Vitamin Deficiencies & the Machine

Hot Flash, Menopause and Vitamin Deficiency

Hot flashes (also known as hot flushes) are a common symptom experienced by women during menopause. Menopause typically occurs around the age of 45-55 when a woman’s menstrual cycles cease permanently, marking the end of her reproductive years. Hot flashes are characterized by sudden feelings of intense heat, often accompanied by sweating and flushing of the […]

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Excessive Tiredness

Question: When I have a really long day, there are no specific problems or symptoms, I just get extremely tired, in order to recover and get ready for the next day, which frequency set do you recommend? ———————————————————- Answer: Use the Detox sets.  Consider the quality of nutrition in the diet, vitamin supplement , especially the

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Niacinamide and the Machine

Question: Do you have any suggestions on how to control the nausea/lightheadedness of combining the Rife with large doses of niacinamide?  My sister is in her 2nd week of overnight treatment on the Arthritis set, also trying to take the niacinamide at 10, 000 a day in a few doses. Answer: ​I​t’s not the combination

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How Can the Rife or Zapper Help with Vitamin Deficiencies?

The Machine uses frequencies which assist the body to uptake or absorb vitamins more efficiently.  Example, a poorly functioning kidney, fails to absorb necessary vitamins and minerals, causing a vitamin deficiency, so this is how the machine works through targeted bioresonance frequencies to assist deficiencies. Rife Digital Professional V2 is the next generation Rife Machine and

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