

Shingles (Herpes Zoster) is primarily a low body immunity response. Treating shingles with natural cures starts with the well-being of the whole body. Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices, and eat a lot of fresh produce to naturally detoxify the body to give it rejuvenation and healing abilities. The increased quantities of nutrients and enzymes

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Herpes how to choose the right frequency

Question: How do we differentiate between the various herpes conditions. Which herpes frequencies are used for which herpes issues? Answer: Herpes Genitalis: (see Herpes Simplex)  – Medically Categorized as H.SIMPLEX so use H.SIMPLEX 1 Herpes Labialis 0.11, 0.55, 1.23, 5.58, 27.50, 291.25, 293.05, 292.00, 345.50, 824.37 UNIQUE to LIPS (Part of HSV1) Herpes Simplex 1 0.12, 0.55, 0.95,

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