Questions and Answers

Pain, Frequencies, and How long?

Question: Recently I purchased and have been using the Professional Model with varying frequencies related to the preset programmed Group 2 as I have a upper back issue. After three chiropractors, a medical massage therapist, an MRI and the specialized cortisone injection at the Mercy Hospital Pain Clinic in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, I have not […]

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Parasite Die Off with Mucous or Bloody Stools

Question: Re: customer inquiry: Hi there, I recently began zapping for parasites and candida this week, and began to have bloody mucous coming out in the bathroom instead of stools today. Is this a normal parasite die off? Answer: It is very possible that this event may occur, and I have heard that if parasite

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Phostherpetic Neuralgia (PHN)

Question: 1. Scar Tissue – due to a hernia operation about 17 years ago I have had Scar Tissue in left groin for a number of years,  You supplied me with frequencies for this problem some time ago but due to house move these have have been mislaid.or loss.  Could you kindly resupply these frequencies

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Aortic Valve Stenosis

Question: I did not read any testimonials for heart conditions. Does your machine work on the heart? I have been diagnosed with aortic stenosis. Will this machine help me? I do not want surgery. Answer: Rife Digital electronically stimulates the heart and valves with specific gentle frequencies to introduce a stabilization of the heart condition,

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