Rife Ultimate

Combining treatments – Cancer and Detox

The client suggests she has both breast cancer (BC) and ovarian cancer (OC).  It appears that the Breast cancer had metastasized to the ovary, which means this cancer originated in the breast and moved to other regions of the body, in this case the ovary. Unfortunately the client did not resume the Electro therapy, and went to Chemotherapy and […]

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Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) is a form of leukemia featuring monocytosis. The categorization of this disease has been controversial. Patients with CMML can present with various different clinical features, mimicking either myelodysplastic syndroms or myeloproliferative neoplasms depending upon a patient’s specific presentation.  Despite the varying symptoms of this disease, its roots are Leukemia, and thus

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