Question: I recently purchased the Rife Digital Ultimate and have been using it. My question is that I am not sure if I am using the right frequency for a problem that I am experiencing. I have a rash/acne like break out on my butt. I have had it for about a month, I saw a doctor and she felt it was dermatitis or contact dermatitis but was not given any creams or medication of any kind. It does not itch or hurt. I thought it might be an STD but was checked and it’s not. The rash started a few days after I started using an earthing pad, which I sat on to get the most benefit, and it is made from a rubber type of material. I found that I would sweat and so I stopped sitting on the earthing pad. However, my rash doesn’t seem to be getting better. I have been using my Rife machine for dermatitis (just the general setting) and haven’t noticed any change. I am wondering if I should change it to a parasite cleanse or keep with the dermatitis setting. It’s really embarrassing and really would like to clear it up. Any help would be really helpful. Answer:

Attention Client: You don’t know what’s causing the rash and/or itching. It could be an allergy to the soap you use in the shower each morning. It could be irritation from a chemical you’re exposed to at work. It could even be atopic dermatitis, which is a mysterious, chronic skin condition that usually begins in childhood and most often strikes people with a personal or family history of allergic conditions.  As the location of the problem is the butt, change the underwear for a different brand, Sometimes toxic chemicals in Chinese mass produced clothing can case a skin allergy.

My Suggestion is to apply calamine lotion. This old standby can help relieve the itch. Apply it thinly, so the pores aren’t sealed, two to three times a day.   If you continue to apply this lotion, you will find the problem bearable, and may also diminish.  I still believe the dermatitis frequencies to be correct for this condition, however if you are being daily exposed to this chemical / soap or clothing item which caused the irritation and rash in the first instance, then the Rife frequencies will not prove to be as effective.

I believe the problem in this instance is an environmental factor (as mentioned above) which is prolonging the treatment with the RIfe Machine.

Your first item to purchase is Calamine lotion, and second, change soap, bed linen, underclothing which may be the suspect contributor to this “sudden” appearance of Dermatitis.


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