This is the latest: The 2020 ETDFL has the following Coronavirus listings


Coronaviridae Infections 0.04 0.24 9.68 42.85 172.5 203 412.5 592.5 775.29 819.34
Coronavirus (Human 1) 229E (HCoV-229E, OC43) 0.04 0.24 33.4 72.54 305.37 443.22 507 621.73 775 900.4
Coronavirus (Human 2) NL63 (HCoV-NL63, HKU1) 0.05 0.2 33.4 72.54 305.37 443.22 512.5 621.73 739 900.4
Coronavirus (Middle East RS) (MERS-CoV) 0.05 0.2 33.4 75.5 308.5 441.5 507 621.73 735 900.4
Coronavirus (Novel) (2019-nCoV) 0.05 0.2 33.4 72.54 305.37 452.55 509.75 621.73 738.5 900.4
Coronavirus (SARS) NL63 (HCoV-NL63, HKU1) 0.05 0.2 33.4 72.54 305.37 443.22 507 621.73 735 900.4
Coronavirus (Wuhan) (2019-nCoV) 0.05 0.2 33.4 72.54 305.37 452.55 509.75 621.73 738.5 900.4


WUHUN was duplicated from NOVEL / HUMAN 2 which are the original names of this Coronavirus strain.  This week the classification has been updated to WUHAN Coronavirus, but shares the same frequency sets back to 2015


Coronavirus Infections have been on the ETDFL list since 2012 and deals with the after infection (non–transmissible) stage of coronavirus.  So for preventative Rife treatments, use Coronavirus (WUHAN) set


Coronavirus is closely related to SARS virus (re: 2003/2015 SARS epidemic), and also shares some of the related frequencies.


Novel Coronavirus (also known as WUHAN coronavirus) Pre–2019 did not have the mortality rate as compared to Coronavirus (Middle East RS) (MERS-CoV) however the previous calculation by WHO of approximately 100 fatalities of NOVEL/(WUHUN) is now outdated because of the current pandemic in Wuhun China.   So, the previous BLOG reference to Coronavirus was based on the 2017 WHO (World Health Organization) Statistical report.


Coronavirus (Wuhan) (2019-nCoV: 4,500 people who have so far contracted the virus, the vast majority live in China.  Only 100 recorded deaths as at 01/28/2020, the mortality fugues are expected to keep rising.

One of our professional healthcare providers who uses the machine also suggested this:

Stimulate the immune system 
Bone Broth
Anise & Tonic water
The herb which we always recommend to help with a compromised immune system is the Chinese Herb Astragalus.  It is especially good for clearing mucus in the lungs which is the primary cause of death in COVID19.  (No, the virus doesn’t kill the person, the persons lungs get filled with so much fluid, they asphyxiate and die from lack of oxygen) Below is a link where you can get this.  Really there is a trio of herbs that can be taken.  Here are all three.

Here is a link for the Chinese Immune Building Herbs: These tablets contain the ingredients and other immune booster herbs

(1) Astragalus membranaceus / huang qi / 黃耆

(2) Ligustrum lucidum / ru zhen zi; nu zhen zi / 女貞子

(3) Ganoderma lucidum / ling zhi / 靈芝

Link to the Healthproducts2 Home:


4 thoughts on “Coronavirus Frequencies”

    1. The frequencies are in KHz. We use the ETDFL group’s list and it is the most current, effective and up to date list available. The machine comes with everything you need including an instruction/frequency manual. If you wanted to use a Hz frequency, divide it by 1000 and you will get the KHz value.

    1. Hi San,

      The Comprehensive Parasite set on the V3 machine is Group 15. So, it is a preset. If you have the Trio model then you would program that in.

      So, we have had great results with this parasite set, usually it will clear within 2 weeks to a month and a half, depending on how much you are using the machine. The more the Better.

      If you can email me at I can give you more information, and you can also give me more information so I can help.

      Thanks San,

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