
I am wondering if there is a program for copper metabolism. Copper metabolism combines the following: 

Adrenal glands, liver, gallbladder, copper, ceruloplasmin, magnesium, and retinol. 

Let me know if anyone in your realm is familiar with any of that. 


Copper metabolism refers to the processes involved in the absorption, distribution, utilization, and excretion of copper within the human body. Copper is an essential trace element that plays crucial roles in various physiological functions

There isn’t a single solution program in the Rife Digital Professional V3 Group Set that magically improves copper metabolism in the body. This absence of a a single solution Group is due to poor copper metabolism often being a symptom of another underlying disorder 

If you can pinpoint one of the three conditions listed below as the root cause of poor copper metabolism, we can tailor treatment frequencies to address the underlying disorder, thereby alleviating its associated symptoms. 

(1) Genetic Disorders: Genetic conditions such as Wilson’s disease and Menkes disease can impair the body’s ability to metabolize copper effectively. In Wilson’s disease, for example, there is a defect in the ATP7B gene, leading to impaired hepatic excretion of copper and its accumulation in various tissues, particularly the liver and brain. In Menkes disease, there is a mutation in the ATP7A gene, which impairs copper absorption from the intestines and its transport within the body.

(2) Impaired Absorption: Certain gastrointestinal conditions, such as celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, or gastric surgery, can interfere with the absorption of copper from the diet. As a result, insufficient amounts of copper may be absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to copper deficiency.

(3) Excessive Excretion: Certain medications or medical conditions can increase the excretion of copper from the body, leading to copper deficiency. For example, high doses of zinc supplements or chelating agents used to treat heavy metal poisoning can promote the urinary excretion of copper.

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