Gray Bands (flex straps) are conductive across the entire strap.  Some people can be sensitive to that.  If you notice any discomfort or irritation, either drop the voltage on the V2 machine or, please use the VELCRO if irritation is occurring.  You can also use a thin piece of kleenex, or a thin piece of 100% cotton material between the skin and the strap.  If using a thin piece of material, put voltage on the V2 to 17v.  Don’t use the Flex straps if there is any report of rash or burn and only use velcro in those circumstances

Secondly Rife Digital Ultimate TRIO does not have Voltage selection like the V2 which permits a user with skin sensitivities to lower voltage right down to 12.5v.  So we can also send you a 12v power supply for the Trio, since there is no voltage adjustment. With the a lower powered charger,  you will be able to duplicate the V2 voltage adjustment capability on the TRIO device.  In almost all circumstances, our advise to people who succumbed to rash from the straps, resulted in no adverse affect when the V2 voltage was lowered to 12v or 12.5v.

Most people use the higher voltage without any rash or skin issues.  Some people have a much higher moisture content on their skin, which does two things: (1) Increases electrolysis which causes discoloration and even rust on the stainless steel stud, (2) Increased skin moisture pushes conductivity up to 100% so the effect of the frequencies + voltage are highly increased.

The tech advised me that the photo 2 actually show Rust deposits, not burns, He has asked for the client to take a photo of the steel stud on the flex straps to confirm this rust stain

We have had reports of rust deposits from the steel stud been mistaken for burns, when they are not.  We suggest people use the green kitchen scourer and a little dish-washing liquid to scrub any surface rust or contamination on the steel stud, before using the straps.  Although the studs are stainless steel, the increased electrolysis processes on high moisture skin, cause discoloration and/or surface rust.  And as mentioned earlier this can be cleaned with kitchen green scourer before using straps.

So next best step here is to replace their TRIO charger with a less powered unit (12v) if you still have stock

It is possible that the concerns of the skin sensitivities has resulted in the client not been able to use the machine for extended periods to allow for successful treatment.  I can anticipate that switching our the high voltage charger, for the low voltage one, would eliminate skin sensitivities, and permit longer treatments, for better healing results

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