Questions and Answers


Question: Is there a set for Neuroborrelios? It is when the spirochetes have invaded the central nervous system. This frequency set below is applicable “Borreliosis”: 0.65, 2.50, 7.50, 25.23, 70.00, 42.50, 95.67, 378.95, 523.01, 682.02 Above Lyme Borreliosis frequency set are specific to infections with a spirochete of the genus Borrelia. This would include Neuroborreliosis

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Peyronie’s Disease & Scar Tissue

Question: Hi, I see you guys have a setting for peyronie’s disease. So I was wondering if this device could clear up internal scar tissue for a penis injury that may be causing less blood flow to the penis. Thanks. Answer: Use the Scarring frequencies which are also applicable as a general comprehensive Scar Tissue

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Cancer and a Herx Reaction

Question: The cancers I have are – Cervis, pap smear – squamous cell and Polyp tissue from inside – adeno carcinoma. I started using the endometrial group after I checked on the MRI and saw that the whole uterus was swollen with cancer. When I started on it, It caused a small amount of bleeding

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Flu with Temp. and Phlegm – what to do?

Question: I now have the worst bronchial flu with temp. & phlegm. Any ideas please? Answer: Rife or Zapper is pretty effective for flu with temp. This set is especially effective for cold/flu with phlegm On the Rife PRO Group 10: Preset Frequencies: Gram +/- Bacterial infections Specific (cold & flu) inc. Pneumonia 0.12, 0.55,

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CW is the preferred method to use for treatments Rife digital Professional uses the 3.8MHz Harmonic CW (Carrier wave) simultaneously while outputting the specific low range frequencies… as per Dr Rife’s instrument. This is the superior method of treatment over the static RF method, a more complex explanation here: There is a belief that the

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Question: Is there a set of frequencies for pyroluria..there inst any in my book that came with my zapper..any help will be greatly appreciated.. Answer: For Genetic related Hemoglobin disorders use Hemoglobinopathies: 0.08, 0.41, 1.89, 145.56, 297.25, 315.29, 407.50, 562.53, 735.68, 854.38 Hemoglobinopathies is a general frequency set for treatment of a group of disorders

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