,50
Toxocarose: 0,18, 0,24, 10,53, 27,50, 35,00, 57,50, 96,50, 325,11, 475,16, 527,00,
Toxoplasma gondii Infection: 0,17, 0,32, 32,50, 47,50, 60,00, 125,71, 476,50, 527,00, 749,00, 987,23
Toxoplasmose: 0,17, 0,32, 32,50, 47,50, 60,00, 125,71, 476,50, 527,00, 749,00, 987,23
Trachéale Cyst: 0,16, 0,35, 0,93, 22,50, 130,00, 251,23, 493,50, 555,08, 754,37, 815,68,
Trachéale Sténose: 0,07, 0,37, 8,00, 13,98, 47,50, 96,50, 150,00, 519,34, 689,93, 923,70,
Trachéo Fistule: 0,13, 0,40, 0,73, 5,62, 7,25, 42,50, 90,00, 479,50, 527,00, 986,22
Trachome: 0,19, 0,37, 0,78, 0,95, 2,25, 5,25, 45,00, 65,75, 752,63, 924,37
Transport Neutral acides aminés: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 5,75, 67,25, 132,50, 237,50, 391,50, 421,22, 515,70
Trauma Région Frontal: 0,13, 0,23, 1,60, 8,53, 17,50, 72,53, 155,29, 396,50, 437,48, 828,57,
Traumatisme crânien: (0,13, 0,23, 1,60, 8,53, 17,50, 72,53, 155,29, 396,50, 437,48, 828,57,
Tremblement essentiel bénigne: 0,11, 0,57, 81,30, 105,71, 221,50, 337,50, 570,51, 691,51, 775,48, 971,55
Tremor familiale: 0,11, 0,57, 81,30, 105,71, 221,50, 337,50, 570,51, 691,51, 775,48, 971,55
Tremor: 0,40, 0,60, 0,85, 5,09, 7,25, 92,50, 175,00, 476,50, 527,00, 663,71,
Treponema pallidum provoque des parasites de la syphilis 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 346,85, 347,40, 347,00
Trichinelliasis: 0,10, 0,52, 0,87, 2,50, 13,39, 325,16, 475,00, 527,00, 759,00, 985,67
Trichinose: 0,10, 0,52, 0,87, 2,50, 13,39, 325,16, 475,00, 527,00, 759,00, 985,67
Trichomonas Infections: 0,17, 0,62, 2,75, 15,75, 42,50, 62,50, 97,50, 357,30, 712,23, 997,87,
Trichophytose: 0,05, 0,41, 22,50, 57,50, 325,16, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 749,00, 986,22
Trichothiodystrophie Syndromes: 0,14, 0,49, 0,73, 0,95, 7,50, 2,50, 20,00, 136,42, 376,29, 458,50,
Trichotillomanie: 0,24, 0,75, 0,95, 95,00, 358,57, 475,16, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 987,23
Trichuris sp parasites. (Mâle) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 388,30, 408,90, 406,00,
Tricuspide atrésie: 0,17, 32,50, 52,50, 72,50, 95,11, 175,75, 455,82, 518,92, 684,81, 962,00,
Tricuspide Valve atrésie: 0,17, 32,50, 52,50, 72,50, 95,11, 175,75, 455,82, 518,92, 684,81, 962,00,
Triméthylaminurie: (poisson syndrome d’odeur, pas MeSH)
Triosephosphate isomérase Deficiency: 0,02, 0,12, 5,16, 62,50, 110,25, 332,41, 517,50, 684,81, 712,23, 992,00
Trismus: 0,06, 0,32, 0,60, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 325,75, 519,34, 691,27, 754,19,
Trisomie (symptômes seulement) 0,24, 0,32, 0,41, 2,08, 26,01, 18,11, 41,50, 62,21, 131,20, 218,31,
Tronc cérébral Ischémie, transitoire: 0,17, 0,40, 0,62, 0,85, 2,50, 25,00, 109,32, 362,57, 621,68, 775,67
Trophoblastic Cancer: 0,13, 7,50, 35,16, 67,50, 96,50, 275,16, 434,16, 527,00, 663,71, 752,70,
Trophoblastic tumeur: 0,13, 7,50, 35,16, 67,50, 96,50, 275,16, 434,16, 527,00, 663,71, 752,70,
Trouble autistique: 0,03, 0,25, 0,65, 0,93, 13,52, 7,50, 95,00, 322,53, 454,37, 517,50,
Trouble bipolaire: 0,16, 0,80, 7,50, 30,00, 67,50, 125,00, 352,93, 563,19, 642,91, 930,12
Trouble cyclothymique: 0,15, 0,23, 0,60, 0,95, 7,50, 18,30, 155,03, 517,50, 696,50, 893,00,
Trouble de déficit d’attention: 0,04, 0,25, 0,46, 0,32, 0,52, 0,75, 42,50, 87,50, 132,41, 376,29
Trouble de la douleur: 0,07, 0,57, 23,10, 50,00, 375,19, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 753,23, 986,22
Trouble de la personnalité borderline: 0,17, 0,22, 0,72, 125,88, 236,71, 336,00, 421,04, 571,67, 681,51, 702,03,
Trouble de la personnalité multiple: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,85, 132,50, 337,50, 524,37, 758,57, 955,72
Trouble de la personnalité, à charge: 0,17, 0,22, 0,72, 125,88, 236,71, 336,00, 421,04, 571,67, 681,51, 702,03,
Trouble de transport d’acides aminés: 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 5,75, 67,25, 132,50, 237,50, 391,50, 421,22, 515,70
Trouble de transport, acides aminés : 0,16, 0,55, 0,95, 5,75, 67,25, 132,50, 237,50, 391,50, 421,22, 515,70
Trouble dissociatif d’identité: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,85, 132,50, 337,50, 524,37, 758,57, 955,72
Trouble dysthymique: 0,16, 0,55, 1,85, 8,50, 27,30, 57,50, 72,50, 207,50, 412,34, 607,00,
Trouble obsessionnel-compulsif: 0,19, 0,75, 1,42, 5,25, 25,51, 42,57, 162,21, 492,83, 671,51, 808,53
Trouble schizo-affectif: 0,57, 0,68, 0,87, 2,50, 5,71, 32,50, 92,50, 322,53, 519,34, 653,69
Trouble somatisation: 0,07, 0,57, 23,10, 50,00, 375,19, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 753,23, 986,22
Trouble ventilatoire obstructif chronique: 0,37, 0,41, 0,62, 0,97, 7,50, 15,31, 87,50,
Troubles ALLAITEMENT: 0,19, 0,30, 0,62, 7,50, 8,00, 2,50, 32,50, 55.23, 150.00, soit 325,54
Troubles Carnitine: 0,03, 0,52, 07.50, 30.00, 225.16, 484.19, 527.00, 667.00, 789.00, 988.90
Troubles cérébrovasculaires: 0,08, 0,25, 0,70, 0,85, 7,50, 17,50, 185,75, 350,00, 425,17, 510,50,
Troubles choréiques: 0,08, 0,55, 50,00, 85,75, 95,00, 229,32, 475,75, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00,
Troubles chromosomiques: 0,19, 0,23, 0,97, 15,19, 63,77, 258,23, 302,30, 452,50, 833,00, 975,75,
Troubles d’Ambulation, Neuro. 0,13, 0,25, 0,62, 10,89, 2,75, 25,26, 125,37, 245,47, 393,50, 505,10,
Troubles d’anxiété: 0,08, 0,62, 0,87, 5,81, 225,00. 423.07, 572.00, 727.33, 841.12, 903.91
Troubles de combat: 0,11, 0,24, 0,70, 0,97, 112,75, 217,50, 435,27, 657,50, 895,00, 925,27,
Troubles de disque optique: 0,04, 0,18, 0,70, 2,25, 5,29, 47,50, 275.52, 425.29, 571.00, 813.00
Troubles de la communication: 0,15, 0,23, 0,62, 0,95, 7,50, 212,85, 455,98, 557,50, 796,50, 891,50,
Troubles de la parole: 0,18, 1,07, 4,83, 15,25, 58,21, 109.42, 237.21, 387.02, 434.27, 611.05
Troubles de la vision: 0,12, 0,65, 25,05, 87,50, 125.33, 222.53, 479.93, 527.00, 667.00, 987.23
Troubles de l’alimentation: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 58,25, 215.50, 442.01, 537.50, 617.50, 869.71, 975.34,
Troubles de l’audition: 0,04, 0,50, 0,93, 2,25, 5,29, 30,00, 142,50, 350,00, 422.06, 775.29
Troubles de l’élève: 0,02, 0,24, 1,57, 9,85, 201,75, 364,00, 423,01, 697,30, 875,93, 979,53,
Troubles de l’odorat: 0,11, 0,49, 0,57, 13,39, 5,25, 20,00, 60,00, 35,52, 93,50, 315,70,
Troubles de oculomotricité: 0.17, 0.32, 0.95, 5.50, 32.50, 47.50, 162,12, 397,50, 232.03, 679.93
Troubles de stress de chaleur: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 0,85, 7,50, 20,00, 57,50, 150,00, 225,52, 322,06
Troubles de stress post-traumatique: 0,14, 0,68, 2,50, 60,00, 122,53, 300,00, 496,01, 655,20, 750,00, 912,33
Troubles deglutition: 0,07, 0,22, 0,62, 2,75, 5,50, 40,00, 100,00, 522,53, 682,45, 754,19
Troubles dissociatifs: 0,11, 0,49, 0,97, 17,30, 29,50, 422,50, 602,50, 715,31, 803,50, 924,37,
Troubles du cycle de l’urée: 0,07, 0,46, 0,68, 0,93, 57,50, 96,50, 510,25, 655,20, 752,63, 926,70,
Troubles du goût: 0,16, 5,50, 20,00, 37.50, 96.50, 312.33, 475,15, 527,00, 662,71, 789,00,
Troubles du métabolisme Leucine: 0,03, 0,26, 0,78, 11,95, 7,50, 55,54, 97,50, 515,70, 652,43, 758,78,
Troubles du mouvement des yeux: 0.17, 0.32, 0.95, 5.50, 32.50, 47.50, 162,12, 397,50, 232.03, 679.93
Troubles du postpartum: 0,14, 0,89, 1,92, 5,85, 67,10, 135,50, 432,50, 525,31, 734,25, 878,50,
Troubles du sommeil: 0,13, 0,40, 0,62, 42,50, 57,50, 92,50, 175,00, 475,17, 527,00, 667,00,
Troubles Fatty Acid Oxydation: 0,02, 0,52, 0,73, 2,25, 5,43, 45,44, 269,71, 534,25, 682,45, 751,87,
Troubles gonadiques: 0,37, 0,95, 2,50, 7,50, 67,50, 96,50, 375.52, 475.91, 525.91, 801.29
Troubles hypophysaires: 0,37, 0,97, 2,75, 15,03, 71,50, 196,50, 275.87, 419.34, 612.74, 858.57
Troubles lymphoprolifératifs: 0,12, 0,35, 0,87, 7,50, 25,00, 35,68, 87,50, 93,50, 234.51, 519.34
Troubles mictionnels: 0,13, 0,24, 0,78, 0,90, 13,39, 39,00, 96,50, 250,00, 476,50, 527,00,
Troubles Migraine: 0,15, 0,18, 2,32, 63,75, 72,30, 132,20, 220.30, 587.30, 722.52, 915.20
Troubles myéloprolifératifs: 0,05, 0,41, 0,60, 0,95, 5,78, 30,00, 57,50, 97,50, 325.87, 675.96
Troubles neurologiques de la marche: 0,13, 0,25, 0,62, 10,89, 2,75, 25,26, 125,37, 245,47, 393,50, 505,10,
Troubles neurologiques: 0,04, 0,25, 0,65, 0,93, 2,75, 7,50, 96,50, 326.16, 475.56, 527.00
Troubles péroxysomiales: 0,06, 0,26, 0,57, 9,00, 12,85, 35,54, 125.00, 424.37, 760.00, 812.91
Troubles plaquettaires du sang: 0,04, 0,52, 11,09, 55,75, 60,00, 125,00, 275,16, 571,00, 834,00, 932,00,
Troubles psychotiques: 0,57, 0,68, 0,87, 2,50, 5,71, 32,50, 92,50, 322.53, 519.34, 653.69
Troubles respiratoires du sommeil ,: 0,07, 0,37, 12,71, 47,50, 97,50, 225,75, 377,91, 519,34, 691,27, 753,07
Troubles SCHIZOPHRÉNIFORME: 0,57, 0,68, 0,87, 2,50, 5,71, 32,50, 92,50, 322.53, 519.34, 653.69
Troubles schizophréniques: 0,07, 0,50, 0,97, 9,00, 12,85, 132,50, 337,50, 524,37, 758,57, 955,72,
Troubles sexuels (RÉGL.GÉNÉRAUX): 0,12, 0,56, 34,21, 53,77, 291,24, 381,61, 502,36, 581,26, 638,19, 708,92,
Troubles somatoformes: 0,07, 0,57, 23,10, 50,00, 375.19, 477.50, 527.00, 667.00, 753.23, 986.22
Troubles TMJ: 0,16, 0,35, 47,50, 269.71, 453.72, 515.15, 684.81, 723.00, 841.20, 997.87,
TROUBLES VITREUX: 0.14, 0.52, 2.50, 12.85, 35.16, 97.50, 200.00, 476.50, 665.34, 986.22
Troubles: 0,07, avalant 0,22, 0,62, 2,75, 5,50, 40,00, 100.00, 522.53, 682.45, 754.19
Trypanosoma cruzi parasites (de tissu cérébral) 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 460,20, 465,65, 463,00,
Trypanosoma equiperdum: 0,13, 0,57, 0,85, 5,75, 7,50, 20,00, 52,50, 90,00, 358,57, 475,44
Trypanosoma gambiense parasites 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 393,75, 398,70, 396,00,
Trypanosoma gambiense: 0,13, 0,57, 0,85, 13,61, 7,50, 15,91, 52,50, 90,00, 357,77, 534,25,
Trypanosoma lewisi: (frottis de sang) 0,06, 0,57, 0,85, 5,25, 7,00, 20,00, 52,50, 90,00, 356,72, 425,43
Trypanosoma lewisi: 0,15, 0,12, 0,62, 0,83, 10,53, 2,75, 15,91, 96,50, 225,41, 524,37
Trypanosoma rhodesiense parasites 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 423,50, 428,55, 426,00,
Trypanosoma rhodesiense: 0,07, 0,22, 0,68, 0,97, 2,25, 5,75, 25,43, 125,00, 226,32, 456,50
Trypanosoma rhodesiense: 0,13, 0,57, 0,85, 5,17, 37,10, 102,79, 352,50, 591,02, 652,93, 952,59
Trypanosomiase, Afrique: 0,07, 0,23, 5,62, 7,00, 32,50, 47,50, 95,09, 175,11, 475,11, 527,00,
Trypanosomiase, Amérique du Sud: 0,03, 0,22, 2,92, 40,00, 222,70, 477,50, 527,00, 667,00, 721,00, 988,90
Trypanosomiase: 0,07, 0,23, 5,62, 7,00, 32,50, 47,50, 95,09, 175,11, 475,11, 527,00,
Tsutsugamushi Disease: 0,02, 0,32, 0,62, 0,97, 12,69, 112,50, 265,75, 425,71, 745,19, 935,70,
Tuberculose: 0,08, 0,40, 0,73, 0,90, 5,11, 47,50, 97,50, 222,70, 527,00, 663,71,
Tularémie: 0,06, 0,32, 2,25, 32,50, 67,50, 97,50, 96,50, 150,00, 682,02, 752,63,
Tumeur , Malignant : (voir rubrique sous Cancer: pour l’ identification exacte)
Tumeur carcinoïde: 0,12, 0,73, 13,39, 7,50, 5,50, 125,00, 375,15, 434,90, 571,00, 842,00,
Tumeur de cellules bêta: 0,04, 0,32, 0,70, 0,87, 5,25, 32,50, 60,00, 125,68, 225,65, 275,68
tumeur de warthin: 0,41, 0,73, 0,87, 7,50, 230,00, 367,50, 525,75, 619,34, 896,01, 982,45,
Tumeur de Wilms: 0,02, 0,49, 0,78, 7,50, 2,50, 20,00, 62,50, 322,06, 425,71, 568,43,
Tumeur, le général non Malignant: 0. 10 , 0. 31 , 0 0,4 4 , 5 8 . 00 , 77 . 9 0, 1 26 . 00 , 47 1 . 68 , 48 7. 52 , 50 7. 12 , 622 . 31
Tumeur, sein, non Malignant: 0,0 5 , 0. 37 , 0 .40, 5 7 . 22 , 71 . 1 0, 1 2 0. 22 , 47 1 . 68 , 48 7. 52 , 50 7. 12 , 622 . 31
Tumeurs du sein: 0,02, 0,46, 5,12, 27,50, 85,00, 95,75, 150,00, 434.71, 682.45, 753.07
Tumeurs neuroendocrines: 0,11, 0,49, 5,57, 62,75, 145,18, 246,71, 361,03, 435,29, 693,50, 787,00
Tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales: 0,07, 0,52, 0,70, 0,95, 2,50, 3,00, 125,91, 347,50, 492,50, 675,47
Tumor grasse: 0,02, 0,50, 0,87, 172,50, 207,50, 315,23, 425,62, 691,22, 735,54, 962,07,
Turner-Kieser Syndrome: 0,07, 0,35, 0,70, 45,00, 78,25, 114,69, 323,00, 637,08, 845,87, 973,50
Tympan Perforation: 0,06, 0,18, 0,78, 7,50, 8,00, 55,75, 96,50, 657,11, 749,00, 987,23
Type de fibre congénitale Disproportion: 0,05, 0,41, 0,83, 105,21, 220,50, 347,25, 532,50, 742,50, 896,50, 975,98
Type de NSMH II: 0,19, 2,08, 4,80, 17,25, 63,21, 119,42, 287,21, 403,03, 435,00, 711,17
Type de Trichorhinophalangeal II: 0,08, 0,35, 0,75, 7,50, 32,58, 174,50, 407,50, 632,00, 723,54, 885,54
Type I Hypersensibilité: 0,04, 0,24, 0,57, 1,92, 30,72, 57,50, 152,01, 321,26, 669,71, 823,01
Typhus abdominal: 0,13, 0,40, 0,87, 43,20, 92,50, 310,25, 479,50, 527,00, 789,00, 985,67
Typhus épidémique à poux: 0,37, 0,75, 23,90, 45,00, 96,50, 202,59, 522,53, 655,20, 750,00, 923,70,
Typhus, Sao Paulo : 0,07, 0,52, 7,57, 33,80, 282,75, 405,75, 523,88, 667,50, 825,28, 915,70
Typhus, Scrub: 0,02, 0,32, 0,62, 0,97, 12,69, 112,50, 265,75, 425,71, 745,19, 935,70,
Typhus: 0,37, 0,75, 23,90, 45,00, 96,50, 202,59, 522,53, 655,20, 750,00, 923,70,
Tyrosine transaminase Deficiency: 0,05, 0,35, 0,68, 2,50, 5,50, 35,16, 93,50, 682,45, 752,63, 910,25
Tyrosinemias: 0,05, 0,35, 0,68, 2,50, 5,50, 35,16, 93,50, 682,45, 752,63, 910,25
Tyrroïde auto-immune: 0,14, 0,25, 0,60, 2,50, 32,50, 112,33, 319,34, 525,71, 753,07, 900,00


UDPglucose 4-épimérase Deficiency Disease: 0,11, 0,24, 0,65, 0,83, 2,50, 127,50, 255,47, 387,50, 696,50, 825,91
UDPglucose-hexose-1-phosphate uridylyl Deficiency: 0,11, 0,24, 0,65, 0,83, 2,50, 127,50, 255,47, 387,50, 696,50, 825,91
Ulcère (de l’estomac): 0,25, 0,85, 2,23, 30,00, 95,00, 107,10, 225,30, 438,95, 633,10, 823,41
Ulcère aphteux: 0,05, 0,41, 0,80, 5,17, 42,50, 119,34, 357,30, 527,00, 662,71, 789,00
Ulcère cornéen: 0,04, 0,24, 9,68, 42,85, 172,50, 203,00, 412,50, 592,50, 775,29, 819,34,
Ulcère cornéen: 0,04, 0,24, 9,68, 42,85, 172,50, 203,00, 412,50, 592,50, 775,29, 819,34,
Ulcère cornéen: 0,33, 0,90, 2,77, 37,21, 98,11, 123,60, 205,30, 418,15, 633,10, 823,41
Ulcère de Buruli: 0,05, 0,37, 0,83, 2,50, 3,00, 73,30, 95,75, 175,00, 269,71, 355,08
Ulcère de curling: 0,17, 0,18, 0,93, 2,50, 15,00, 20,00, 45,31, 670,00, 725,90, 825,83
Ulcère de décubitus: 0,18, 0,62, 0,93, 12,76, 47,23, 187,50, 271,50, 571,34, 622,53, 864,00,
Ulcère duodénal: 0,17, 0,18, 0,93, 2,50, 15,00, 20,00, 45,31, 670,00, 725,90, 825,83
Ulcère gastroduodénal: 0,13, 0,49, 0,62, 9,93, 43,39, 105,67, 232,50, 342,52, 625,35, 975,54,
Ulcère marginale: 0,13, 0,49, 0,62, 9,93, 43,39, 105,67, 232,50, 342,52, 625,35, 975,54,
Ulcère peau: 0,05, 0,95, 7,50, 8,00, 40,00, 57,50, 125,75, 325,17, 522,53, 655,20
Ulcère Rongeur: 0,08, 0,12, 0,85, 5,16, 20,00, 40,00, 85,00, 97,50, 355,72, 434,50, 515,00,
Ulcère, Rongeur: 0,08, 0,12, 0,85, 5,16, 20,00, 40,00, 85,00, 97,50, 355,72, 434,50, 515,00,
Ulcère: 0,13, 0,49, 0,62, 9,93, 43,39, 105,67, 232,50, 342,52, 625,35, 975,54,
Unipolaires dépression: 0,14, 0,22, 0,62, 7,50, 15,50, 41,09, 465,69, 597,50, 722,70, 875,93
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: 0,10, 0,55, 0,73, 0,87, 67,20, 172,85, 230,00, 533,20, 675,95, 875,29
Urétral Sténose: 0,14, 0,32, 0,95, 5,25, 12,71, 45,00, 150,00, 97,50, 475,09, 985,67
Urétrite: 0,07, 0,41, 0,73, 25,00, 65,75, 90,00, 236,42, 322,06, 479,50, 752,70,
Urogénital: 0,02, 0,46, 0,68, 0,97, 2,50, 210,50, 500,00, 652,43, 759,83, 923,70,
Urogénitales interventions chirurgicales: 0,07, 0,52, 0,78, 0,80, 10,89, 17,50, 52,50, 90,00, 222.53, 453.72
Urologique Cancer: 0,03, 0,46, 0,75, 0,85, 2,50, 7,50, 17,50, 96,50, 434,93, 451,17,
Urticaire: 0,07, 0,49, 0,60, 0,93, 2,25, 5,81, 13,93, 95,09, 375,00, 525,71
Usher syndrome: 0,04, 0,24, 10,53, 20,00, 124,37, 342,06, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 987,23
Uterine béance du col: 0,04, 0,40, 0,68, 5,09, 7,50, 37,00, 96,50, 180,00, 792,00, 985,67
Uterine dysplasie cervicale: 0,04, 0,40, 0,68, 5,09, 7,50, 35,00, 96,50, 177,16, 753,23, 985,67
Uterine Inversion: 0,40, 0,68, 0,83, 5,25, 7,50, 35,09, 96,50, 175,00, 519,34, 689,93,
Utilise le Dr éleve 3,30 mégahertz MOR Sideband. Cancer et virus spécifique
Uvéite: 0,07, 2,50, 5,50, 25,16, 45,00, 125,09, 269,71, 479,93, 527,00, 667,00,
Uvéo-méningo: 0,15, 0,93, 5,09, 17,50, 35,75, 73,30, 125,00, 375,09, 830,00, 932,00,
Uveomeningoencephalitis: 0,15, 0,93, 5,09, 17,50, 35,75, 73,30, 125,00, 375,09, 830,00, 932,00


Vaginal prolapsus: 0,10, 0,42, 0,93, 5,25, 35,00, 83,00, 178,00, 519,34, 689,93, 931,00
Vaginite, Monilial: 0,18, 0,93, 3,78, 42,50, 71,50, 96,50, 125,75, 434,00, 642,91, 983,17
Valve pulmonaire atrésie: 0,15, 0,41, 0,68, 0,98, 7,52, 11,81, 89,51, 417,43, 671,98, 905,70
Valvulaires Maladies cardiaques: 0,11, 0,22, 0,73, 3,75, 7,05, 51,27, 137.50, 236.42, 472.29, 851.17
Valvulopathies: 0,11, 0,22, 0,73, 3,75, 7,05, 51,27, 137.50, 236.42, 472.29, 851.17
Variante de la MCJ: (V-MCJ): 0,07, 0,12, 0,75, 0,93, 15,09, 24,40, 417,50, 505,00, 791,50, 995,15,,
Varicella: 0,04, 0,12, 57,50, 92,50, 332,41, 225,17, 454,50, 517,50, 689,41, 712,81
Varicelle: 0,04, 0,12, 57,50, 92,50, 332,41, 225,17, 454,50, 517,50, 689,41, 712,81
Varices: 0,18, 0,55, 0,85, 12,85, 15,00, 47,50, 97,50, 376,29, 425,09, 571,00,
VaricesNous: 0,14, 0,25, 0,85, 5,25, 7,25, 325,00, 587,50, 745,31, 815,90, 927,00,
Varicocèle: 0,19, 0,57, 5,91, 52,50, 95,00, 210,25, 400,00, 568,43, 642,91, 978,05
Varicosités: 0,16, 2,10, 55,03, 150,00, 229,32, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 742,00, 987,23
Variola: 0,08, 0,35, 5,50, 35,17, 62,50, 93,50, 225,00, 496,01, 682,45, 753,07
Variole mineure: 0,08, 0,35, 5,50, 35,17, 62,50, 93,50, 225,00, 496,01, 682,45, 753,07
Variole: 0,08, 0,35, 5,50, 35,17, 62,50, 93,50, 225,00, 496,01, 682,45, 753,07
Vascularite: 0,08, 0,22, 0,73, 2,50, 5,81, 50,00, 310,25, 532,41, 689,93, 750,00,
Vasculite, Hémorragique: 0,13, 0,23, 0,65, 18,20, 57,50, 108,02, 305,31, 606,30, 719,94, 822,53,
Vasospasme cérébral: 0,19, 0,26, 0,57, 7,50, 12,69, 35,33, 322,06, 425,71, 564,28, 930,12
Vasospasme, intracrânienne: 0,19, 0,26, 0,57, 7,50, 12,69, 35,33, 322,06, 425,71, 564,28, 930,12
Verruca: 0,16, 0,35, 17,50, 37,50, 210,50, 476,50, 527,00, 665,34, 789,00, 987,23
Verrues: 0,16, 0,35, 17,50, 37.50, 210.50, 476.50, 527.00, 665.34, 789.00, 987.23
Verruga Peruana: 0,07, 0,12, 1,63, 20,00, 40,00, 134,25, 357,77, 510,25, 752,63, 923,70,
Vertical nystagmus: 0,07, 0,37, 0,95, 7,50, 82,00, 193,93, 237,50, 487,50, 706,21, 946,50
Vertige, phonétique: 0,11, 0,35, 12,80, 88,50, 125,68, 240,00, 470,00, 592,50, 625,23, 723,01
Vertige: 0,05, 0,41, 7,85, 27,00, 57,50, 97,50, 175,00, 424,37, 567,70, 985,90
Vertiges: 0,05, 0,41, 7,85, 27,00, 57,50, 97,50, 175,00, 424,37, 567,70, 985,90
Vésication: 0,11, 0,55, 1,23, 5,58, 27,50, 291,25, 293,05, 292,00, 345,50, 824,37
Vésico-urétéral Reflux: 0,19, 0,26, 0,57, 9,00, 17,20, 35,75, 176,09, 355,08, 642,91, 978,05
Vestibulaire Neuronite: 0,03, 0,18, 0,65, 0,93, 10,89, 5,50, 93,50, 210,50, 424,37, 978,05
Vide Sella Syndrome: 0,12, 9,55, 55,85, 102,50, 192,50, 247,50, 472,50, 525,37, 650,00, 974,50
VIH Infections associées: 0,15, 0,18, 0,87, 5,58, 30,00, 47,50, 162,82, 365,00, 388,90, 456.11
VIH: SIDA: 0,15, 5,58, 22,00, 30,00, 47,50, 162,82, 365,00, 388,90, 434,00, 456,11
Virus (General) : 0,12, 0,78, 12,71, 55,00, 90,00, 175,05, 425,00, 571,00, 822,00, 932,00
Virus complète, comprend la grippe H1N1, H5N1, le virus Ebola, les rhinovirus, Rotavirus, grippe AB
virus Coxsackie Infections: 0,07, 0,22, 0,62, 2,50, 360,50, 366,10, 364,00, 475,29, 527,00, 667,00,
Virus de la mosaïque de parasites du tabac 0,68, 0,90, 2,50, 5,50, 13,93, 93,50, 386,40, 427,15, 420,55, 428,00
Virus du papillome humain (HPV):. 0,04, 0,32, 0,57, 0,85, 30,25, 173,21, 301,80, 402,85, 410,70, 475,47
Virus Ebola Infections: 0,03, 0,12, 0,95, 2,50, 22,50, 51.33, 193.50, 356.72, 426.16, 567.70
Visuel Agnosie: 0,12, 5,62, 67,50, 93,50, 222,70, 425,00, 522,53, 689,93, 752,63, 923,70
Vitiligo: 0,15, 0,26, 5,25, 7,00, 37,50, 60,00, 119,34, 210,50, 458,50, 684,81,
Voix Disoirders: 0,08, 0,16, 15,50, 85,00, 92,00, 357,30, 541,00, 657,11, 833,20, 987,23
Vomissements: 0,19, 4,21, 68,50, 97,50, 202,77, 478,00, 592,58, 604,13, 712,23, 892,00
Vomissements: 0,19, 4,21, 68,50, 97,50, 202,77, 478,00, 592,58, 604,13, 712,23, 892,00
von Hippel-Lindau Disease: 0,03, 0,46, 2,50, 7,50, 17,50, 96,50, 355,08, 517,50, 687,62, 712,42,
Vulvaire lichen scléreux: 0,03, 12,71, 35,33, 72,50, 97,50, 122,53, 222,70, 563,19, 640,00, 978,05
Vulvaires maladies: 0,03, 5,81, 13,98, 35.00, 72.50, 97.50, 134.25, 250.00, 410.25, 564.28


Wllenberg Syndrome: 0,03, 0,50, 0,87, 13,52, 7,50, 27,50, 35,00, 125,69, 297,50, 437,50
Weber-Christian Disease: 0,08, 0,49, 0,65, 7,50, 12,85, 17,50, 72,50, 226,07, 475,47, 527,00
Wegener: 0,09, 0,33, 5,49, 37,00, 203,83, 381,41, 481,93, 614,82, 763,00, 797,23
Werner Syndrome: 0,02, 0,25, 0,97, 9,00, 13,39, 15,00, 67,50, 52,50, 92,20, 569,71,
Wernicke Encéphalopathie: 0,23, 0,95, 12,85, 25,05, 97,50, 110,25, 229,32, 536,42, 650,00, 752,63,
West Nile Fever: 0,04, 0,52, 0,75, 2,50, 5,07, 47,50, 175,16, 525,71, 759,83, 932,41
Whipple Maladie: 0,87, 7,50, 2,50, 32,50, 97,50, 250,00, 479,50, 527,00, 789,00, 987,23
Whipworm Infections: 0,03, 0,52, 0,57, 0,80, 10,53, 30.00, 72.50, 225.33, 425.16, 571.00
William-Beuren Syndrome: 0,14, 0,41, 8,00, 30,00, 57,50, 125,00, 357,77, 689,93, 750,00, 934,25
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome: 0,20, 0,77, 2,53, 3,40, 5,59, 95,87, 175,91, 343,92, 425,87, 571,40
Wolff périodique maladie: 0,16, 0,57, 0,95, 5,25, 37,25, 132,50, 237,50, 522,53, 675,43, 819,34
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome: 0,08, 0,55, 7,50, 8,00, 12,33, 96,50, 175,16, 410,25, 642,91, 978,05
Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome: 0,16, 0,57, 0,78, 12,33, 22,50, 40,00, 96,50, 224,37, 825,96, 930,12
Worm Corde: 0. 04 , 0. 07 , 0. 15 , 0. 55 , 2. 23 , 4 . 21 , 13,9 8 , 9 0 0,5 1 , 35 0 . 00 , 4 32 .1 4


X Factor Deficiency: 0,04, 0,24, 0,65, 5,48, 67,25, 177,20, 252,50, 562,50, 793,50, 814,50
Xanthomatose, Familial: 0,12, 0,23, 0,87, 5,50, 97,50, 376,29, 432,41, 563,19, 642,06, 983,17
Xanthomatose, Wolman de: 0,12, 0,23, 0,87, 5,50, 97,50, 376,29, 432,41, 563,19, 642,06, 983,17
Xanthomatose: 0,12, 0,23, 0,87, 5,50, 97,50, 376,29, 432,41, 563,19, 642,06, 983,17
Xanthome disséminé: 0,14, 0,41, 0,97, 7,50, 10,72, 20,00, 57,50, 175,87, 415,70, 568,43
Xanthome: 0,12, 0,23, 0,87, 5,50, 97,50, 376,29, 432,41, 563,19, 642,06, 983,17
Xeroderma pigmentosum: 0,08, 7,50, 12,85, 40,00, 65,16, 96,50, 175,05, 653,69, 759,83, 923,70,
Xeroderma: 0,03, 0,18, 0,65, 0,80, 33,52, 72,50, 270,96, 321,80, 505,67, 715,28
Xérostomie: 0,12, 5,81, 25,00, 87,50, 225,00, 458,50, 522,39, 683,00, 712,23, 992,00,
X-Linked adrénoleucodystrophie: 0,19, 0,75, 0,90, 5,16, 30,00, 229,32, 434,25, 564,28, 714,82, 978,05
X-Linked Rétinoschisis: 0,04, 0,12, 0,95, 13,39, 13,93, 50,00, 165,80, 493,20, 722,70, 905,31,
X-Linked Syndrome lymphoprolifératif: 0,12, 0,35, 0,87, 7,50, 25,00, 35,68, 87,50, 93,50, 234,51, 519,34
XXY Hommes: 0,16, 0,55, 0,85, 2,50, 5,50, 27,50, 37.50, 150.00, 125.69, 515.70
XYY Caryotype: 0,11, 2,50, 32,50, 125,00, 275,05, 451,17, 515,16, 684,81, 712,81, 997,87,


Yersinia Infections: 0,15, 5,50, 12,85, 35,16, 93,50, 269,71, 426,90, 571,00, 822,00, 937,41,
Yersiniose: 0,15, 5,50, 12,85, 35,16, 93,50, 269,71, 426,90, 571,00, 822,00, 937,41,


Zellweger-comme le syndrome: 0,16, 0,57, 0,78, 0,93, 2,75, 7,50, 22,50, 40,00, 125,00, 225,71, 434,25, 566,41, 709,83, 985,90
Zollinger-Ellison: 0,10, 0,90, 2,50, 20,00, 37.50, 97.50, 325.00, 419,34, 561,93, 823,96
Zona « zona »: 0,12, 0,45, 0,90, 5,91, 137,50, 372.50, 416.60, 420.20, 418.00, 824.37
Zona oticus: 0,12, 0,45, 0,90, 5,91, 137,50, 372,50, 416,60, 420,20, 418,00, 824,37
Zona: 0,12, 0,45, 0,90, 5,91, 137,50, 372,50, 416,60, 420,20, 418,00, 824,37
Zoonoses: 0,17, 0,52, 2,75, 17,50, 45,16, 72,50, 122,53, 175,00, 475.05, 527.00,
Zoster: 0,12, 0,45, 0,90, 5,91, 137,50, 372,50, 416,60, 420,20, 418,00, 824,37
Zygomycose: 0,14, 0,49, 0,73, 0,95, 97,50, 175,33, 476,50, 527,00, 667,00, 752,70,

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