Questions and Answers

Checking Frequency Set for Accuracy

Question: How can I make sure that I put all of the frequencies in correctly? Answer: When you are programing and want to check that you put everything in correctly, just stay in the programming function and use your UP or DOWN arrow to move through the frequencies. If you see that one is wrong […]

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Diabetic Nephropathy

Question: I am trying to figure out the difference between the Professional v2 and the Ultimate Trio. I am only intending to use this for myself and most specifically in issues with Nephropathy. What would you suggest? Answer: Diabetic nephropathy is a serious kidney-related complication of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. It is

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Diabetes & Kidney Issues

Question: After cardiac bypass surgery in 2016, uric acid and urea nitrogen levels are slightly higher and proteinuria is present.  My doctor told me that I had diabetic nephropathy. It was also called chronic renal failure. However, I did not receive any further explanation. In my talk with the doctor, I heard that “The glomeruli

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Angioplasty & Arteriosclerosis

Question:  According to layman’s explanation by my cardiac doctor, who performed first and second procedure of stent insertion (angioplasty), my artery was 80% (1 stent) blocked and in a second procedure (2 stents) 2 arteries were seriously blocked. If it will help to suggest best RIFE treatment by getting specific diagnoses, please let me know

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Developmental Defects,Neural & Developmental Coordination Disorder

Question: Are these the same? Both use DCD. Answer: Often a disease will have more than one name and also one country to another may have slight alterations to descriptions of medical conditions. Developmental Defects, Neural (DCD) is the same disorder as Developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is also known as developmental

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