
Olga, also wants to know if the Covid–19 set is still good — she heard:

Is it still correct in spite of the new information being that it is combined with HIV?

Are they saying that HIV is part of this virus, it doesn’t make much sense to me, is that true, do you know?  And if so would that affect the Covid set?


The COVID frequency set came directly from tests in Germany, which was a highly affected country, so are correct, and killed the virus within 3 hours of continual use.

The HIV gene sequence in covid remains unproven, and is skeptical.  It is believed that this gene sequence is generic in the 160 forms of SARS (corona) and not a new discovery.

Use DETOX sets for any EMF exposure,   The Rife machine is not a shield against EMF radiation, however it can detox the liver and other organs from the toxicity of various forms of radiation , EMF, and related energy signals.

There is also a Radiation set for more severe forms of exposure.

Many people are questioning 5G and its potential for harm, also mentions of  5G and how it mimics Covid symptoms.

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