Questions and Answers

Various Issues

Question: I have a few more queries for you regarding where to find certain programs. Would you be able to help me out with the following: 1. Lectin Allergy/Intolerance2. Leptin Hormone Balance3. Hypothalamic Syndrome (I’m not sure exactly what this entails-it’s on one of my pieces of equipment and shows up as “Hypothalamic Syndrome”)4. Mast Cell

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Mycotoxins, Circulation, Scar Tissue, & More

Question: I have a few more queries for you regarding where to find certain programs.  Would you be able to help me out with the following: 1. Lectin Allergy/Intolerance 2. Leptin Hormone Balance 3. Hypothalamic Syndrome (I’m    not sure exactly what this entails-it’s on one of my pieces of equipment and shows up as

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Multiple Conditions

Question: I need some help with these: -Retroviruses -Hyperestrogen -Lactic Acidosis -Hyper Ammonia -Brain Balance (Left/Right side) -Blood Brain Barrier (heal the leaky aspect of it) -Cerebral Spinal Fluid (bring down inflammation or clear it of bacteria/toxins) -Hypothalamic Syndrome -Parahypothyroid /Parahyperthyroid Also is there a set for a leaky or inflamed Dural Sac? Answer: ——————–

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Rat Lungworm, Angiostrongylus Cantonensis, Nematode

Question: My daughter is suffering from a condition kwon as ratlung worm. It is damage caused to her nervous system by nemotodes that got in somehow through the gut into the CSF and blood brain barrier, causing nerve damage among a great many other symptoms. Is there a special machine or frequency range for this?

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