Questions and Answers

Crohn Disease & Schizophrenic Disorders

Question: My son 45 yrs. old has lost the majority of his small intestine due to crohns disease, he was diagnosed at 14 yrs. he also developed schizophrenia shortly after bowel was removed. I know you don’t claim to heal but perhaps you can suggest…….. THANK YOU…….  ============= Answer: There is no mention of whether […]

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Spirochete Infections

Question: I was diagnosed with an unspecified Spirochete. Will the zapper work to eliminate this bacteria? Answer: Most types of spirochetal infections for human disease are Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease), also known as B. burgdoferi, use Lyme Disease: 0.65, 2.50, 7.50, 25.23, 70.00, 42.50, 95.67, 378.95, 523.01, 682.02 Even if there is no Lyme diagnosis,

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Vocal Cord Spasmotic, Dystonia

Question: My daughter has Vocal Cord Spasmotic Dystonia. Is there a frequency set for this, please? Answer: Presently we only have a general set, but it works for a wide range of dystonia conditions. Dystonia: 0.08, 0.50, 0.83, 11.70, 58.87, 330.21, 417.32, 653.02, 822.01, 971.32 Consider a belt, for the neck, however remember the neck

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CW, RF, Audio, Alternative Connection

Question: I like your appliance devices. I am an experienced electrical/electronics engineering technician. I’m asking a very precise, technical question, because I would like to connect my carbon impregnated electrodes to the V2. Are the feet/hand straps, belt and/or mat connected to the instrument with 2 conductors? Even if it,s a coaxial cable (that’s 2

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Herxheimer Reaction – I’m having trouble with it

Question: I have a friend who is trying to treat for Vertigo. The Herxheimer reaction is a problem for her. She has tried going really really slow. Just using one treatment and dividing it up in the day. She’s tried it at night, lying down on the pad. She has tried taking a few days

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Parasites General Comprehensive Set

Question: What parasites does the Parasites General Comprehensive Frequency set cover? Parasites general comprehensive: 0.16, 0.30, 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 356.72, 451.17 Answer: Being a “General Set” the ” Parasite General Comprehensive” set covers the bandwidth for the elimination of: Hookworm Roundworm (General) Flatworm Blood Fluke Tapeworm Pinworm Roundworm (Wuchereria bancrofti) Toxoplasma Gondii

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