Material Types used with Mat or Belt

Silk – will that material work with the mat?

Question: Silk is a natural fiber, can Silk be used with the straps, mat or belt? Answer: Silk has significant electrical conductivity, so in comparison to cotton, it allows a greater transmission of frequencies.   Yes Silk is one of the best materials to use between the body and the mats or straps. Link to […]

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Itching when using the Mat

Question: R H has a Rife V3. He uses the mat and wears a cotton t-shirt under the mat. When he runs the machine, it causes severe itching on his back. This is pretty uncomfortable for him. He does NOT get any marks on his back from this. He has been using the machine for

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Rife Healing Mat, Belt, Usage

When using the mat or belt in direct contact with the skin you want the voltage set to 12.5v on the V2 or V3 machines.  With the Trio model you will need to use a thin cotton T-shirt.  Here is PAGE that will show you what materials can be used. With a thin cotton T-shirt

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Material types that you can use with the Rife Healing Mat or Belt.

What is the Best material to use with the mat or the belt? Best conductivity:  100% pure cotton or silk Good Conductivity  80% cotton, 20% Nylon Fair Conductivity 50% cotton 50% Nylon Poor Conductivity:  80-100% Nylon (Rayon) Nylons are a plastic, so are a poor conductor of frequencies,  Go for at least 50.50 cotton/nylon for

Material types that you can use with the Rife Healing Mat or Belt. Read More »

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