Questions and Answers

How long do I use the Beck Machine for Learning?

QUESTION 1 I am ready to use the Dr Beck Machine, but I have one question. I am going to use Alpha for learning … long can I use the machine on my head with Alpha and THEN next Theta how much time for super learning? (The manual suggests using Alpha waves for learning. But […]

How long do I use the Beck Machine for Learning? Read More »

Can I Use the Mat or Belt with the Older Machines?

Question: Can I use the Rife Healing Mat or Rife Healing Belt with the older machines, the Rife Bioresonance or the Zapper MHz Plus? Answer: The Belt/Mat will work with the older machines, it is only recommended in the book to use these (belt/mat) items with the new Rife Digital Professional V2 because they were

Can I Use the Mat or Belt with the Older Machines? Read More »

What should I do about a Herxheimer Effect?

Question: What should I do about a Herxheimer Effect? Answer: ‘Herxheimer effect’, an immune system response to toxins in the blood and tissues. This will often result in a worsening of the condition, including outbreaks in sores. The suggestion is to reduce the Rife treatment to once every three days, before gradually building up treatments

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Herpes Symptoms Seem Worse, Why?

Question: ============= I have a very concerned client who has been using the machine programmed for herpes frequencies. She has been using it daily and had a pretty bad outbreak and is now blaming the machine thinking that it is making her worse. I’ve tried to explain to her that often times there are flare

Herpes Symptoms Seem Worse, Why? Read More »

Under Lying Immune Issues

Question: Do you suppose that the hives frequency “fixes” the underlying immune issue or just zaps the degranulation material/histamines? Answer: The program will always work on the underlying conditions in order to resolve the symptoms. This is how bioresonance frequencies work. The exact function or order in which this treatment is processed, is not always

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Rife Healing Mat – Belt

Question: Can I use the Rife Healing Mat or Rife Healing Belt in direct contact with the skin? Answer: Yes Belts and Mats work best directly against the skin on 12.5v using the Rife or Zapper Professional V2, Older Rife or Zapper Professionals and TRIOs are 16v so you will need a thin tshirt or

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How Can the Rife or Zapper Help with Vitamin Deficiencies?

The Machine uses frequencies which assist the body to uptake or absorb vitamins more efficiently.  Example, a poorly functioning kidney, fails to absorb necessary vitamins and minerals, causing a vitamin deficiency, so this is how the machine works through targeted bioresonance frequencies to assist deficiencies. Rife Digital Professional V2 is the next generation Rife Machine and

How Can the Rife or Zapper Help with Vitamin Deficiencies? Read More »

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