I’m 67 and still want to wake up energized. We’ve only had the Rife a few days and started with the Adrenal Hyperplasia and then will do the Hypothyroidism so as not to overload the Adrenal Glands. Do we have that right?
Correct, use Hypothyroidism frequency set Dry eye what is the technical term? Would that be under Eye Abnormalities?
I use drops sometimes this was diagnosed by an eye Dr. What do you recommend trying? Cataract a year ago the eye Dr. mentioned that a cataract is beginning to form. Dry Eye: Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), also called keratitis sicca, xerophthalmia or dry eye syndrome, in a chronic (persisting condition) is considered an eye disease use Keratitis:
Keratitis: 0.07, 0.55, 0.70, 0.87, 5.25, 7.25, 30.00, 55.23, 93.50, 325.62
Cataract: 0.03, 0.41, 15.19, 87.50, 122.06, 312.33, 532.41, 655.20, 750.00, 927.10
In the book under Endocrine System Diseases the frequencies are not listed. Please send them to me. (the book says see Endocrine System Diseases and then that’s not listed)?
There is no listing for that because it is a category, in this case you will have to be specific regarding the issue with the endocrine system. Hormones are not listed as a category. Are they listed individually? I’m sure my hormones need a jolt. I haven’t had a hysterectomy.
Hormones, too general. Again, specific issue surrounding the hormone question I have a pin, plate and screws in my right femur. Is there a heavy metal detox program?
Use the Detox: [ Baklayan – Germany set ] Years ago I had Endometriosis and used Mivita to take care of that problem. About a month ago I noticed a terrible odor and about 2 weeks ago started using Mivita again. The smell is gone but I wonder what program I could use along with the program for Endometriosis?
1136: Endometriosis [Ovary]: 0.13, 0.57, 0.78, 12.27, 68.29, 355.72, 434.15, 571, 839, 932
Is there a program to treat the hypothalamus?
Hypothalamus is an area of the brain, rather than a disease. You cant treat Hypothalamus, because it is not a disease. Only pharma drugs manipulate this region, often with disastrous results. Your mention of natural treatments for Hypothalamus, follow this method with your naturopath, and stay away from the artificial hormones (drugs) which result in unpredictable imbalances within the Hypothalamus.
My son-in-law is a naturopath Dr. and has been giving HCG shots for weight loss. I understand they somehow help balance the hypothalamus. Does the Thalamic Diseases program include the hypothalamus? I’m just a lay person. I’ve lost about 10 pounds since Christmas and seem stuck at 151. What program helps with losing weight? (Is that your #1 question?)
Please follow your user manual to find the other frequencies requested, and especially take note of Page 4: 5.4. HOW OFTEN DO YOU CHANGE THE PROGRAMS?
Do not change the programs too often, but focus on one disease that you want to treat with one Frequency Set. Conduct regular treatments (5 days with 2 days rest), until your symptoms have disappeared.
Sometimes it is recommended to use 2 different frequency sets for one particular illness; in this case switch between the 2 sets in weekly intervals. If you do not feel any change within 5 days, then you probably are working with a wrong frequency set and you should try something different.
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