350Khz is the classic CLARK Cancer frequency from Cure for all diseases, it was added to the Rife Digital internal set due to relevance. Technology and time has produced better machines than were available at the time of the writing of her book. And, more frequencies have been found in that time and now there is an entire group of doctors that have dedicated their time to finding more frequencies. ————– ——— How they find the Frequencies The ETDFL team is all European. The main work is done in Berlin by (as far as I know) 9 people who work with Bioresonance machines. Each person owns a Bioresonance healing clinic or similar and treat hundreds of people per week for many different disease conditions. They work with Quantum SCIO and Life Bio-feedback machines. The Bio-feedback, once hooked up to the client; gives certain frequencies for a particular disease condition for the purpose of treatment (I will not write cure here). Often the Biofeedback will give approximately 10 frequencies, sometimes more, sometimes less. The operator will make decisions on the most “important” healing frequencies, and prioritize those on the ETDFL list. Notes are often compared between operators, and frequency lists can often be compiled from the notes of a combination of operators. Lists are compiled for use by the clinics in Europe to assist operators of Electrotherapy devices for client treatments around the world. No fees, charges or copyright is given on the ETDFL. The Clinic owners remain anonymous and do not add their names or titles to the book. All we know is that it works. Time and again, people are getting results from the specific listings. So, each illness has 10 frequencies associated with it, 99% of the time. Sometimes there are 9 sometimes 11. —————-  

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