Questions and Answers

What kind of disease is Blood Coagulation?

Question: What kind of disease is Blood Coagulation? Is it a disease similar to Thrombosis? Or is it a disease that does not cause blood to clot? I’m worried because I don’t know which type. Answer: Blood Coagulation is also known medically as a ” bleeding disorder.” it is a general condition which has various […]

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Why do I see a spark?

Question: My machine seems to spark when I plug it in.  Does it need to be replaced? Answer: The spark is normal, and happens on all devices.  Sometimes the spark is visible, sometimes not. This event is not a warranty issue, is normal on all high power devices, and does not constitute a reason for return or adapter replacement.

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Minor Basal Ganglia Calcification & Dementia

Question: Recently I’ve had CT brain scan done due to the car accident. Only findings were: Minor Basal ganglia calcification normal limits within this age group (68). I am very concern to develop dementia. Can I use Dr Rife machine or zapper? Please advise me. Answer: Although the early signs vary, common early symptoms of

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Glaucoma – What can I do?

Glaucoma treatment will require the Eye Light healing Belt, which I hope arrives this year, 2019. Glaucoma treatment works best with light. With Flex straps the treatment is much slower. Another proven natural treatment: Available in the (THC) tetrahydrocannabinol friendly states of California and WA, and a few other states where you can get this:

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Rhinovirus, What Frequency set?

Question: What do I use for Rhinovirus? Answer: Rhinovirus is the most common viral infectious agent in humans and is the predominant cause of the common cold. RDPV2 preset contains Rhinovirus specific frequency set: Virus Comprehensive, Includes H1N1, H5N1, Ebola, Rhinoviruses, Rotaviruses, Influenza A-B0.03, 0.25, 0.45, 0.95, 6.15, 22.50, 30.28, 51.33, 77.50, 313.35 Use the above

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What are the correct frequencies to use for “Trigger Finger”.

Question: What are the correct frequencies to use for “Trigger Finger” Answer: Tenosynovitis is the inflammation of the fluid-filled sheath (called the synovium) that surrounds a tendon, typically leading to joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. Tenosynovitis can be either infectious or noninfectious. Tenosynovitis Finger, also known as Stenosing tenosynovitis and Trigger Finger This frequency set

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