Can I Use My Fitbit and Machine?
Question: Can I use my Fitbit at the same time I am using the machine? Answer: Not a problem the Fitbit will not interfere. Link to the Healthproducts2 Home: DISCLAIMER
Can I Use My Fitbit and Machine? Read More »
Question: Can I use my Fitbit at the same time I am using the machine? Answer: Not a problem the Fitbit will not interfere. Link to the Healthproducts2 Home: DISCLAIMER
Can I Use My Fitbit and Machine? Read More »
Question: If I were to get another mat for my wife so we could both use the mat and, then using Y-splitter which is on your site at under accessories – can I also add the straps to that. So, one port with one mat, the other port using the splitter to power both
Can I use two mats and a set of straps with the Professional machine? Read More »
Question: Do you have any information on settings for the Mthfr gene? I have been diagnosed with pyrolle disorder and can’t find any info on it. Answer: Pyroluria disorder is a little known blood hemoglobin condition that depletes the body of vital nutrients. It is treatable by taking a specified amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin
Question: What will be the codes for healing and viral infection of the mouth. I have a big hole making me gag in the left side and right side of mouth. What frequency will I use for that. Also, frequency for HPV and frequencies for oral herpes HHV-6 as well. Can I use frequencies for
Viral Infection of the Mouth Read More »
Question: I have the Rife Professional. A few years ago I had a heart attack (FYI). When I am using the machine for viruses and almost through the session I sometimes begin to feel uncomfortable around my heart area and pain in the back of my heart. Because of the previous heart attack I am
Rife Treatments with Light Therapy – Can I Do That? Read More »
Question: My father had several catheterizations + bypass several years ago . So I only want to make sure that it will be safe for him to use the rife professional and to make sure that it does not interfere with the electricity of the body. Answer: The machine will not interfere with or contraindicate
Catheterizations and Bypass Read More »
Question: What is the purpose of the MOR set? Answer: Dr Rife made a special series of frequencies in 1948 on the original Beck machine. Dr Williams believed it important enough to now include this series in the 2017 Rife Professional as an internal program group. Dr Rife Cured 16 of his patients with cancer
Question: Would you happen to have the frequencies for chronic running eyes? I have a kitty who has 1 eye that runs non-stop for the past year. She was tried on antibiotics and drops, and natural cures like silver, but nothing helps. To me it doesn’t look infected or inflamed. There is no visible swelling.
Chronic Running Eyes Read More »
Question: Sorry to bother you again, my son thanks to the Rife Machine was able to eliminate Staphylococcus aureus and Stenotrophomonas maltophila. Now he Staphylococcus epidermidis you give me the frequencies of this and the benign Meningioma which has affected the mother of his wife? thank you Answer: Keep using the Staphylococcus set for all
Staphylococcus Epidermidis Read More »
Question: Can I use the mat as a mouse pad and receive the treatment while using it as a mouse pad? Answer: The Pad is two sided, one is positive, other is negative If the client has contact with both sides of the mat then the exposure is happening Link to the Healthproducts2 Home:
Rife Healing Mat as a Mouse Pad? Read More »