Question: For regeneration of one lung that its not working please tell me what protocol to use with the Dr. Beck machine.

Re: Beck Protocol Page 42
For Lung Treatment, Gel Pads on the Chest, on side of Lung Dysfunction:


The [BACTE] BACTERIA Program is the 920Hz Frequency bandwidth on the Dr Beck Machine. The Bacteria Program will run a single 920Hz Frequency program continuously. Use Program #15 for 7 – 9 Hours overnight for one week to one month. Use for extended periods if required.

Use The Bob Beck Machine to fight Bacteria and common Bacterial Infections. The BACTERIA Program works in a similar way as Homeopathy: using natural principles to heal the body.

Everything around us already has an electrical charge and thus a certain electrical frequency – we are always and everywhere exposed to it. If you have a specific Bacteria, it lives in a frequency field. When you transmit the Bacteria Frequency into your body, the bacteria gets over-stimulated and dies. Use Bacteria Program to restore vitality and health. The program is producing a harmonic resonance in the body.


GEL PADS placed on chest, and/or FLEX straps on the balls of the feet.


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