Questions and Answers

Blood Clots and Blood Thinners

Question: Just recently I had a blood clot on my supply vein for my small intestine.  I am currently on a blood thinner Xarelto after all the bloodwork my hematologist inform me That My black factor 8positive which means that it’s genetic I wonder if anything can be changed with your frequency machine so I […]

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Asthma and Allergies Comprehensive

Question: As I have multiple food allergies – I have been using the Asthma and Allergies Comprehensive program – is this going to work on the food allergies for me? My biggest issue is severe leg cramps at night from the food allergies (even with taking mag/ca/pot ++ ) Answer: The Asthma and Allergies Comprehensive

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Papaya Leaf Supplement – Tea or Tincture?

Question: Does it make a difference what form the Papaya is in? For example, tea bag, powered form, liquid tincture, papaya tea leaves. The link showed a powder form, but the site had other forms. Answer: Usually the Papaya leaf is either dry leaf or powdered dry leaf. Basically the same thing The leaf form

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