Questions and Answers

Microbacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis (MAP)

Question: I would need to know the exact frequency for Microbacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (or MAP) as I have tested positive for this intracellular and in my blood stream – it is the cause of Crohn’s Disease: Being that MAP cannot be seen under a microscope, and is incredibly hard to detect, I am […]

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Mycoplasma Pneumonia Virus

Question: Hi..we purchased your ultra zapper …we have a Mycoplasma Pneumonia Virus to kill…there are no frequencies on this list for this ,Can you supply the frequencies for Mycoplasmas? Answer: You can use the following frequencies. Key in the 6 frequencies, and then repeat the first 4 to create the set of 10 Sweep on

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Poor Circulation in Jaw & Baldness

Questions: Hi Michele, I have an infection in my tooth have been to acupuncture treatment and my acupuncturist believes the reason is the top jaw gets poor circulation. What frequencies can I use for that? Answer: Circulation of blood in the Jaw is not covered by ETDFL frequencies, as it is not a disease. I

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Colorado Tick Fever Virus

Question: Quick question…I can’t find a setting for Colorado Tick Fever. It’s actually a virus contracted by a tick. Here’s the info: Group: Group III (dsRNA) Order: Unassigned Family: Reoviridae Subfamily: Spinareovirinae Genus: Coltivirus Species: Colorado tick fever virus Answer:   Link to the Healthproducts2 Home: DISCLAIMER  

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Lymphatic Diseases and Elephantiasis

Question: Could you please help me to find out what is the frequency to be use with this kind of problem or sickness. I really respect you and I hope you don’t mind to help me another time. Thanks. Answer: First let me say we are not doctors and we can’t diagnose.  Having said that:

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Unknown Infection

Question: I have a cancer tumor that has become infected with something my health professional cannot identify. Do you know of general frequencies for unknown infections? Answer: We would have to assume the infection is Bacteria related (rather than viral) As it is unknown whether the clients Bacterial infection is Gram Positive or Negative type

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