Question: Is there a frequency set for Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-(ESBL)? Answer: Extended spectrum beta-lactamases (or ESBLs for short) are a type of enzyme or chemical produced by some bacteria. ESBL enzymes cause some antibiotics not to work for treating bacterial infections. As such ESBL is not a disease. ESBL ts like describing a chemical process within a bacteria, rather than a bacteria family or Phyla type which is causing this issue. I hope you understand. Although all bacteria have an inner cell membrane, gram-negative bacteria have a unique outer membrane. This outer membrane excludes certain drugs and antibiotics from penetrating the cell, partially accounting for why gram-negative bacteria are generally more resistant to antibiotics than are gram-positive bacteria. For this reason the client is requiring frequencies specifically for “Antibiotic Resistant Gram (-) Bacteria” Bacterial Infections, Gram (-): 0.15, 9.23, 42.75, 183.85, 275.29, 307.25, 435.37, 587.50, 795.52, 901.03  

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