Questions and Answers

Itchy and Leathery Skin — Is there a frequency set?

Question: Recently I have been having a lot of problems with my skin. It’s itchy and I scratch alot especially at night when I don’t even know. The skin on my feet and my legs have thickened and become leathery. I wonder what could be the cause. Is it something from the inside caused by […]

Itchy and Leathery Skin — Is there a frequency set? Read More »

Kennel Cough & Collapsed Trachea

Question: My dog had this so bad it collapsed his trachea, how can I help him? Answer: Kennel cough is the common name given to infectious bronchitis in dogs. Just as in chest infections in humans, a number of different bacteria and viruses can cause the illness – normally a combination of both. It affects

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Is it best to use the mat in direct contact with the skin?

Question: Is it best to use the mat, belt, or straps in direct contact with the skin? Answer: This is the answer from the manufacturer: Re: GB4000 Super Mat Pack or just the Super Mat Pack The answer is a simple “YES”: best contact and conductivity is directly to the skin. However we do recommend

Is it best to use the mat in direct contact with the skin? Read More »

Sweets Syndrome, Pustular Vasculitis 

Question: I have Sweets Syndrome/Pustular Vasculitis Causing gangrene Can the Rifle machine help this auto immune problem? Sweets Syndrome is a type of acute Dermatosis (plural: dermatoses) which can causes fever and a painful skin rash that appears mostly on the arms, face and neck. Use frequency set: Dermatoses: 0.04, 0.37, 0.85, 2.75, 15, 65.75,

Sweets Syndrome, Pustular Vasculitis  Read More »

J A K  2 mutation of the  Red Blood Cell Platelets/Essential Thrombocytosis

Question: I have J A K  2 mutation of the Red Blood Cell Platelets / Essential Thrombocytosis Will the Rifle machine cure this? Answer: Essential thrombocytosis is a nonreactive, chronic myeloproliferative disorder in which sustained megakaryocyte proliferation leads to an increase in the number of circulating platelets.  The majority of patients with essential thrombocytosis have mutations

J A K  2 mutation of the  Red Blood Cell Platelets/Essential Thrombocytosis Read More »

I have a clipped Cerebral Aneurysm. Can I use the rife machine?

Question: I have a clipped Cerebral Aneurysm. Can I use the rife machine? Answer: The aforementioned clips are made of Phynox. 4 different blade lengths (2, 3, 4 and 5 mm) There are no contraindication when using the Rife Digital with any type of implant, including Phoenix clips Use frequency set: Aneurysm, Cerebral: 0.08, 0.24, 0.57, 7.5,

I have a clipped Cerebral Aneurysm. Can I use the rife machine? Read More »

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