Duct ectasia is not typically classified as a “disease” but rather as a benign condition or disorder affecting the breast ducts. It involves the dilation and potential blockage of a milk duct, leading to symptoms such as discharge and tenderness.

Mammary dysplasia, also known as fibrocystic breast changes or fibrocystic breast disease, and duct ectasia are related in that they both involve changes in breast tissue.  

Both conditions can cause breast discomfort and involve changes in the ducts or tissue of the breast. However, they manifest differently and are considered distinct in their pathophysiology and treatment approaches. While mammary dysplasia often involves multiple areas of the breast and fluctuates with hormonal changes, duct ectasia typically affects a single duct and is more localized around the nipple.

As Duct ectasia is not typically considered a disease, there are no direct Groups, However Use the 

2084: Mammary Dysplasia: 0.11, 0.52, 0.95, 5.25, 21, 37.5, 62.5, 93.5, 150, 478.5

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