Testing with a Mulitmeter

Testing the Machine

Question: Can I can some information about using a multimeter or Oscilloscope? Answer: Testing using a Multimeter https://rifeandzappers2.com/cw-and-the-oscilloscope-bandwidth/   https://rifeandzappers2.com/multimeter-vs-oscilloscope-power-question/   https://rifeandzappers2.com/how-do-i-test-the-voltage/  Link to the Healthproducts2 Home: DISCLAIMER

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Testing with a Multimeter

Question: Hi Michele have been using the rife machine ‘properly connected’ since Nov 30 but today decided I should test its function with the multimeter which is an electricians high end one, Digitech QM1530. The results (following your instructions) were thus: RIFE MULTIMETER READING 437.80 not reading. 18 .19 .06 .08 2.75 2.75 222.72 222.40

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