Question: I have 1.5 year old son who several days ago was diagnosed with diabetes type 1. I also have diabetes type 1. I am trying to save him therefore I am trying to find the ways of reversing the diabetes. Do you think there is a therapy using your device which could help him? I have noticed that you have duty cycle of 50%. Can it be adjusted? to more or less than 50%? Answer: Duty Cycle is locked to the 1930 Dr Rife Machine specifications. We cannot have this adjustable as it will affect the Carrier Wave pattern which is integral in the treatment of cancer and other serious diseases. The Duty cycle cannot be user adjusted, and should be left at the current level for all disease including Diabetes. You can use on children over 1 year old, however the instructions for very small children apply. Best using Black Velcro straps, the new series are lightweight and more child friendly. Black straps, having no conductivity on the cloth part, ensure that the frequencies are only released at the point of the steel contact, which should be firmly attached to the soles of the feet. Mothers should check after an hour that there is no redness at the contact point on the sole of the foot, if there is no reaction then it would be safe to use the machine for extended periods of time. Reports from people who have established Diabetes has revealed that the Rife actually lowered the requirement for external insulin quite dramatically. However people who were Obese or overweight, often a characteristic or symptom of Diabetes, were unable to achieve the same results. We do not have data for long term Diabetes treatment, as most Diabetes people will continue to use the same levels Insulin, which masks the effects of the Rife Treatment. In fact because Diabetes is a treatable disease with modern medicine, most people do not choose to follow any alternative therapies.


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