Questions and Answers

Difference Between Rife or Zapper Technology and Radionics

Question: What is the difference between Rife or Zapper technology and Radionics? Answer: Electromagnetic therapy (EMT) — also called the Abrams Method and (from the 1940s) radionics — is a form of alternative medicine that centers on how disease can be diagnosed and treated by applying electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as radio waves, to the […]

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Arthrosis, Osteoarthrosis

Question I have a question regarding a group of frequencies, I have a person that suffers from worn-out cartilage in one of her hips. I know my machine’s Group 1 is for Arthritis,Rheumatism, osteoporosis. Looking at the list of frequencies I found one group for “cartilage diseases”, nothing for Arthrosis which is, I believe, the

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How do I get my PSA down? How best to treat?

Question: I have a couple of questions though. I hope you can answer them or know where to get the answers to them, it’s kind of important. 1. The first day, I tried the group 7 (matastic cancer comprehensive – organs) for about an hour. The second and third day I programmed both prostate cancer and

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Epidermoid Carcinoma & Squamous-cell Carcinoma

Question: What should I use for Epidermoid Carcinoma? Answer: Squamous-cell carcinoma is still sometimes referred to as “epidermoid carcinoma” and “squamous cell epithelioma”, though the use of these terms has decreased. Generally speaking Squamous-cell carcinoma is the most common reference to epidermoid carcinoma and for that reason should be treated only with the ETDFL frequency

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Which machine is best for Parkinson’s?

Question: Which machine is best for Parkinson’s, the Professional V2 machine or the Dr. Beck Machine? Answer: The Dr Beck Machine is good for treatment of Parkinson’s, however V2 with a mat around the back (over the spine) will produce around x10 more frequency power than the Dr Beck machine, and would be a more

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Microvascular ischemic disease

Question: I see the frequencies under Ischemic Brain but not under Microvascular Ischemic brain. Could  you pleas let me know what frequencies are the proper frequencies to be used & how these frequencies can help in this disease and any links you’d suggest. The Rife blog suggest wear the belt around the head & feet

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Will a pet sleeping with me affect the signal I get?

Question: I have a cat that sleeps with me all night long. Will that affect the voltage of the Rife Trio I am using. Answer: As the cat is not connected directly to the machine or sitting on the conductive mat, there will be little or no leakage of frequencies from the person to the

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Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis & Bronchogenic Carcinoma

Question: Can you recommend frequencies for primary progressive multiple sclerosis as it’s not specifically listed in the book. A client of mine has been diagnosed with bronchogenic carcinoma and i’m not sure which frequencies would be useful before maybe surgery and/ therapies thanks Answer: According to the Doctor, all forms of MS treatment use the

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