
Rat Tapeworm – What Frequency Set

Question: What frequency for rat tapeworm (hymenolepiasis diminuta)? Answer: This is the Human, General Tapeworm Set: Parasites tapeworms: 0.10, 0.25, 0.68, 5.75, 2.75, 7.50, 96.50, 226.07, 475.44, 527.00 This is the Dog/Cat and animal set: Parasites tapeworms echinococcinum: (dog and cats) 0.10, 0.25, 0.68, 5.87, 2.50, 7.50, 96.50, 215.70,475.00, 527.00 Almost the same set, just […]

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Tapeworm Symptoms

Question: What are the symptoms of tapeworms in the body? Answer: Tapeworms reside in the intestinal tract and attach themselves to the intestinal wall.  This can cause inflammation and irritation.  Symptoms include live worms in your stool, weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, weight loss, diarrhea and a loss of appetite.  Also, you may see tapeworm segments

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Question: I have tapeworms.  Large tapeworms.  What will be the most effective treatment please? Answer: Beyond the obvious Frequencies listed for Tapeworms in the book, the only other alternative for elimination would be MMS, Miracle Mineral Supplement.  Combination of overnight Rife treatments and MMS have eliminated tapeworms permanently in more than 95% of people. MMS must

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