Questions and Answers

Intervertebral Disk Displacement

Question:   About Intervertebral Disk Displacement Is it valid regardless of the cervical spine or thoracic vertebra or lumbar spine? By the way, does Rife treat hernia itself or nerves? Intervertebral Disk Displacement:0.04, 0.41, 0.62, 7.50, 2.75, 40.00, 275.65, 475.68, 527.00, 667.00 Answer: The frequency supports the symptoms and repair of a disk displacement event,

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Rat Tapeworm – What Frequency Set

Question: What frequency for rat tapeworm (hymenolepiasis diminuta)? Answer: This is the Human, General Tapeworm Set: Parasites tapeworms: 0.10, 0.25, 0.68, 5.75, 2.75, 7.50, 96.50, 226.07, 475.44, 527.00 This is the Dog/Cat and animal set: Parasites tapeworms echinococcinum: (dog and cats) 0.10, 0.25, 0.68, 5.87, 2.50, 7.50, 96.50, 215.70,475.00, 527.00 Almost the same set, just

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Gel Pad Placement – The Bob Beck Machine

Question: Can the gel pads for the Bob Beck Machine blood purifier be placed over each artery? If not – does it have the same effect? Answer: Yes the Gel Pads can be placed over the artery The book shows you where the largest artery in the body is located closest to the skin near

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What can I Use for Endolimax Nana?

Question: Is there any specific frequency that you recommend for Endolimax Nana (also known as E. Nana), an intestinal organism? Answer: Endolimax is a genus of amoebozoa that are found in the intestines of various animals, including the species E. nana found in humans. Originally thought to be non-pathogenic, studies suggest it can cause intermittent

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Treating Women While Pregnant

To date there have been many women who use the Zapper Digital or the Rife Digital while pregnant without issues. There is no evidence to indicate that “Zapping” is a problem with Pregnancy The positive frequencies only kill negative charged pathogens, and do not affect living tissue. Generally speaking we wrote “not to use the

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I Only Feel the Signal from One Strap, Why?

Question: I tested the straps on a weak and sensitive part of my arm, the black output I felt clearly the frequency on the red output nothing…. Are they not working? Answer: First, the straps should be worn on the balls of the feet, or the fleshy part of the palm by the thumb or

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