Questions and Answers

Adrenal Fatigue and General Well Being

Question: Is there a set of frequencies for overall well being? And anything more specific for adrenal fatigue other than “adrenal diseases” Answer: Use the General Fatigue set 1275: Fatigue: 0.05, 0.12, 0.6, 3.87, 72.25, 125.43, 352.93, 496.01, 682.45, 755.49 People usually find that the Detox frequency set, usually eventuates in better feeling of “well-being”

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More frequencies than the machine will hold

Question: I purchased a zapper from you maybe 2 years ago. In the book of illnesses with corresponding numbers to enter Zapp, pulmonary fibrosis is more digits than one can enter into the zapper. What numbers should I enter. I am on the transplant list now and really need the exact combination asap. Thank you.

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Question: How sensitive to voltage variations is the Rife Pro? He has an all-solar system in his home and has been told that he has “dirty electricity”. Answer: The Rife Pro can tolerate voltages from around 14v (low) to 19.5 volt high. Although premium operating voltage is set to 16v, a much wider variation was

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