
His name is Jack. He is 5.5 years old and very healthy otherwise. He is a Siberian Husky and weighs 63 pounds.

The tumor was behind his right front leg in the “armpit” area. The chest xrays and blood tests were all clear, no current sign of spread.

The tumor was sent for freezing and analysis. They got 5.5mm margins around the sides and 2mm margin below.

In the former testing system it is grade 2 mast cell cancer, the current testing system just says low or high. It was high, but then they gave us a weird lifespan of 4 months to five years before recurrence which is confusing and upsetting.

I have attached a photo of the back of my zapper. My mom has a new Rife machine from you which I could borrow and take back each day if needed I think but using our own model would be more convenient.

Would he need to lay on it for a full 110 minute sweep or could we do pulse sweep? He’s a very good boy and would likely get into his new routine within a few days but I’m wondering about the options. We could plan to do the treatment following his walk when he usually takes a nap anyway.


Use frequencies which are in the 2015 ETDFL Mastocytosis:

0.07, 0.24, 0.78, 12.50, 57.50, 112.05, 241.21, 361.28, 596.50, 888.20

3 Month treatment on the Rife Machine or Zapper should bring this condition into a stabilized or even remission / Dr Williams Archives

The dog may be furry, however their underbellies are often more bare and exposed, and this could cause some discomfort.

Also many furry dogs, have less hair around the legs, and paws

Really depends on the breed.  Example King Charles Spaniels are covered in fur, head to feet and belly.

The best idea to prevent any possible “.skin contact” with the mat, would be to put the mat inside a cotton pillowcase, as the client suggested

Pulse, or Sweep?  It is a preference really.  One is not better than the other.  Some people find pulse better, where others say sweep is the best result.  One can always alternate each day so both treatment types are given.

Length of treatment:  Usually 3 months is a good time for treatment.  The machine/mat can stay on 24 hours through the recovery cycle.  and then move to a day off, night on cycle.

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2 thoughts on “Dogs & Cancer”

  1. My aussie is 15 shes just been diagnosed with lung cancer. She is healthy around the cancer if that makes sense. Left lower lobe. I have a rife which I use on myself, what frequency for her?

    1. Hi Phyllis,

      I’m sorry to hear that. Here is the frequency set, this is the same for non-small and small.

      504: Cancer: Lung, Non-Small Cell: 0.07, 0.12, 0.6, 0.8, 2.5, 22.5, 72.5, 434.39, 739.1, 905.31

      If you don’t have a Rife Healing Mat or Belt, that will be best for the dog.

      Please email me at

      I would like to know the machine model that you have.

      waiting to hear from you.

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