Questions and Answers

Metastasized Thyroid Cancer

Questions:   Do you have any specific frequency to use for Metastasized Thyroid Cancer.   It has spread to his lymph glands, but want to make sure it doesn’t spread elsewhere. —————————- Answer:   Re: the best set for her Group 7?    I thought maybe she can set up the Group SWEEP with the Thyroid

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Velcro Straps, Can They Irritate?

Question: I noticed an irritation on the top of my hand when using the Velcro Strap.  What should I do about that? Answer: You cannot get burned on the top of the hand with Velcro straps.  The velcro does not carry voltage.  The only point of voltage is the silver button.  Only if the strap

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Hypoxemia, Low Oxygen Levels

Question: His brother has low oxygen levels (80%) and Michael does not know the cause. Are there frequencies for low oxygen levels? Or is there anything else you can suggest? Answer: Hypoxemia refers to the low level of oxygen in blood, and the more general term hypoxia is an abnormally low oxygen content in any

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Laringo Pharyngeal Reflux

Question: What is the frequency set and any suggestions for Laringo Pharyngeal Reflux? Answer: This translates to the proper common medical term Gastroesophageal Reflux: 0.12, 0.2, 0.9, 47.5, 2.25, 17.5, 135.37, 385.94, 591, 722.53 This issue is closely related to types of food eaten. The best solution here would be (1) follow a daily use

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NLS Bioresonance Diagnose

Question: Do you know anything about this machine? Hunter Meta NLS Bioresonance Diagnose Health Care Therapy System.  They use frequencies to diagnose, but meta therapy for treatment.  Meta therapy is slightly different than frequency.  This whole system was based on frequencies but they take it a bit further. Answer: The market is now flooded with chinese made Bioresonance scanners. 

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Hormonal Disorders & Can I Use Magnesium Gel

Question: 1.  Can she use the belt while having magnesium gel on her skin? 2.  What is the best frequency set to use for low hormone levels. 3.  What does Hormonal Disorders Hyperestrogen actually work on. Answer: Using Magnesium Gel will not be a problem in conjunction with Rife Digital, however remember “wet gel” surfaces

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Beck Machine or Rife V3 for my issues?

Question: Hi to the point I have bipolar disorder cancer and ptsd social anxiety disorder oxygen deprivation damage eye disfunction due to brain exhaustion. I’ve known about the Bob Beck protocol since the 80s I saw you have 30 day return is there any chance if this working on me or is it too risky?

Beck Machine or Rife V3 for my issues? Read More »

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