Questions and Answers

Duodenal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor, GIST

Question: Could you confirm the frequencies for the following disease: Relapsed metastatic duodenal GIST Answer: Duodenal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor: A gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a type of tumor that occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, most commonly in the stomach or small intestine. This type of tumor is thought to grow from specialized cells found

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Bamboo Sheets and the Rife Healing Mat

Question: Will the Rife Healing Mat work with bamboo sheets laid on top of the mat? Answer: Bamboo sheets would work.  They do tend to be thicker than cotton sheets, but should work ok. ——————–   I would add to that:  Don’t also wear pajamas.   Link to the Healthproducts2 Home: DISCLAIMER

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Cerebral Atrophy

Question: Is there a frequency set for Cerebral Atrophy? Answer: Cerebral atrophy is a common feature of many of the diseases that affect the brain.  So for better understanding of “Cerebral Atrophy” would be interpreted under a vast amount of diseases such as (1) Alzheimer’s disease (High resolution MRI scans have shown the progression of

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Torticollis – Wray Neck & Calf Contracture

Question: I have a terrible torticollis (wray neck), now extended to my left shoulder. I have tried pain, general, so far no results.   I think it is the combination of three factors:   Air conditioning (I didn’t wore a tea shirt because the Rife was under the bed-sheet; Bad pillow;   A. Wrong move

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Microbacterium Avium In Lungs

Question: What is the specific frequency set for Mycobacterium Avium in the lungs? Answer: Use the  Mycobacterium Avium (MAC) frequencies from the book Mycobacterium Avium (MAC) : 0.14, 7.5, 30.16, 67.5, 96.5, 275.16, 434.16, 527, 663.71, 752.7     Link to the Healthproducts2 Home: DISCLAIMER

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Can Young Children Use the ParaCleanse?

You asked if children can use this cleanse, the answer is yes, they can be as young as three years old.  But, when doing the cleanse as the doses increase, do not exceed the age of the child.  So, if the child is 5, do not take more than 5 capsules as the doses increase.

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Glioblastoma/Glioblastoma Multiforme

Question: I have one question about the frequency.  I noticed in the manual there are two settings. One for glioblastoma and another for glioblastoma multiforme.  My husband’s surgeon said they are the same thing but there are two different frequency sets. Can you let me know why there are two and if there is a

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