Downs Syndrome (Symptoms only) 0.24, 0.32, 0.41, 2.08, 26.01, 18.11, 41.50, 62.21, 131.20, 218.31 Down syndrome is the outcome of a genetic abnormality that happens during the conception. There are no ways one can prevent the occurrence of Down syndrome or at this time reverse the condition . In case of Down syndrome the baby receives an extra chromosome called chromosome 21 which accounts to a total of 47 chromosomes responsible for the genetic make-up of the baby. This chromosome is the reason for the developmental delays and the typical physical features associated with Down syndrome. Back to the question: The frequencies are for symptoms only, as follows Hypotonia: A condition associated with low muscle tone and a characteristic of children suffering from Down syndrome. Sometimes this condition gets better with each passing year. This condition is typically the reason behind achieving delayed developmental milestones in babies. Children with Down syndrome often learn to sit, crawl and walk later than other kids their age. Developmental delay: In toddlers Down syndrome can lead to delay in speech, digestive issues, learning motor skills, feeding self, hand-eye co-ordination etc. The condition also affects a child’s ability to learn. The syndrome often leads to mild to moderate intellectual impairment in most. They also reach the simple developmental goals at a slow pace. Congenital heart disease: Though many children affected with Down syndrome may not have major health problems, some of them could suffer from congenital heart disease. They are also at a risk of developing pulmonary hypertension leading to permanent damage in the lungs. Hearing and vision problem: Due to the structural problems suffered during the developmental phase in the womb there can be fluid build up in the ears that can lead to hearing problem. Also children with Down syndrome usually have a problem of cross-eyed, near or farsightedness and an increased risk of cataracts. It is important to get checked by a otolaryngologist, a specialist in ear, nose and throat functions, to correct any problems that could affect the language and learning skills. Other medical conditions: Children with Down syndrome also suffer from a host of other medical conditions like thyroid problems, intestinal abnormalities, seizure disorders, respiratory problems, obesity, increased susceptibility to infection, and a higher risk of childhood leukemia too.


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