Throat Cancer

Vocal & Throat Cancer

Recommendations were a combination of super sweep and the squamous frequency set. This is a very aggressive cancer. The super sweep function is available on the professional machine only. I was also advised that Black Salve should be used in conjunction with Rife Machine or Zapper treatments. I found a link on ebay for you […]

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Pharyngeal Cancer – Throat Cancer

Question: Cannot find a frequency for throat cancer ie Pharyngeal cancer is broken into three types: Nasopharynx cancer forms in the upper part of the throat. Oropharynx cancer forms in the middle part of the throat. Hypopharynx cancer forms in the bottom part of the throat. Which should I use? Answer: Use Cancer: Head and

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Squamous Cell Throat Tumor Cancer

Question: Another question, if a friend of mine has had squamous cell throat tumor cancer x8yrs (treated naturally) , very swollen right now & struggling w/ his health, has a trach & feed tube, Would the Rife be something you think could be helpful for him? Answer: Cancer: Metasatic Squamous: 0.10, 0.52, 7.50, 30.00, 225.03,

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Conflicts with Radiation or Hep. B While Zapping or using the Rife

Question: Larry has just been diagnosed with throat cancer. He is going in for radiation 5 days per week for 7 weeks. Can he use the Rife Machine – and I assume he should buy the Ultimate – while undergoing Radiation. He also has Hepatitis B and is taking Verad for that. Will the zapping conflict? Answer: There are

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