Question: I am having extremely hard time with detoxing i have run the system 3 days in a row for the entire sweep the first time, then cut it back to a sweep up to 500 then had a rest for a day and went again. I am experiencing chronic bloating and wind and I already had kidney type aches before i started. My tongue is not very coated, which normally means liver,b ut i have been experiencing a lumpy feeling under rib cage (right side) when i bend over. Nausia, no vomiting or diareaha (too tired to spell it right) I have now stopped using it for 2 days and am going to have an ionic foot bath to try to get rid of some toxins, chloryphyl and an epsom salts bath, got any other ideas to elminate these toxins faster it’s been almost a week. I havent been able to eat much because of the bloat and wind. I am also considering laxettes to hurry along the bowel even though I am going regularly. Answer: This is a Herxheimer reaction to the detox frequency set, so stagger the sessions over a few days (E.g. 1 day on, one day off). Herxheimer reaction is a good sign, showing the detox is working, however maybe too quickly so slow down a bit.


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