Mycoplasma Bacteria

Various Issues

Question: I have a few more queries for you regarding where to find certain programs. Would you be able to help me out with the following: 1. Lectin Allergy/Intolerance2. Leptin Hormone Balance3. Hypothalamic Syndrome (I’m not sure exactly what this entails-it’s on one of my pieces of equipment and shows up as “Hypothalamic Syndrome”)4. Mast Cell […]

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Mycoplasma refers to a genus of bacteria that lack a cell wall. Without a cell wall, they are unaffected by many common antibiotics such as penicillin.  Mycoplasmas are considered to have evolved from gram-positive, walled eubacteria, so the Gram Positive Frequency Set is recommended.  Use this frequency (General) Pneumonia: 0.05, 0.35, 0.75, 0.93, 5.71, 7.50,

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Mycoplasma Bacteria

Mycoplasma Bacteria can be eliminated over 7-10 days.  The period is extended if there are co-infections and lowered immune function…. Allow 2-3 weeks in this circumstance.  Antibiotics will aggravate a Mycoplasma infection and render a Rife treatment to be  less effective, so avoid antibiotics for a positively identified Mycoplasma infection   Link to the Healthproducts2

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