Questions and Answers

What is the difference between the Detox sets?

The two DETOX sets came from 2 distinct researchers, one in Germany (BAKLAYAN) and one set from RESONANT LIGHT (Canada) The German research was heavy metals focused Both frequency sets are excellent and have produced consistently good results. That is all the information I have on that. Detox: (Toxin extraction) 0.20, 0.14, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, […]

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Kidney Failure – What is the best way to proceed?

Question: My problem is I am diabetic with kidney failure. My function has gone rapidly this year from 19% to 16% this week. I do not know which program to use,  I have done kidney failure frequencies but have not noticed any effect. I did do the Dialysis program once, the following day I was

Kidney Failure – What is the best way to proceed? Read More »

Can I use the Mats, 2 & Feet Straps?

Question: Can I use two mats and feet straps at the same time? Answer: The Rife Digital Professional V2 or the Zapper Digital Professional V2 has the power to run 2 mats and 2 strap sets yes The two existing Professional V2 RCA Ports only allow for 1 x Strap Set, and 1 x Mat

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Question: What frequencies for: Severe neuralgia pain in nerves & tendons, twitches etc intensified by any repetitive movement Chilblains & inability to stay warm in winter or cool in summer Cannot sleep (without medication) more than an hour during nights due to need to urinate, neuralgia pain, deep muscle aches, tinnitus & over alert mind

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Technical Specifications, Frequency, Current, Wave Form, Pulse Duration

Question: I’m looking for the following specifications: Frequency (Hz) Current (uA) Wave form (i.e. biphasic, net 0, assymetric) Pulse Duration What settings are allowed? Which products are available Price Answer: Frequency (Hz) .001 – 1000Khz Current (uA) 4000mah output, at the contact points

Technical Specifications, Frequency, Current, Wave Form, Pulse Duration Read More »

COPD – 2 Frequency Sets, Which One to Use?

Question: I have a client with COPD. She wants to know which set she should focus on. Group 13 (Preset on the Professional V2 & V3 machines) Heart Disease & COPD Comprehensive 0.07, 0.41, 0.70, 0.97, 2.75, 7.50, 15.31, 67.50, 115.70, 356.72 Or the listing in the Frequency manual: 809: COPD [Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease]

COPD – 2 Frequency Sets, Which One to Use? Read More »

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