
Notalgia Paresthetica

Question: What frequency set might help with this? Notalgia paresthetica?  The skin itch starts from the shoulder blades and spreads. ———- Answer: Use: Pruritus [Itch]: 0.17, 0.72, 1.65, 16.85, 55.25, 127.5, 455.87, 565, 752, 975.31 Also consider: cortizone cream is an anti- inflammatory preparation used to control eczema / dermatitis and many other skin

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Itching when using the Mat

Question: R H has a Rife V3. He uses the mat and wears a cotton t-shirt under the mat. When he runs the machine, it causes severe itching on his back. This is pretty uncomfortable for him. He does NOT get any marks on his back from this. He has been using the machine for

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Eczema and Psoriasis, Chronic

Question: I am sending this message in hopes that you can contact the doctors at Rife and ask for some help. I am still suffering from very bad rash, itchy, and dehydrated skin.  I was using the eczema and psoriasis settings and even tried the super sweep some nights. I Also tried the 2 detox

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Itchy and Leathery Skin — Is there a frequency set?

Question: Recently I have been having a lot of problems with my skin. It’s itchy and I scratch alot especially at night when I don’t even know. The skin on my feet and my legs have thickened and become leathery. I wonder what could be the cause. Is it something from the inside caused by

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Question: Problem with itching, there is no outbreak on the outside of the skin. It is all under the skin. I have sent him the frequencies for itching (prurius or something like that). Have you any thoughts on what might be going on for him? And what frequencies he should use. Answer: Under skin itching

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