The Rife machine that we have is patterned after the GB4000, which is a $4000.00 machine, give or take, the difference is not so much power as it is convenience.  Some machines will let you program more than one set of frequencies, and some also work with a beam ray light source.  We have a team in Germany trying to develop a beam ray that will work with the Rife at an affordable price point.  There is an additional circuit in the Rife machine that will allow it to hook up to a light machine.  Not really so necessary, but anything that works is good.

Hope that helps, the long and short of it is, you can spend more if you want to, but you don’t have to.  And yes the programing function and the frequencies are the same for both the Rife and the Zapper.  The main difference is the Rife has that additional circuit.  And yes it is a real Rife Machine. We have had great results with it.



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