
Hi Michele, it’s been awhile and I’m hoping life is good! I seem to have attracted a rough virus, it’s not covid, and with symptoms I suspect it may be this HMPV..human metapneumovirus. I’ve been running several frequencies such as detox toxins,  virus comprehensive, strep, pharyngitis and others. I’m aware of others that had this from spring through summer. 

Any recommendations for frequency sets?

Very Exaggerated cold type symptoms with lots of throat, nasal, coughing mucus. Losing my voice. Some previous chills, no fever. bronchioles are now getting sore. Using cat’s claw and herbal teas. It’s been a week.



Also,  let me add to what he said and suggest Fire Cider.

This is a good thing to know about.  It will help speed recovery and will help also as a preventative measure.  My son-in-law takes a shot of this every morning.

This article is on the BLOG I think it will help you with getting over what you have.  I would do both, this and the machine.

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