Questions and Answers

Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)

Question: My husband has stomach cancer. He is taking chemotherapy. He is also attached all night to a motorized device that provides the nutrition he needs. It is called TPN (total parenteral nutrition). One online site explained it as: Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is a method of feeding that bypasses the gastrointestinal tract. Fluids are […]

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Dead Parasites – Die Off

Question: When using the frequencies for Hydatid Tapeworm in Cyst form.  I was told that there is a problem if they break up in the body.  Have there been any complications with them rupturing while still in the body?  If so – is detoxing a good thing to do afterwards? Answer: Dead Parasites are always an

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Frequencies – Can They Cause Harm?

Question: Although the frequencies kill parasites and bio resonate the cells could there be any harmful effects of the frequencies delivered into the body at all?  ….if no harm is possible how or why would you state that? Answer: Frequencies under 1000Khz do no harm to the human body Frequencies under 1000Khz do no harm to

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Power – How Does It Compare?

Question: How would you compare the actual power of frequency from the Professional Machine ( not referring to other more powerful Rifes on the market)? would it compare to a 9 volt battery…would there be any way to cause damage because of the output of power? Answer: The output on each strap for a 9-volt

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Difference Between Rife or Zapper Technology and Radionics

Question: What is the difference between Rife or Zapper technology and Radionics? Answer: Electromagnetic therapy (EMT) — also called the Abrams Method and (from the 1940s) radionics — is a form of alternative medicine that centers on how disease can be diagnosed and treated by applying electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as radio waves, to the

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Arthrosis, Osteoarthrosis

Question I have a question regarding a group of frequencies, I have a person that suffers from worn-out cartilage in one of her hips. I know my machine’s Group 1 is for Arthritis,Rheumatism, osteoporosis. Looking at the list of frequencies I found one group for “cartilage diseases”, nothing for Arthrosis which is, I believe, the

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How do I get my PSA down? How best to treat?

Question: I have a couple of questions though. I hope you can answer them or know where to get the answers to them, it’s kind of important. 1. The first day, I tried the group 7 (matastic cancer comprehensive – organs) for about an hour. The second and third day I programmed both prostate cancer and

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Epidermoid Carcinoma & Squamous-cell Carcinoma

Question: What should I use for Epidermoid Carcinoma? Answer: Squamous-cell carcinoma is still sometimes referred to as “epidermoid carcinoma” and “squamous cell epithelioma”, though the use of these terms has decreased. Generally speaking Squamous-cell carcinoma is the most common reference to epidermoid carcinoma and for that reason should be treated only with the ETDFL frequency

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