
Rat Lungworm, Angiostrongylus Cantonensis, Nematode

Question: My daughter is suffering from a condition kwon as ratlung worm. It is damage caused to her nervous system by nemotodes that got in somehow through the gut into the CSF and blood brain barrier, causing nerve damage among a great many other symptoms. Is there a special machine or frequency range for this? […]

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Angiostrongylus cantenosis (Rat Lungworm Parasite)

Question: I looked through the “list” and could not find a reference to the “rat lungworm parasite” (Angiostrongylus cantenosis). My friend was just diagnosed with this potentially lethal parasite and we would prefer to treat with natural alternative modality if possible. I’ve supplied one link re this disease. There are several other sites I read

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Gnathostomata Hispidum

Gnathostomata hispidum is most definitively: Roundworm: Parasites roundworms: 0.06, 0.52, 0.62, 0.93, 2.50, 15.44, 42.50, 100.00, 376.29, 450.00, Gnathostomata hispidum is often ingested into humans from uncooked fish (sushi) or undercooked fish or poultry (Chicken, Duck etc) It is also known to be ingested through contaminated water as a second stage larvae.   Link to

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