Question: My wife has been using the Rife Pro for several weeks for her diabetes ( group 14 in sweep mode for the entire 100 minute course on a daily basis). Last night while in bed she experienced the following:. excruciating headache together with aches from her head to her toes with a sensation of burning inside while she was feeling cold outside and shivering. She thinks this may have gone on for a few hours. Since she woke up this morning she has had no symptoms! Have you had a similar experience reported by others and/or is this consistent with the expected side effects of EDT albeit in the extreme? Answer: It is most likely a Herxheimer reaction, which is on the extreme side. Reduce the treatment time to an hour per day, and build up treatment time slowly. Herx reactions are common with Diabetics. The frequency set eliminates a parasite associated with all Diabetics, and also can regulate insulin to prevent insulin fluctuations. Usually the reaction can be a cold symptom, or headache and usually passes. Dr Clark says drink plenty of water, reduce treatments until the Herx reaction passes. and then build up the time again. Sudden kill-off of bacteria and parasites, causes a liver-kidney overload, with symptoms such as migraines and headaches… its common Let us know how it goes for you. And drink plenty of water and you may also consider the Vitalizer Plus. This is the latest in the science of water and it is amazing it would be worth your time to have a look an the page. Diabetes is considered the “Thirst Disease”. …when water is limited, the brain calls for the next available energy source – which is sugar… Once you familiarize yourself with that page have a look at the little piece about Diabetes and Hexagonal water. The combination of this and the machine should be a very effective, though I can’t make any claims, it sure is what I’d be trying.  

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